Alrighty I am pissed off!!

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Posted by Amber [ -] on 08 March 2001 at 03.27.37:

In Reply to: I DO Still Have A Voice... posted by Red on 07 March 2001 at 19.47.52:

You lied to me. You know I hate liars. You also lied to people about who I was. I have known you for at least five years. We went to high school together. I was your best friend for at least two years if not more and I do not know why I was in the first place. You lie to make a better person of your self but people start to see who you really are.
1. You are self centered
2. You treat people like shit(even your own
grandmother told me to stop being your friend and I
didnt listen)
3. You do hit on others boyfriends and husbands or any
male that walks(you did it to me with Paul and
4. You think you are a godess to the male race and the
fact is that you are not
5. You are fat, you have not improved your weight What
is so wrong about being fat anyways.
6. What you did to that cat is wrong. You know I know
it the whole world knows not to dye a cat with
Human hair dye.
7. You are annoying and you can not sing!!!!!!!!!
8. You dont respect anyone not even your grandparents
or parents
9. None of your "men" have been submisive except one
10. You are a liar
I can come up with more and you know it. Anyone is welcome to ask me any questions aboput Reds past as far as the TRUTH is concerned.

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