Thursday, 23 March 2006
Some people just can’t keep their stories straight….
I don't quite feel like doing a whole new page for the Bizzi part of the Idiot Archive...yet. So I'll take care of this thing that must've taken a good three hours for Bizzi to post right here.
Didn’t even know?
Yup, that's right, I didn't even know you had a 'radio station'. Every time I've been to your site, there's always been a bunch of 'broke-ass shit' here and there, and a lot of talk about some stupid 'radio show' or something.
But hey, I bet you know all sorts of things about me and what I think, even if I don't know them, right? Some sort of amazing e-psychic thing you learned from 'living on the streets', or whatever it is you say you do.
you were listening for like a hour and a half till we keepy disconecting your punk ass.
No, in fact, I wasn't. My browser has never been to your site for more than five minutes. You can't stand the truth, though. I get that.
(And Unicron is a lady for the record) somthing I am sure you no nuthin about.
I assume you meant this to be all one 'thought', in as much as you have thoughts. You must mixed up whatever was meant to be the parenthetical with the primary concept.
No, I surely don't know the first thing about being someone that uses multiple names and genders online.
I don’t care how much you think our site is stupid.
Then stop showing how much you care by trolling.
Free advertising is always a good thing we get quite a few hits from your site some of them stay and listen to the radio play games etc…. even if it’s insulting us.
Oh really? Maybe I should ask my regular visitors. Anyone actually done this?
Your opinion is your own as uni said.
Mr. States the obvious....
Anyways Your ip and site ip will remain open till our servers are moved.
You mean even though 'uni' said that they were added again. And even though it's all bullshit anyway....
And our online game server is added to our domain and the last website layout update is installed.
Id est -- never.
Now grow the fuck up you little mouth peice and stop bitching about how stupid you think everything is.
You're an inconsistent, dishonest little fuckwit. I'm sure you've been told that before.
Learn to form a coherent thought, maybe then you can form a coherent thought. Calling me a spokesperson doesn't really do anything, except contradict 'your opinion is your own'.
Also learn that you can't actually tell other people what to do. Maybe if you paid me, I might care. But probably not, because dirty Canadian pennies don't actually make a difference to me.
The differance between people like us:
...anyone else see what's wrong with this fragment?
We grew up fighting for our lives, learning to survive anyway we can. And if we make it out alive we try to fight it from happening to others.
And part of that survival is learning to lie, cheat, steal and threaten, and assume that it's only you and your clique that ever did this, because anyone like you can't possibly be honest or think you're fucking retarded, right?
People like you grew up at home sitting from behind their little computers talking with their friends on the phone going to school etc.
That actually sounds nothing like me. Good to see that you're as good as every other e-psychologist out there.
Then when you get older instead of going out side and making a differance, You hide in your clutterd little houses full of the things you collect like little mice.
And to think, I joined the military instead of doing what bizzi here says I was supposed to do....
And put up blogs about your opinions then surf other peoples websites so that you can cut them down on your site.
Since blogs have been around for decades, and all. There's this whole history thing going on, because people like me ALWAYS do this. Since the dawn of time.
And since, y'know, bizzi over there isn't cutting other people donw on his site.
Making yourself feel better about your sorry sad ass pathetic BORING existance as sheep.
E-psych 101 Lesson 1: project, project, project. Baaa.
When you could be trying to make a differance and making yourselves happy and fuffilling somthing inside of you besides your personal wants.
Since nobody can make a difference by fulfilling their personal wants. Goddamn, you're a fucking retard. Stop drinking paint thinner.
But of course you won’t instead you’ll go back to your little computer and think of somthing to type on your site to insult us even further and save face or think while your convenced I am nsulting you o(Again always about you), or b you will decide to delete what I just typed.
It's more like 'it's always about bizzi' here. Notice how 90% of my site isn't all about you, you little fuckwit. Or are you Peter Popoff, Benny Hinn, and my cat, too?
Fucking psycho narcissist. No, I'm not 'saving face' here, because I haven't lost anything. You've just been proving me right, over and over and over again. Every time you come back here, you prove me a little bit more right. You can't fucking stay away, and you can't fucking not comment. Because it really is all about you being fucking hurt by someone calling bullshit on you.
And I don't delete non-pure-spam comments, no matter how many times you may claim I have. You don't matter that much -- you can't fucking hurt me.
You know why? Becuase if you were not what I just said you were…. I would not be typing this.
I made him type this, because I'm exactly what he said he was. THINK ABOUT IT!
Reading threw my logs and seeing your ip have full access. Then I read the note in their about your site…. I almost choked on my morning coffie I lauphed so hard.
Ooo. Soopr Sekrit Notzes.
This young lady is one of the nicest people I have ever met. You just seem to bring out the best in people somthing I am sure you are proud of….
If this is your best....
If you can't just stay away and stop showing me how much I'm able to hurt you with your idiotic bullshit, then I'll have to show you what it's like to actually be banned....
Oh, and try not to lie so much. It's just tacky.
Note to anyone that actually matters: I'll be getting back to my irregularly scheduled Popoff later. The headache that's been preventing me from actually getting stuff done is almost gone, and I've only got the one letter now. I can fit that in between all the other backend shit for other sites I've got to work on.
EDIT: Wow. He just can't leave. Three comments, all in a row.
1. A bunch of IPs, I guess they're all supposed to be mine. Oops. You missed. A lot.
And a nice little lie about crosslinking to support him when he starts posting under new names, and a confused statement about 'taking something down'.
2. A confession of illiteracy.
3. A blatant confession of piracy. I guess little things like copyright don't matter to people who lie about causing massive blackouts, though.
Second Edit: I get back upstairs from finding a few books for Gremlin, and there's two more posts. Go home, bizzi. You can't live here. I didn't pick a fight with you, no matter what your fucking voices are telling you, and I'm not this strawman you've constructed. I don't listen to whatever crap you're offering, music or not. I'm not a part of your unmedicated reality. I'm part of ACTUAL reality, where some people know the difference between little luser LAN Parties and proxies.
Some of us also know the difference between garbage and books, DVDs, computers, blankets, and the difference between people who live with their parents and people who own their own home. I suppose that's just another 'street-retardation thing', eh?
Final warning. Get over it, you whiny cunt.
Another update: The troll didn't get over it, he just came back and lied about 'if that's all I can do', and then tried to insult me by pretending that the 'evil' status is something I've given myself.
But he promises it's his last post. Like all those other last post. So -- I'm not buying it.
email: yourmom@mycrotch.Biz
Using Firefox on Windows XP
Well someone must have been messing with your computer…
cause you were and like I said at the end we booted you and you still reconected..
like 4 times… LMAO
Anyways I didn’t read the rest…
Just thought I would point out a small section of my log files…
WEB 00:48:54 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:11:47:11] [10/Mar/2006:12:36:05]
WEB 00:00:31 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:12:35:57] [10/Mar/2006:12:36:28]
RD3 00:00:20 11.2kbps [10/Mar/2006:12:56:11] [10/Mar/2006:12:56:31]
RD3 00:00:02 0.0kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:03:14] [10/Mar/2006:13:03:16]
RD3 00:00:19 31.7kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:23:26] [10/Mar/2006:13:23:45]
WEB 00:02:28 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:27:53] [10/Mar/2006:13:30:21]
WEB 00:00:19 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:32:09] [10/Mar/2006:13:32:28]
WEB 00:00:43 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:32:09] [10/Mar/2006:13:32:52]
RD3 00:00:24 11.4kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:32:40] [10/Mar/2006:13:33:04]
WEB 00:02:57 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:30:25] [10/Mar/2006:13:33:22]
WEB 00:59:07 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:12:36:06] [10/Mar/2006:13:35:13]
WEB 00:59:07 20.2kbps [10/Mar/2006:12:36:33] [10/Mar/2006:13:35:40]
WEB 00:03:24 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:33:26] [10/Mar/2006:13:36:50]
WEB 00:01:38 20.2kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:38:02] [10/Mar/2006:13:39:40]
RD3 00:00:09 15.6kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:44:58] [10/Mar/2006:13:45:07]
WEB 00:09:32 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:35:40] [10/Mar/2006:13:45:12]
WEB 00:10:02 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:35:13] [10/Mar/2006:13:45:15]
WEB 00:00:17 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:45:16] [10/Mar/2006:13:45:33]
WEB 00:00:15 20.3kbps [10/Mar/2006:13:45:33] [10/Mar/2006:13:45:48]
And it’s not just a radio station it’s a 1 channel of pirateradionetwork radio.
Anyways Now I will leave this up for a day or two so people can check it out…
we even gave you a link in our site so you can tell everyone what you think about us….
email: yourmom@mycrotch.Biz
Using Firefox on Windows XP
opps I think I pissed her off cuase I just read alot of that and a whole bunch of it didn’t make any sense…
anyways I have to go now… lol…
Try not to be so negitive all the time. Anger is a handycap..
email: yourmom@mycrotch.Biz
:Using Firefox on Windows XP
and for the record my server clock and settings are turned back a week or so so I can finish useing a demo prog that will expire and I won’t need again….
email: yourmom@mycrotch.Biz
Using Firefox on Windows XP
Cross linking? It’s called a proxy…
but anyways. I was looking for a sign of inteligance…
All I find is some evil coffie chick.
Americans… Can’t live with them… And you can’t shoot them…
Power out?… lol…
Of course I had nuthing to do with that or I’d be in jail. :)
And copywrite whats that?
Your write I am a criminal I would slit someones throat if I was hungery enouph.
I would steal and rob if I felt the situation deemed it.
Your right and thanks to foster care and government there are more and more of my kind hitting the streets making your kind stay in your houses afraid to go out alone at night….
I do insult people,
C.A.S cause there murdering children,
And socail workers who help to cover it up.
I don’t have to lie… the truth is so much more devestating.
I see the army gave you the future you wanted…
Get to kill any inocent children and families for oil while you were in there?
(U.S) And now the Canadain military are full of people like yourself.
Just watch T.V you’ll see the mentality and stupidity of your kind in action.
And hopefully they don’t fix these systems that are creating us.
Cause we are already begining to out number your kind.
Jail is nuthing more then home sweet home!
I grew up there… with my kind since I was a child.
I am a complete and absolute sycopath
(Getting torcherd and sold for labour your whole life and then them taking your child and subjecting him to the same can have that effect on someone.
At least I am proud of what I am.
Even with mom and dad and the military you still ended up the way you did.
Those are the things that make me cherish what happened to me, cause if they didn’t I would not be who I am.
I have had people my whole life look down at me.
Caring what others think has never been a thing I value.
Hence forth why I am not deffending myself. Just posting facts…
that was a section of my log files… like it or not.
Say what you like.
Don’t be ashamed even governments listens to my station everynow and then.
Nuthing wrong with liking good music.
Just don’t be insulting the people who your listening to.
And take this blog down you look like a morron…
And your words are the mumbles of a chat junkie.
Who figured out how to install a script.
So you can share your great wisdom with unsuspecting visiters like my self.
And no where on my site do I insult your site.
Just you….
clean you room…
you pic looks like your living in your own garbage.
At least I can admit… I am a criminal.
email: yourmom@mycrotch.Biz
Using Firefox on Windows XP
And picking fights with other websites to have cotent on your own site is the biggest Noob thing I can think of.
Take a look at my phote gallery before I block you…
those pics were taken a yeah and some ago…
when we were just a little sad as free website radio station…
We have seven computers here. and sometimes more depending on whats going on and who is over.
A proxy is when 2 or more users go threw a server or router to get a internet connection.
then when we access stuff from behind this server we all share the same Ip addy…
your not very smart are you?
You need to get up off your ass and goto school do sotmhing with yourself.
It must be lonely being so mad all the time….
And as we can see your people skills are lacking so….
Maybe some charm school or somthing.
email: yourmom@mycrotch.Biz
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
I just wanted you to know how much you hurt my feelings….
I’ll never heal from it!!!
I’ll have nightmares…
Cause after all is said and done the only thing you can acuse me of is being on medication
come on you could have done better then that
after all your supposed to be the loud mouthed evil coffie chick…
so far you arn’t very evil…
I am evil,
your a wanker…
Medicaion? Sure I would love some.with a side order of straight jacket….and rubber room as my finisher…
No your a fuckin clown with a big mouth…
Like I said you may want to clean that “house”
of yours living in your own garbage and junk can’t be good for you…
and god damb get some cloths on…
But I suppose thats okay for you….RFLMFAO
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
As a regular, I haven’t felt the particular need to visit any of the bizzi site links you posted for more than 30 seconds, Hunter. At least now I know how to get a few hundred hits to MY blog.
I wish I were a sycopath.
I also think it’s funny that someone who lived the hard life on the street told you to clean your house. Canada must have some mighty clean streets.
Bizzi, you’re not evil. You’re not psycho. You’e not a progressive Revolutionary. The only mental problem you have is that you’re an idiot. That’s the last bit of my attention you will ever get.