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Posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 09 March 2001 at 07.05.47:

In Reply to: speculations posted by You Wish on 09 March 2001 at 05.10.01:

I, personally, would like it all to be over; I'd rather never have had any of this happen, largely for the sake of the cat. But I was personally involved in this almost from the beginning, and I'm stuck in it until the end. I took it upon myself long ago to have the knowledge that I do about cats, and, having obtained the information about the hair dye, was part of the reason why the cat got taken to the vet. Had I the cash on me at the time, I would've contributed to the veterinary bill.

Otherwise, it does seem that I'm not involved. My part in everything seems small, and everyone would love to play me down to the point where I don't exist. Everyone seems to be happier -- perhaps safer -- but I was there through all of it. For more of it than I'll admit to, particularly here.

There are a few things that I'd have loved to have taken up with her personally on a few occasions, but since they're all quite in the past, I'm guessing I'll have to let them go. Dredging things up from several weeks ago seems like a real pedantic thing to do. Should I really care what she's said about me, or what she's said around me? It's only supposed to hurt, personally, if it's the truth, right?

I'd personally be happy if I didn't feel I had to tiptoe around everything as I feel I do. I'd also personally be happy if others didn't choose to fuck up -- by way of ignorance or otherwise -- around me. I'm far too nice; far too politically correct.

As far as Swyndle is concerned, his method of pointing out mistakes laregly involves personal attacks. It is, indeed, what makes him him. If you look through the history of the boards, it's quite evident how he goes about things. To put it in perspective, he's something like a shark. He smells 'stoopid', and just goes off at whatever produces that smell.

To some degree, everyone here is like that. Which we might or might not want to include in the rules. Something to the point of We are not responsible for our actions around certain humans which are identifiable as atavisms. If you would like said beings to come to no harm, please check them at the door..

Perhaps honesty isn't really the best policy.


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