Posted by Gremlin [ -] on 03 March 2001 at 14.51.08:
In Reply to: Fat fucking retarded people... posted by Swyndle on 03 March 2001 at 05.23.04:
Again: if I'd been here when it happened, I'd have stopped it. Although, according to history, had I been here, it wouldn't have started.
It might be coincidence, but these things never happen if I'm in the room. Everything regarding Red is thirdperson. Although, if half of what I keep hearing is true, then there's a problem.
One thing that keeps coming to mind is this bit about Red telling Hunter that she [Red] is a model now, and that she [Hunter] should never try to be a model, because she [Red] is better suited aesthetically for the job. I'm thinking: maybe not just the Limited Too Spring Catalogue is currently scouting; but, I could be wrong.
That, and Red is apparently telling everyone that Hunter stole a hundred bucks from her. That bugs me. I mean...if Hunter were going to steal a hundred bucks, she'd probably take it from me >:)
But the cat thing is a little hard to overlook. Everyone who was here saw it. So, while testimony isn't proof of anything, it's still approximately conclusive that Red has problems. So I'm backing Swyndle on this one. Get the cat away from Red. And whatever other colours of dye it might otherwise meet.
- Noticed that, did you? posted by Hunter [ -] on 03 March 2001 at 15.14.04
Matt Wright and DBasics Software Company