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... that you're still here.
Posted by Swyndle [ - c83540-b.aurora1.co.home.com] on 07 June 2001 at 18.37.58:
In Reply to: A pity... posted by Milady Red on 07 June 2001 at 11.31.53:
: Somehow, it fails to surprise me that you would decide to twist things around for your own pathetic little games, Skip. : At one time, yes, I did love Charon. I don't believe you. However, that ended about the time I found out he was trying to fuck a little less than half of our mutual female friends. Which was after you'd grabbed my nuts and who knows who else's and also tried to get half of his chick friends into the sack? You can't invest your heart in someone who is determined to hurt you deliberatly.A: I don't invest hearts, they deteriorate, B: Never once did he try to "hurt you deliberately." In fact, who was it that told him to strong arm his mom into kicking me out when I wasn't the actual problem? Or someone who is willing to allow his little "friends" to decide what is best for him instead of having an original thought for himself once in awhile. : As for his, soon to be our, son...You haven't got a son. he is also a very bright young man.he's fucking six, no "man" involved. Stop hitting on undyed children. This child has more compassion and love in him than many of the people on this board will ever be able to comprehend.So: He has pity on you for being intellectually inferior to the average hamster corpse. It really is a pity you can't understand the concept of motherly love, or love of any kind. Love? I'm sure Penny will be all pleased with you after reading this. ~Swyndle
what instance have I "twisted" anything?
: I am not stupid.All evidence to the contrary. I do not sleep around.All testimonies on record notwithstanding. I am not fat.The admission of weighing one-seventy-five is apparently inadmissable. In fact, I am not any of a thousand things you so continually claim that I am.You're hardly important enough to merit me saying "a thousand things" about you. I believe "corpulent fucking hippo" did the job admirably. Grow up, this isn't junior high anymore, Skip.Neither is this the fucking middle ages, Rhiannon, you roleplaying, bad romance novella reading, obstreperous rennie..
I'm the one that told him I didn't fucking care what he did with you, but that you were not in a position to make any fucking rules. Idiot.
: As for my fiancee, Shawn, he is 24. Flemming? That little rapist twerp? We met at work, when I was doing telecommunications for a large company. Well it would sortof have to be a "large" company. How about telling people the truth you 'millionaire stewardess' you? We were on the same project. Unfortunately it wasn't the Chernobyl draft of the Manhatan Project. He is an intelligent, caring, intuitive, entertaining, loving, and very wonderful man. Read: pussy. He has treated me with respect, adoration, and above all love. So: he's still fooled then. He has treated me as I deserve to be treated. Like a fucking goddess. Which would actually make sense if you were oh, say... Fucking thin!