Drat, where's the kryptonite?..

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Posted by Swyndle [ - dnvr-dsl-gw8-a-95.dnvr.uswest.net] on 07 March 2001 at 16.46.57:

In Reply to: Its a bird, its a plane, its Super Amber!! posted by Amber on 07 March 2001 at 16.30.27:

: Good news "Ding dong the bitch is gone the big ole bitch the fucking bitch" Ok, to go on would be redundent. Well Helga called me Yesterday (yes she called the majical bitch who has been using magic to ruin her life and try to kill her) screaming up a storm about how I had this all-powering influnces that caused her to act like the bitch she was.

Who is Helga? Is Helga who I think she is?

And I pushed her toward alll of her abusive boy-friends. I made her smoke and drink oh, yeah,and to have sex?? (I can do this?) Gezze the end of civilzation as it is. Also she informed me she has an awe inspiring evil plan against Charon. (Supposedly he as been hitting red on a daily bases).

If Helga is who I think Helga is, then that would include the pregnancy test I assume. Also, Charon doesn't tend to hit people, especially chicks(no matter how manly they appear), he tends to hit inanimate objects mostly. He has a temper, but isn't all that confrontational.

And when I wouldnt take the resposiblity of her actions, espcailly the ones I wasnt even around to influence her, she hung up on me. Well Lets just say she will never call me again:-) Really this whole situation has boosted my ego. Since I am all powerful(ha)I am going to proably go on a super evil rampage and dystroy half of Gothem. I hope batman knows what he's up against.

Get in line, this is my town.

: God I hate Stoopid Fat People

I see you're learning.

: The all powerful magical,
: Amber
: Ps
: I influenced you to read this.

I suspected as much.

: Ack my head hurts from all of this stupidity.

Welcome to reality.


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