I didn't see anything that even rated as advise in there....
Posted by Hunter [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 12 March 2001 at 09.13.35:
In Reply to: A few tips for you all posted by Veracity_bequeather on 12 March 2001 at 07.24.19:
: OK Number one: Hair dye if used in small amounts is not harmful to any animal. Look at it this way many people paint their pets toenails and that is more harmful because they can chip it away and eat and there by ingest the poison. I disagree with the vet you took Chaos to b/c I worked in a vet's office for six years and we had quite a few animals come in that were treated there and were not taken care of correctly and some on the verge of death.
So you're saying that Behentrimonium Chloride isn't fatal if ingestied at concentrations as low as one percent? Quite lovely. Go mix some hairdye with water, drink it, and tell us how you feel then. And if you want to argue from that angle, I want the ingredient listings of every nailpolish used on a person's dog or cat. I also want instances of dogs and cats regularly chewing off and eating their toenails; I know dogs are known for chewing on the pads of their feet, but that's typically because of some irritation down there. I don't really see a lot of them chewing on their toenails though. Funny how that works. Cats, however -- of the specific classification Felis catus, are known for quite meticulously cleaning themselves by licking, thereby ingesting whatever foreign materials might be attached to their fur, including hairdye. If you'd like to refute that, you're going to have to explain 1.) why every member of F.catus I've owned has displayed this behaviour and 2.) where hairballs come from. And as for laws, when did you work in a 'vet's office'. What did you do there? I want credentials, not claims. I can claim I worked on the space programme, if I want to. I want to know where and when. Claims made here will be backed up, or you will be laughed at. You'll probably be laughed at anyway, but there's nothing I can do about that. The reason I need this information is so I can show you precisely how the laws have altered since then. I could likely call in an expert witness as well, if you really need it explained to you.
: Number Two:
While this ought to be left entirely up to Swyndle to manage, being as it's entirely directed at him, I definitely have something to say about it. I think it's really clever of you to be telling Swyndle precisely what his motivations actually are, since I was largely involved in this. Or is that what everyone's forgetting -- he's not the only one who wanted Animal Control called. I backed him completely on it. In fact, I likely would've called for him. Not that I expect anyone who actually types out "PUHLEASE!!!" to understand the reasoning behind that. Y'know, I'm almost annoyed enough to steal that overused "I don't wanna go off on a rant here" bit. Seriously, though: is anyone else sick of the sort of judgmental fucktards who are convinced that they're the only ones who are right? The sort who run around thinking that every misguided thought they have is the only truth out there? How utterly fucking retarded.... I mean, come on. Let's break this down for a second:
Now as for animal control.
Sentence fragment....
Why do I get the image of some bombastic fat thing doing that weird handmotion thingie, with the I'm in denial that I'm just a whitechick, and I think I'll fit in better if I act like I'm black speech impediment?
Give up Swyndle you know that you are only doing this b/c you have no respect for Red and have no quams about thrashing people.
I already largely covered this, but still: Why would he have qualms about thrashing anyone? And what would that lack of qualms have to do with anything regarding the well being of a cat? As well, did you ever bother to like, consider why he has no respect for Red? I've noticed he has respect for quite a few people, and that, since Red isn't one of them, she might have done something to deserve the revocation of said 'rights to respect'. Try thinking for once. And as for 'giving it up', do you really thing that coming in here and posting some second rate unintellectual bullshit is going to change the minds of the people at animal control? Would you like to be put in touch with them, perhaps? It's too late to stop now; it's not up to us anymore.
Yes what you do is personal and it amazes me that you found someone in this world to love you as twisted as that seems.
Is that a strawman or an ad hominem? And you might wanna reconstruct that sentence, because, as it stands right now, it makes very little sense.
I mean what would happen if you got into a fight with her? Do you thrash on here to like you do everyone else??
Look real close at the post from Wysp; I think she's quite capable of handling anything Swyndle can dish out, and returning it.
I mean how do you still have friends?
1. He's really fucking cool. 2. He's not dumb. If you're looking for advise, though, I'd suggest Making Friends for Dummies.
I would have thought that by now people would have realized you don't give a royal shit about anyone but your small dicked self.
I know absolutely nothing about the size of his dick, nor do I care to find out, but I do know that if he doesn't care about people, he's a damned good actor, because he emulates 'caring' quite well.
Yes I am getting personal now but it is only fitting that if you can dish it out you need to take it also.
And I'd almost be concerned, except you're not even remotely good at this game.
Speaking of bombastic...what, are we playing cards now? Fuck going back to my standard format; this is fun....
: Number Three: As for the Helga thing Amber needs to get off of it and grow up.
After observing both of you, I'd have to say that you're certainly the one with the lower mental age; you addressed it below, and then you couldn't help but address it again up here.
If you go back a few posts you will find my thoughts on that.
Yeah, everyone noticed that. Are you that desperate for attention?
Finally I don't care one bit if you all hate me.
Oh, but if you were only worth enough to be hated....
I tell it like it is b/c truth is the most important thing.
Truth being whatever you're convinced the truth is, since truth is subjective.... Try facts for a change; they're more fun to deal with. And by the way, if you can't write out 'because', find a different word.
If you think that I shouldn't be here or that you want me off figure out who I am in real life and ask IN PERSON to get off.
Or I could just talk to Gremlin and have him ban your pathetic ass, if you were really something to be concerned about....
I doubt you will find out who I am b/c I am not who you would think would say these things and just so you know no I am not Helga either.
Learn to punctuate, learn to not abbrevaite. We could care less who you are, but if you're really curious, it's terribly simple to find out, considering you just left behind all the information we needed....
I am not the one who Red was thinking of either and giving her name or the part of it she did is not going to help matters and was petty in a lot of ways.
Actually, I have 'Helga's' name. Now, are you or aren't you her, because this sentence states that you are, because when Red half-mentioned the name, she was referring to Helga. Did you just fuck up?
Sorry Red just telling it like it is. I know Red and a few others on here.
So here's where you play the 'notice me' game....
Some of you may not realize you know me.
I would, but then, I tend to not associate with the sort of people who are as bombastic as you.
Guess what it is time wake and smell the coffee you now have a new person to deal with and I don't hold back things for any reason.
Now if you could only gain the necessary IQ points to make yourself 'scary' like you wish you were. Sorry, kid, you're way the hell out of your league.
If you don't like my style let me know.
Style? I have no fucking clue what your style might be, other than unintelligent....
I don't care if you call me every name in the book.
Just so you know, we're not working with the elementary school version of The Book. I've gone quite beyond that.
Just so know if you dish it out be ready to take it back tenfold.
What? You? Give it back tenfold? This oughta be amusing....
Yes I am a bitch and I will be the first to admit it.
You're an insult to the term 'bitch', from what I can tell. What you are is a prime example of the reason why I can't stand my own gender.
But things need to be said and people need to take responsibility for their actions and also for their opinions.
Oh, but, stoopid.... Where do I start? Taking responsibility for their own actions? What, like, taking a potentially poisoned cat to the vet? Seems we took the responsibility for someone else's actions there. And as for opinions, I don't see anyone denying their opinions on anything. How does one not take responsibility for their own opinions. Are you trying to say that people have to take responsibility for why their opinions are formed? Like, it's my fault idiots are that way, because of my opinion of them? Fuck, you're dumb....
If you are gonna say something that slanders another person be damn sure it is the truth.
Speaking of dumb.... slander -noun. 1. false and damaging utterance about a person. 2.uttering of this. -verb utter slander about. [French esclandre: related to SCANDAL] That would be the definition of slander, taken directly from the Oxford English Dictionary. Now, if you can't work out why 'if you are gonna say something that slanders another person be damn sure it is the truth' is probably one of the dumbest things you could've ever said after reading that definition, then you're utterly dicked.
Don't just make up things to satisfy your own individual craving for blood.
I don't have to make shit up; the truth is far more satisfying, although it does nothing for cravings for blood. I eat rair burgers to solve that problem.
Also don't say shit for your friends.
Practise what you preach....
Have the balls to give your own opinion, back it up, and know when it is getting old and you need to just drop it b/c it is stupid (and look I spelled it right) and juvinile.
Time for a list....
Now I am getting bored with this and am tired of trying to appeal to your intellectual side (not that I think many of you have one) so I am going to bed.
Translation: 'Thinking too hard....' If that was her 'trying to appeal to our intellectual sides, oh fuck, that's funny....
Have a good night and pleasant thoughts all. Hope they are correct and don't eat to many brain cells. Some of you can't afford to lose anymore.
Do us a favour and follow through on that 'tenfold' bit, because this had to be the worst attempt at an insult since, well, cockafella_30. ~Hunter
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