Just for the cat's sake...

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Posted by Teuf [ - AC9D52D2.ipt.aol.com] on 03 March 2001 at 06.14.58:

In Reply to: Fat fucking retarded people... posted by Swyndle on 03 March 2001 at 05.23.04:

Obviously, I don't know any of you outside the net. But I am concerned about stupidity and cruelty towards cats. More than concerned — I'm fucking appalled by this. Swyn, naturally I can't comment on any personal relationships, but anyone who does that to a cat... For fuck's sake. I don't like to see any animal being subjected to cruelty, but my own two cats are my favourite creatures in the world. They treat me like a bigger cat, and the thought of anyone doing something like that horrifies me, and I'm probably not the only one.

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