Hi folks meet Gertrude!!
Posted by Amber [ - 1Cust179.tnt10.denver2.co.da.uu.net] on 14 March 2001 at 04.52.48:
Ok folks have fun this is Helgas roomate...... Beter Known as Verysilly_BeQuiet. well youll get the point. ANyway she sent me an email after I challenged her to post my whole life on the board. Funny, nothing happened. I still am waiting for my whole life posted on the board. Like i said before I have nothing to hide.
Amber I never wanted to get involved in this whole thing until you called me a liar.
You said I would lie for Jamie.
Up until that point I thought you were innocent too.
I really didn't think you did all that stuff.
I tried to talk to you about it nicely but you never responded to me and so I got mad.
I don't like to be accused of things and I also don't like things being said about people behind their backs.
You didn't need to put all that on Grem board.
That was what made me mad.
Jamie is not completely innocent of everything and she knows I think that and she also knows that I think you are not all guilty of all she says too.
I really thought you were a nice person since I did go to school with you but then you call me a liar?
I don't lie that is one thing that I can honestly say. And yes there are a few things that I do know about you that I wouldn't know from just school.
No Jamie didn't tell me but I did find out and I was saying all that just to try to get you to respond.
I don't want to be in this. I was angry when whoever mentioned my name into this. I don't know how you found out that I was living with Jamie b/c there were very few people who knew that we were roommates here.
I also do believe that there was someone who was trying to play you two against each other b/c I know of all the emails Jamie sent you b/c they were sent off of my computer b/c hers freezes everytime she trys to get on the net. The only ones I wouldn't know about were those sent over winter break. I also know of the ones you wrote to her. I saw them all yes b/c she was on my computer. I never saw one about St Mark's but I am not saying that it didn't happen. I got a lot of things from her that she says she didn't send also so I am not sure if I completely believe it all. I also disagreed with a lot of what she wrote back to you. I think she could have been nicer in a lot of ways. I thought you two were really good friends so when I first heard you were fighting I wanted you two to work it out but Jamie was opposed b/c of you supposedly lying to her. I don't anything more than that but I do get very angry when I am accused of something I didn't do. I won't lie for her and she knows it.
You want to know something just ask me and I will tell you. I do apologize for all that I said on Gremlin.
Yes I was nasty and I am calmed down now and do realize what I did was juvinile and I could have handled it better. SO as to all that has happened I am sorry you and Jamie both hate each other.
I still feel that somehow someone got involved and tried to play you two off each other.
I had an idea of who but I am not so sure anymore b/c I can't really see a reason why and what they would gain from it. I am willing to put all this behind me now if you will accept my apology for my behavior.
And also I hope that maybe just maybe you and Jamie somehow will be able to deal with this thing and it will leave us all alone. I was not wanting this to come to this but I see now b/c of inevitabilities it had too. I never wanted my name in this and until you said it I didn't know it was. Also I know you didn't change my name on it but I did think you might have asked someone to do it for you. I don't really care about that because both names were stupid and I am not really going to on there anymore. I did it just that once to lash out at you for calling me a liar. But I am sorry for it. I do do stupid things when I am mad but I also apologize when I know I am in the wrong. I do still believe that you didn't do anything to Jamie but borrow her money. That is all I know and all I want to know. I never believed you attacked her and I know for a fact you never attacked me b/c I haven't seen you since we got out of high school so you couldn't have attacked me.
I just would like to say as a last thing. If you write me and tell me that you don't want to ever have me contact you I won't you have my word on it and I do keep my word. If there is anything else you would like to know or tell me feel free to do so at anytime. Also please believe me when I do say that I am truly sorry for everything.
Blah, blah, blah, blah................
That was entertaining as watching the 100th episode A walk in the nature: Discovering poison Ivy in those specail places, Hosted by Martha Stuert.... Sorry folk had to clear some things up.
Matt Wright and DBasics Software Company