smokey0384 : <arrives> Male
indondasani : eech.
indondasani : prefers playing single player or on LAN, himself.
smokey0384 : is the boy man in here
smokey0384 : bot
origin_destiny : God has done so much for me
joshua_678 : what race did you play in D2?
rev_empty_mbs : yeah, that would be a neccesary thing
origin_destiny : He has blessed me
joshua_678 : i was the necro
atheist_guy_n_va : <arrives> Male from In a VAN down by the River!!
indondasani : ...partly because my connection is fond of fucking with me on the
internet, partly simply because of the people populating it.
perfectblue2005 : What race did I play?
LOG DATA Sun, 6 Jul 2003 23:24:50 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
joshua_678 : yeah
joshua_678 : in D2
indondasani : ...class.
indondasani : they're all human.
joshua_678 : yeah class
perfectblue2005 : Ohhh, I started with a Pally, then made Barb and finally
worked up a nice Sorc.
implication_monger : <arrives> Male alias Billy
indondasani : is an eternal necro fan.
joshua_678 : i was the necromanser
indondasani : even played a necro back when you couldn't walk through skeletons.
perfectblue2005 : Omg gol, shhhhh don't talk about that game...
LOG DATA Sun, 6 Jul 2003 23:25:50 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
indondasani : ...boy, was that a bitch.
fourier23 : <arrives>
perfectblue2005 : I want it but don't have a CC.
joshua_678 : that takes a new new computer the star wars
fourier23 : <leaves the room>
orestes.rm : <arrives> Male 25 from San Angelo, Texas
rev_empty_mbs : I would faint.
yadt_afc : <arrives> Male 23 from Hickham AFB, Hawaii alias YADT
smokey0384 : <leaves the room>