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 Post subject: Gremlin the Pedophile?
Posted: Monday 9th April 2007 04.24.02 
Trolling Scriptkiddie
Trolling Scriptkiddie

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Post Posted: 05 Apr 2007 05:24 pm Post subject: Um Bizzi, Did you ever notice this?
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I can explain some of it... When you were on house arrest after we took over your domain we came accross a site called evilcoffeechick that was search engine leaching off the domain.. So I went over there and Bizwald went over their and the acting Bizz was their. We all decided to cut them down a few notices until we figured out they were crackheads begging threw their site.. we just stopped going their... Half of what they were saying did not make sense... well we were always hoping to find new blood.. So we stepped on as many toes as we could... Henceforth how H.A.C.A.S hit 2000 members in under 15 weeks.

Now this was what iI wanted to bring to your attention... check it out.. I have read this string about 6 times and each time all the posts that are supposed to be 3 or 4 different people.. but the convo would be altered and stuff removed or more insulting stuff added.... I am gathering it's another leach site of theirs begging for money. I mean they showed pics of the girl on the site she was so skinny and sick looking We thought we would mention she might want to smoke less and think more... Safe to say she removed the picture right after.. I suppose when your a drug addict... you never notice how bad you have gotten until someone else points it out.

So I am asking permission to rip that forum to shreds.... take over their sites for how ever long it will last and sport our logo and site in their pages place.

I am only asking becuase I am tired of getting in shit for acting on our behalves. I know things are different here now that your back.. but their kinda boring.. and I have done no hacking on our behalf since then.... ... t321423729
Anyways read it and let me know......
Say the word and all begging for crack money sites are going down...

I tried to log in ... guess what they want money!!!! to make an account... on a forum...

Watch out folks the crack heads have learned how to make websites...
Shit at this rate they will be in Government in no time... oh wait... it may already be to late...
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Post Posted: 09 Apr 2007 11:12 am Post subject: Don't even bother
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As you said.. their crack heads... Leave it alone...
Do you walk around beating up crackheads? No you don't...
So don't even bother...

The Gremlin (Dematoligist guy is a pedophile.)

He had beef with my site after I got him kicked out the the Matrix online for trying to have cyber sex witha a 12 year old me and DatalinX both cought him and got him banned from MXO as a result..... That was a while ago ... but that is where that started. He was not search engine leaching.. he was trying to get I made sure after he was banned, to spam threw MXO his website so people could let him know what they thought of pedophiles... who use video games to hunt their prey....

Don't worry about them.. I checked their stat info... they get like 10 visitors a month... and from what i can tell it's the google-bot that is responsible for half those hits.
You might even recognize his name from online games. Osk Camper was what he used.... until he shut down his site and changed his name...

Pedohpile goof hu? your dusgusting........

 Post subject: And for the record...
Posted: Monday 9th April 2007 04.28.26 
Trolling Scriptkiddie
Trolling Scriptkiddie

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The only script kiddy is you, and the forum that someone else made but you give yourself credit like you got some skills becuase you manged to figure out how to set upa sql database....... LMAO :roll:

This forum is the most open to sql attacks.. I don't think Our resident forum popper is aware of this domains existence...... But I will be sure to tell her this domain called her a script kiddy...

See you Pedophile........ good luck with your crackhead

 Post subject:
Posted: Monday 9th April 2007 04.55.43 
Omnipotent Bunny
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I know it isn't necessary, but just in case I'd like to point out that this "mook" and my stepdaughter Mookie T. Axemurderer are NOT the same person. The latter is literate for one.


" My power is absurd, defeat is everything."

 Post subject:
Posted: Monday 9th April 2007 05.27.38 
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.: I haven't found Jesus yet; but I am getting $1,000 per day plus expenses to stay on the case.
Swyndle wrote:
I know it isn't necessary, but just in case I'd like to point out that this "mook" and my stepdaughter Mookie T. Axemurderer are NOT the same person. The latter is literate for one.


That, or she's really, really fast:

backend wrote:
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Also, quoted, in cyan, Axemurderer looks, at a glance, like Assmaurader, which is either a laughriot, oddly scarier, or, probably, both.

 Post subject:
Posted: Monday 9th April 2007 15.45.36 
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.: Hegemon
Might I suggest moving this over to the EDrama board? That's certainly where it belongs, if not in the circular file.

Also, and it may be a bit silly to point this out, but are we seriously supposed to believe that this asshat can hack your site when hacking, or using any programming language, requires a precision of syntax that is most obviously and sadly lacking here?

Just, you know, wondering when we were all supposed to become this gullible.

 Post subject:
Posted: Monday 9th April 2007 22.40.53 
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.: There is research to be done on the people who are still alive.
Aw. Isn't that cute. It figured out how to register.

Also, I agree with Nobiwan. This be E-Drama, and since I, great and mighty crackhead overlord of teh evilcoffeechick searchengine, has teh power, I MOVES IT! ZOMG I HAX!


Edit: moved. Let the drama begin.

 Post subject: Be careful don't hurt yourself with this...
Posted: Tuesday 10th April 2007 06.18.15 
Trolling Scriptkiddie
Trolling Scriptkiddie

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Dear Pat and Garth (Crackheads)

SQL Injection

SQL injection is a technique used to take advantage of non-validated input vulnerabilities to pass SQL commands through a Web application for execution by a backend database. Attackers take advantage of the fact that programmers often chain together SQL commands with user-provided parameters, and can therefore embed SQL commands inside these parameters. The result is that the attacker can execute arbitrary SQL queries and/or commands on the backend database server through the Web application.

Detailed description

Databases are fundamental components of Web applications. Databases enable Web applications to store data, preferences and content elements. Using SQL, Web applications interact with databases to dynamically build customized data views for each user. A common example is a Web application that manages products. In one of the Web application's dynamic pages (such as ASP), users are able to enter a product identifier and view the product name and description. The request sent to the database to retrieve the product's name and description is implemented by the following SQL statement.

SELECT ProductName, ProductDescription FROM Products WHERE ProductNumber = ProductNumber

Typically, Web applications use string queries, where the string contains both the query itself and its parameters. The string is built using server-side script languages such as ASP, JSP and CGI, and is then sent to the database server as a single SQL statement. The following example demonstrates an ASP code that generates a SQL query.

sql_query= "SELECT ProductName, ProductDescription FROM Products WHERE ProductNumber = " & Request.QueryString("ProductID")

The call Request.QueryString("ProductID") extracts the value of the Web form variable ProductID so that it can be appended as the SELECT condition.

When a user enters the following URL: ... ductid=123

The corresponding SQL query is executed:

SELECT ProductName, ProductDescription FROM Products WHERE ProductNumber = 123

An attacker may abuse the fact that the ProductID parameter is passed to the database without sufficient validation. The attacker can manipulate the parameter's value to build malicious SQL statements. For example, setting the value "123 OR 1=1" to the ProductID variable results in the following URL: ... ductid=123 or 1=1

The corresponding SQL Statement is:

SELECT ProductName, Product Description From Products WHERE ProductNumber = 123 OR 1=1

This condition would always be true and all ProductName and ProductDescription pairs are returned. The attacker can manipulate the application even further by inserting malicious commands. For example, an attacker can request the following URL: ... d=123;DROP TABLE Products

In this example the semicolon is used to pass the database server multiple statements in a single execution. The second statement is "DROP TABLE Products" which causes SQL Server to delete the entire Products table.

An attacker may use SQL injection to retrieve data from other tables as well. This can be done using the SQL UNION SELECT statement. The UNION SELECT statement allows the chaining of two separate SQL SELECT queries that have nothing in common. For example, consider the following SQL query:

SELECT ProductName, ProductDescription FROM Products WHERE ProductID = '123' UNION SELECT Username, Password FROM Users;

The result of this query is a table with two columns, containing the results of the first and second queries, respectively. An attacker may use this type of SQL injection by requesting the following URL: ... ductid=123 UNION SELECT user-name, password FROM USERS

The security model used by many Web applications assumes that an SQL query is a trusted command. This enables attackers to exploit SQL queries to circumvent access controls, authentication and authorization checks. In some instances, SQL queries may allow access to host operating system level commands. This can be done using stored procedures. Stored procedures are SQL procedures usually bundled with the database server. For example, the extended stored procedure xp_cmdshell executes operating system commands in the context of a Microsoft SQL Server. Using the same example, the attacker can set the value of ProductID to be "123;EXEC master..xp_cmdshell dir--", which returns the list of files in the current directory of the SQL Server process.

Don't worry we will show you it in action...

Becareful using big words like syntax, you might hurt yourselves.


Script kiddies...???

Interesting coming from a guy who used a help file to install this forum. And this forum is all their is... nuthing useful.... just Chat peons who figured out how to use a website to insult people who have burrned them so badly.....

Tell you what wen you got somthing besides a forum full of your crackhead opinions and rants... let me know. Untill then when you think script kiddy take a long hard look in the mirror.... And then at this site. And you will get the true meaning...

I mean the only thing to do here is read what un-educated welfare bums have to say and have them try to bum money off you in the process I tell you I want to give and help support your crack habbits.......

I mean talk about WOW!!!!

 Post subject: Re: Be careful don't hurt yourself with this...
Posted: Tuesday 10th April 2007 08.35.14 
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Mook wrote:
Don't worry we will show you it in action...

Oh good: another boring threat. Wasn't bizztard supposed to crack this site a couple years ago? Whatever happened to that?

Oh well. Noted as a matter of record.

And this, of course:

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 Post subject:
Posted: Tuesday 10th April 2007 10.42.11 
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.: There is research to be done on the people who are still alive.


I can copypaste too. Better yet, I can figure out bbcode!/ ZOMGLEET!

Skript Kiddies, Script Kiddies or s'Kiddies are individuals who go about trying to cause things to happen using computers that are either frowned upon, unexpected or malicious in nature. The tragedy of the the typical script kiddie is that he approaches software the way a priest approaches the eucharist: he is so in awe at the magic of computers, that he looks to it like a sacrement from God. He therefore does not have the patience or the mental stamina to 'hack', and so uses the scripts and programs developed by others to wreak havoc on those lazy bums who cannot bother to secure their systems.

Most script kiddies spend most of their time on IRC trumpeting their 1337 h4X0ring skillz. They are usually teenagers looking for social acceptance through the internets. The majority of script kiddies are boys, but there are a few boys pretending to be girls around as well. Naturally, since most of these kids are too nerdy to get a date in real life, gaining the attention of the opposite sex is often the motive for much script kiddie exploits. Crews are formed, alliances shift, jealousies inflame -- all for a little fame that the rest of the world is oblivious towards.

To call someone a script kiddie is usually to insult their intelligence, saying to the person: 'you wish to be considered a hacker, but you cannot teach yourself to develop the tools necessary to accomplish what you want'.

Script kiddies are known for blanking wiki pages and writing U GOT HAXED.

My source? Way better than yours.

Wait. Microwhatnow? Oh yeah, this is gonna be funny to watch. Ten bucks says it hits its own server....

Oh. Also, you should --


...but you should do it somewhere else. Like, at your own [likely installed with 'elefante installler', and probably a few versions out of date] forum. Where your 'we don't take shit and pretend it's ours' nonsense can be appreciated by all your other personalities.

Really, who the fuck do you think you are? Todd Goldman?

 Post subject:
Posted: Tuesday 10th April 2007 14.42.13 
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.: Hegemon
I'm beginning to think that I was wrong, and it actually belongs under Not Fit For Human Consumption. You know, next to old PenisBoobs over there.

Look, Kiddie, syntax is not a big word. Vocabulary is kind of a big word. Flagellation is more of an obscure word. However, if I were to pick a word that applies to you, I'd have to go with necropedozoouplostrification. When you figure out what that means, let me know.

...Kids these days. Yeesh.

 Post subject:
Posted: Tuesday 10th April 2007 21.39.26 
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.: There is research to be done on the people who are still alive.
Nah. This is drama. Of course, it's lame drama, and not nearly as good as, say, the huge collection of threads on that one board in 2004 where this icky poly-pagan fucked-up-priorities thing got her kids taken away, and suddenly everyone's wondering if the Draco/His Dad slash on her LJ is something they should tell child-services about.

And that was pretty lame e-drama too.

Trolls make for lame e-drama, but they're not nearly as bad as shitting dick nipples, even if there is a faggot tree.


And look, there's one now!

The best part is, it probably thinks I'm taking this entire situation seriously, on top of proving that I'm some sort of drug addict luser. When really, I'm taking it so un-seriously that I didn't even feel the need to point out that vBulletin is not phpBB, and SA is not us. Mostly because these things should be obvious to anyone with a working brain.

I suppose it must be all that sex-slavery it was sold into as a kid.

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Posted: Wednesday 11th April 2007 05.44.44 
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.: Hegemon
That's a very nice Tree.

I'm just, you know, kind of amazed at one thing. That it had the attention span to get from to here without losing itself along the way.

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Posted: Wednesday 11th April 2007 06.43.36 
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.: I haven't found Jesus yet; but I am getting $1,000 per day plus expenses to stay on the case.
Nobiwan wrote:
I'm beginning to think that I was wrong, and it actually belongs under Not Fit For Human Consumption.

My first thought was to send it to hell. But Hunter slid it over here, which, given the responses and bizztard's confusion since, was probably a good idea.

For the moment. If it gets too stupid, it might be the first thread to get fully given up on.

Oh, and:

Skript Kiddies, Script Kiddies or s'Kiddies are individuals who go about trying to cause things to happen using computers that are either frowned upon, unexpected or malicious in nature. The tragedy of the the typical script kiddie is that he approaches software the way a priest approaches the eucharist: he is so in awe at the magic of computers, that he looks to it like a sacrement from God. He therefore does not have the patience or the mental stamina to 'hack', and so uses the scripts and programs developed by others to wreak havoc on those lazy bums who cannot bother to secure their systems.

Most script kiddies spend most of their time on IRC trumpeting their 1337 h4X0ring skillz. They are usually teenagers looking for social acceptance through the internets. The majority of script kiddies are boys, but there are a few boys pretending to be girls around as well. Naturally, since most of these kids are too nerdy to get a date in real life, gaining the attention of the opposite sex is often the motive for much script kiddie exploits. Crews are formed, alliances shift, jealousies inflame -- all for a little fame that the rest of the world is oblivious towards.

To call someone a script kiddie is usually to insult their intelligence, saying to the person: 'you wish to be considered a hacker, but you cannot teach yourself to develop the tools necessary to accomplish what you want'.

Script kiddies are known for blanking wiki pages and writing U GOT HAXED.


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Hunter wrote:
Like, at your own [likely installed with 'elefante installler', and probably a few versions out of date] forum.

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Last edited by Gremlin on Wednesday 11th April 2007 06.51.20, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
Posted: Wednesday 11th April 2007 06.47.48 
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Joined: Monday 1st January 2007 03.25.18
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Location: Denver, CO
.: There is research to be done on the people who are still alive.
Well, I haven't looked at my Magical Microsoft-equivalent-of-a-.htaccess file recently, but I do still have a redirect to this one post somewhere on the old board that I think they're all still hitting....

So, really, not that big a stretch. What 'they're' really interested in -- and can't do -- is the ability to get back to that one post and keep spamming it with different usernames in that oh-so-clever 'The One Who Is Many' way....

Now that you mentioned it, I am a little surprised about the whole registration thing. I guess there was just a big hurdle between 'I can register to this board on my own website lulz' to 'I can do it somewhere else.

Edit, since Gremlin posted just as I was.

HA HA! A1Javascripts and Frontpage.

Goddamnit, why don't I have an appropriate image for this situation?

Wait. Here. Soviet Russia Lameness!



Last edited by Hunter on Wednesday 11th April 2007 06.59.43, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
Posted: Wednesday 11th April 2007 06.53.02 
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.: I haven't found Jesus yet; but I am getting $1,000 per day plus expenses to stay on the case.
Hunter wrote:
Now that you mentioned it, I am a little surprised about the whole registration thing. I guess there was just a big hurdle between 'I can register to this board on my own website lulz' to 'I can do it somewhere else.

It's not surprising. A bot got through too. It just takes an infinite number of monkeys. Or, a couple monkeys with the wherewithal to outsource. Whichever.

Thinking about it, they probably didn't outsource it. They probably haxored the board.

Meaning that, after two years, they managed to do exactly what everyone who's already registered here had done.