Re: I'd love to see this police report....

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Posted by Amber [ -] on 05 March 2001 at 16.05.40:

In Reply to: I'd love to see this police report.... posted by Gremlin on 04 March 2001 at 20.24.07:

: Lemee make sure I've got this. You're reportedly using magic to hurt someone from afar? Are we defining magic as illusion, or as science misunderstood by dumb people? Those are the only two definitions apllicable to reality, after all.

: Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about this one. Anyone who really believes that you're using whatever voodoo against this twit won't have the mental faculties to remember believing it tomorrow.

: --Gremlin
So would I but she is also saying I have physically attacked her at her house. And now she denies it all. Every one has been telling me this and I mean every one people who do not know what the hell is going on is telling me what she has been sayin and its the same story over and over and over again.
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is getting to psychotic for me and I dont even belive in magic. I believe you have as much power over the person as they will let you have. I am not stoopid I know when she is lying buthtis is psychotic. i didnt find out how much it was until last week. AN di heard little rumors untill I startd to ask why everyone is avoiding I had no idea how bad it was.

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