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Posted by Swyndle [ - dnvr-dsl-gw8-a-95.dnvr.uswest.net] on 12 March 2001 at 08.45.01:
In Reply to: A few tips for you all posted by Veracity_bequeather on 12 March 2001 at 07.24.19:
: OK Number one(1): Hair dye if used in small amounts is not harmful to any animal. Might we see your credentials? And by the way(BTW for doofi) This wasn't a 'small' amount. Look at it this way: many people paint their pets toenails and that is more harmful because they can chip it away and eat it, and thereNo space here.by ingest the poison.The citizens of the Greater Grempire area don't endorse that practise either. That would also be pretentious and silly. I disagree with the vet you took Chaos to be, not/cause I worked in a vet's office for six years and we had quite a few animals come in that were treated there and were not taken care of correctly and some on the verge of death. Read: 'I'm the one that swept up and dumped the kitty litter and I was secretly mixing cyanide in the food.'
: Number Two(2):
: Now as for animal control. PUHLEASE!!!Um, excuse me? Beg pardon? Give up Swyndle you know that you are only doing this be, not/cause you have no respect for Red and have no qualms about thrashing people. You're correct as far as the 'no respect' bit and 'no qualms', but you're quite mistaken about why Animal Control was brought into this particular situation. Although it has feuled my fires, metaphoricly speaking. As have you. Yes what you do is personal and it amazes me that you found someone in this world to love you as twisted as that seems. I can see how your own failures at that might confuse you, but it actually does happen to cool people. I mean what would happen if you got into a fight with her? Not alot, we don't fight. Do you thrash on herSubtract thee to like you do everyone else?? Nope, just the dumb people. I mean how do you still have friends? I'm really very funny. I would have thought that by now people would have reali's' notzed you don't give a royal shit about anyone but your extremely enormous dicked self. Yes I am getting personal now but it is only fitting that if you can dish it out you need to take it also. How many times must I say it? I don't swing that way. Let's make a Deal!!
: Number Three(3): As for the Helga thing, Amber needs to get off of it and grow up. As opposed to invading her new place to hang all manly like? If you go back a few posts you will find my thoughts on that. We know, Jamie.
: Finally I don't care one bit if you all hate me. As fate would have it, neither do we. I tell it like it is be, not/cause truth is the most important thing. Compared to what? If you think that I shouldn't be here or that you want me off figure out who I am in real life and ask INin PERSONperson to get off. No way in hell, this is far too funny. I doubt you will find out who I am be, not/cause I am not who you would think would say these things. aAnd just so you know, no I am not Helga either. Okay, Jamie, we believe you. I am not the one who Red was thinking of either and giving her name or the part of it she did is not going to help matters and was petty in a lot of ways.I have no idea what this was about but I think Red just got slammed for being dumb. I'll need to double check this when I find a working Fuckhead to English dictionary. Sorry, Red, just telling it like it is. Or isn't, but who can really tell? I know Red and a few others on here. What a shock. Some of you may not realize you know me.That's unlikely. Guess what? iIt is time wake up and smell the coffee. yYou now have a new person to deal with and I don't hold back things for any reason. Except your identity. If you don't like my style let me know. Consider it done. I don't care if you call me every name in the book. Coincidentally, that's exactly what's happening. Just so I'm thinking, place 'you' here maybe? know if you dish it out be ready to take it back tenfold. 'Tenfold', 'sevenfold', which is it? Yes I am a bitch and I will be the first to admit it. Admirable. But things need to be said and people need to take responsibility for their actions and also for their opinions. But by no means would that include you? If you are gonna say something that slanders another person be damn sure it is the truth.I don't recall making anything up, this shit is too fucked up to be invented. Don't just make up things to satisfy your own individual craving for blood. Never, that would make us pretentious, vampyric ass loaves like you people. Also don't say shit for your friends. As opposed to what you're doing right now. Have the balls to give your own opinion, Perhaps you missed the memo, I actually am this bad. back it up, Done. and know when it is getting old and you need to just drop it be, not/cause it is stupid (and look I spelled it right) Actually, it's spelled 's-t-o-o-p-i-d' for those of you who get it. and juvinile. And in no way similar to what you are badly emulating here. Now I am getting bored with this and am tired of trying to appeal to your intellectual side (not that I think many of you have one) Uh oh, we've been zinged. so I am going to bed. Yup, you called it, you are boring. Have a good night and pleasant thoughts all.Have nightmares and choke in your sleep. Hope they are correct and don't eat to many brain cells.Um, what? Some of you can't afford to lose anymore.Yeah! That's tellin' us what for!
: The Veracity Bequeefer
You're very silly. And quite dull really. Bye. ~Swyndle
- And another thing... again... posted by Swyndle [ - dnvr-dsl-gw8-a-95.dnvr.uswest.net] on 12 March 2001 at 09.34.10
Matt Wright and DBasics Software Company