[07:27:15] bizzi91: No I am a bizztrard..
[07:27:52] bizzi91: Seems you need to pull your head out yer ass....
[07:28:02] bizzi91: seems it's stuck..
[07:28:18] evilcoffeechick: You shouldn't project so. You just can't drop it, can you?
[07:28:25] bizzi91: Drop what?
[07:28:49] bizzi91: ...No we are voting on if were gonna use your site as target practice..
[07:28:59] evilcoffeechick: Everything you've been wrong about since your first disregarded comment on my blog. Was it that I didn't actually care enough to respond, or was it simply the fact that I was too fucking honest for your tastes?
[07:29:38] bizzi91: no... I think it's the fact you insulted a website made by abused youth who live outside on the street
[07:29:52] bizzi91: that I can't let drop..
[07:29:59] evilcoffeechick: Hahahaha....
[07:30:38] bizzi91: you know one of the kids .. has only one eye ..is mom burned out the other with a curling iron..
[07:31:08] bizzi91: ... he needs a foster home..instead he gets -25 waether...
[07:31:23] evilcoffeechick: Strange how I just don't care. See, you're making this all personal-like, as if you actually matter to me. All because a website wasn't cross-browser compatible. All because an entire chatroom was mocking it, in fact.
[07:31:41] evilcoffeechick: You wanna take up issues with people, maybe you should take it up with Religion:1 of Yahoo chat.
[07:31:43] bizzi91: Not personal..
[07:32:21] bizzi91: it's not evryday we get practice our new .php weapons..on webpages..
[07:32:45] bizzi91: I am just saying thanks for volenteering...
[07:32:59] evilcoffeechick: Oh. It's not personal, but you bring up all these pathetic sob stories as if it's going to change reality? Yeah. That's just 'not personal'. Can't even stop commenting. Can't let it drop. Gotta escalate. Gotta IM now, eh? Gotta gotta gotta make those threats and feel important, but oh NO, not PERSONAL!