Sunday, 06 November 2005


As much as I hate to push "The Girlcott…." off the main page, this is just FUCKING RETARDED enough to require sharing. In fact, it makes my first post under the ‘websites’ section of the Idiot Archive.

This is just a horrible fucking website. It looks fucking awful in opera, and copypasting the main text over to read in wordpad doesn’t improve it any.


Comment by H.A.C.A>S

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP


2005-11-22 11:31:32

It would apper that your plain black and nuthing is much more complex
then ours is…

I don't remember saying anything about complexity, or even comparing the site to anything. I just said it looked bad.

I mean hell simple sites considering where web technolagy stands yours is mental sloth at best…

Was that supposed to make sense? Let's just disregard the horrid spelling for a second and try to figure out what's being said here....

Simple sites...considering where web technology mental sloth. Web technology demands complexity, and anything less is just being lazy?

Well, I'll admit that I'm being lazy by using a pre-written script, but that's largely because it's so much better than sitting there mucking about with old messageboard scripts and guestbook scripts trying to figure out how to get something to do a fraction of what this does, which is exactly what I was doing prior to the server change and finding out that Wordpress was available.

I like to think I'm a little less 'lazy' doing this than someone who uses one of those type things. I have the ability to edit the actual scripts here; people who use those things don't really have that option

But, really, if you're going to pretend that using pre-written bits of web code is 'mental sloth', then not writing your own OS might as well be 'mental sloth', as well.

And...web technology? I don't see how 'web technology' demands that websites be highly complex. People haven't gotten smarter with the advancement of 'web technology' -- you're evidence of that. The ability to use broadband in a library doesn't mean that everyone has it, either. I prefer my website to be 1. fast downloading, and 2. viewable in more than one browser. So I'm guilty of 'mental sloth' for wanting my site to be viewable by people who aren't running the latest shit. Bad on me.

I mean hell even in this box I can’t see after awhile what I am typing.

We have a transition problem here. Also, an honesty problem. I attempted to recreate this 'can't see after a while' problem with IE, and I wasn't able. Your ability to see may be more of a 'brain technology' problem than a 'computer technology' problem.

And I mean were trying to get the government to stop abusing kids..

Again with the lack of transition. Wow. Y'know, I don't actually care what you 'claim' to be doing. I don't buy your little sob stories about the government selling kids into sex slavery, or whatever. All I was talking about was how unreadable your site was.

Since you're so big on dragging this shit into it, though, yeah, I'm going to make fun of people who claim that their amazing computer skills caused a massive blackout that was caused by something entirely else. Yeah, that's the way to get people to care about your cause. Lie, threaten, and be retarded.

what are you doing?

Right now? Sitting here staring at some really stupid comments in Dreamweaver's 'Code' view...mostly because I like the line numbers.... At the time you were making these comments? Fuck, I don't know. I was probably asleep.

Oh yeah bitching about evrything and any thing..

No, probably not. I don't bitch about 'evrything and any thing'. I don't even bitch about 'everything and anything'. If you could read, you might know this....

you must be proud keep up the shit work..

How can I be proud of something I don't do? And I'll be sure to keep up the 'shit work', since 'shit work' seems to indicate something better than what you're capable of....

and rember if you don’t have somthing nice to say ..

...wait for it....

Then your an idiout

Nothing like letting them insult themselves. They don't even know they're doing it.... HEY! STOOPID! YOU HAD NOTHING NICE TO SAY! Neither did anyone else commenting.

Oh and if our site does not work on your computer then you need to get if fixed…

Smart. Real smart. "If our website doesn't work, then your hardware is broken. Genius. Genious, even....

But your so smart you should already know that…

I'm even smarter than that. I know that when a website doesn't work in an alternative browser, it's usually due to the stupidity or apathy of the original designer.

By the way fix your comments box.. it’s really hard to type anything…

Yes. Of course. Website doesn't work, computer's broke, right? This is more of a case of 'website works, fix your fucking brain'. Your inability to type has nothing to do with my web design.

… in this world there are two types of people those who try to help and those who sit and bitch about nuthing…

Actually, it's 'there are two types of people, those who try to lump people into two groups, and those who don't'. I don't see anything helpful coming from a site that claims responsibility for things they didn't do. I see a lot of bitching and moaning about stupid shit, here and there....

And, in your case, it probably is about 'nothing'. Your 'problems' are likely caused by yourselves, but you feel the need to blame someone else, because no, it couldn't be you.

man I wish I wasyou…

I bet you do, but you're not. You suck.

alone a loser with no life so I can start a website that insults evryone and evrything..

I think you actually just described yourself. I'm not alone, I have all the life I want, and my website doesn't insult everyone and everything.

a website is a reflection of ones self…

Um, no. It's really not. Don't even try the internet armchair psychology; you can't afford it....

Man what a sad life you must lead…

You might think so, but, then again, I doubt you think....

Thinkin your a website designer… ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha

Did I say I thought I was a 'website designer'? Funny, I don't remember that.

I might as well go ahead and say that I am. Not a professional web designer, but I am a person who does some of the things that 'website designers' do.


Comment by Bizzi
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 11:35:13

You know… this site is a template

Why yes. Yes, I did know that. Because I wrote it....

wow the skills you have impress me so…

My 'skills'? Would this be my ability to spell, my amazing coherence, or my knowledge of my on website....

Ever had your site torn to shreads?

Nope. Never.

Normally we only try our weapon against child porn servers…

What weapon? The one that doesn't tear sites to shreds?

Thanks for volentering..

Given that I didn't volunteer, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you haven't actually torn my site to shreds.

we have not had the plesure on testing this with a php site…

...and this will probably be true for as long as the file is online....

hummm…Batter up…

...and bizzi strikes out....

Comment by Sun Tzu

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 11:38:07

Portaling is so much fun…

What now? Oh, more of the non-sense-making.

what is the fastest way to become a victim of a DDos attck?

I bet it has something to do with malware....

by insulting people who are trying to help kids from government abuse…

You really took this personally, didn't you? I didn't insult any people -- I called a website retarded. A website is not a person. I understand that this concept may confuse you....

this site works well in my computer

Which site?

and all 4000 of our members use this on a regular basis..

All 4000, which is why the hit counter wasn't anywhere near 50 when it finally disappeared.

if if you can’t see the site then.. your not using Iexplorer..

Of course not. I use Opera. I think I mentioned that somewhere....

I mean I guess you can’t read..

I guess not....

it says it on the main page..

Actually, no, it didn't. What was on the main page at the time were three icons: the 'e' symbol for Explorer, the windows flag with a childish '9' next to it, and a windows media graphic. None of these actually require reading -- I suppose this would confuse you as well, because those damned graphical road signs are so difficult to read, too....

Oh and hey fix this comments box..

Can't fix what isn't broke, but hey, maybe you should come up with something new so you can convince me you're one of 4000 members.

I can not see what my ass is typing

I suppose this is your excuse for the way your typing looks?

Comment by Bizwald

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 11:41:54

hummm.. evil coffie chick…? Get your own dot com then build a site

I already did that. I've got two '.coms' actually, and I've been playing around with making my own website since...meh, 1997ish?

then you have the right to insult ours

Oh, you mean the .biz. Somehow you're immune to the '.com' rule? And people without websites are not allowed to have opinions? When did your reality suddenly become more valid than actual reality....

I mean… hell… your using someone else’s site and calling it your own…

Sneaky me. I'm using someone else's website. Whose? Oh, do you mean that pesky '' thing? Yeah, that's because we just threw my site there instead of going through the process of setting it up elsewheres and using up a slot. That doesn't change the fact that and both reach this website. Grow a brain.

man your so slick…

Oh yeah. So slick. I bet the person this site belongs to doesn't even know I stole it, right?

it reminds me of a toad…

Toads are not slick. Toads are, in fact, dry.

wait maybe we should call you eveil toad chick…

Wait, maybe if we learn to spell, our insults will work better. Or not.

To the rest of our members if you come accross this site..don’t bother posting anything..

The rest of your 4000 members. Right.

We have said all their is to say….about this… what evrer you call it site…

Yes. I bet 'you all' have.

man stupid people should not be alowed on the net…

If they weren't, where would you be?

this page is a good example of why …

...they just don't think, do they?

Comment by DatalinX
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-22 11:49:48

hummm, Did you not read the main page where it says Iexplorer?

I did read the main page. It doesn't say that.

I guess not you get the award for being the stupid person using the internet we have come accross thus far…

You have a funny definition of 'stupid'.

cheers to you.. little girl.

At least you're not gender-confused. One point in your favour....

Man we put your theme song on our webpage just for you..

I doubt that very much.

it’s called the world is full of stupid people by the refreashments

It must really suck to fuck up your insults this badly. The 'Refreshments' song you're looking for is called 'Banditos'.

Cheers.. oh and a fix your comments box it’s broken or somthing ..

You keep saying this. Do you think repeating yourself makes it reality?

My guess your just a morron…

Yes. My just a something. Right....

but hey.. you know that already thats why you have your own website right…

If the inability to make sense were a disability, someone here would be getting a lot of government money....

And in the future.. Just for the record safe sex is not marking the sheep that kick with red paint… :)

Yes. That's right. Defend the children with bestiality jokes.

So much for not being gender confused....


Comment by X

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-22 11:53:11

As soon as we get a few of our members logged in…

You can't fool me. You don't have 'a few'.

time to fire up the H.A.C.A.S puplic hacking termanl

Otherwise known as 'that stupid photoshopped-looking patchwork videogame HUD'?

we have a few new weapons to try out and I was told your site volenteerd for…

Is this a split-personality/mental defect thing, or do you really think that hitting the back button and changing the name will convince me that I'm suddenly being targeted by a super-massive group of 4[000]?

thank you you have our many thanks…

It's I who should thank you. See, you, in your stupidity, did nothing but pull a few more people into my site, and create a little more content. You people should really learn...but, then you wouldn't be the idiots you are, would you?

Comment by X

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 11:59:28

I was reading threw your site alittle more…

'Threw.' Yeah, I bet you were reading....

Your a chat room junkie eh?

My a, yeah, sure 'my a'. What is it with idiots skipping the first twelve grades where they learn the difference between 'your' and 'you're'?

And no, I'm not a 'chat room junkie'. A chatroom junkie would probably have more than one room, not have time for a website, and type more like you.

That little thing about 'assume' is partly right...except it doesn't actually make an ass out of me. So, go ahead and make an ass out of yourself based on your illiterate pawings through a website. If you'd been paying attention, you'd have noticed that there are far fewer chat transcripts than anything else [except maybe the AOL archive, which is IM anyway], and that at least one of them is 'contributed'.

Do you understand this word? I'd expect not....

How sad have no friends in real life so you talk in chat rooms…

Yes. People who chat have no friends in real life. This is a fact, because someone who chats online said so.

Also, people online are not 'real'. This naturally follows from the first statement....

Wow… you should put your own website in your list along with your name…

This is too stupid for words....

I should put my own website and name in my own list. Let's just completely overlook the nasty subjective nature of 'what a person considers to be stupid' and look at the deeper stupidity here. I should put my own website and my own name on my website.

Y'know, a smart person would've noticed that my own website is already a part of my own website, and that my name is already on my website. But I suppose that's not the point here. The little twit that's taking it personally means that I should consider myself stupid and crappy enough that I belong in my own idiot archive.

I'd say 'point for originality', but another flock of idiots already tried that little jab. And they were actually a group....

man what ever happend to the old days where it took skill to have your own site?

You mean the days before .biz and Frontpage?

Instaed anyone can have a site…

Yeah. Even homeless people.

man the internet is going to shit …

It was so much better when people without money or their own computers could get on. I agree....

Used to be a nice place a small community..

...a geocities community. No, wait, even that's before your time....

now we got people making sites about what they think is stupid…

Yeah. NOW.

Wait, it's not 1997 anymore, is it? A quick google search on 'stupid' turns up quite a few things that are older than, and are actually all about things that are stupid. And I haven't even gotten to News of the Stoopid. I think this one's about Stupid Movie Physics.

Where is your picture?

Again with the random. You claimed to read my site, and then you ask stupid questions....

Comment by Funnel

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-22 12:05:18

we will never see what you say back to us..

Maybe not. Maybe I'll go ahead and actually ban you from being able to get here, so you can't read this, because this is the first I've actually said back....

this site.. has been demmed utterly and totaly useless.

...even more useless than, or

We are sorry we even came here..

You were lying when you wrote this, but I'm pretty sure you're sorry now....

no more of our members will visit…

"Members." Hah.

We promise..

I already know what your promises are worth. Didn't you just promise to fuck my site up, too? You didn't....

But you will hear from us soon enouph..

Oh no. MORE BADLY SPELLED COMMENTS?! I'm all a-tremble.

Target practice is so much funn….

Is it 'target practice' when you miss and never improve?

Your site and gpage addy is

"My site and page addy?" You mean my website's IP address? Oh, this was before you learned those terms, isn't it?

watch and learn why you don’t insult people who have been on computers and working the web etc.. for 10 times longer then most of you knew the internet even existed..

1. I didn't insult the time. Now that you've made it personal, though, it's open season on idiots.

2. You want to assume that you're somehow an 'advanced luser', of some sorts, beyond me in knowledge and 'skillz', just because you can, what, get around Bess the Internet Watchdog in the library's computer room? You might want to do a little fact checking before you make such stupid claims.

I grew up around computers. My first computer -- my family's first computer -- was a C64. My dad has been doing actual paid computer work -- and not paid in 'pizza' or 'a place to sleep' -- for as long as I can remember, and he's been having me help him for nearly that long. And I've known about the 'web' since...probably 1994, when my dad's office was first able to get AOL service.

So, ten times longer? I laugh at your bullshit attempts at superiority.

Sad… what a good hobby you have…HA HA HA HA HA wanker!!!!!

What hobby is that?

Get some cats or somthing…

I have a cat. You claimed to read my site. Oh, wait, was that another of your personalities?

go out meet people,

Ah yes, here it comes, the 'real people' thing, because people online are totally imaginary. Which tells you something....

Get a real friend

...because you're not a real person until you're surrounded by people who are only your friends because the weather's fair....

goto the bar

...and you're not a real person with a real life until you have a drinking problem....

get laid…

...this coming from Mr. 10x longer Computar G33K. I'd tell you to take your own advice, but I 1. don't think life revolves around sex, and 2. don't want an idiot like you reproducing.

it would appear you need it… LMAO ;)

Things aren't always what they appear. Doubly so in your case. There's no telling what you think you're seeing. Get help.

Comment by Funnel
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-22 12:08:09

Fuckin Americans…

You look more like one than I do....

all talk no brains..

...I rest my case.

you even vote in people that kill poor and helpless people for oild

Wrong. I don't.

then to save face on what a bunch creeps most of you are you re-elect this same morron….

Still wrong, still didn't. You obviously were too busy building your strawman to notice that the thing you're referring to didn't win by 100% of the available voting population, but hey, you're obviously more American than I am, so what the fuck do I know.

Man…. BE proud to wave your flag.. you bunch of sheep…

Exactly what part of my site is devoted to flag-waving of any kind?

Comment by ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 12:25:56

Well… this site the entry picture….

...different Email address, finally, but same utter incoherence....

what a soory ass site..

Yeah, my splash page should look more like this.

bitching about the Fedex..

Actually, I was bitching about UPS.

man noone gives a shit!!!

Really? Did you ask?

get off your thrown keebler elf…

Huh? Is that supposed to be 'throne'? Keebler Elf? I didn't know they had thrones.

anyone who is fighting in chat rooms with christains needs to get help… and lotz of it..

If that's true, than people who troll on the comment forms of websites they claim to hate ever-so....

Comment by ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 12:30:53

Hey everyone who reads this don’t you have somthing better to do…?

I'm sure they have more to do than the person who wrote that...and they can probably multitask. AMAZING!

I mean hell, Even I feel stupid for taking the time to reply in this box…

You should be used to feeling stupid by now.

What a shitty site after I type for a bit I can’t see shit…

...back to this again....

man.. Goto school get some skills.. or somthing..

...obviously, school did such a wonderful job with you....

using other peoples templates to make a site is…

I wouldn't know about that. Both the current theme and the two before were made by me. Maybe you should shut your cockhatch, Mr. Frontpage.

well As I said to X for using a template: you tell others about talking to yourself often? Do you really think people care?

A template shows you don’t know what your doing.. at all

...and telling others about telling yourself things you know very little about shows something even worse....

and ah… funnel is right go out get laid or somthing…

One does not have to 'go out' to 'get laid'. I am not a one-night-stand sort of person. That can lead to unwanted children, which is probably what your problem is....

My guess is that won’t be happening…

You're right, for once. I won't be going out to get laid. I don't have to. I'm in a relationship, as I've mentioned on my site....

probably to god damb fat to sqeeze for ass threw your front dooor

Clever you. You figured out my secret.

HA HA HA HA Ya fat ass fuckin Wanker…. RLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know you're funny when you laugh at your own jokes....

Comment by heyyousuckfattie
email: hacas@Russia.ek
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 14:57:53

Ha ha man, your such a loser…

...being called a loser by someone comment-trolling. Wow. The horrid, itchy suffering....

aww fedex is too slow…

That was UPS, shit for brains. What, did you drink too much paint thinner last night?

ohh I caht in rooms with stupid people so I can be with my own kind… HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAh

You're so incredibly witty. Your wittiness increases exponentially with each 'ha', and even more with each neglected space....

What a fuckin useless site ha ahahahahahahahahaha oh I wine look at me

I rarely wine. I also don't whine. But hey, I'm not the one with a site that's all about how horrible it is that someone took my kids away because I suck. When it comes to petulant bullshit, you certainly outclass me....

The Narcissistic? more like the biggest fuckin winer in the history of the internet

No wonder your site looks like a big, dried-out pile of shit. You have no sense of context to go along with your desperate illiteracy. "The Narcissistic," in context, was [and still is] the subject heading for the section dealing with pages that are 'about me' and 'about my pets'. "Narcissistic," and "narcissism," involve an inflated sense of self-worth, or excessive love and admiration of onesself.

The word comes from 'Narcissus' -- if I remember correctly, he was the son of a god and a nymph. He fell in love with his own image, and put it simply.

I use the word in a self-deprecating, humourous sense, because I find the idea of not just having a personal site, but devoting part of that site to just 'about me' or 'about my pets' slightly self-involved. It seems even odder to me, since, by its nature, the website is entirely about me...but the 'About Me' and 'About my pets' are really the worst of it, as they have nothing to do with the others that may be involved in the things I blog about.

What, did you sleep through grade school? We were doing units on Greek and Roman mythology as early as fourth grade....

Man… what kind of morron makes a site like this…

One who can spell 'moron'.

Oh never mind my comrades already explain that above …hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaa

Yes. Your 'comrades'. Yet more evidence that they must be the same person -- only the stupid bottom-feeder who wrote this shit could truly understand what was being said....

Comment by evilfattoad

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 15:13:32

Man evil coffie chick who takes pictures of catz and trees and absolutly use ass crap that nobody gives a rats ass about..

WOW! Where have I heard that before...oh, wait, I said something like it. And you tried to use something I said about myself to insult me. You should've would've looked better for doing it.

meanwhile wineing about fedX the post office…

UPS. UPfuckinS, you fucking illiterate fuck. How many times are you going to show how individually stupid you are....

ha ha, Bitching about what people say to you…

This isn't bitching. This is mocking.

I don't expect you to know the difference.

man.. if people didn’t say what you think is useless then what would you do with yourself?

Useless? What? Where'd this come from? This is stupidity we're dealing with, not uselessness, although they're slightly similar to a lot of people.

Me, I understand that stupidity has its uses. SOMEONE has to mop the floor at McDonalds.

Oh yes, of course you would goto the christain vs athist room to pick fight with stupid people to make yourself feel better about your loser exsitance …

Again with the inability to be right. By the time this happened, AvC was long gone, along with the rest of the user rooms in the fiasco that I thought would cause another flock of stupid people to attack me....

And I don't pick fights, but you go right on believing that. It probably makes you feel shitloads better about your current antagonism, and my lack of response up to this point....

go kill yourself or somthing do evryone a favor..

Oh dear. I'm truly upset. Someone wants me to kill myself. Maybe I should. I mean, if an illiterate tard thinks my life should be over, maybe it should!

Fattie ass ditchpig… …

Yes. Fat. So fat. So incredibly fat. Wowee, that's just the most hurtful insult in the world. It's in no way overused, and so horribly based in reality that it's like being stabbed repeatedly with a hammer. Right into my 'fattie ass'.
Comment by
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-22 15:18:02

Man these people have helped so many kids,

So what? The website still sucks in Opera, and you're still an idiot for trying to make this personal.

Also, I don't believe you.

helping to get street kids off the street.

...and keeping them away from those nasty, nasty schools....

what the hell is with the :

I neither know nor care about what's wrong with your colon.

I can’t see what I am typing after awhile

Oh, back to this again. Bored now....

poor php programing.

Actually, no. But you're the clever webMASTAR of teh Universe, you figure out why you're wrong....

These people got my children back…safe at home after being abused,

I'm sure they're happy to be back where they were abused....

And what do you do?

I don't abuse kids, for one.

Critisize Evryone?

No, but you seem to be interested in that career. You're not qualified.

Man get a job get off welfare and stop spending my money feeding yourself while you make dumb fuckin sites about the most useless shit I have ever read in my whole life!

I'm in America, not Canada, and I'm not on welfare. Were I on welfare, I doubt I'd be spending your money. I might, however, accidentally run into you while you're trying to con another few weeks....

Put your own site in your list.

WOW! ORIGINAL! You didn't JUST say that!


Stick to smaller words. Ones you understand. It's 'hypocrite', and if you can point out which beliefs I'm professing that I do not hold to disguise my true feelings or motives, my guest. You couldn't spell the word, I doubt you actually know what it means, so I'm not expecting much. Maybe next you can misuse 'irony'...or is that just too much for you?
Comment by
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-22 15:19:42

It should be called Fattie-coffie-beotch.cum in my mouth. LOL :)

There are so many things wrong with that statement.
  • That's a lousy URL. Why would I get a URL with dashes in it when I have two without?
  • .cum is not a valid extension, unless you're looking for something that requires a stupid browser plugin. That's more your speed, though. You're all about unusability.
  • Just going by the overall intelligence of the previous posts, I'm guessing 'cum in my mouth' is a reference to a male thing. Gender confusion, and no, even if I had a cock, I would not let you suck it.

Comment by bizzi

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 15:25:28


Ha ha, I laugh at my own jokes. I post replies just to make it look like I'm not. Ha ha.

Comment by tilk
email: meonyourmom@faq.slut

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 16:39:57

Oh yeah, well this is a useless site…

...and back to being predictable again. Yes, you've only used the 'useless' comment about fifty times. But hey, at least you're on a different computer now!

It’s got my vote…

You're voting now?

my power supply is toast and i don’t mean the yummy kind?

If you're going to quote, you might as well copypaste....

What a luggin… not the yummy kind… LMAo

Obviously, advanced technologies such as 'toasters' are beyond you. Do they not have such things in Canada?

I think your brain is toast And I mean the dummy kind!!!!

Wow. A play on words! I bet you spent a whole hour coming up with that. Pity there's no 'dummy' kind of 'toast'. It might've worked then...or not.

Comment by bertrain
email: yourmomsucksdick4busfare@myhouse.haha

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 16:41:59

Yep It’s got my vote ha ha ha

You already voted, or do you like to use those polls that let you vote over and over again, like that hit counter that counts people over and over again even though they're just hitting reload?

anyone got some jam for some yummy toast?

No. I'm not into charity. Get a job and buy your own jam.

Man get off the crack lady

Secondary fallback, when 'fat' doesn't get the response you want, switch to drugs. When will people learn....

and put down the glue bag and stop the huffin.

Mixing crack and glue? And a bag? This sounds like something you have some real personal experience with. I never would've thought of mixing what I thought was an upper with something that starves your brain of oxygen. That might explain things, though....

It does not make you smarter!!

...sound advice from the Poster Child of The Things that Don't Make You Smarter.

Comment by required

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-11-22 16:48:15

Anyone got a brain for this lady or some somthing.

I don't want any brain that you would approve of. It would be a severe trading in a luxury car for a badly used Buick being held together with duct tape....

come on throw this dog a bone…

...from lady/brain to dog/bone. Do the world a favour, stop pretending that your stream of consciousness makes any sense.

I think she needs it!!!

Would this 'it' be the brain or the bone? I need neither. And I doubt you think.
Comment by Gremlin
Using Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows XP
2005-11-24 08:03:17

The site doesn’t look much better in Exploder. Not that any browser would magically fix illiteracy.

I’d go ahead and just hand the IPs over to In any case, I’m adding this laughriot to instantly: ‘You know… this site is a template wow the skills you have impress me so… Ever had your site torn to shreads? Normally we only try our weapon against child porn servers… Thanks for volentering.. we have not had the plesure on testing this with a php site… hummm…Batter up…’

I think it could win for November.

Comment by colorofjanuary
Using Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows XP
2005-11-24 12:28:26

Christ. Are those all written by the same illiterate guy or what? The typing style suggests as much.

Comment by Gremlin
Using Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows XP
2005-11-24 15:11:06

Two illiterate morons: one from and the other from, making up additional trollernames to hide their deplorable numbers.

At least it’s confirmed that they’re clueless now. No real cracker would ever call itself a hacker. They’re scriptkiddies. Not a problem.


Comment by bizzi
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-24 14:34:13

writen by the same person?

Sure looks like it....

Okay if you say so..

I didn't say so. Someone else did, but since you're so into this 'pretending to be more than one person' thing, you probably think that all the other replies that aren't you are actually me. I am not colorofjanuary. I am not Gremlin. I am not Finn. I am not Rowan. You are an idiot.

Just thought I would check back and see how many posts went up after.. you do every day.

But I took your link off our site…makinf fun of you…

You took off a link that was never there? Amazing....

And their was no new posts….

But you couldn't resist. Because you took it personally. And you didn't get the reaction you wanted.

Well I don’t boubt that some of our spelling is fuct

You noticed, did you?

Some of our members use translators etc… so we can communicate..

I've never heard of a translator that created its own typos....

We speak hacker lingo you speak fat bitch.

No you don't. You speak illiterate fucktard.

I just don’t care how I spell if you can’t understand what I am saying Chances are thats okay with me…

Time for the third excuse. I'm surprised you didn't drag up the old 'I'm dyslexic so I can reverse engineer code and that's why I'm such a poor speller' excuse. That's a classic.

As for My girlfriend beside me..

You type one-handed?

I think we are two differant people.

Your own hand refusing you doesn't make it a seperate person.

Check the Ip addy’s of who visted your site.. tell me what you see?

What I saw is what everyone saw when I made my second post. Two IP addresses.

Oh wait… If you wern’t so dumb you would have already done that!!!

Evidence that I'm not so dumb -- I'd already done that, and posted it.

and posted the ip of the same person posting…Hummm…

Did that, too. Further did it with this page -- I put the IPs of the person posting with their name and their browser...except in the cases of the people who weren't being fucking idiots.

but it was only said instead….

How do you know what I 'said' as opposed to what I 'posted'? Are you doing that thing where you think I'm another person, because I thought I already cleared that up....

good by dumb site..

...see you tomorrow.

I wish you all the best with your site……

Yeah. Sure. When were you going to do that 'tearing to shreds' thing,, didn't notice....

Comment by bizzi
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-24 14:36:12

F.B.I? Ha ha evryone has know about us.. for a very very long time…

Funny, I can't find you anywhere on the FBI's website....

I just read that.. not only are you a morron idiot,

A 'morron idiot'?

Y'know, it's really too bad there's no way to...oh, wait, yes, there IS a way to reply directly to certain comments, and quoting them is only a matter of copypasting. Maybe if you were smart, I'd know who you were talking to.

I have to assume it was Gremlin, who is not, in fact, me.

But a “I’m gonna tell on you”

"A 'I'm gonna tell on you." I don't know what this is.

Is it anything like someone who goes screaming to everyone about some one-sided half-story about how they were wronged by some government agency that took away their kids?

bitchstick… angan good luck…

I don't need any luck. You, however, need help. And I'm not going to give it to you.
Comment by Finn
Using Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows 98
2005-11-26 03:17:44

Gremlin & CoffeeChick:

One day, we will know what makes people who boast empty threats and talk a lot of shit, attract to you. And when that day comes, we will turn up the amperage on it and shoot the mote into the deepest part of the network there is. And science will triumph.

Damn. They are a bunch of ‘Tards.


Comment by bizzi
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-26 14:15:53

blah blah blah……. let me tell you feelings are hurt…

You're not smart enough to know if your feelings have been hurt....

And I think I am the only one.. who gave a shit enouph to even come back and read that….lmao …

Convenient, since a whole bunch of people think that you're the only one who came here in the first place....

empty threat… more like… We have better things to do… Like..I dunno scratch our nutz… LMao…

Excuses, excuses. An empty threat is someone saying, oh, 'I'm going to rip your site to shreds', and then not doing it. You should probably stick to that nut-scratching thing. You're probably far better at it than anything you threatened to do earlier.

You give yourselves to much credit..

I don't see anyone but you giving themselves any credit....

Finn… what the hell are you talking about amperage? shoot the mote…

Look it up....

man you must be an american.

All signs point looking more American than he does. Of course, you're the one who thinks stupidity is measured in ones ability to understand more things than you, and spell better....

What the fuck were you trying to say?

What he was trying to say is that stupid people, like you, seem to be drawn to smart people, and that if we could figure out what it was that did that, we might be able to use it to destroy you.

Get off the crack pipe.. dipstick…

...back to the crack insult, then, are you?

HA HA HA HA what the fuck does amperage and a mote and science have to do with one another..?

Yeah, what the hell does an electrical measurement have to do with SCIENCE?

Dumb response from a dumb ass persobn…

"Dumb." Anything that bizzi cannot understand.

You should change this sitt’s name to idiout are us..

Why don't you do that....

god damb fix this text box…

...this is really getting boring, y'know, watching you say the same thing as if it'll actually look like a number of people are complaining about something that isn't there....

Speaking of tards….learn to type english.. proporly… or somthing..

...was that...irony? Oh, the pain...I just...I don't have to say anything. That line speaks for itself.

then you can try to say somthing deep..

Like 'Speaking of tards….learn to type english.. proporly… or somthing..'?

and meaningful..

...see above.

if their is such a thing..

Deep and meaningful would be wasted on someone such as yourself.
Comment by Rowan
Using Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows 2000
2005-11-26 16:16:02

…My. Did someone have an inadvertant and ill-advised orchidectomy when they were two?

Poor sods.

Comment by Warirprncss
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-27 20:58:50

I felt the need to add to this. I wish more morons would flock to my blog to give me something to write about.


Comment by Sun Tzu

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-11-30 07:36:49

Well see this chat junkie is still going at it..

Yup. At the time that this was posted, I was still ignoring it all. Wow. Going at it, I was. Like crazy with the not responding....

and hey what you know they fixed the bar…

...and hey, what do you know, it wasn't broken to begin with. I predicted that the twit would say this, though, when I updated the plugin and added the new options.

I just wanted to come here for a lauph.

You wanted to come here to give people something to laugh at? What?

I had a slow day at work.

Funny, I thought people were more giving around the holidays. Maybe they only give to the homeless people with bells?

Bizzi said I should come check out what their saying.

...wait, the thing that calls me a 'chat junkie' seems to be admitting to 'chatting' with someone at work. Pretending that they're actually two different people....

Well … it was a good lauph…

Yeah. Using business time to browse websites is always funny...especially when it gets you fired.

But Biz you should not have told them old old these kids are.

Yeah. You should've stuck to the story that they were people defending kids, not kids themselves. You really fucked things up there.

I see he was quick to take down what you said about this site picking on steet kids and abused youth.

'He' didn't take anything down. Neither did I, a she. But you go ahead and lie about whatever it is that you've imagined that I took down.

Way to go… Chump… Keep up the good work… making fun of a site… that kids got together to make…

You really need to keep your story straight. Now it's 'by kids', not 'for kids'. Funny, I didn't know there were a whole lot of kids out there who made websites about their kids being taken away....

seemings how their site is about 100 times more complex then your simple “I am a winer” site .

Yeah. Frontpage with dead links and nonworking, insanely complex....

where is the chat? oh wait you don’t have one..

I don't need one. You don't have one either, but that's beside the point, isn't it?

where are all your games..? Oh you don’t have any…

I don't need them, either. This is not a gaming site, and it's not a site meant for spreading illegally-shared games. It's also not a site that enjoys dead gameservers, like yours.

well… keep insulting the website…

Keep pretending that I care....

These kids did an amazing job…

...'amazing' is overused as a hyberbole for 'good', y'know. I'm going to guess that's how you meant it, of course. What it really means is something more along the lines of 'causing astonishment'. And your site certainly did cause astonishment....

And no, that's not a good thing.

so.. we will block your site in our proxy routes… to stop the posts..

Sure you will....

and we will change the proxy ip…

You didn't.

And you can bitch to yourself and anyone board enouph to come to your site.

And if all I did was 'bitch', you might have a point, but I don't, and you don't, and you really wouldn't have anyway....

I am from Japan my little bother who is 9 has a more complex usefull site then this waste of programming time.

You bring shame to your family. And your country. Canadian.

May you have good sunsets.

Do you prefer 'nipponophile' or 'wapanese'? Or just 'lying sack of shit'?

Comment by bizzi

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
2005-12-12 04:22:16

“May you have good sunsets”? already said that. Oh, wait, no, that 'wasn't you'. That was your Japersona....

Sun your a hoot…and you have not changed the proxy,

That's because there isn't one.

But I had a hell of a time overriding your sec feat. Just to read this…

Oh, so he did, but he didn't, but you're lying. Okay. Learn to keep your story straight, dipshit.

HE took down what I said about making fun of street youth and abused youths…

As I said before, no 'he' took down anything. I didn't take anything down either, you gender-confused, lying son of a bitch.

Hummm… What a “Goof”!!!

Yah-huh, I'm a 'goof', because you think I'm male and are making up stories about taking things down.

Can’t say I blame him…

No, you can't. Because there's no 'him', and there's been no removal of anything.

Making fun of abused children is a pretty low thing to do…

I wasn't making fun of abused children. I was making fun of a shitty website. Would you rather I make fun of abused children?

That's what I'm doing now, according to you. But I think I'll just let you make fun of yourself....

actully, That could be ranked as a very idout thing to do….LMAo…

You really have a problem with the word 'idiot'....

Comment by bizzi
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP

2005-12-12 04:24:20

That shirt is the stupidist thing I have ever seen….

Bizzi doesn't read his own posts.

anyone who would by a shirt from this site….

...would be awfully talented, because there are no shirts for sale at Shirts come from Wasted, Inc.

should be added to your stupid archives…….

If anyone ever manages to shop through, I don't think I'll be adding them to my Idiot Archives. I'll be asking them exactly how they managed to buy things that don't exist on a website without a shopping cart....

lMAO man looks like a 4 year old drew that….

We're great people who defend children HA HA A FOUR YEAR OLD DID THAT.

There's something very wrong here....

If you're going to pretend to be the champion of children, maybe you shouldn't use insults that involve the harsh ridicule of children.

and it’s your entry page……HA HA HA HA HA

You're a quick one. Laws, yes, ain't you just....
Comment by Unicron
Using Firefox on Windows XP
on Wednesday, 22 March 2006 at 11:07:36

I was just reading this site….

Somehow, I doubt you were actually reading this site. You never actually get past this one post. I can only assume you're under the impression that this one post is my entire fucking site. You're fucking retarded, you know that?

I am not sure what I think.

I'm not sure you think.
Other then all the people who post on this site needing to get a life! (!!!Our members included!!)
As far as I know, just about everyone -- everyone currently not comment-trolling, anyway -- posting here has a life.
Empty threat? …
Yes. Empty threat. Do you need that defined for you? It's a 'danger' that isn't. An attempt to menace that lacks force or power. It's repeatedly stating that my shit's going to get so fucked up I'm going to have to buy all new shit, but not actually being able to do anything.
I would say more like not worth it. Your one site one small little site.
Yeah. I believe you. After a handfull of threats, not just here but on yahoo...yeah, I'm obviously 'not worth it'. And your 'organisation' is so big and mighty that it can't possibly be bothered to actually move to another fucking library just so you can comment some more. God, you must be looking for razorblades in trashcans now that you can't comment on what you seem to believe to be the only page on my site....

Remember, it's down the lane, not across the street.

As if our organization would allow our weapon to be used.
At all. Ever. On anything. Because it's a fictional weapon. Can't let that little secret get out, huh?
Our site uses proxy and referal surfing.
We've already determined that you don't even know what these words mean. Why don't you look up some new computer related words and hope I don't understand them.
You are right their are two ip’s one running the radio station and the other our website.
No, I wasn't talking about that shitty little radio station thing you keep dragging up. I was talking about the person posting to my site. I see there's a third IP now. I think I know why, too....
Our members information is private.
Keep lying to yourself. Keep pretending you're actually smart enough to have 'privacy' online, and keep pretending you have members.
Anyways even though we are a “stupid website” you seem to like listening our radio station. :)
I don't listen to radio stations, online or offline. I generally keep my computer muted. If I'm listening to anything, it's MP3s on WinAmp. But hey, reality doesn't matter to you, does it?
And of course a beta version of a site malfunctions. THATS WHY IT’S CALLED A BETA.
I don't remember seeing anything about a 'beta version' on that fucking mess I was talking about, but hey, that's just another pesky reality thing, isn't it?

And, really, betas aren't 'supposed' to malfunction. They're expected to have glitches, and be in need of improvement, but they're not supposed to malfunction. A beta version is a version that's completed enough to go to 'beta testing'. Beta testing is sometimes a special group of people who actually know what they're doing, who look for these problems.

Thanks for insulting our organization.
Y'know, initially, I didn't insult your organisation. I insulted your website. You took it personally, because you're a stupid crybaby cunt. You could've just been 'oh, wow, yeah, it does suck in other browsers, I should clean that up,' but no. You had to be all 'OMG YOU INSULTED CHILDREN I HAVE TO SWING MY DICK AROUND LIKE IT MATTERS!' Your right we are not hackers…
I know you're not. You're also not what you think 'hackers' means....
Thats so 90’s.
Oh. You saw a movie and thought 'oh yeah, that's what that means'. I've got some bad news for you....

Here. I'll be all nice and helpful. A 'hacker' is a 'computer programmer'. I see the word 'clever' used in some definitions, so we know that's not you. A 'hacker' isn't necessarily someone who engages in illegal activities -- they just write code. A cracker is someone that intentionally breaks into computer systems, or figures out ways to bypass security or license protection software. We're not playing with the 'popular media definition' here. Movies don't count.

we are … Hacktivists.
Hack activists? I'd buy that....
Just trying to help some kids…
Trolling my comment form isn't going to help kids.
our time and efforts are better spent hunting down child porn servers and sites
Oh, so you're claiming the PeeJ job now, too? How cute. Yeah, why don't you get to that -- or is it too hard to do from a library computer?
then taking out useless sites like this one.
Translation: Please don't call our bluff. We can't do anything.
Everyone has the right to an opinion…. sad isn’t it?
Yeah, it's really sad that you're allowed to speak. Oh, wait, I can take that right away....
Comment by Unicron
Using Firefox on Windows XP
on Wednesday, 22 March 2006 at 11:15:21

I just read one other box,

One other box. Not 'one other page' or anything. It really does think this website is dedicated to it entirely.
If you're thinking 'did I spell that right?' -- you didn't. But I doubt you're thinking at all. You're just being bombastic.
what happens when street youth and kids who are in foster care don’t get educations
Not an excuse. Not at all. You don't get to play the 'less fortunate' card, because, if you were capable, you could've educated yourself. I did.
like you nice people who live at home with mommy and daddy?.
Ah yes, the 'you live at home with your parents' jab. Guess what, I don't. I grew up with my parents, but then I moved out. Your petulant victimness isn't my problem. And why can't you just get over the fact that your website sucked? Huh? It's not about you. You don't fucking matter.
I am sure glad you don’t have kids of your own.
So am I. There's a .001% chance that it could be just like you -- a deformed glob of genetic waste.
And you should keep it that way!
Yeah, I'm sure you're one to be giving reproductive advice. Have you figured out contraception yet? I bet you haven't....
I am a Mom…
I'll pretend I believe you for a second and say 'gee, that's too bad for the human race', and lament the fact that extreme late term abortion isn't actually legal.
so I can’t say what I really think in case my child comes to the site and reads this.
Continuing with the pretending -- oh, so you're a shitty mom who doesn't actually keep track of what their kids do. Someone should call Child Protective Services on you. They're probably off cybering and licking light outlets while you're playing Hactivist Whore.
But I will say Ignorance is the leading cause of stupidity. Somthing you might want to check into.
I don't really have to -- you're demonstrating it for me. Except, I really think it might be the other way around. Or one might have nothing to do with the other. You shouldn't confuse sage with shit.
Comment by Oh My GOD!!!!
'Clever' URL: http://donthaveone...Ihavealife
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
on Tuesday, 28 March 2006 at 13:33:08
Okay well this site is retarded…
Yes, it is. You think this is all there is, and it's full of your text -- so, yes, it's pretty fucking retarded.
i found it tagging on systemvsbizzi search I did in msn
Oops. Bullshit. Search Query Report says, "No, you're full of shit." Unless systemvsbizzi somehow involves searching for 'swyndle', 'evilcoffeechick', 'pittyfuck', or 'kevin stern'.
. The fact someone would take the time to make a website dedicated to their own stupidity is beyond me.
A lot of things are beyond you.
I went to see if you too were fueding….
Nope. It's pretty much just you trying to comment as other people, over and over and over again. Now, Peter Popoff and I, we might be feuding.
He has not said one thing on his site about yours.
I know you haven't -- but you've lied about it here enough times.
So Eather he does not give a flying fuck about this LAME SITE
Oh good, an either or. "Either he's cool, or you suck," right? Go home, bizzi. Stop trying to live here, and stop trying to live in the Announcements forum of All this pretending to be other people doesn't make you look cool, or apathetic, or anything.
or… your just make’in shit up and using his site to get what ever it is you do..
You got me. I made up all these comments. I even made up It's all a big prank. April Fools.
but I seen your site does that alot..
Really? Like where?
you might want to try and get your own content.
Oh, what, so you're saying I stole all this? Where did I get all those pictures from?
Since this “Foster care related site” Made by street youth and foster kids.
Oh, this bullshit again. Y'know, bizzi, you'd be more convincing as other people if you didn't keep falling into your old scripts....
I would think it would have been a little fucked up.
Here come the excuses. Yes, we can't spell right and we can't do websites right because we're a bunch of StreetSpEds!
but when I went their it looks better then yours
There's no accounting for taste in templates.
i could play games listen to the radio watch video’s read about music news foster care related news… and it got chat…
A website doesn't actually need all those things, but we've been over this before. This is a personal site, not some aspiring community. I don't need chat, I don't need games, I don't need music. If anyone visiting this site wants those things, they're just going to have to be smart enough to find them for themselves. I already know you're not that smart, though.
a little fucked up and I hopey fix it…
You won't.
what does this thing have….
A comment form where you don't have to register so you can be pretend to be someone else saying the exact same thing....
you bitching about everything….
Everything? Really? I've been busy....
You can get medication to fix that
Medication to fix my bitching about everything? What are you, a doctor? I hope your malpractice insurance is paid up....
“evilcoffiehotair ballon….
Ooh. Clever.
I would hope that in the future you will take this advice:
You're going to give me advice? Do you really think you're qualified?
From a Youth care worker…
Oh, you're pretending to be their enemy, but their supporter within the enemy. How cute....
You need to go get some help…
I think you're projecting.
and you need to make friends.
No, I really don't. See, in spite of your bullshit e-psychology, I have enough. I may have too many. I really don't like people.
It’s to bad your daddy had a little coochie in your mouth
My daddy had a what in my where? Make sense.
..but like slim shaddy said.. “theirs no reason to start start wiggin and spaze out!”
I don't know what a 'slim shaddy' is, but I think he needs some help....
I personaly don’t like Bizzi or some of the shit he says sometimes…
Oh, trying to come off as the not-so-neutral third party. How cute.
But his site looks better then yours…
You tried saying that before.
Like come on grow up
Like, rilly. As if. Cha. Rilly. OMG.

Huffing hairspray is bad.

and join the real world.
I don't really want to join some crappy MTV show....
Trying to get publicity from attaching yourself to your site in search engines is pretty low..
I didn't try to get publicity by attaching myself to anything in a search engine. That's not really up to me. Also, we know that your 'finding this site by searching for systemvsbizzi' is bullshit. Nobody else has found it that way, either. Why the fuck would I attach myself to such a low-ranking site? If I want publicity -- and if I thought it would help, for some stupid reason -- I'd try latching on to something actually popular, like Microsoft, or Adobe, or Macromedia, or SomethingAwful.
but when it’s a site that has helped to get horrible things out into the public and has helped to bring reform to a system that kills children at times and you do that makes you,
There isn't enough room for you and your delusions of grandeur here. Oh, and by the way, how is claiming responsibility for a giant blackout and making threats from the safety of an obscure website 'helping'?
The lowest of the lows (Acockroach if you will)…
Yeah, and when your opinion matters, I'll make sure you have one worth hearing. Cockroaches are not, in fact, 'low'. Speaking as a person who actually understands a little of the concept of evolution, and how long things have been on this fucking planet, roaches are actually pretty 'not low'. They have places to live when you don't, they're clean when you're not, and they'll likely survive situations that would kill you. They are really quite advanced little creatures.

Just because they haven't figured out how to get online and act like a goddamn retard like you, doesn't mean they're not better than you....

but you do what you do…
And that's the smartest it ever gets....
But truly from a inteligant point of veiw… you need help. -Shannon
As if 'iliterate' wasn't enough, we've got 'a inteligant point of view'.
Comment by Oh My GOD!!!!
'Clever' URL: http://donthaveone...Ihavealife
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
on Tuesday, 28 March 2006 at 13:56:37

and I forgot to metion…

You forgot to what?
Bizzi did 1 year house arrest and 2 years probation and banned from the internet for a year becuase of it.
Because of what? You 'forgot to metion' a lot, didn't you?
I was at the court hearing check Type in jessie mcvicar in any search engine.
I'm sure you were at your own court hearing. You've got a bit to learn about search engines, though -- or do you really think there's only one 'jessie mcvicar' online?
They busted into his apartment 10 cops no warrent broke his ribs and assulted his gril friend…
No 'warrent', but I bet there was a 'warrant'. And gee, it's really too bad they stopped when they did. If they hadn't, maybe they would've eliminated their problem. Since, y'know, it's supposed to be that corrupt....
Their is no claiming.. he was responsible.
Responsible for what? His own stupidity? Getting arrested? Resisting arrest and getting the shit kicked out of him?
He took his sentance like a man…
Is that why he was back online before he was supposed to be?
So until you know what the fuck your talking about …
I never said anything about him getting arrested, so maybe you should take your own advice, shit for brains....
I would really advise you actualy make informed opinions about stuff..
I would really 'advise' you to think before commenting, SpEd.
but I guess thats hard when your a idiot with a site to mach.
What's hard when my a idiot with a site to mach? Mach what? And what's "My a idiot" doing?
It takes all kinds does’nt it?
Really, it only takes one. But you and I both know that....
Comment by Gremlin
Using Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows XP
on Tuesday, 28 March 2006 at 18:06:30

I went ahead and searched for exactly that. Here’s what turned up, somewhat beneath an entry for Jessie McVicar, b. 1881, of course:

According to information posted on the internet by himself, and not otherwise verified, Jesse McVicar, born 1978, was a crown ward in Alberta from age 9. His son born in September 2000 in turn became a crown ward in Ontario in July 2004, without objection from the boy’s mother. The judge faulted Jesse for being confrontational with the agency taking his son; Jesse knew from experience that foster and adoptive parents are less angelic than in their portrayal by the lawyers and judge. He could not pay $1400 for an appeal, but published the facts of his case on the internet. CAS responded with an ad in the Ottawa Sun: “ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of Jessie McVicar please contact Sarah Newell at 596-2912″. On Dec 9, 2004 police, citing the mental health act as authority for warrantless arrest, charged him with criminal harassment and mischief. He was released Dec 20 subject to a condition not to use the internet. Jesse is dyslexic, but skilled with computers. According to Jesse’s friend, he was medicated in foster care, and now is hypersensitive to drugs, to the extent that his speech is impaired by sub-clinical drug doses administered by his physician. This website is in contention for the title of most disorganized site on the internet.

Curiously, Hunter wasn’t the first to notice that bizztard’s site was among the worst on the ‘net, which was about all she ever mentioned here, prior to bizztard’s confessed criminal actions against Which then leads me to wonder what, apart from evident stupidity, illiteracy, slurred speech, total misunderstanding of legal methodology, economic destitution, and the utter inability to write a website, is wrong with this imbecile.

Maybe no one else noticing how much he sucks had a feedback form. I suppose that’s possible.

Incidentally, if bizztard was courtordered to avoid the ‘net for a year, beginning in December 2004, he shouldn’t have been replying here in November 2005. I wonder what this does to his legal standing….

An interesting note -- that comment about the 'most disorganized site' is on this site that he not only supports, but links to. I've seen it pulled in [probably iframed] in a post a few versions ago. Maybe that's why he hasn't had a fit. Or it could be that he never noticed....
Comment by i_____silent_____i
'Clever' URL:
email: fucku@lalaland.slut
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 at 01:20:38

What the fuck?

Starting off with a pretend 'what the fuck'. This should be interesting. And long....
Gemlin your a chump who’s website is popular amongst other retards of your nature.
I get the feeling I'm going to be seeing a lot of this whole 'your/you're' problem....

As for anything else...'retards of your nature' somehow isn't an insult.

I know I have been around since before internet was even a concept…
So you were born in the early 50s?
and funny enouph, I have come across his name.
Yeah, I bet you have. He commented earlier in this post.

Oh, wait, you're pretending you were online before the 'World Wide Web' was a concept. I doubt that.

Nuthing intereting of course.
What's 'intereting', though....
Now here I am reading a website from another “Gremlin” wannabe.
I have been a hack along time.
Yes. I'm sure you've been a hack for a long time.
I know you have all downloaded my booter progs like the little script kiddies you truly are.
Your e-crystal ball is broken.
Now As for my research indymedia (Ottawa) has the whole story.
Your research? Oh, is this more of the shit you forgot to mention, and then forgot to mention what you forgot to mention?
It would appear you need to work on your reaserch and reading skills.
Who knows how things appear to you, though.
This guy tried to arrest the mayor and has done some huge things and from what I have read has sacrificed his freedom and safty to get the public’s attention on some (Candian?) Corporation who’s murdering little children and selling children they un-rightfully stole.
Oh boy, back to this again. Whee, he's so great he's done so much let's just totally drag up personal shit in defense of a crappy website and comment-trolling!

I don't give a fuck.

Took his time cash and skills and helped some kids come up with a website.
Oh, and back to 'the kids made the website', too. Gee, where have I heard that before....
So they could tell the government and the people who their being abused…
If the government is the one doing it, why are they telling the government?
you you
I just thought that deserved to be its own line.
punk mother fuckers got the balls to insult their site and the horrors they went threw?
Um, no. I didn't insult any horrors anyone went through. Learn to read.
I agree with Shannon you are fuckin bottom feeders.
'Shannon' said we were roaches, not 'bottom feeders'. And when did I turn into a 'we'? Wow. I'm good....
The guys probably don’t even know your site exists….
Huh? Make sense.
If you want to get people to your blogs do it the way everyone esle does don’t attach yourself to other peoples sites…
You heard it here first. Linking to another website is 'attaching', and no other blog does it.
You faggots prob put those messages their cuase you know their is a big media bang happening right now on what his site and others are talking about.
Faggots. How, I didn't do anything because of some 'big media' sex party. I don't know what's going on in your stupid fucking part of the world. Neither do you, probably....

Y'know, I know someone in that part of the world. I should ask them if they've ever heard of your group -- I mean, before they went to my website....

Seems you learn’t well from gremlin on how to be a bottom feeder….
So, being a bottom feeder somehow involves being better than you? Okay.
Huntere you look like a pig…
Yeah, I bet I do. Being pinkish and mammalian and having hair....
and i am sure gremlin would be somewhat they same since birds of a feather flock together…
Pigs aren't birds.
You want people to come to your website…
No. Not at all. That's not why I put it online.
then put somthing there that inteligant people would want to read about.
Oh, so that's what I'm doing wrong? I'll just take down everything but your comments, then. That'll keep people away....
Cause your sad ass pathetic lives AIN”T worth writin bout.
And yours is?
Now I am gonna send iz an email tonight…
All by yourself?
if he don’t even know who you are…
He who?
and your just leaches…
I don't remember downloading anything from bizzi, so how can I be a leech?
I am gonna have a hay day with you guys…
A hay day? What's that?
I got some new stuff I been workin on….
Really? Is one of those 'stuffs' a thing where you combine soap and water?
I need a gunnie pig….
A...gunnie pig? What, was 'guinea' too hard for you? Fuck, you're dumb.
(HUNTER)-(Bottom Feeder)
Make up your mind, am I a roach, a bottom feeder, or a leech [or 'leach', whatever that is]?
Gremlin (Pedofile who like little girls…
I remeber coming accross a few yahoo and other site forums where “Gremlin was trying to pick up little girls…
Really? Care to back that up? I mean, you're all about catching the pedos [or has that changed in the space of a comment], so you must know which forums these are....
that was awhile ago… but a pedophile is a pedophile time don’t change that kinda shit…
I bet you'd know a little bit about that, wouldn't you? Or, you could just be lying. That is your thing, after all....
but I guess you look like a little girl so he must be content with that….
I thought I looked like a pig.

And I'm not even gonna bother with what's wrong with your idea of me looking like a 'little girl'. Or the fact that you seem obsessed with the idea of children. That's just sick, picturing five year olds with fully developed breasts....

I will wait for the email from him…
Him who? Gremlin?
see whats up…
I hope it's raining when you do that....
But I am sure we both know what he is gonna say..
Yeah, I bet I know what you're going to say. You're going to sit there and pretend to email someone to get permission to do something to someone else because you don't know someone that's somehow stealing your bandwidth. You're a moron.
and go ahead rat me off…
That sounds dirty.
I have access to thousands of Ip’S
...being on a dialup....
Biz may not be the Crem dela crem of hackers…
Or even literate people....
And a big mouth…
I bet that makes you lots of money....
But I am not…
You're not you?
if to mother fuckin chumps think I am kiddin put your ip’s in the box below this one for when i come read it tommorw
Yes. Please, give me your IP because I have no way of finding it myself. I'm so full of shit, please help me. Please, please, please.

Okay. Here:

Wait, you can't read this. Nevermind.

I am sure you have been on his site.
But, unlike him, I know what a proxy is, and where to find one....
So if you don’t give me your Ip’s I get it from him…
Yeah, you'll go get it from you if I won't give it to you. Ooo. Scawy.
Now go kill yourselves or somthin…
Yeah. This has hurt me so much. The fact that I've made myself so important to one fucking loser -- so important that he actually has to find new IPs just to get to my site to comment is just SO fucking PAINFUL...I really should just go kill myself. Wow. Yeah. Really.
Fuckin bottom feeders….
You're repeating yourself again.
I am gonna go post what I just copy and pasted on our forum…
Ooh. Your forum. How...impawtant....
Won’t belong before you become our new victims…
Back to this again, then....
I already have your site addresses I am just wondering if I have enouph computer on remote control to Ass rape your systems with ddos…
That 'ph' habit you have just gives you away....
I guess you’ll find out…
I won't be holding my breath or anything.
And shannon how old are you girl and do ya got a pick?
I'm sure she's just the right age for you. 3-7. Since you made her up.
Did I say it right for you?
Who cares, so long as you got off. Now, you better clean up, or they'll kick you out of the library again....
And Yeah I know biz….
Sure you do....
he was a ICQ HACK untill he disaperd of the face of the internet for like 3 years…
Again with the 'hack'. It makes fun of itself....
.Well at least i think it’s the sam bizzi…
Just like you think it's the same Gremlin but probably not the same Gremlin as the other Gremlin you weren't impressed with but this one's a wannabe? Do you ever make sense?
Hey Shannon send me a email and i will give it to biz as well…
Send you an email? How?
thanks.. for aying somthing…
Yeah, thanks for being so full of shit.
these two are fuck-tarts and their about to get put in their place… I promise. i___________silent________ _i
Is that anything like 'last post I promise'? Or any of the other shit that was posted? I'm sure it is....
P.S Biz is right you should clean your house living in your own filth is disgusting…
This isn't pot and kettle. This is pot and mirror, pretending it's talking to someone else. You're a fucking homeless fuckhead, and you're telling me to clean up, looking at...what? Some pictures of some boxes, and stuff that you don't own? No, it's not garbage. Maybe you'll learn the difference someday.
and stop collectin welfare ya leaches…
I don't collect welfare. Learn how to spell 'leech'.
Gremlin = Goofy child molester
Goofy. Another bizzgivaway....

Comment by None you need to know of
'Clever' URL: http://nottodaynoleaching
email: somewhereoutthere@home.ha
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 at 02:46:54

So this was what all the excitment was about?

Yes. This is what you were getting all excited over.
Cool. We get a target now?
You can pretend you have a target, yes. And then you can pretend that sitting there and typing in Notepad actually makes you threatening.
LOL @ I SILENT But i think you coverd it all…
Not that you ever actually read it, either before or after posting it. It just looks like a lot of text, so that must mean 'everything's covered', huh?
It’s in our forum…all the info… and i silent say Biz sent a email out….
Is that what he said?
...and more 'LOL'. In all caps.
by reading what I have so far …I don’t think a email will help with people who suffer from this bad of brain damage….
I really don't think an email is going to help you, either....

Comment by Anonymous
'Clever' URL: http://youhadtohavebeendropedonyourhead....
email: cyberland@yourabulldyke.ho
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 at 03:00:30

Well I see…. That inteligance has no place in this site…..

I'm not even sure what 'inteligance' is....
Who the fuck are these piss ants?
I don't know, who are you? I mean, really. Besides someone that I seem to have such great power over....
Well….. This domain won’t stay up for long…
Should I start another countup? I mean, it's been 20 weeks since the last time someone made this threat, and nothing's happened.
this will be fun…
If by 'fun' you mean 'boring'....
we are gettin all the boys in on the action,
Sure you are. Sure. You're really gonna hit us hard, aincha? Gonna drive that Announcements post right up over 3000 before the weekend is out, and everything....
Tho I think it might be a bit of an OOOOVVVVVEERRRR KILLL
I think all this talk is a bit of overkill, too. Of course, so is making fun of you in any way, because you're so goddamn stupid you really don't know what's going on....
but thats okay … thstas whats gonna make this so funny…
Yeah. It's gonna be just fucking hilarious when nothing happens.
I love stupid people….
That's good. It's better than hating yourself.
how’s that dunce hat fit.
Why don't you try it on and find out?

Comment by BrookinHammer

Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
|Edit This
on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 at 03:15:52

……… This will be easy you boys won’t need me………..(LMFAO)

But you will, see, there's only the one of you, after all. And you're gonna need all the you you can get, because who else is going to enjoy your failure but you, and who else is going to laugh at all your unfunny unjokes?

Comment by Devilatom
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 at 03:33:59

So you insulted our whole faction did you?

No, not really. But hey, who gives a shit about the truth.
You and your little pedophile boyfriend?
I haven't got one of those. I checked. Not even in the crawlspace.
Yeah I_silent told me about him.
So you lie to yourself a lot?
And your his Girlfriend…
My his what now? I'm not your girlfriend. Ew.
let me guess you like 12 right? lol.
Close. Switch the numbers around and add four. Or is that too much for you? I know it's too old for you, but that's more comforting than anything. It means I don't have to worry about your stinky, homeless ass showing up in my neighbourhood and trying to kidnap and rape me....

Well just wanted to get the address into my book…

Yeah, since you've only been here a few hundred times today....
looked for ever could not find an evil coffie chick but i found it.!!!!!!
You're not very good at this lying thing....
and you ass is going to be ours…
Sure. I believe you.
and go ahead and report us…
you probably end up kickin iin some old folks place thinkin we live in Canada…
You don't? Then what's your issue with being homeless kids in Canada?

And I don't really do all that law enforcement crap. I leave that up to the cops. And I really don't care for them anyway. If they get involved, it's not really my fault.

lmao spoof spoof spoof anyways..
Yeah. Ha ha. You really have no fucking clue, do you?
I bet this is the most excitment you all seen in a while HU?
No, not even a little bit.
You must be excited sitting there like “Yeah people are finaly coming to my site yeah!
Yeah. That's why I banned your ass. Because I'm thrilled that I've got a troll.
I a little bit less of a loser now…..
No, you're still the same loser.
And you sk for donations for your site?
Wow. Noticed that, didja? Gonna see if you can do it now?
what the hell for?
Because I can.
Oh, yes of course welfare sucks in the us of a.
Wouldn't know about that. I suppose it does, but that's not why I ask for donations. In fact, I think even the five bucks I got last month would count as me making too much to qualify for welfare....
Just like all of america?
Canada is part of North America, stoopid. So, yes, all of America sucks.
here would be more to talk but I don’t think you will speak germn and hungarian or russian very well.
Pretending that these countries are going to invade and take over, or something? Oh, you're pretending you speak those languages? Whatever. Anyone online can do that. Thank you, Babelfish.
Thats okay Bizzi speaks like 5 languages….
Lemme guess -- Canidiot, Camoron, French, CaSpEd and Idil33t.
Some how. But we like him… and you just pissed of a whole faction of Gamers/Hackers….
Wow. I care. I so care that I pissed off some fucking Gaymer idiot. Wow. I'm so scared. You gonna wallhack at me, or something?
your not the sharpest tool in the shed now are you?
No. I'm not a tool, and I don't live in the shed. I wouldn't want to be the sharpest tool, either. That would mean my head was pointy or deformed or something.
… is that the right expression… or great mouth peice…?
You misused mouthpiece before, bizztard.

Comment by SavgaePingofdeath
'Clever' URL: http://yourmomshoeperiod.
email: whatever@nothing.sure
Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP
on Wednesday, 29 March 2006 at 06:52:13

Well well well, lookie what we got here,

New name, same idiot!
Not a problem hu? script kiddies?
Well, whaddya say, fellow script kiddies? Anyone there? Didn't think so....
Well that hurts coming from so fag who used a script to make a site.
Yeah. And if that were the truth, it might actually matter. Not a fag, didn't use a script. You're an idiot.
About nuthing but snifeling blabber.
...the fuck does that mean?
So you think we are script kiddies…
No, I think you are a fucking idiot. Not even a script kiddie. Other script kiddies laugh at you and steal your lunch money.
Okay thats cool.
How nice of you to give me permission.
Hope you got cash to replace shit.
Not that I'll have to....
Since we are just script kiddies you won’t mind if experiment on your computers and your sites right?
If you were capable, I'd mind. But you're not, so go ahead and fuck up your own shit and pretend that you're actually doing damage....
Cool…. you guy are the shit….
Pretending that I'm a 'we' just like you're a 'we'? See what lying gets you? Confused.
and since both your sites are on the same ip addy …
You're using the wrong IP, if you're using the one that was mentioned earlier....
this should be easy as taking candy from a bitch and her pedofile boyfriend….
And you'd know about that, because you take candy from yourself all the time....
Yeah we all know who you are… gremlin,
Or not. But hey, you'll make it up if you don't....
I would have thought you would have changed your name at least….
Why? Just because you're attributing your past crimes to him?
anyways … You have yourselves a good day…
Better go -- you're missing Jello day at the shelter.
Wait till we party..
Ooh. Gonna LAN party at me? Lemme guess, it'll involve you playing a little flash based Mortal Kombat with an image of my website pasted over one of the characters?
this weekend…
And here we's the weekend. Oh, you probably meant 'this weekend' as in 'some other weekend', right?
I say that 20 of us… can take out just about everything….
Or not.
and when we are done you can feel free to contact us and tell us how you think we are script kiddies…
I think you're laughed at by script kiddies, loser.
I have these scripts, old out dated and full of holes….
Yeah, I bet you do. What scripts?
php is bad like that sometimes but your a hacker I am sure you knew about the scripts your using thats why you using them right..?
Oh, you're talking about Wordpress? Yeah, I suppose 23 days old is outdated....

No, wait, nevermind. You're just stupid.

Oh good. The laughing cow.