smokey0384 : <arrives> Male
hendrix190 : <arrives> Male from Baton rouge, LA
ndn_rayne : actually, its Rain but I spell it the other way, why not
hotvegasman : through a crack or hole in the ground
ndn_rayne : not like anyone in here has a flawless fucking name
gremlin_net : Hunter: ndn_rayne had an albumn, but the white man stole it. Now Eminem has it.
nyettiprincess : rain iswater
smokey0384 : its a small article
hunter_the_crazychick : Gremlin: riiight.
caustic_feces : lol gremlin
ndn_rayne : rain is a sign of rebirth
ndn_rayne : yeah eminem has it
gremlin_net : ndn_rayne: mine's pretty flawless. No typos in it....
hunter_the_crazychick : Which is why he's in here hitting on 'dem whaahht hoes', because he can't get no play....
smokey0384 : hunter, read the article, I want to discuss it with someone
hendrix190 : <leaves the room>
ndn_rayne : eminem is really machauly culkin in disguise
nyettiprincess : so is breaking water
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:36:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <arrives> Male 26 from Omaha, NE alias Pazziato
caustic_feces : rain is what happens when there's a lot of water in the sky.
jfirebird1 : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< is a naked american:)):))
caustic_feces : it's not a SIGN of anything
ndn_rayne : he also played denis the mennace aswell
hunter_the_crazychick : is also a naked American.
hotvegasman : jfire lmfao
hunter_the_crazychick : is fuckin' proud.
nyettiprincess : played?
agn0stic_and_atheist : is a naked Englishman.
ndn_rayne : Why do you think it gathers feces?
deleterious_feline : Did I miss a fucktard?
deleterious_feline : Damnit.
agn0stic_and_atheist : (yeah, it's not pretty).
hunter_the_crazychick : agn0stic_and_atheist: goddamnit, put your clothes on....
smokey0384 : hey, naked american, you have half a brain, are you going to at least see the article
ndn_rayne : spritual reasons, not ones you'd follow cuz you are what you are
imziggy20 : <leaves the room>
deleterious_feline : O.O I'm naked too.
smokey0384 : urgh
smokey0384 :
agn0stic_and_atheist : :-)
gremlin_net : I'm nearly naked. Except that I'm wearing clothes.
johntheantibaptist : <<<< can't get naked at the moment, my daughter is here.
ndn_rayne : and I am what I am and believe diffirently then you
hotvegasman : is a naked jew cause i dont have the christian guilt
ndn_rayne : but thats ok
smokey0384 : ag,
nyettiprincess : when theres a lot of water in the sky its a ssign its going to rain.
jfirebird1 : and loves to go into a crack to get to the underworld:)):))
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:37:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : read that, i want to discuss with someone with half a brain
bobwar69 : is usually naked but actually has clothes on today
nyettiprincess : rain HARD
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: too bad; nobody in here has half a brain; we've all got complete brains.
hotvegasman : rayne how do you find your spirit guild
wreck_theplace_fantastic : pazz can't be naked at work
johntheantibaptist : jfire, thats underwear not underworld.
wreck_theplace_fantastic : (at least at thisjob)
agn0stic_and_atheist : would like to see kitty naked, one day...
deleterious_feline : nyettiprincess- If you can see the water, and it's not in the form of clouds, chances are it's a good sign it's ALREADY raining.
smokey0384 : hunter, pffft, forget it then
jfirebird1 : oh right
spherical_bastards : ok
jfirebird1 : :))
spherical_bastards : i thought you said the opposite
smokey0384 : anyone want to debate me on an article
smokey0384 :
hunter_the_crazychick : Aw, smokey0384 finally found the Multiverse theory....
gremlin_net : agn0stic_and_atheist: you might have to wait until she turns eighteen.
hunter_the_crazychick : laughs.
nyettiprincess : not on m,e
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:38:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
deleterious_feline : Either that or someone left the hose on.
smokey0384 : huh
ndn_rayne : advocate, "Guild?...why are you talking like a damn dungeons n dragons game"....I told you...Visions are the key and a Quest is then had to unleash the inner warrior
jfirebird1 : wants to get into sphers underwear:))
deleterious_feline : agn0stic_and_atheist :P
smokey0384 : multiverse, what
h4xthef4x : <arrives> Male
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : cows never wear clothes
agn0stic_and_atheist : gremlin_net - if I flew her over to England however.....
nyettiprincess : cant see past the galoshes
deleterious_feline : gremlin_net- Assuming my current SO and I stay together, he's going to have to wait quite some time.
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: what, you didn't read the article you want to debate?
hunter_the_crazychick : Fucking moron.
ndn_rayne : its instilled at birth the sprirtuality...but it needs to be found...through a vision quest..or sundance, pending on tribe
hotvegasman : explian to me what a quest is
wreck_theplace_fantastic : Cows always have leather on.
wreck_theplace_fantastic : (worst joke EVER)
jfirebird1 : hal thats because they have a rawhide:)):))
h4xthef4x : <leaves the room>
agn0stic_and_atheist : kitty - do you like travelling first class?
hotvegasman : yes
smokey0384 : what article hunter
gremlin_net : Oh the irony: ndn_rayne is castigating someone for 'talking like a damn [sic] dungeons [sic] n [sic] dragons [sic] game'....
deleterious_feline : agn0stic_and_atheist- I would <love> to come to England. I want to go to school there, in fact.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:39:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : by entering the underworld
agn0stic_and_atheist : giggles
nyettiprincess : the sundance kid
deleterious_feline : agn0stic_and_atheist- I don't know, it's all I've ever done, and I've only travelled a few times.
deleterious_feline : By plane, anyway
hunter_the_crazychick : (lines 1 to 4)
smokey0384 : ag,
nyettiprincess : when theres a lot of water in the sky its a ssign its going to rain.
jfirebird1 : and loves to go into a crack to get to the underworldYY
smokey0384 : read that, i want to discuss with someone with half a brain
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : leather, and rubber
hunter_the_crazychick : That article.
ndn_rayne : a quest could walk from your village, or a certain mountain, and like making it alone, with nothing but the bare neccisities.
agn0stic_and_atheist : kitty, the car will pick you up in the morning...
hunter_the_crazychick : ShorttermMemoryMan....
deleterious_feline : giggles
smokey0384 : thats not an article hunter
smokey0384 : its called a link
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : a dicitionary is a necessity
wreck_theplace_fantastic : rayne: what about a trip to the shitter without a newspaper?
caustic_feces : Thank God the white man left Rayne's ancestors alive so he can run around the woods barefoot playing Cowboys & Indians and praying to invisible sky fairies
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : helps you spell words
nyettiprincess : hunter-illumination
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: actually, it's an article. And it's called a URL.
hotvegasman : pazz lmfao
athame_98 : <leaves the room>
gremlin_net : D&D is silly; we should all be indians and roll a 3d8 to make it rain, instead....
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:40:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : no, its not
dreamertinkerbell : <arrives> Female 24 from Never never land alias Tink
m00_m00_cow : Words like dicitionary :P
wreck_theplace_fantastic : or a floater left in the executive washroom with pride?
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : yes, words like those, lol
ndn_rayne : not invisibible feces
ndn_rayne : its the rain and so on, like i already told you...
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : exCUSE me typos, lol
johntheantibaptist : <<<<< agrees with somerset, first we must make it so that the kids who want to learn can and then deal with the other issuse of the disruptive ones. I think we can instill programs which will allow even them to learn, some may benifit from a boot camp type school, some from an online type school.
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: alright. So anything pointing to another website isn't called a URL. A URL is a fucking car made in Japan, isn't it? You know all, you vapid little cunt, doncha?
ndn_rayne : you dont understand what I'm talkin' bout
caustic_feces : Rayne, no matter how much you dance around that fire, you can't make it rain, sweetie.
m00_m00_cow : Why does Rayne keep talking about feces? I don't think I'm following the conversation well.
smokey0384 : hunter, at least justify what you are saying!
nyettiprincess : what url?
wreck_theplace_fantastic : Rayne: complete bullshit is hard to understand.
expressoman2001 : <arrives> Male
wreck_theplace_fantastic : give us some time
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:41:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : im learning to be a shazman
trend_set56 : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : spell check reason
nyettiprincess : smokey0384- its a recap
smokey0384 : rambling meaningless words, please don't force me to make the effort to prove you WRONG, yet again
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: I don't have to. I'm not the one claiming a http://www.whatever.extension isn't a fucking URL.
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you've never proven me wrong.
hotvegasman : reason spell check shazman
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: and, oddly, I have the transcripts to back that up....
wreck_theplace_fantastic : he's been watching too many skittles commercials
the_chaotic_kitty : <arrives>
rowan_sage : <arrives> Female 25 from Maine alias Rowan
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:42:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : well, kids, got to get back to work
smokey0384 : I am not claiming www.whatever.extension isn't a url, and a FUCKING one as you put it, no need to lie to not be proved wrong
rowan_sage : MM room
jfirebird1 : see u hal
expressoman2001 : Well you should have been in school in the fifties :))
justme9369 : <arrives> Female 33 alias Just-Wendy
spherical_bastards : jfire... hey hon
agn0stic_and_atheist : slaps elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo ass as she leaves.
dreamertinkerbell : <leaves the room>
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : color me going, going, and agreeing with somer, we old timers are more disciplined, ,ol
dreamertinkerbell : <arrives> Female 24 from Never never land alias Tink
nyettiprincess : your transcripts are pesitively efficient hunter
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : gone
justme9369 : jfire:X
jfirebird1 : hey spher:x
smokey0384 : hunter, please don't resort to lies, i have never ever mentioned www.whatever.extension untill u mentioned it
justme9369 : somer:X
nyettiprincess : positively
spherical_bastards : well i am irish , so we believe in ass kickin
ndn_rayne : I wanna know if mr nevada. goes to sweats..
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : wendy
jfirebird1 : wendy:x
wreck_theplace_fantastic : I think thats a midget porn site
justme9369 : spherical:X
justme9369 : hot
rowan_sage : Irish men are hot
hotvegasman : yep
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:43:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
rowan_sage : -part isish
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: I didn't say you mentioned that; it was an example of an obviously fake URL.
agn0stic_and_atheist : all Irish men?
rowan_sage : Irish, hell
hotvegasman : circle too
smokey0384 : anyways. i pretty much destroyed hunters argument quite easily
justme9369 : hey john
justme9369 : hey express
gremlin_net : smokey0384: really? When?
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: try not to make shit up in order to seem justified in your misplaced indignation.
rowan_sage : most, its the accent
johntheantibaptist : expresso, or had my dad as a father, if we were in the wrong you can bet he took care of it, but if the school was in the wrong he would also take care of it.
johntheantibaptist : hey wendy
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : <arrives> Female 27
agn0stic_and_atheist : ahh..
justme9369 : matt--hey you
nyettiprincess : smokey didnt destroy anything
deleterious_feline : Oh, hunter. My mother has decided that when we finally get broadband, she's going to buy me my own domain. But now I can't decide what I want it to be. is taken *shakes fist*.... I'm thinking along the lines of my favourite but lost forever id...
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: except for the fact that you haven't....
gremlin_net : Is smokey0384 the same moron who was getting spanked by everyone a day or two ago?
smokey0384 : I am not making up anything, all i have said is true
spherical_bastards : ell so did i
jfirebird1 : wants to bends spher ass over hie knee:)):))and spank it
spherical_bastards : well*
deleterious_feline : Yes, gremlin.
gremlin_net : Thought so.
hunter_the_crazychick : Kitty: that's a hell of a thing to spell....
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:44:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
deleterious_feline : YahELite iggied him...
deleterious_feline : Yes, hunter, it is
hotvegasman : rayne i can use breath too
smokey0384 : hunter, you are contredicint your'e self now
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: except for the lies....
jfirebird1 : his
nyettiprincess : smokey wants to be an avenging angel
smokey0384 : contredict*
deleterious_feline : But, I can't come up with anything better.
deleterious_feline : contradict*
agn0stic_and_atheist : there's the Southern Irish accent, which is soft and melodic, then there's the Northern Ireland accent which is like walking on nails in your bare feet, lol
johntheantibaptist : SB, i was 4 the first time my dad broke my nose.
spherical_bastards : yes i know somer .
justme9369 : somer--spank me:P
hotvegasman : method
ndn_rayne : What are you about Advocate?
rowan_sage : what the topic in here?
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: let me know when you have a valid point based in reality....
rowan_sage : 's
dreamertinkerbell : i agree
jfirebird1 : so vegas u do the breath of fire
justme9369 : got many spankings
smokey0384 : no, its not except for the lies, as the lies made you contredict yourself to not lose the argument
gremlin_net : smokey0384: if you ever find someone with half a brain, see if they'll sell it to you.
hotvegasman : breathing to place oneself in trance
dreamertinkerbell : i think kids need a busting
hotvegasman : 1 2 3 4
the_chainsawpsycho : <arrives> Male
hotvegasman : 1 2 3 4
johntheantibaptist : wendy, but you liked it didn't you? ;)
rowan_sage : ok the southern...have you seen the movie Boondock Saints?
deleterious_feline : Chain :X
hunter_the_crazychick : scrolls up; sees no lies nor contradictions.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:45:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : hunter, denial can be a horrible thing
ndn_rayne : sort of like a vision
the_chainsawpsycho : Kitty :X
spherical_bastards : yeah my dad tore me up for possible future events
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: except, oddly, I'm not in denial.
hotvegasman : yes
justme9369 : john--only sometimes;)
gremlin_net : smokey0384: admitted that you have a problem is the first step toward recovery.
agn0stic_and_atheist : rowan_sage - don't know that one.
jfirebird1 : <leaves the room>
jfirebird1 : <arrives> Male 546 from Memphis, TN
gremlin_net : admitting*
justme9369 : spherical:(
smokey0384 : hunter, i even pointed out your lie, common sense would blatanly make the contrediction stand out
justme9369 : jfire:X
bobwar69 : got spanked, whipped with the belt,hit with a switch,punched,backhanded,etc etc etc
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: really? Where did you point out the lie?
the_chainsawpsycho : I remember the belt. hehehehehehe
nyettiprincess : a recap is unrefutable evidence of the chat
smokey0384 : Hunter: smokey0384: except, oddly, I'm not in denial. <-- first sign of denial
jfirebird1 : got his wore out
hotvegasman : np wendy
ndn_rayne : who didnt get spanked and hit with belts and all that
hunter_the_crazychick : Repost the pertinent portions of the conversations....
agn0stic_and_atheist : but I love 'Father Ted' - do you get that in the US?
gremlin_net : smokey0384: how many times are you planning to misspell 'contradiction', HalfBrain?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:46:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you're not quite good even at pseudopsychology, are you?
wreck_theplace_fantastic : Father Ted was the Best Show Ever
ethereal_dumpster : <arrives>
rowan_sage : awesome movie...bout 2 Irish guys who decide to kill the evildoer in the name of God. Almost makes me want to be a Christian
the_chainsawpsycho : Wendy was a bad girl. :X
mmmmmyid : <arrives> Male 31 from TX alias myid
gremlin_net : smokey0384: so you concede that you're in denial? Or do you deny it?
wreck_theplace_fantastic : I think they have it on BBC America
johntheantibaptist : i don't believe in spanking a child over the age of 3, once they are that old or older there are other ways of dealing with behavior problems.
ndn_rayne : what happened to my favorite girl feces
rowan_sage : my mom broke a wooden spatula over my ass
the_chaotic_kitty : well.. i have a friend that whever her parents try to discipline her, she says "ill get you for child abuse" and i think to myself "shut the hell up.. you sat there and called your mother a fucking bitch"
agn0stic_and_atheist : "BBC America" - how strange sounding.
justme9369 : chain:X yp;)
smokey0384 : no, i am proving a point, what we were talkin about is as meaningless as what you talk about with other people in here
summers519 : <arrives> Male 19 from kentucky alias joe
wreck_theplace_fantastic : Its a cable network:-P
smokey0384 : social retards are funny
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:47:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_chainsawpsycho : Somerset: Makes sense to me.
expressoman2001 : okay bye
smokey0384 : :))
goddess_goldberry : <leaves the room>
spherical_bastards : somer so did mine
mmmmmyid : <leaves the room>
mmmmmyid : <arrives> Male 31 from TX alias myid
johntheantibaptist : somer, my moms favorite weapon was her shoe.
nyettiprincess : no smokey-strangely this ALL has meaning
justme9369 : mmmyid:X
expressoman2001 : <leaves the room>
agn0stic_and_atheist : ahh, I see.
mmmmmyid : THERE
mmmmmyid : wendy!!
hotvegasman : my mom liked what ever was in her reach to throw
the_chaotic_kitty : lol.. a slipper for me
rowan_sage : <leaves the room>
mmmmmyid : what the crap is wrong with this room recently?
spherical_bastards : yeah then your in a system where they don't even bother to look at you after they get you .
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : thank god that whiner left
mmmmmyid : i come in and cant see anyone
hotvegasman : shoes dishes belt
hunter_the_crazychick : Gremlin: smokey0384 wanted to debate with someone with half a brain. Then I laughed at him, because he's only just now discovered the multiverse thing; and then he asked me what I was talking about. "What article?" "THis one:", "That's not an article!" "Yes, it is" "No! That's a link!" Then he had the audiacity to tell me it wasn't a URL.
smokey0384 : ag, there is a bbc america, do the dumbfuckers understand what bbc is abbreviated for
agn0stic_and_atheist : well, if you like the Irish 'Father Ted', look out for the English 'League of Gentlemen', that is it's equal.
truthisfalse : <arrives> Male
the_chainsawpsycho : Is there anyone in here that was a good kid? I certainly wasn't. hehehehehehe
lupusdei2000 : <arrives> Male 29
nyettiprincess : B-)
gremlin_net : People like smokey0384 are actually useful in theological debates. They prove that, if deities exist, those deities tend to make mistakes.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:48:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
ndn_rayne : well, being as my girl feces wont talk I'm going to leave
dreamertinkerbell : <leaves the room>
kalista_theraven : <arrives> Female
ndn_rayne : So long snowmen
johntheantibaptist : vegas, my mom had great accuracy with here shoes , anything else she might miss, but not with them shoes.
truthisfalse : chain...i was a perfect child
hotvegasman : yep
m00_m00_cow : Snowmen?
truthisfalse : a saint
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: no, they're not; you, as a social retard, are decidedly not funny; you're bathetic.
justme9369 : jjj:X
the_chaotic_kitty : i was shoved out the door all the time.. so i never get hit.. if that counts as being a good kid
justme9369 : lyth:X
the_chainsawpsycho : jjj: Perfect in what way?
deleterious_feline : Chain- I was/am. :|
truthisfalse : Wendy :X
ornamentalmind : <arrives> Male
truthisfalse : chain...good point...uh...
justme9369 : ornamental:X
summers519 : <leaves the room>
ndn_rayne : <leaves the room>
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : i think wendy just got back from some public place
smokey0384 : three of my friends are in tears laughing with me
justme9369 : why?
the_chainsawpsycho : Kitty: I was just kind of wondering. I think it's a good thing.
kalista_theraven : Wendy:X
deleterious_feline : I have an incredibly obnoxious habit of doing <exactly> what I'm told.
truthisfalse : is chaotic the kitty who used to be the other kitty?
deleterious_feline : I don't.
caustic_feces : Shit, my redcock left
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:49:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you have friends? That's funny....
hotvegasman : you got an orleans slang going there
truthisfalse : you doing?
expressoman2001 : <arrives> Male
hotvegasman : truth
gremlin_net : smokey0384: they might be in tears because you accused them of being your friends.
truthisfalse : lyth :X how you feeling?
johntheantibaptist : vegas and my mom always wore those old loafer type nurse shoes with the 2 in think soles they sailed for a good distance.
deleterious_feline : truth- this is the_kitty_is_not_so_witty kitty
caustic_feces : <leaves the room>
justme9369 : jjj, I am surviiving.
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: or do you only have three friends? Can anyone else see them, or are they your 'special friends'.
the_chaotic_kitty : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : you been?
hotvegasman : john lol
kalista_theraven : jjj-Fair. You?
smokey0384 : go ahead hunter u said ,..., so finish off what you were going to say, or did u go brain dead and forget
johntheantibaptist : jfire, how about a willow branch
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <arrives> Male 26 from Omaha, NE alias Pazziato
deleterious_feline : Bleh. :|
agn0stic_and_atheist : erm...
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <leaves the room>
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <arrives> Male 26 from Omaha, NE alias Pazziato
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <leaves the room>
johntheantibaptist : or a peach linb
truthisfalse : lyth...weirder...and loving it...only "fair"? :-(
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <arrives> Male 26 from Omaha, NE alias Pazziato
ornamentalmind : <leaves the room>
deleterious_feline : I got a 98% on my driving class test, now I just have to get 28 more hours of driving in.
gremlin_net : Hunter: the three 'friends' are probably Yhvh, Y'shua, and the Spook.
smokey0384 : hunter, why do you have low self-esteem
justme9369 : waves a willow branch at hot
smokey0384 : ??
ornamentalmind : <arrives> Male
smokey0384 :
truthisfalse : feline..."bleh"?
wreck_theplace_fantastic : Wow I hate yahoo
kalista_theraven : Only, yes.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:50:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_chainsawpsycho : The shoe? hehehehehehe
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you don't understand what an ellipsis is and how it's used?
ornamentalmind : yuch
milo_de_dickiedoo : mimosa limb.......
justme9369 : agno:O when did you sneak in
justme9369 : ?
nyettiprincess : BBC -bloody broadcasting commission
hunter_the_crazychick : Damn; public education is getting *bad*....
truthisfalse : is the sinus infection?
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehe
hotvegasman : wendy thanks for the memories
truthisfalse : hunter..."is"?
kalista_theraven : Better.
deleterious_feline : Hunter- what is it?
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: I have low self esteem? Really?
agn0stic_and_atheist : justme9369 - I've been here all along, waiting for you to give me a kiss.
spherical_bastards : yep mine did too
hotvegasman : yep
johntheantibaptist : SB, LMAO
kalista_theraven : Much better. I can swallow and talk and things.
hotvegasman : wooden spoons too
spherical_bastards : bu they are thin
smokey0384 : haha truefalse
spherical_bastards : but*
hunter_the_crazychick : Kitty: '...' is what it is.
ornamentalmind : <<< still can't find a photo of Floyd R. Turbo, American....may have to use one of Bush, the younger :|
m00_m00_cow : People are mean in here
truthisfalse : lyth...glad to hear it :-), talk to me
justme9369 : gives agno some:P
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <arrives> Male 26 from Omaha, NE alias Pazziato
deleterious_feline : :|
johntheantibaptist : vegas, yep i remember the spoons
nyettiprincess : 8-}
agn0stic_and_atheist : enjoys
wreck_theplace_fantastic : <leaves the room>
gremlin_net : kalista_theraven: if you can do it in that order, talking might not be a requirement.
truthisfalse : hi goes it?
gremlin_net : >:)
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:51:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
rev_sara_the_demon_child : <arrives> Female 18 from Mason City, IA alias Major Woody
hunter_the_crazychick : Kitty: or was that not what you were asking....
ornamentalmind : ok
truthisfalse : gremlin...true
justme9369 : sara:X
smokey0384 : truefalse, don't debate with hunter, she will just lie, then when you point it out to her, she will take it out of context, twist it around, and type out the bullshit reasons why it isn't a lie
kalista_theraven : gremlin-It very seldom is.
the_chainsawpsycho : Woody
hotvegasman : dad started making them cause he got tired of buying them
ornamentalmind : ...except i have spent a few hrs looking for that dern photo
deleterious_feline : What <is> an ellipsis?
truthisfalse : you know me?
hunter_the_crazychick : laughs at smokey0384.
truthisfalse : hunter...still another fan?
truthisfalse : wow
rev_sara_the_demon_child : wendy :X
nyettiprincess : hunter doesnt lie-just confuses
deleterious_feline : I probably know, but nothing is coming to mind
kalista_theraven : jjj-Talk to you? Hmm..the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain.
agn0stic_and_atheist : throws justme9369 on the bed and smooches her for five minutes.
expressoman2001 : <leaves the room>
rev_sara_the_demon_child : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:52:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
truthisfalse : sara :X how goes it in saraland?
mmmmmyid : <leaves the room>
justme9369 : lays submissively for agno
agn0stic_and_atheist : <leaves the room>
gremlin_net : Planes in the rain fall mainly into Spain.
agn0stic_and_atheist : <arrives> Male 36 from England
truthisfalse :! no! not with the lisp!
truthisfalse : sheesh
smokey0384 : hunter, all you can do is laugh and attack me personally and not my statements, always resort to child names like an uncivalized child, please don't
lupusdei2000 : <leaves the room>
rev_sara_the_demon_child : <arrives> Female 18 from Mason City, IA alias Major Woody
agn0stic_and_atheist : rips that pretty blouse right off and goes to it.
smokey0384 : well. maybe you need to, it's in your genes
hunter_the_crazychick : Kitty: '...' <-- ellipsis. Appropriately, in quoting, it's used to designate when a portion of a quote has been left out. In general writing, and in fiction, it's used to designate everything from trailing off, to pauses, to, well, stuff.
deleterious_feline : Ohhhhhhhhh.
justme9369 : returns the favor:P
johntheantibaptist : <<<<< taught my daughter at age 5 to keep her room clean, i asked twice to have it cleaned then i went in and took everything that touched the floor and kept it until she proved to me she could keep her room clean, and forbid everyone from buying her anything new for the same length of time.
justme9369 : jjj, mine
deleterious_feline : I knew that. :|
rev_sara_the_demon_child : ahhhhh fuck
chelenata : <arrives> Male 36 from un lugar de la mancha
agn0stic_and_atheist : winks at truthisfalse
nyettiprincess : personal attcks of an intellectual kind?
truthisfalse : Wendy...sigh
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:53:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : lol ag
lionsblade1 : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : john yep
rev_sara_the_demon_child : jjjoe
chelenata : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : gremlin...ah...don't mind usual
rev_sara_the_demon_child : hot
truthisfalse : sara...still love me?
hotvegasman : sara
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you're putting on a show for your friends; how sweet. Should we not, then, bring up the forty-eight straight hours you spent in here calling people 'dyke' and harassing dusty?
gottagetanick : <arrives> Male 909 from third house on the left
rev_sara_the_demon_child : jjjoe: you bet ;)
ornamentalmind : <leaves the room>
rev_sara_the_demon_child : smokey is here??
deleterious_feline : johntheantibaptist- I like my room messy. My mother knows I'll throw a fit if she tries to make me keep it clean. As long as it doesn't creep into the hallway, she doesn't bother.
nyettiprincess : dyou call people d
rev_sara_the_demon_child : Oh, I ignored him
hunter_the_crazychick : doesn't lie; doesn't understand why smokey0384 accuses her of lying, except maybe it hopes that it can cover up its own lies with accusations of lies.
nyettiprincess : dikes smokey?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:54:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : I just called you dyke, your'e so self obsessed that you beleive you is everyone, the world doesn't revolve around you, i mean that is a metephor, not literally my logical friend
rev_sara_the_demon_child : hunter: that would be a safe bet
deleterious_feline : smokey0384- Hunter is not a dyke.
the_chainsawpsycho : Kitty: So, you are not so perfect. :P
deleterious_feline : Chain- Yes, I Am.
chisapevo : <arrives>
nyettiprincess : smokey-are you a geek?
johntheantibaptist : vegas, one of the funniest things to see was my uncles (some of which are huge) cringe when my gradma (who was about 5'1") yelled at them.
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: 'you believe you is everyone'? Sorry, for someone without beliefs, I don't believe 'you is everyone'; I don't even 'believe' that made sense, for that matter.
gottagetanick : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : A perfect kid would keep their room clean. :P
gremlin_net : Oh yeah. I remember now. smokey0384 was the 'tard who hoped Hunter had turned him down because she was a lesbian....
milo_de_dickiedoo : Hunter...i watched that little exchange......U were right & the dipstick was Wrong
hotvegasman : yep
magic_lemures : <arrives> Female
agn0stic_and_atheist : imagines vibrators and fluffy hand-cuffs strewn around kitty's bedroom...
deleterious_feline : No.
truthisfalse : get the best people in about sharing?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:55:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
magic_lemures : :X
deleterious_feline : agn0stic_and_atheist- Nope.
magic_lemures : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : yes i know feline. her b/f is a man on yahoo calling himself gremlin, he seems like a friendly fellow, but insecure and can be quite spitefull to certain people i saw
hunter_the_crazychick : truthisfalse: you want him? You can have him.
nyettiprincess : potgeekatheist?
elderend : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : hello :x how are you?
rev_sara_the_demon_child : oh silly hunter, everyone has beliefs :P
lord_adolf_hitler : PM From [lupusdei2000]: heile
agn0stic_and_atheist : a man can dream can't he?
deleterious_feline : I own 0 vibrators, 9 dildos, and nothing even related to.
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384 = big on the pseudopsychology.
hunter_the_crazychick : Nine dildos?
truthisfalse : hunter...really?...thanks! smokey...come here and touch me
godlesslouisianalady : <arrives> Female 23 from 50 miles north of the Big Easy alias GodlessBayouLady
hunter_the_crazychick : WHY!
agn0stic_and_atheist : nine dildos, wow, is that a lot?
deleterious_feline : :O
gremlin_net : smokey0384: Hunter's not a lesbian. She's straight. She only turned you down because you're a loser.
deleterious_feline : I meant 0
deleterious_feline : Shit.
spherical_bastards : good one
kalista_theraven : If that idiot were the alternative, I would be a dyke, but that's me.
kalista_theraven : kitty-I somehow doubt that Hunter finds this moron's insults in any way offensive.
hunter_the_crazychick : Kitty: oops. *laughs*
agn0stic_and_atheist : yeah, yeah...
justme9369 : was abit confused
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
rev_sara_the_demon_child : Well kitty now has an unshakable reputation
truthisfalse : smokey...come over here and see if we are gay...just to experiment...come on...big guy
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:56:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
deleterious_feline : Damn Microsoft keyboard. *stab*
chisapevo : <leaves the room>
justme9369 : feline--I have enough for us both:D
hotvegasman : yep
nyettiprincess : gremlin-what can you say to smokey?
smokey0384 : I just question if you were a dyke hunter, and now yet again, you are taking it out of context and twisting it around, you should have said I or person, not people. note that people is plural
hunter_the_crazychick : Lyth: I wanted him to prove I was a dyke. I knew everyone in here would be pleased if they found out I was, by whatever logic.
truthisfalse : sara...really? unshakable?
agn0stic_and_atheist : wants to know if the nine dildos have names....
johntheantibaptist : remember this line "boy/girl i knock you clean into next week"
smokey0384 : lol truth
rev_sara_the_demon_child : uh oh, someone else has my font..
the_chainsawpsycho : Kitty: Does that have something to do with cats having 9 lives?
deleterious_feline : lyth- of course, but I hate people who just insult.
agn0stic_and_atheist : giggles
justme9369 : hides from jjj
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: I'm taking it out of context? Really?
hunter_the_crazychick : Okay....
gremlin_net : nyettiprincess: nothing polysyllabic, if I wanna be effective.
truthisfalse : hunter...sorry...he's mine
deleterious_feline : Chain- Um....
godlesslouisianalady : :)) about old school
lord_adolf_hitler : . o 0 ( hunter's such a cutie patootie )
truthisfalse :
truthisfalse : i'm harmless
hotvegasman : or i brought you into this world ill take you out
justme9369 : yes
agn0stic_and_atheist : must dash, reality invades.
agn0stic_and_atheist : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:57:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
jfirebird1 : right vegas
johntheantibaptist : or how about this one, "i brought you into this world i will take you out"
smokey0384 : haha, finally hunter, i am gettin sick of this, i could have carried it on for longer if i didn't say this
johntheantibaptist : lol vegas
jfirebird1 : my mom has said that
godlesslouisianalady : :))
hotvegasman : john a day late and a dollar short
truthisfalse : smokey...come here and give me a hug
hotvegasman : lol
truthisfalse : come on
deleterious_feline : My mother has never said anything of that sort. You Guys must have been awful kids.
truthisfalse : don't be shy...i won't tell hunter
smokey0384 : damn, you kept replying, trying to prove your self, eager to please. how lonely and insecure. your mom/dad should have given you more attention :(
truthisfalse : or mom
deleterious_feline : Hmmm. YahELite keeps capitalizing weird letters.
spherical_bastards : my favorite is " i am beating to keep the demons out " or " this is prison prevention"
nyettiprincess : namecalling is a cowardice when anonymous smokey
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
justme9369 : jjj:(
steamroll101 : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : A good beating always keeps the demons at bay.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:58:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
william_pride2000 : <arrives> Male 39 from Los Angeles alias William_Nice
ethereal_dumpster : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : Wendy? what? sigh
m00_m00_cow : People get really mean in this channel :P
smokey0384 : I genuially pity you hunter, you are a bright candle, you shouldn't waste your potential my friend and be so angry at the world
jfirebird1 : well vegas its time for the messiah of tits::)):)):))
gremlin_net : I should eat something....
william_pride2000 : good morning everyone
justme9369 : is feeling unloved
hotvegasman : later jfire
rev_sara_the_demon_child : ooh unsolved mysteries is on!
truthisfalse : lol are too real
deleterious_feline : My mother never hit me, she's cussed at me oh about twice, in my entire life... she's never threatened me...
rev_sara_the_demon_child : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : hi william
william_pride2000 : humps Wendy's leg
jfirebird1 : later
truthisfalse : william :-) how goes it?
m00_m00_cow : You get so emotional and testy. "I genuinely pity you." Drama :P
justme9369 : william:x
bobwar69 : when a child is young,3-4-5-6-7,yes I feel that a good spanking is neccessary,but older then that physical violence just makes them hate you
nyettiprincess : the rain falls mainly across the pain, its insane, when theres no rain
hotvegasman : praise the messiah jerry
william_pride2000 : hey godless :) jjj
truthisfalse : know i love you...i just can't do it in a manly way
johntheantibaptist : somerset, i had a cousin who had to learn the hard way, but all it took was once and he never touched them again.
godlesslouisianalady : good point, bob
deleterious_feline : It's not necessary, bobwar69.
jfirebird1 : amen jerry
justme9369 : ok
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 10:59:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : No, Hunter knows her shit and has it organized, she just needs to open her eyes and sort out her priorities
spherical_bastards : yeah
spherical_bastards : i know
hotvegasman : 110
truthisfalse : it's wrong for me to spank my 25 year old married son?
ecabby03 : <arrives> Male 24 from louth,lincs
smokey0384 : she is cool lady anyway
truthisfalse : why did no one tell me?
smokey0384 :
godlesslouisianalady : Johntheantibaptist.....Hmmm, a character from the book "Candide" if I am not mistaken?
hotvegasman : 220
truthisfalse : smokey is in love
bobwar69 : yeap
truthisfalse : that's all
smokey0384 : I don't want to put her down, but have to be cruel to be kind
truthisfalse :'s called love
bobwar69 : unless its a kinky thing you 2 do
truthisfalse : it's ok
smokey0384 : She will benefit in the long term
qwerty_qwert94 : <arrives>
hotvegasman : look at the breaker
truthisfalse : i don't think gremling minds, too much
nyettiprincess : being cruel is kind???
bobwar69 : then its just sick
nyettiprincess : >:)
m00_m00_cow : "Kiss the girl." -- The Jamaican lobster
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:00:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
truthisfalse : any sadist...sure\
gremlin_net : smokey0384: you'd also have to be intelligent to be useful. Go work on that.
qwerty_qwert94 : hello
milo_de_dickiedoo : .001 milliamps.....shuts down the human heart >-)
godlesslouisianalady : hi qwerty
truthisfalse : have competition out
smokey0384 : hunter. do you have a instinct to nurture still!?
nyettiprincess : smokey-you like pain?
bbbbink : <arrives> Male from Seattle, WA
gremlin_net : truthisfalse: uh, yeah...I'll be, um...careful....
godlesslouisianalady : hi bbb
nyettiprincess : 'lo quert
johntheantibaptist : godless, well that entire branch of the family are not the sharpest tools in the shed if you know what i mean, the one who did that was the only one to mange to graduate highschool.
ecabby03 : ha ha bible bashing fucks
smokey0384 : IF i could just go on the mic, then i wouldn't look so fuckin dumb, lol
ecabby03 : <leaves the room>
bbbbink : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : I need a mic :(( wah
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:01:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
truthisfalse : nyet...i do...tell me i'm your father...that will hurt enough
william_pride2000 : bible bashing fucks? or bible bashing sucks?
truthisfalse : lol got attention...
truthisfalse : what else you want?
godlesslouisianalady : sounds like my family :))
gremlin_net : smokey0384: good point; you'd stop looking dumb, and start sounding dumb.
nyettiprincess : smokey-mic a
nyettiprincess : AND cam?
apologist2004 : <arrives>
hotvegasman : somer ive have been shocked by 220 main meter in my young years
smokey0384 : lol william
justme9369 : goes to pmland
justme9369 : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : Wendy...sigh...bye
deleterious_feline : God this is pissing me off.
johntheantibaptist : godless, i think we all have members of the family like that but never claim them
godlesslouisianalady : :P
bobwar69 : Ive been hit by 220,270,440 Im not dead
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:02:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
godlesslouisianalady : True
the_chainsawpsycho : Kitty: Getting your buttons layered?
deleterious_feline : Chain- NO
smokey0384 : gremlin appeared to be level headed guy anyway, but the net can be deceiving
truthisfalse : feline...god is pissing you off?
deleterious_feline : hisses
truthisfalse : god is there with you?
godlesslouisianalady : I mentioned that because we are reading "Candide" in my world lit class
truthisfalse : and you are talking about him
bobwar69 : 440 wasnt too much fucking fun though
truthisfalse : smokey...i have big breasts...wanna chat?
deleterious_feline : truthisfalse- Note the pronoun nestled in between 'God and pissing'.
smokey0384 : :(, hunter, what have you been up to today? point made
johntheantibaptist : bob, well its not the volts, it the amps.
qtgrl_68 : <arrives>
apologist2004 : <leaves the room>
expressoman2001 : <arrives> Male
truthisfalse : am i to know the writer's intent?
truthisfalse : lol
qtgrl_68 : hows it goin
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:03:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : 1 phase 2 phase and 3 phase bob
loveheals2002 : <arrives>
truthisfalse : is a member of the school of the "dumb reader"
deleterious_feline : By interpreting all the words in the post :P
insane_manifestation_of_a_cat : <arrives> Male
nyettiprincess : truth is false:cruel is kind?
gremlin_net : My head's not that level. It's usually tilted slightly to the side while I squint at people, trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with them.
truthisfalse : this is the trick! sheesh
ahraii : <arrives> Male 19 from Omaha, Nebraska, United States alias Ahraii
qwerty_qwert94 : hi
truthisfalse : i'm learning so much
deleterious_feline : Josh.
ornamentalmind : <arrives> Male
hotvegasman : i use to do the same thing bob
qtgrl_68 : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : a sadist and masochist, right?
smokey0384 : truth, are you friends with hunter!?
lord_adolf_hitler : gremlin; I'm quoting you on that.
truthisfalse : smokey...i have no friends...will you be my friend
gremlin_net : Hunter: c'mere....
johntheantibaptist : somer, that and the fact that some get so used to getting hit by it.
hotvegasman : right
gremlin_net : lord_adolf_hitler: okay.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:04:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
lord_adolf_hitler : "My head's not that level. It's usually tilted slightly to the side while I squint at people, trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with them." --gremlin
smokey0384 : make her feel needed and wanted, k?, but only to a certain extent, otherwise she would rely on "yahoo" chat :(
smokey0384 :
kaylababe895 : <arrives> Female 23 from Chicago, IL alias Kay Kay
lord_adolf_hitler : yay!
milo_de_dickiedoo : make the hair stand up on your arm
nyettiprincess : what did the sadist say to the masochist?: NO.
ornamentalmind : <<<< used to draw a 25K volt blue arc from tv to light cigs :D
truthisfalse : smokey...who are you talking to?
smokey0384 : she just needs more compliments. I hope gremlin gives it her and reminds her she is beautifull, he probably does, maybe
gremlin_net : truthisfalse: it would be, if I didn't have so many choices to go through before finding the exact reason.
johntheantibaptist : vegas, well as they say it not the fall that hurts its that sudden stop.
hunter_the_crazychick : Gremlin: hold on.
hotvegasman : yep
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:05:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : laughs at smokey0384.
expressoman2001 : <leaves the room>
kaylababe895 : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : I am talking to u truth, as you seem to be passive, sensitive and caring. hunter needs a friend like you
beingwithalovelywomen : <leaves the room>
beingwithalovelywomen : <arrives> Male
truthisfalse : gremlin...that made me laugh, for some reason...thanks
hunter_the_crazychick : You're such a fucking awful pseudopsychologist.
deleterious_feline : blinks
deleterious_feline : Holy shit.
nyettiprincess : smokey-you're not out of the woods yet
spherical_bastards : lol hunter
ahraii : smokey is
hotvegasman : 440
insane_manifestation_of_a_cat : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : kills smokey
ornamentalmind : <leaves the room>
deleterious_feline : kills chain then urinates on him violently
smokey0384 : hunter. is there anyone you have not proved yourself too
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:06:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
nyettiprincess : the sticks will begin burning with your witness
smokey0384 : only god can judge you <-- metephor
ahraii : Violent urination, or violent murder?
smokey0384 :
truthisfalse : felind...such conduct...see...i told you chat would do that to you
hotvegasman : yep
spherical_bastards : smokey i judge everyone .
truthisfalse : feline, even
ahraii : 'cause I imagine a female would have problems with the former.
truthisfalse : <leaves the room>
nyettiprincess : then leave the judging to god smokey
the_chainsawpsycho : Kitty: That was not nice. :P
bluejene : <arrives> Female 36 from My Computer Desk
qwerty_qwert94 : bye.
qwerty_qwert94 : <leaves the room>
deleterious_feline : :)
bluejene : back
deleterious_feline : Violent urination.
the_chainsawpsycho : puts kitty into the trunk of an old Buick, then drives it into a lake
gremlin_net : smokey0384: deities are metaphors.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:07:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
deleterious_feline : :>
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : hi blue
bluejene : heey dio
nyettiprincess : smokey/
deleterious_feline : Joshie, I can try! :))
ahraii : smiles.
spherical_bastards : hey bluejene
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : blue: the whiner's back
johntheantibaptist : I know enough about electricity, to call an electrician.
godlesslouisianalady : HI blue
mmmmmyid : <arrives> Male 31 from TX alias myid
hotvegasman : lmfao
deleterious_feline : I'm in a weird ass mood today. Dunno why.
spherical_bastards : who is the whiner ?
milo_de_dickiedoo : ditto
bluejene : heey louie :)
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : espressoman
spherical_bastards : oh
loveheals2002 : <leaves the room>
nyettiprincess : 'lo bluej.
mmmmmyid : <leaves the room>
spherical_bastards : yeah the tragedy guy ,
william_pride2000 : LOL
smokey0384 : hunter, you know a change is needed
loveheals2002 : <arrives>
spherical_bastards : william
spherical_bastards : hi
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:08:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
spherical_bastards : wink
william_pride2000 : ok that's funny, i've thought that but never vocalized it
william_pride2000 : Hi Angela ;)
nyettiprincess : whose change?
bobwar69 : must have expresso on super ig
loveheals2002 : <leaves the room>
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : didn't you just love it when you were talking about spankings and he watched his sister die of child beatings?
hotvegasman : when guys like you called in sick i would help out
bluejene : hey nyett... john
william_pride2000 : can't see expresso
spherical_bastards : yeah
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : he left
candice2027 : <arrives> Female 28 from Eastern Canada
johntheantibaptist : hey blue
milo_de_dickiedoo : <leaves the room>
tony_met2002 : <arrives> Male 58 from philadelphia pennsylvania alias tony_met2002
william_pride2000 : he likes to complain about his christian family abusing the fuck out of him
tony_met2002 : <leaves the room>
william_pride2000 : EVERY FUCKING TIME HE COMES IN
loveheals2002 : <arrives>
johntheantibaptist : vegas, smart move
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:09:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : yep
godlesslouisianalady : hi tony
smokey0384 : hunter, sorry that you have comtimplated suacide when you were younger
bobwar69 : I thought he was the preists butt boy
nyettiprincess : what change and whose Smokey
hotvegasman : my dad is 78 and can barely walk
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: did I?
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : bob: ANY topic - he had a worse tragedy
hyroglyphx77 : <arrives> Male 26 from San Diego, CA
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: really?
bhs_school_skippers_2006 : <arrives> 15 from Ohio BHS!!!!! alias JUGGALETTE Elton John
tony_met2002 : <arrives> Male 58 from philadelphia pennsylvania alias tony_met2002
smokey0384 : I have no idea. it was an assumtion
hotvegasman : hockey is tough dangerous is driving a car
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: so you like being an idiot.
nyettiprincess : fishing??
william_pride2000 : bobwar...yeah maybe that's it
hunter_the_crazychick : merrily posts the dyke thing to the board.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:10:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : laughs.
johntheantibaptist : vegas, i have worked in construction off and on since i was 16. Now that i have broken my ankle that life is over.
loveheals2002 : is that love
tony_met2002 : OK people I'm here ,now behave.......:))
hotvegasman : candice not if you switch hands
spherical_bastards : it has to be all tragedy
rathansanill : <arrives> Male 37 from ohio
johntheantibaptist : hey tony
candice2027 : HA!
smokey0384 : hunter, what is wrong with a random insult?
hotvegasman : tony
gremlin_net : smokey0384 is one if the dumber trolls I've seen in here. And I've seen a lot.
hotvegasman : john yep
nyettiprincess : masterbation
tony_met2002 : Hey john
gremlin_net : of*
the_chainsawpsycho : Some people will always be victims.
tony_met2002 : Vegas
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: absolutely nothing. But you can't even get the hang of 'insult', let alone 'random insult'....
nyettiprincess : random god smokey?
tony_met2002 : Blue
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:11:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : hunter, you should listen to your own critism and advice sometimes
radardog : <arrives> Male
hotvegasman : john once i got a hip pointer from 50 foot spaners the strap broke
bluejene : tony
radardog : Hi all.
tony_met2002 : somerset
deleterious_feline : Radar :X
the_chainsawpsycho : Bob: I agree. At some point, you have to take back your life, and move on.
radardog : Kitty.
nyettiprincess : 'lo radar.
rowan_sage : <arrives> Female 25 from Maine alias Rowan
hotvegasman : spaners = roof trusses
radardog : princess.
radardog : wishes he had a life to take back.
tony_met2002 : Bob
johntheantibaptist : vegas, owwwww
bobwar69 : hey tony
deleterious_feline : looks at radardog
rowan_sage : Hello roo, have we got a topic going?
deleterious_feline : Everything OK?
the_chainsawpsycho : has a stigma attached to mental health professionals.
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: oh? And which of those criticisms and advisements must I take in my own life. I mean, the ones I'm not already taking care of?
candice2027 : WHO IS IT?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:12:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
loveheals2002 : <leaves the room>
bhs_school_skippers_2006 : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : They are all fucking losers. hehehehehehehe
radardog : nods at Kitty. I just don't get out much. lol
godlesslouisianalady : <---starts singing "don't be cruel"
deleterious_feline : 'kay... LOL
deleterious_feline : Grrrr. I don't like the way YahELite does that.
smokey0384 : hunter, its good not to opress your anger as your unahappy with urself, but how long will it need to go on for. you can't do it for much longer before you end up doing it to yourself
radardog : Does what?
johntheantibaptist : vegas, i set a few spanners, for most kinds of buildings, to include some about 60 stories in the air.
deleterious_feline : turns the spell checker off
bluejene : lol
hotvegasman : yep
deleterious_feline : It turns 'lol' into LOL
godlesslouisianalady : =D> thanks somer
ahraii : YahELite = teh looos
spherical_bastards : i must be cold .
the_chainsawpsycho : Dio: I understand your point. He always seems to have to be "the worst" when it comes to those situations.
hotvegasman : and 12 bottoms
deleterious_feline : Because it think it's a proper acronymn.
bluejene : :))
spherical_bastards : yeah somer
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:13:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
radardog : This YahELite doesn't do it. ...
hotvegasman : 2x12
spherical_bastards : really
radardog : Or is that spell check?
smokey0384 : hunter, seeking and searchin to be happy is not how you get it, it comes last to you that way
nyettiprincess : smokey- you use words like a spindocter
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you mean 'repress'. Learn the terms if you're going to be a pseudopsychologist.
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
deleterious_feline : When the spell check thing is on, it does
nyettiprincess : you trying to sneak in ?
bluejene : lol true
rowan_sage : Can anyonw tell me what the topic is, if there is one? :)
ahraii : Hunter, I'll repress you, you dyke. >O.o<
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:14:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
radardog : steals hunter's waist size.
you_love_barb : <arrives> Female from Jersey alias Barb
the_chainsawpsycho : Having 30+ GB of Hentai should mean something, to a pseudopsychologist.
nyettiprincess : you gonna proselytise now?
hunter_the_crazychick : represses Joshie's inner Minotaur with 34 tripple Q tits and twenty tentaclephalluses.
rathansanill : don't seem to be a topic
candice2027 : rowan, there is no topic. they are gossiping about some guy
blondehandfull : <arrives> Female 37 from texas
johntheantibaptist : dio, yeah some people are just attention whores.
spherical_bastards : lol
bluejene : hehehe
customfreak4u : <arrives> alias Controlist
the_chainsawpsycho : Barb :X
ahraii : squeaks.
blondehandfull : hi all
johntheantibaptist : tits did i hear the word TITS
cosmicgirl_sjk : <arrives> Female 23 from Pa
godlesslouisianalady : hi blonde
candice2027 : oops, now they are talking about Dusty's tits
you_love_barb : everyone who goes into a chatroom is an attention whore.
rowan_sage : Nice topic :)
hotvegasman : yes you did john
radardog : Chain, you have 30+ GB of it?
nyettiprincess : no gossip hear-just debate
smokey0384 : ok, as spelling is a big deal to you on "yahoo" chat, as it means more to you than the majority of people. then pseudophyscologist is two seperate words. you can't put them as one as you have, luckily i don't feel i need to patronise you or phrase it in intimidating way to benefit myself or add a insult like you illiterate cunt
hunter_the_crazychick : Yes. You heard tits.
william_pride2000 : hi Barb :x
the_chainsawpsycho : Fuck Dusty's tits. I want to talk about Barb's.
hunter_the_crazychick : radar: no. I do.
you_love_barb : chain~
blondehandfull : including you barb?
bluejene : :))
the_chainsawpsycho : Radar: Hell no. Hunter does.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:15:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : barb
rathansanill : <<watches yahoo ads under chat screen
candice2027 : :o)
you_love_barb : ESPECIALLY me
rowan_sage : I dont have a problem with tits
godlesslouisianalady : <---would show tits if she had a webcam
you_love_barb : that
johntheantibaptist : vegas, ok just making sure i wasn't hearing things.
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
william_pride2000 : I'm for tits
radardog : lol
you_love_barb : is the only reason i come in here.
godlesslouisianalady : After all, its nothing new here
the_chainsawpsycho : loves the Barb :X
blondehandfull : so you have no life then huh?
william_pride2000 : <leaves the room>
cosmicgirl_sjk : hi
nyettiprincess : smokey-you are being insulting-cant your reason handle it?
you_love_barb : well no, i do.
hunter_the_crazychick : Pseudo- is a prefix.
hotvegasman : any women who wants to show her tits on cam im all for
you_love_barb : just when i'm bored
william_pride2000 : <arrives> Male 39 from Los Angeles alias William_Nice
you_love_barb : i figure i'd put my pretty little self into a chatroom
candice2027 : you are addicted to arguing :xhotvegas:x my love.
nyettiprincess : you need some morre adrenalin?
deleterious_feline : blinks
spherical_bastards : Is back
bobwar69 : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehe
hunter_the_crazychick : 'psychologist' is the word it's modifying, thus, 'pseudopsychologist'.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:16:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
deank_10 : <arrives> Male
bobwar69 : <arrives> Male 41 from windsor,vt
johntheantibaptist : vegas, yep they have my support as well.
cheetos_2010 : <arrives> Female from USA
radardog : doesn't see smokey. :(
hotvegasman : old habbits are hard to break candice
william_pride2000 : Thinks it's funny that people in chat rooms accuse people in chat rooms of having no lives
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <arrives> Male
rathansanill : lol
smokey0384 : yes, u should put it as two seperate words my friends, it is bad grammar :)
smokey0384 :
radardog : admittedly has no life.
cosmicgirl_sjk : lol
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty!
blondehandfull : just asked a question william
nyettiprincess : pseudo--FALSE!
johntheantibaptist : william, i admit i have no life at the moment.
hotvegasman : repty has a job
ahraii : Huh. I could get a job at a maid service....
hotvegasman : lmfao
hyroglyphx77 : <leaves the room>
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : <leaves the room>
you_love_barb : and she got an answer.
you_love_barb : no big deal.
blondehandfull : she called everyone a whore.... so i figured i would ask
deleterious_feline : Joshie- a naked maid service?
rowan_sage : <leaves the room>
cosmicgirl_sjk : i will pass on the tit thing
candice2027 : you should have seen vegas, xsoulmate and repty, and mark last night. they would not go to sleep.
godlesslouisianalady : <----has no life at the momment, but when I log off, I have a life called school
radardog : Vegas, you know on the corner. ;)
you_love_barb : an attention whore ;)
blondehandfull : cuz im not a whore in any means
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <leaves the room>
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: 1. I'm not your friend. 2. it's not two seperate words. Pseudo being a /prefix/ and all. Or is it 'a theist', and not 'atheist'?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:17:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
you_love_barb : because*
you_love_barb : and
sundevil_90 : <arrives> Male from Dreaming of Borneo
william_pride2000 :'s a figure of speech. Attention whore
the_chainsawpsycho : Kitty: It'd have to be at least topless.
wpww_whitepower_forlife : <arrives> Male 18 from San Bernardino, CA
you_love_barb : you are an attention whore.
eternl_darknss : <arrives> Male
blondehandfull : well I dont like it
hotvegasman : i wasnt on at nite sorry
missionary3333 : <arrives>
candice2027 : I just woke up!
william_pride2000 : blondehandfull....she doesn't mean BIBLICAL stupid cunt
nyettiprincess : smokeyyour real name false?
hotvegasman : night
deank_10 : jesus rules
ahraii : Kitty, nah, I doubt the professional company offering 8.XX an hour has thought of that brilliant id yet.
william_pride2000 : oops
blondehandfull : fuck you william
you_love_barb : if you don't know what that means, i suggest looking it up, and then jumping back into conversation.
william_pride2000 : :D
deleterious_feline : Joshie- they probably have, actually.
blondehandfull : your prob here jackin off any way
johntheantibaptist : godless, well at this time i am out of work on disability and really have no life beyond that.
ahraii : Naked Joshie Cleaning and Computer Repair = Sign of a very bad economy.
cosmicgirl_sjk : lol
deleterious_feline : I can't imagine not.
ahraii : Kitty, not in Omaha. =d
smokey0384 : notice that even though i am on a higher level than you, i don't feel like insulting you, or make it a big deal, patronise or intimidate you just because i could, you do that when you are a child and see things black and white and not in prospective, you should help people that are like that instead
deleterious_feline : Hahah.
bluejene : lol sphere.. i've seen that
william_pride2000 : nope...i'm at work....they frown on public masturbation here
hotvegasman : i got off the net at 5 pm est
you_love_barb : blonde, and here i thought you were going to be mean and witty.
hunter_the_crazychick : laughs at "I am on a higher level than you"
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty needs his daily medicine.
candice2027 : it was agnosticus ceasar...isn't that you too, vegas?
you_love_barb : damnit, i hate that.
deank_10 : blondehand your hot
smokey0384 : makes you a better person, stronger character, i know you are capable of it :)
smokey0384 :
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:18:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
blondehandfull : barb........go eat someone
hotvegasman : nope
you_love_barb : i already have.
bluejene : owwww
candice2027 : :))
william_pride2000 : lol@barb
you_love_barb : i'm eating cookies n cream ice cream now. :)
blondehandfull : well did the goat thankyou
deleterious_feline : Oh good grief, hunter.
you_love_barb : but thank you for your concern.
spherical_bastards : reoty i was kidding you
hotvegasman : <leaves the room>
hunter_the_crazychick : Oh, fuck, you're just reading right out of the "Self-empowerment through Pseudopsychology" pamphlet, aren't you?
rathansanill : comes the bumper sticker....
godlesslouisianalady : So is my mom, John...she is on disablity too
the_chainsawpsycho : Barb: Sounds good. ;)
william_pride2000 : wonders how "you're probably jerking off" is supposed to sound like a put down
nyettiprincess : smokey eating grace now
spherical_bastards : repty ..i was joking
rathansanill : The truth is in every man
spherical_bastards : lol
hotvegasman : <arrives> Male 38 from las vegas nv alias Gods_moronic_advocate
spherical_bastards : and i pu tlol
radardog : Pseudo... chop!
blondehandfull : wasnt meant to be william
ahraii : Hunter, you're so beyond fucking mean. I mean, I've seen this guy in action. It's not a game of cat and mouse. It's GoTard spinning in circles with a sledge.
spherical_bastards : i followed them with lol
al_jaazeera : <arrives> 25
you_love_barb : goat? you're into bestiality? YUCK.
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty = kind of slow
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:19:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
blondehandfull : your dad liked it barb
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie: yes. Isn't it fun?
spherical_bastards : yeah
deank_10 : hey atheists! wanna go sacrifice a lamb
smokey0384 : hunter, my logical friend, I could write down a system that you could apply to social life, and if you followed it you would have a lot of friends, as thats how you are
candice2027 : you automatically denied my friendship request, vegaz
smokey0384 : hunter, are you autistic!?
nyettiprincess : Ahraii- i remember you-
you_love_barb : my father?
sundevil_90 : deank, sure, can we roast it?
ahraii : For the first few hours....
william_pride2000 : wow blondehandfull.......that was uncalled for
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie: it's better than throwing explosives into a pond!
you_love_barb : how is he, i havent talked to him in months?
cosmicgirl_sjk : ok well i'll just move on now
hotvegasman : no i dont
eternl_darknss : what would a atheist saccrifice it to dean
truthisfalse : <arrives> Male
candice2027 : :-S
godlesslouisianalady : Oh fuck off, deank......I will go buy my lamb at the butcher if I want to eat some lamb
blondehandfull : he is good...takin his meds
you_love_barb : mom and/or dad jokes = i won
wpww_whitepower_forlife : yeah full of fucking shit
you_love_barb : now it's just stupid.
johntheantibaptist : godless, well all i am waiting on is for the state to decide if i can go to school or not if they say yes then i go if they say no then i sue the insurance company for lots of money and retire.
you_love_barb : <shrug>
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
nyettiprincess : you agree with smokey aahraii?
blondehandfull : ahhhhhhh now Im soooo hurt....
you_love_barb : man
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : eternl: sacrifice it to my hunger
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:20:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
ahraii : Hunter, he actually bothered to ignore me. I hope he's not just a feckless troll and I really got to him. ^_^
smokey0384 : lol blonde
godlesslouisianalady : well, I can see which one u would like to choose ;)
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: no, actually, you couldn't write down a system that I could apply to my social life. You lack the prerequisite training, observation, and intelligence.
hotvegasman : ok guys you gotta hear this
you_love_barb : i really thought she was going to be the least bit original
cosmicgirl_sjk : <leaves the room>
watoosieluci : <arrives>
bunniebaby02 : <arrives> Female
godlesslouisianalady : heh heh-you said oral
deank_10 : atheists suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you_love_barb : they always end up disappointing me. =\
the_chainsawpsycho : loves it when Spherical lays the smack down
blondehandfull : well we all cant be whores to this
godlesslouisianalady : Oh fuck off, deank
blondehandfull : sorry
johntheantibaptist : godless actually i want to go to school.
you_love_barb : to what?
deleterious_feline : :))
godlesslouisianalady : Yeah, I am an atheist and yeah I suck....COCK, that is
eternl_darknss : and religious people are blind people that just need closure on everything
hunter_the_crazychick : Joshie: if you *really* got to him, then I must be doing something wrong. Either that, or he's afraid that if he ignores me, he might not be able to wank it to my profile anymore....
godlesslouisianalady : really>
smokey0384 : hunter, :). I will pray for you
wpww_whitepower_forlife : <leaves the room>
blondehandfull : to your wanting the attention on you
rathansanill : are really showing God's love....
david_faulknier : <arrives> 25 from kingwood WV alias spongebob
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you love wasting your time, don't you?
william_pride2000 : Angela....I tried Secret today
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <arrives> Male
watoosieluci : hey
you_love_barb : well i got it, didnt i ;)
candice2027 : oral masturbation ....spherical is funny... "contingency" vs. "unmoved mover"
william_pride2000 : lol
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:21:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
you_love_barb : the most from you ;)
ahraii : Hunter, hee.
sundevil_90 : <leaves the room>
deank_10 : spherical_bastard is a HO!!!!
nyettiprincess : pray for yourself Smokey
godlesslouisianalady : FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
you_love_barb : <sighs> isn't this so much fun.
shujaat_kamran : <arrives> Male
newgirl250 : <arrives>
bunniebaby02 : dean...u cant get to them by being 'like' them...:(
blondehandfull : I came in here to chat to some people that could answer ? not start off being called a whore
deleterious_feline : Joshie, I'm going to put that on my sig, I think.
godlesslouisianalady : Deank can't spell worth a shit
you_love_barb : <perk> ho?
blondehandfull : yes it is fun
the_chainsawpsycho : loves it when Repty calls people names without raising his voice.
hunter_the_crazychick : By the way -- him 'not insulting me' by 'not calling me a dyke' is now public:
you_love_barb : mhm
smokey0384 : do i? justify it for a change instead of just saying a random comment
you_love_barb : i get what i want
the_chainsawpsycho : It makes me giggle.
blondehandfull : thats what the net is for
you_love_barb : always.
nyettiprincess : pray for Arhaii Smokey
blondehandfull : lol
spherical_bastards : and it was the cosmological argument
you_love_barb : psycho :x
smokey0384 : how inrelevant hunter, i wonder why you said that, it must be on your mind a lot :)
smokey0384 :
a_calming_blue : <arrives> Female alias Rissi
ahraii : Kitty, mm?
customfreak4u : :o)
johntheantibaptist : deank, well say hello to the rest of the residents in the super iggy bin. click
watoosieluci : <leaves the room>
spherical_bastards : a bullshit defense
william_pride2000 : about stop being so sensitive and ask the questions you came in to discuss? *offering an olive branch*
deleterious_feline : inrelevant?
bobwar69 : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:22:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: if my comments were 'random', they would not at all refer back to any of your comments. Do please quit projecting your faults onto me.
nyettiprincess : insults linger
you_love_barb : <breaks the olive branch>
the_chainsawpsycho : Barb :X
smokey0384 : You see lezbian as an insult!?
william_pride2000 : pokes Barb with it
eternl_darknss : what does philosphy have to do with religion
be_kind_to_mama_nature : <arrives> Female
radardog : Ooh. I see smokey now!
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : hates reading Kant
you_love_barb : hehehe
smokey0384 : woah, what a homophobe
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you going to try this again?
tony_met2002 : REPTY,THere's ONLY one devil's advocate in this room.....>:)
eternl_darknss : ok repty we get the picture
deleterious_feline : smokey0384- Dyke does not mean lesbian.
william_pride2000 : oh wait...that wasn't the olive branch
be_kind_to_mama_nature : Shalom y'all
deank_10 : i don't get john
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: no. I don't. You, however, do.
godlesslouisianalady : :)) tony
eternl_darknss : try reading philosphy
radardog : Dio- You should try reading Kant in german. *puke!*
hunter_the_crazychick : As I've proven. Twice.
hotvegasman : mama
blondehandfull : I think I'll do it at another time when some can be serious...
smokey0384 : lol feline
mr_vvonka2 : <arrives> alias Mr. Wonka
be_kind_to_mama_nature : hi ya hot
rathansanill : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : feline, tell that to hunter
you_love_barb : oh blah blah
nyettiprincess : "DIKE" is an insult
you_love_barb : cry cry cry shutup
truthisfalse : <leaves the room>
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : radar: :))
deleterious_feline : smokey0384- It's called the dictionary, might consider using it.
godlesslouisianalady : <--agrees with bard
truthisfalse : <arrives> Male
a_calming_blue : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : barb
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:23:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
shujaat_kamran : <leaves the room>
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384 insults me [or attempts to] by accusing me of being a blatant dyke:
william_pride2000 : blondehandfull, I think you'll find that once a topic comes up or a question is posed that the mood of the room will swing around quickly to the topic or question
blondehandfull : then goes the attention all eyes on the one that cant say anything smart
candice2027 : , people tend to think of balls or boobs when you write handful. Now you want to be taken seriously and not be called a chat whore, type a new chat name.
you_love_barb : yes, i can't say anything smart.
you_love_barb : only because i proved my point.
al_jaazeera : <leaves the room>
you_love_barb : she's not an attention whore
you_love_barb : REMEMBER THAT
you_love_barb : but she will use big green font ;)
smokey0384 : hunter, you just contredicted yourself, you have just made a big deal how i said lezbian wasn't an insult and that was wrong, but now you are claiming that you don't think it is an insult and that i do
truthisfalse : so blonde...who decides who is smart?
hunter_the_crazychick : Dyke. Offensive slang. Disparaging term for 'lesbian'.
william_pride2000 : lol
u_t_i_16 : <arrives>
the_chainsawpsycho : Vegas: You bastard.
smokey0384 : please make up your mind hunter, denial is a terrible thing, never underestimate power of denial
mr_vvonka2 : <leaves the room>
radardog : Truth, u r 2 dum 4 me.
godlesslouisianalady : I heard about that, vegas
mr_vvonka2 : <arrives> alias Mr. Wonka
david_faulknier : <leaves the room>
eternl_darknss : are you gay vegas man?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:24:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
blondehandfull : canice... when people see your name what do they think of......handfull means i was getting into things as a kid...not everyone has the gutter mind
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
william_pride2000 : loves Barb for her beautiful brain
blondehandfull : candice sorry
hotvegasman : yes im gay
zedechiah_the_messiah : <leaves the room>
you_love_barb : tink you willy ;)
hunter_the_crazychick : At least, according to the dictionary.
deank_10 : what are u talkin' 'bout? I don't get u atheist who do u think created every thing you asses
hotvegasman : lmfao
candice2027 : reptylinin, is not a mental masturbator. he made his point
mr_vvonka2 : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : dog! you are right! how you doing? :_)
you_love_barb : it's not my fault i'm hot, and have a high sex drive.
truthisfalse : :-)
eternl_darknss : gay people suck
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you really like being beaten repeatedly in here, don't you?
nyettiprincess : lesbian is not an insult -description dyke is an insult-name calling
godlesslouisianalady : I am shocked that N.O.W. hasn't said anything about bambi huntin
mr_vvonka2 : <arrives> alias Mr. Wonka
the_chainsawpsycho : Barb: I feel the same way. >:)
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : eternl: and quite well, too!
you_love_barb : hehehe
smokey0384 : it is a cultural thing hunter, it can be interpretaed differently in different circumstances
newgirl250 : <leaves the room>
eternl_darknss : if you are christian and gay you should just drop the religion now
truthisfalse : you still touch your self when you see my screen name
tony_met2002 : AH, the Devil's Advocate himself!
you_love_barb : well shoot, we're made for each other then.
deank_10 : eternl is rite
eternl_darknss : being gay is a chistian sin
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:25:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
cheetos_2010 : <leaves the room>
truthisfalse : i thought every one was hot on the internet?
mr_vvonka2 : yay repty!
eternl_darknss : christian*
deank_10 : rite on brother
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : eternl: not quite
truthisfalse : i'm a stud
hunter_the_crazychick : Ah. It's a 'cultural thing', in which smokey0384 gets to make up what he meant by it, and pretend he didn't say it.
truthisfalse : just ask me
nyettiprincess : dirrerent IS difference
cheetos_2010 : <arrives> Female from USA
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : rite: a sacred ritual
the_chainsawpsycho : Vegas: I'm a little surprised that naked chicks would allow you to shoot them with paintball guns. Those fuckers hurt!
be_kind_to_mama_nature : truthisfalse..I'm not any longer, I think my hot flashes have stopped
missionary3333 : <leaves the room>
deank_10 : bye
bluejene : <leaves the room>
be_kind_to_mama_nature : ;)
deank_10 : <leaves the room>
spherical_bastards : <doesn't hear pissy pants repty
bluejene : <arrives> Female 36 from My Computer Desk
ahraii : eternl_darknss, name a single New Testament reference to homosexuality, and Paul's condemnation of homosexual pedophilia doesn't count. ^_^
smokey0384 : hunter, are you now defying that you posted how i said lezbian was not an insult and u implied it was, but then within 2 minutes, you contredicted yourself, saying that you don't think it is an insult and that i do
truthisfalse : be kind :-) how are you?
gremlin_net : is away (Away)
eternl_darknss : if the women want to do it its on them
eternl_darknss : you should give a fuck
bluejene : lol
eternl_darknss : your not a naked woman
candice2027 : repty has a topic. you all are too dumb to understand it. this is why you will not acknowledge have nothing to say b/c you don't know anything about bertrand, hume,aristotle,
hotvegasman : yep
nyettiprincess : :-B
johntheantibaptist : vegas, sounds like my kind of sport.
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : ahraii: Paul didn't even say that!
hunter_the_crazychick : pats smokey0384 on the head....
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:26:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_chainsawpsycho : Vegas has more than a dirty mind. He's a dirty old man. >:)
be_kind_to_mama_nature : hi ya jjj..I"m dong great, and you?
spherical_bastards : and his unmoved mover/contingency/noncontingency bullshit
johntheantibaptist : somer use water colors
truthisfalse : do you attract all these fans?
you_love_barb : my type.
you_love_barb : ;)
mr_vvonka2 : yay candice!
eternl_darknss : it doesnt hurt
truthisfalse : be kind...weird
smokey0384 : go over ur history yahoo chat, then you will see, or simply scroll up if ur capable of an average humans selective attention to ignore the other comments by other nicknames and see mine
mr_vvonka2 : me and candice know what's up!
candice2027 : :)repty
missionary3333 : <arrives>
you_love_barb : mm porn.
eternl_darknss : no they dont
the_chainsawpsycho : He's my hero, in that respect.
eternl_darknss : i play every week
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <leaves the room>
nyettiprincess : :-P
cheetos_2010 : Agrees with bluejean
hotvegasman : blue the women get a grand for doing it and 2500 if they can get the flag without getting hit
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <arrives> Male
truthisfalse : cheetos!
eternl_darknss : its cool
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:27:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : Something smokey0384 said on the 13th: smokey0384 : ok, u have santa clause, god, easter bunner, a sexy lezbian and a big fat dyke, they all have a race, who wins? smokey0384 : the big fat dyke wins as the others don't exist
eternl_darknss : you just have to get used to it
william_pride2000 : with barb
cheetos_2010 : "inhumane"?
eternl_darknss : maybe they are just doing it for fun
truthisfalse : grabs cheetos and fondles her breasts in a platonic way
smokey0384 : hunter, thats the close you will accept i am right, by patting me on head, implying it in patronizing way. how pathateic
the_chainsawpsycho : Vegas: Thank god for capitalism. >:)
eternl_darknss : we play shirts and skins all the time
radardog : lol! Chain.
you_love_barb : mmm making a porn with will ;)
truthisfalse : ha chain!
william_pride2000 : MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
hotvegasman : chain yep
william_pride2000 : :D
eternl_darknss : it just shows your a mix of tough and stupid
hotvegasman : two hours
smokey0384 : o yeah, but that was a couple of days after i first question of you being a dyke
cheetos_2010 : they do it willingly
gremlin_net : I'm suddenly tempted to do an autopsy on smokey0384 to see what makes him so fucking stupid.
william_pride2000 : jjj...only from the waist down
eternl_darknss : no one is forcing them to do it
truthisfalse : william...good move!
cheetos_2010 : or for the money, honey
the_chainsawpsycho : If I could run fast, and made at least 1000 bucks, I might do it.
william_pride2000 : jjj...i'm the "before" picture
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:28:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : freewill
ndn_rayne : <arrives> Male 19 from Kansas,/ Saskatchewan, Can. alias RaYnE
you_love_barb : i'd do it.
godlesslouisianalady : <---would like to shoot paintballs at naked men
eternl_darknss : 1000 is way to much
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : its a two hour hunt
you_love_barb : too*
eternl_darknss : id do it for 1=$1
truthisfalse : william...stop that!...i'm the self-deprecating one in here
bluejene : :))
godlesslouisianalady : Hell, why dont' we have a nudiest paintball war
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: You grace us with your presence, Lord of the Manor.
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <arrives> Male
spherical_bastards : lol chain
william_pride2000 : lol...jjj....sorry, didn't mean to step on your toes
smokey0384 : If you are not a dyke, then why is this such a big deal, playing on your mind a lot. is this your way of admitting it and attemping to come out the closet. if it wasn't that true then you wouldn't care, but its pointless now as you probably go all defensive and never mention it again after i mentioned this to prove a point
mr_vvonka2 : repty is god!
mrmoe72000 : <arrives>
blondehandfull : <leaves the room>
johntheantibaptist : godless, well maybe you should organize a BUCK hunt.
you_love_barb : ROFL
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:29:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
truthisfalse : it's ok william...i
godlesslouisianalady : heh heh
you_love_barb : repty's leaving? =\
spherical_bastards : he just tries to make everything more complex than it is , just to pamper his presuppositions
radardog : If Repty is God, God is pretty flaming.
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : who the fuck is stepping on me?
truthisfalse : be kind...i agree completely
eternl_darknss : tell a atheist room to bow there heads
gremlin_net : Hunter: are you ever going to come here?
the_chainsawpsycho : notes that Repty is bourgeoisie scum.
nyettiprincess : smokey are you a fundy cocksucker?
eternl_darknss : thats gonna catch on good
godlesslouisianalady : :-O damn radar
spherical_bastards : was it me diog ?
spherical_bastards : i may not have seen you
radardog : lol
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: you're an insignifacnt piece of shit with a desperate need to project your faults on others -- starting with lying, and now with your blatant inability to keep your story straight.
bluejene : brb
hotvegasman : its only in vegas but like everything else it will come to a town near you soon
nyettiprincess : you dont likr that term?
you_love_barb : <puts down the aristotle book and picks up dr. seuss>
the_chainsawpsycho : Spherical: That's why I keep Mark on ignore. He overcomplicates for external gratification.
bluejene : ..back
godlesslouisianalady : <----still in the room, but is stepping out for a while..
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : spherical: who's talking now?
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : <arrives> Female 27
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:30:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
bluejene : /:)
johntheantibaptist : philosiphy is like opinions, the only one that matters is your own.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : barb, Theodore Geisel was a genius!
truthisfalse : chain...impressively said
you_love_barb : =D
smokey0384 : hunter, that lezbian joke about the race was a joke about a film called dogma, can you see the relevance of "DOGMA" the film as you are infictuated on this subject, and a "Joke"
hotvegasman : repty
william_pride2000 : watches Barb bend over while switching books
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: If he is so intelligent, then why does he go in circles?
eternl_darknss : who is?
spherical_bastards : someone tell repty what makes matter in space move ... so he can feel safer .
you_love_barb : <becnds over for longer on purpose>
cheetos_2010 : I think he said tireless
lucifer_6_6_6_sin_is_in : <leaves the room>
you_love_barb : - the c, of course
ndn_rayne : <leaves the room> : <arrives>
the_chainsawpsycho : An intelligent person that puts forward an atheist paradigm? Give me a fucking break.
spherical_bastards : lol chain
william_pride2000 : develops erection
mrmoe72000 : <leaves the room>
spherical_bastards : he is so silly
you_love_barb : skips around
cheetos_2010 : Doesn't see chain
ahraii : :opens up voice because he lacks common fucking sense.
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: You fuck.
truthisfalse : is wondering if i saw all the posts would it make a difference
ahraii : ... *opens^
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:31:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
you_love_barb : rofl chain
truthisfalse : <leaves the room>
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : <leaves the room>
eternl_darknss : but for someone to have a strong enough belief in religion to come chat in a room about it is definetly not gonna change their minds about it
nyettiprincess : make an aplogy for the use or the term smokey
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : <arrives> Male 40 from Detroit, MI : <leaves the room>
greg_humphrey99 : <arrives>
you_love_barb : he left
mrmoe72000 : <arrives>
bluejene : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : <arrives> Male
you_love_barb : ok he's back
bluejene : <arrives> Female 36 from My Computer Desk
eternl_darknss : everyone in here will leave with the same beliefs for the most part
spherical_bastards : i iggy him
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: Do you see me know, you prick?
hotvegasman : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : now*
bluejene : <leaves the room>
cheetos_2010 : See chain now
bluejene : <arrives> Female 36 from My Computer Desk
cheetos_2010 : Hey chain :)
hotvegasman : <arrives> Male 38 from las vegas nv alias Gods_moronic_advocate
the_chainsawpsycho : Cheetos :)
you_love_barb : that's all i do in here, is learn.
johntheantibaptist : wb vegas
radardog : can't see Repty.
radardog : <leaves the room>
cheetos_2010 : Repty is in voice :P
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:32:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
reptylinin2 : Still can't see Chain.
mrmoe72000 : <leaves the room>
radardog : <arrives> Male
you_love_barb : and give old men erections.
william_pride2000 : teaches Barb about erotica
hotvegasman : <leaves the room>
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: well, I suppose we could find out who was really telling the truth in this situation. There was no discussion of the movie 'dogma' in the room at that time.
radardog : egghh
you_love_barb : but that's not important
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: I said that if tireless is so smart, then why does he go in circles and put forth an atheist paradigm?
eternl_darknss : dogma is the shit!
be_kind_to_mama_nature : <learns from both "good" and "bad" examples of human behavior.
hotvegasman : <arrives> Male 38 from las vegas nv alias Gods_moronic_advocate
william_pride2000 : old man?
you_love_barb : :>
eternl_darknss : i always talk about it when i come in here
you_love_barb : :-$
missionary3333 : BOO HOO
missionary3333 : haha
william_pride2000 : lol
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: How about I do this -- I cause you much mental anguish to posting the transcripts, so that you can no longer contradict yourself safely?
u_t_i_16 : <leaves the room>
radardog : thinks Tireless is intelligent, but may have a bad premise to some of his arguments.
the_chainsawpsycho : Barb: You give young men erections, too. >:)
trend_set56 : <arrives> Female 21 from Texas
you_love_barb : yuhuuuuuuuuh
eternl_darknss : there is no such thing as common sense when dealing with religion
you_love_barb : my head hurts now.
eternl_darknss : what are you talking about
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
missionary3333 :
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:33:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : radar: tireless's arguments are so faulty
ahraii : ...did repty's balls drop or am I just not used to his voice?
mrmoe72000 : <arrives>
zyncclou : <arrives> alias Icarus
spherical_bastards : tireless is what he is ,he is according to his perception.
bluejene : <sigh>
hotvegasman : barb i need an erection too
nyettiprincess : put the apology on record smokey3084
mrmoe72000 : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : Tireless is smarter than the average bear, but if he can't get over simple concepts he is a loser.
spherical_bastards : hot ...
be_kind_to_mama_nature : What I am is what I am, are you what you are or what...
missionary3333 : BLUEJENE Why are you crying
spherical_bastards : wink
you_love_barb : you're gunna have to buy a bottle of one vegas. =x
you_love_barb : hahahaa
bluejene : crying??
bluejene : i'm not crying
spherical_bastards : she isn't crying
missionary3333 : ah
bluejene : lol
smokey0384 : your unable to answer my questions, instead of attacking my statements as you are unable to, you resort of attacking me personally
missionary3333 : haha
hotvegasman : or you and sphrical naked on my bed
eternl_darknss : and you cant get his concepts
eternl_darknss : so you are stupid
spherical_bastards : woooohooooo
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:34:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty often defends losers that he idolizes. It's sad. : (
eternl_darknss : he trys and you just cut him off
you_love_barb : is spherical hot?
candice2027 : poor repty
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: I have seen no relevant questions. Sorry.
hotvegasman : barb yep
nyettiprincess : your statements were personal
you_love_barb : oh duh she's right here
radardog : Dio, I think if you allowed his premises (such as a concrete atheistic world view and the such), his arguments tend to follow. In fact, from what I've heard on VC with tireless were mostly arguments against the premises than the coherentness of the argument.
customfreak4u : a one that is not cold is barly a one at all
the_chainsawpsycho : Spherical is the apotheosis of hot.
eternl_darknss : <leaves the room>
customfreak4u : barely
smokey0384 : You don't see how "dogma" is related, o ok, thats cool. I won't laugh at you as you would have, no worries, don't worry about it
candice2027 : ginko biloba
customfreak4u : mabye
spherical_bastards : just iggy him and free up the mic
customfreak4u : i cant spell
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : radar: his whole 'worldview' argument is full of fallacies!
candice2027 : repty is smart
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:35:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
william_pride2000 : yes....Spherical is hot
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: No, oddly, I don't. But that might just be because I'm looking at the transcript....
bluejene : lol
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : brb
bluejene : k
zyncclou : <arrives> alias Icarus
bluejene : /:)
smokey0384 : and you can't see the relevance of dyke as you have been talkin about it for past 30minutes, then, o well, these things happen eh,
mr_vvonka2 : Why's everyone pissed off at repty?
the_chainsawpsycho : Spherical: I agree.
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : the women want the mic!
nyettiprincess : american institute of management smokey?
candice2027 : mark and repty are intellectual superiors
reptylinin2 : mr_wonka, because I'm tired of the commoners.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : I'm not pissed at anyone today. And intend to stay this way.
spherical_bastards : candice shaddup
bluejene : lol somer
smokey0384 : hunter, are you now defying that you posted how i said lezbian was not an insult and u implied it was, but then within 2 minutes, you contredicted yourself, saying that you don't think it is an insult and that i do
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:36:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : anyone who cares to see what i look like i placed my state id in profile
be_kind_to_mama_nature : repty, are you implying you are royalty? LOL
smokey0384 : I have another 5 statements you are unable to disagree with
candice2027 : :)i do not find mark boring at all
william_pride2000 : yep, I'm going to have an ALL NICE MONDAY
johntheantibaptist : candice and if you think that then you are obviously inferior.
greg_humphrey99 : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : Somerset: He goes on and on about minutiae, often in a circle and self gratifying manner.
reptylinin2 : Hotvegas :))
candice2027 : ok after 2hours, mark is
hotvegasman : mama i am
smokey0384 : its cool. as u genuially care about it, so u feel himulated, i won't gain anything from it, so let it be
be_kind_to_mama_nature : sure hot..I think I showed you my pic once I'll go peek at yours
hotvegasman : repty you like that hey
m00_m00_cow : <leaves the room>
you_love_barb : <leaves the room>
ooooacidburnoooo : <arrives> Female 31 from Florida
candice2027 : i do not like listening to anyone for over 2hours
bunniebaby02 : this room is more clean and mature than the other rooms :)
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : back
nyettiprincess : smokey you said 'dyke' didnt you-not 'lezbian'
you_love_barb : <arrives> Female from Jersey alias Barb
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:37:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
nyettiprincess : /
the_chainsawpsycho : Blue: I know.
johntheantibaptist : anyone who talks on mic for more than about 5 minutes gets boring quick.
smokey0384 : mm. i am easting rice and egg and ham, strange food lol
johntheantibaptist : at a time.
hotvegasman : mama you will love it
rmugedn : <arrives> Male alias Der Strebend Ubermensch
you_love_barb : goes to
bluejene : lol
radardog : Dio, from what I've heard (note that I'm not listening to VC that often), he uses the worldview idea to argue that the atheist needs to support their case aswell. Which is true, *if* the atheist had a worldview, and *if* the atheist claimed the world view as truth, then that claim would need to be supported.
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: I might have to ignore you.
hotvegasman : candice i placed my state id on my profile
missionary3333 : <leaves the room>
spherical_bastards : aristotle says its so , so it must be .
spherical_bastards : lol somer
bluejene : candi.. go look @ vegas' pic on profile
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:38:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
trend_set56 : <leaves the room>
rmugedn : yawn
hotmalehyd : <arrives> Male
rmugedn : "morning" all
candice2027 : i love listening to vegas, repty,bluejene and spherical on different topics
lovelifeansmile : <arrives> Female 33 from uk
bluejene : lol
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : its true Plato spoke of his mentor but nothing directly from him hmmm
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : lol
candice2027 : somerset too
hotvegasman : rmug mornin
rmugedn : i love this diet
bunniebaby02 : <leaves the room>
rmugedn : sleeping until lunch time
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: what? Realise that I'm not even paying attention to you at this point.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : lol hot
rmugedn : no need for breakfast
candice2027 : ok...profile looking
hotvegasman : rmug check out my state id on my profile
nyettiprincess : radardog-the world view of the atheist is not to be restricted specifically no?
rmugedn : ok
hunter_the_crazychick : smokey0384: I'm currently making it so that you look like a fucking moron every time you try to deny your history in the room. Do be patient....
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:39:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hoomerick6 : <arrives> Male 28 from NJ alias Luscious Hoomer
rmugedn : that rules
hotvegasman : lol
llanellijack : <arrives> Male 31 from Wales
llanellijack : <leaves the room>
bluejene : lol
somersetcase1 : atheism influences world views, but it is not a world view in and of its self.
candice2027 : can i see a real picture gods
nuckinfuts1122002 : <arrives> Male
ahraii : That was...articulate.
seasonsofmist : <arrives> Male
be_kind_to_mama_nature : how can there be an atheist "worldview" that is universal since there is no such thing as an atheist philosophy?
greg_humphrey99 : <arrives>
hoomerick6 : :-*;;)CHEET
smokey0384 : hold on hunter, i am talking to my friend
nyettiprincess : not restricted by an idea of a god
radardog : Princess- I'm not really concerned if the atheist has a world view or not. But supposing they had one, it'd be a claim of truth like any other. I'm just saying the argument follows, but the premises may or may not be true, and that's what I hear argued on voice all the time.
hotvegasman : that is me candice
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:40:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
candice2027 : but the ass makes some unusual vowels an s consonants
reptylinin2 : lol
william_pride2000 : candice are you farting?
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : radar: the problem with tireless's argument is 1) faulty generalization. Tireless takes the least common denominator of all atheistic types ( Jainists, taoists, non-theists, etc) and then says all share one worldview. 2) Tireless then 'special pleads' for a different definition of 'worldview' to attempt to make a default position a positive assertion.
johntheantibaptist : <<<<< knows the reason for life, the reason is to LIVE, then die, end of story.
candice2027 : its all about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
hotvegasman : tony did you see my profile pic yet
greg_humphrey99 : <leaves the room>
bluejene : lol
bluejene : :))
be_kind_to_mama_nature : nyettiprincess, that is an assumption that a belief in an omnipotent deity is a restriction.
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : hey somer
nyettiprincess : the premise mainly argued is the need for evidence
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : u could say
tony_met2002 : No Vegas
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : lol
candice2027 : you could say....ha ha ha
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehe
hotvegasman : check it out
hoomerick6 : 8-|
lord_adolf_hitler : <leaves the room>
nuckinfuts1122002 : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:41:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
tony_met2002 : but I will now
greg_humphrey99 : <arrives>
cheetos_2010 : Hey hoomy :)
be_kind_to_mama_nature : hot, I saw it, and you cheated..I wanted to see what you REALLY looked like
be_kind_to_mama_nature : :P
mystikal_raver_eyes : <arrives>
hotvegasman : lol
cheetos_2010 : What brings you here?
hoomerick6 : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : that is me
candice2027 : the u could say thing is cute.
smokey0384 : lol gods
you_love_barb : repty you just sounded lik cartman
hotvegasman : dressed as jesus
you_love_barb : e*
nyettiprincess : cambots
hunter_the_crazychick : laughs at smokey0384 pretending he has friends again....
bluejene : :))
reptylinin2 : "You could say?"
spherical_bastards : you " you could say "
be_kind_to_mama_nature : the photo is too blurry LOL
spherical_bastards : lol
greg_humphrey99 : <leaves the room>
hoomerick6 : <arrives> Male 28 from NJ alias Luscious Hoomer
bluejene : fukk i blew my hit
johntheantibaptist : lol somer
bluejene : :P
zyncclou : this room is funny
cheetos_2010 : Hey hoomy wb
smokey0384 : where is blue, he had many damn funy ass jokes
hotmalehyd : <leaves the room>
hoomerick6 : 8-|boredom cheet...
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:42:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
cheetos_2010 : awww
cheetos_2010 : :(
candice2027 : mark also calls the "room" a "rom". what a sweetie
hoomerick6 : :pnah is ok...
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : spherical that what philosophers do they will take a topic and beat it to death with the hope of new insight. The process seem painful especially when tireless is on the mic.
greg_humphrey99 : <arrives>
cheetos_2010 : Hoomy-it may be time for a break from chat for awhile
sondewturky : <arrives>
tony_met2002 : Vegas ,your driver's license says you're jesus christ
nyettiprincess : =D>
you_love_barb : im horny
smokey0384 : haha tony
hotvegasman : yep
hoomerick6 : :|yesh...
cheetos_2010 : Hoomy-but I too have been having problems finding interesting chats
william_pride2000 : offers himself to barb
sondewturky : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : <leaves the room>
hoomerick6 : :((
bluejene : i agree, lady... he's a pill to say the least
be_kind_to_mama_nature : lady..there is a yiddish term for that PILPUL..hairsplitting a point beyond all reason.
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : a liitle longwinded?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:43:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : lol somerset
godlesslouisianalady : <arrives> Female 23 from 50 miles north of the Big Easy alias GodlessBayouLady
hoomerick6 : :|we'll always have paris
hotvegasman : and look at how much i look like the jewish dego messiah
be_kind_to_mama_nature : lol bluejene..funny you said that
cheetos_2010 : And of course with the yahell screw-ups it makes it hard to be able to follow some chats
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : mark is pedantic
zyncclou : hahaha
hoomerick6 : brb
gremlin_net : Jesus was four cubits tall? I don't buy it.
cheetos_2010 : k
johntheantibaptist : mark has an air compressor installed, he is not long winded he is a constant.
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : pedantic fits Mark to a tee
godlesslouisianalady : hi yall
bluejene : agreed cheetos.. throw in 2 children and a phone...
smokey0384 : americans have fucked up laws, you can drive a lethal killing machine, buy a gun, join the army and kill ppl intentionally and die for ur country all before ur allowed to drink :))
zyncclou : <leaves the room>
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : hey godless
bluejene : ....housework
hotvegasman : gremlin got it
bluejene : <sigh>
candice2027 : how do i miss all of his speeches
cheetos_2010 : lol @ blue
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:44:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
spherical_bastards : lol tony
nyettiprincess : how can americans be free
greg_humphrey99 : <leaves the room>
mystikal_raver_eyes : <leaves the room>
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : smokey: and there's a reason for that -- the 18-20 year olds abused the priviledge
customfreak4u : <leaves the room>
be_kind_to_mama_nature : cubit..span from fingertip to elbow..hmm lessee how tall is that?
gremlin_net : According to hotvegasman's licence, I've got five inches on Jesus. Also, I'm taller >:)
dadimil2003 : <arrives> Male
hotvegasman : somer hint it doesnt
hotvegasman : lmfao
be_kind_to_mama_nature : lol gremlin
bluejene : lol
reptylinin2 : oh
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : so true somer lol
ooooacidburnoooo : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : dynope, tell me who the fuck doesn't abuse or exploit their situation and priviledge
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : so true
william_pride2000 : smokey, that's because if you allow the younger ones to drink then they usually do all that shit without a REASON :)
candice2027 : can you imagine mark and tireless french kissing . they would be kissing till sundown
seizure_of_pain : <arrives> Male 16 from Pennsylvania alias Anti-social
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:45:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
dadimil2003 : <leaves the room>
be_kind_to_mama_nature : doesn't see somersetcase's posts?
knight_of_baawa : <arrives>
hotvegasman : gremlin jesus didnt get the dego blood thats why he short
guilty_jake : <arrives>
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : smokey: that's what happens here when too many do!
johntheantibaptist : mama somer is on voice
nyettiprincess : only those that have no privileges
somersetcase1 : Do you see this mama
be_kind_to_mama_nature : yes somer, now I doo
bluejene : ....imagine maek on that show "blind date"
bluejene : :))
be_kind_to_mama_nature : I do, too LOL
bluejene : mark too
spread_your_vaginal_lips : <arrives> Male
cheetos_2010 : don't see mama
radardog : Dio- I just heard them say that they have 'a' worldview that, as atheists, would have something in common (the lack of God). (He could've said a single worldview, I wouldn't know -- I don't listen to voice that often). And the 'default position' is a claim like any other. One that needs to be supported. ie, why it should be considered default.
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : I answer to voice. No one pays attention to me but I feel that much involved
smokey0384 : snyope, i admit america gets more critism than it deserves, as its the most powerfull country by far, it is expected to have so many responsibilties, but its pretty blatant how fucked up some of it is that needs considerable change
trend_set56 : <arrives> Female 21 from Texas
hoomerick6 : :p
somersetcase1 : I pay attention to you lady
candice2027 : mark is an elitist
bluejene : lady, hon.. i do try though...
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:46:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
be_kind_to_mama_nature : lady, I even responded to one of your posts earlier
guilty_jake : who here does not believe in god
smokey0384 : synope, pfft, buddy, its human nature, why do you thinks so many black people exploit racism
hotvegasman : i read what you write lady
trend_set56 : hi bluejene
be_kind_to_mama_nature : one you typed, that is
hotvegasman : trend
cheetos_2010 : <---I do not
bluejene : i even took the ppl leaving and comin in off my screen to pay better attn...
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : its ok I type to slow and I can never get the mic and keep it
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : radar: worldview - 1. The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.
godlesslouisianalady : ME ME ME , GUILTY!
hoomerick6 : Jakew many I would think by the state of "play" here
be_kind_to_mama_nature : doesn't like to use voice in chat rooms
trend_set56 : hi moronic advocate
hotvegasman : lady must be on dial up
bluejene : lol lady.. welcome to yahoo chat...
godlesslouisianalady : What are you going to do about it, guilty
seizure_of_pain : is that bad
ahraii : Is Mark here, right now?
trend_set56 : tropical strom headed my way :(
seizure_of_pain : being on dial up?
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : nope dsl
smokey0384 : brb, playsation fifa time, I WILL win our champion
nyettiprincess : i dont believe in
bluejene : lag from dial up is a pain, yes
radardog : dio- What I'm saying only holds if a person claims that their worldview is the truth. They'd need to make that claim.
smokey0384 : hehe brb
cheetos_2010 : uh oh trend-good luck
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:47:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : to voice it can be
godlesslouisianalady : U in texas, trend?
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : Im using an alternative chat client
hotvegasman : lag
reptylinin2 : Somerset, damn right! Nietzsche was miserable!
ahraii : Fucking straightforward question. All I'm asking for is a yes or a no.
hoomerick6 : =;bye cheet.....
trend_set56 : yeah ....... very scary
be_kind_to_mama_nature : <on dial up and wouldn't have access to DSL even if I wanted to pay that much
seizure_of_pain : i am on it but i seem to be doing great
cheetos_2010 : bye Hoomy :X
godlesslouisianalady : awwww
bluejene : but voice is screwed lag or not
bluejene : lol
hoomerick6 : :-*
hotvegasman : blue lmfao
candice2027 : applicable is for auto mechanics
guilty_jake : look at it this way if we are righ we go to heven and you go to hell but if you are right we go nowhere so would you rater go nowhere or heven or nowhere or hell
cheetos_2010 : :-*
hoomerick6 : is that Somerset in the UK???????
be_kind_to_mama_nature : heck, I'm lucky there is even electricity where I live
nyettiprincess : the atheist worldview is the truth for atheists
ahraii : guilty_jake, maybe God hates those who hedge their bets.
spherical_bastards : oh my you let yourself be yoked into the philoshitical arena .
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:48:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
trend_set56 : :((
godlesslouisianalady : Guilty.....You do know its all made up
hoomerick6 : or Jake you could disappear up your own bottom
cheetos_2010 : guilty-so I should just pretend to believe in hopes of saving my "skin"?
deleterious_feline : can't get DSl
radardog : princess- Er, maybe I should've said that their worldview is absolutely true (for everyone).
be_kind_to_mama_nature : jake, if if's and nuts were candy and nuts we'd all be happily munching
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : who said that was too busy looking at my keyboard
the_chainsawpsycho : <leaves the room>
jeesifyoulovehonkus : <arrives>
nyettiprincess : nowher e in heaven or hell
hoomerick6 : SOMERSET in the UK????
bluejene : lol
seizure_of_pain : <leaves the room>
tony_met2002 : guilty_jake,what's HEVEN?
johntheantibaptist : "IF" the most profound 2 letter word in the english language.
bluejene : :))
seasonsofmist : <leaves the room>
jeesifyoulovehonkus : <leaves the room>
knight_of_baawa : Weren't you a telemarketer, repty?
raja_iway : <arrives> Male 22 from hyderabad
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : radar: sorry about that -- phone call. what tireless does is faulty generalization, namely that all atheists share a worldview ( :)) ) Tireless then attempts to take that definition and INCLUDE a statement saying that within our worldview, we have to establish evidence for the non-existance of a god ( which is garbage!)
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:49:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
deleterious_feline : guilty_jake- I will not believe because of fear; even if I chose to, God, being all knowing, would recognize the fact that my faith was false, and would condemn me to hell anyway.
reptylinin2 : knight, never.
ahraii : Fuck's sake...tempted to just ignore the whole elitist bunch. Is Mark here right now?
bluejene : =;
deleterious_feline : There is more safety in being honest.
bluejene : j/k
guilty_jake : is any one here christian ?
be_kind_to_mama_nature : john, I think NO is the most profound two letter word in the English language, IMHO
godlesslouisianalady : Mark? who is mark?
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : mark is walking talking book I need mark for college study lol
hoomerick6 : <--heretical christian
larry_isley : <arrives> Male from Iowa alias larry_isley
hotvegasman : praise jesus
trend_set56 : <<<< Christian here
godlesslouisianalady : <----ex-christian, Ex- theist
mr_vvonka2 : <leaves the room>
goddess_goldberry : <arrives> Female 26 from Texas
cheetos_2010 : I'm an ex-xian too
deleterious_feline : <leaves the room>
johntheantibaptist : mama, well no has it attributes but "if" can entail so many posibilities.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:50:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
jefferyhf : <arrives>
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : radar: he doesn't understand that worldviews can develop without the need of certain criteria
jefferyhf : <leaves the room>
cheetos_2010 : Believes that if there truly is a god it certainly is not the christian god
guilty_jake : stand up for what you believe in dont just drop all the weight on me help me out help a fellow brother in chris
keso_hallin : <arrives> Male 21 from Sweden alias Keso
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : but I must leave -- I have to pick someone up
bluejene : lol
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : TTFN™
guilty_jake : christ*
diogenes_of_synope_2003 : <leaves the room>
hoomerick6 : /:)
goddess_goldberry : jake? lower the font or meet the smite of IGGY
ahraii : GodlessBayouLady, Mark is someone who's not in the room (as far as I can tell), who bothers everyone here so fucking bad that, despite not being here, is the topic of conversation.
william_pride2000 : is horny
trend_set56 : Sorry jake ....... just got here.......don't know whats going on
godlesslouisianalady : godamn, ahraii
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : mark acts like a hard ass online. He seems insecure to me. Venerable even.
goddess_goldberry : joshie.. i thought that was "marc" not "mark"
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:51:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
raja_iway : hai
hoomerick6 : Or Jake act a total IDIOT and go against everything Jesus stood for...
cheetos_2010 : jake-maybe not all christians are like you. Maybe they prefer discussing and not imposing
godlesslouisianalady : is mark a fundie?
ahraii : shrugs.
hoomerick6 : now I am getting petty...
hoomerick6 : bye
hoomerick6 : <leaves the room>
firelily1951 : <arrives>
candice2027 : lovely mark is my sweetie:-P
firelily1951 : hi room
cheetos_2010 : Loves survivior
cheetos_2010 : survivor
hotvegasman : i love that show
william_pride2000 : hi firelily
cheetos_2010 : If I can't watch I tape
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : that right candice mark will come around....someday
nyettiprincess : christians- dont dump on your own
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:52:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : cheetos.. come on.. everyone knows bible thumping is profitable-- I mean, it works to save souls... other wise they wouldn't do it right? :P
johntheantibaptist : somer, yep the best pick up line is " how would you like a night of wil passionate sex?" either way you know where you stand.
goddess_goldberry : lol hot
radardog : dio- mmm. I'd more say, if you can call it a world view, that atheists share at least one element in the so-called worldview. And that in either case of these worldviews, they'd need to be supported if claimed as true. Then to support each individual worldview as a whole, everything that it entails would have to be supported. Since they all share at least that element, then it follows that each one would need to support the Godless position.
goddess_goldberry : i can't stand reality shows
william_pride2000 : hi gg :x
bluejene : #-o
godlesslouisianalady : I watch only 2 reality shows: The osbournes and I'm with Busey
larry_isley : the only reality show I watch is Last Comic Standing
johntheantibaptist : wild*
godlesslouisianalady : and yeah, Last comic standing
ahraii : goddess_goldberry, it's just so fucking silly. They're all complaining about how when Mark's here he holds onto the microphone for too long, how fucking annoying he is. The irony should be fucking glaring. Go figure.
godlesslouisianalady : Thanks larry
hotvegasman : yep
larry_isley : ok I've seen I'm with Bussey, but I think thats just a gag
family_rivet : <arrives> Male alias family_rivet
scotsmanmatt : is back
william_pride2000 : oh hey i've been watching Last Comic Standing...that's pretty good
bluejene : baby callin.. brb
goddess_goldberry : lol joshie.. that is silly
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:53:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
ahraii : That was three fuckings, by the way.
family_rivet : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : I don't get why they are bitching about someone who isn't even in the room
be_kind_to_mama_nature : my life is more interesting than any reality show..I prefer reality to a reality show..the key part of that is SHOW people...they know the camera is rolling.
goddess_goldberry : repty :X
ahraii : It's one of those days.
trend_set56 : <leaves the room>
larry_isley : I can't belief Raplhie won last week, his stuff is so tired
keso_hallin : <leaves the room>
cheetos_2010 : <leaves the room>
trend_set56 : <arrives> Female 21 from Texas
deleterious_feline : <arrives>
godlesslouisianalady : I do, larry...but Gary Busey is really that fucking crazy
deleterious_feline : sighs
lovelifeansmile : <leaves the room>
william_pride2000 : larry, yeah, I liked Rob's set better. It must be something about a fat guy...a REALLY fat guy
radardog : Dio- But that may have not been Tireless' argument.
bunniebaby02 : <arrives> Female
goddess_goldberry : larry.. i can't believe that "I'm with Bussey" is real
godlesslouisianalady : Ralphie is cool...I like Ralphie
hotvegasman : repty im sorry but listen the reality show
nyettiprincess : radardog-the worldviewis all inclusive
trend_set56 : <leaves the room>
reptylinin2 : Oh, lol
godlesslouisianalady : However, I can't see that dat phan dude lasting much longer, although I am rooting for him
trend_set56 : <arrives> Female 21 from Texas
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:54:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : lol repty.. open mouth.. insert foot here
larry_isley : Ralphie isn't bad, but I just feel like I've already seen all his stuff, done by other comedians
goddess_goldberry : :P
you_love_barb : <leaves the room>
candice2027 : like meet megans parents...
johntheantibaptist : raja, i do not talk in pm.
candice2027 : ;)
agn0stic_and_atheist : <arrives> Male 36 from England
godlesslouisianalady : who do you think will win, larry?>
ahraii : "Meh meh meh. Mark wastes our time. Let's talk about Mark. Let's talk about reality shows."
firelily1951 : <leaves the room>
goddess_goldberry : i saw "phone booth" last night
radardog : Princess- All inclusive?
goddess_goldberry : i haven't decided if i like it or not
godlesslouisianalady : Did youlike it, goddess?
godlesslouisianalady : I loved it
goddess_goldberry : i would not date who my parents picked out for me
william_pride2000 : Has anyone seen Pirates of the Carribean?
goddess_goldberry : they would pick out a really boring christian...
william_pride2000 : lol gg
be_kind_to_mama_nature : Hi goddess :D
larry_isley : as long as it isn't Voss, man I ahte that guy
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:55:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : yeah somer
nyettiprincess : evrything is evidential
goddess_goldberry : somer... that is called pbs
william_pride2000 : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : X-( I hate voss
william_pride2000 : <arrives> Male 39 from Los Angeles alias William_Nice
candice2027 : CHANGE OF HEART
goddess_goldberry : did you see the documentary about the girl and the stomach staples?
larry_isley : Last Comic Standing
nyettiprincess : except gods
sweet_gurl_0385 : <arrives> Female 17 from oh..u know;) alias Sweetie
spherical_bastards : <leaves the room>
goddess_goldberry : soo fucking funny
sweet_gurl_0385 : hey room
spherical_bastards : <arrives> Female 18 from Kentucky alias Delicious Delilah
be_kind_to_mama_nature : feels left out of the current conversation since I haven't watched ANY of these shows :O
sweet_gurl_0385 : a.s.l
william_pride2000 : i like that plastic surgery show
candice2027 : the bachelor
bluejene : back...
candice2027 : fear factor
goddess_goldberry : ahh i can't hear who ever is talkng
bunniebaby02 : raja_iway: why? raja_iway: please please
radardog : Princess, dio- Maybe we could continue this later. I need to get to class. Farewell everyone.
knight_of_baawa : <leaves the room>
candice2027 : temptation island
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:56:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
ahraii : ...
bluejene : lol lou
bluejene : :))
larry_isley : its the only "reality" show I watch if you can call it that
nyettiprincess : bye radardog
radardog : <leaves the room>
larry_isley : and Ithink I'm with Bussey is all one big gag
godlesslouisianalady : He is always on "Tough crowd"....
sweet_gurl_0385 : hello?
rmugedn : <leaves the room>
william_pride2000 : hi Sweetie
johntheantibaptist : 6 days older than dirt/yes everychance i get/ second star to the right and take a left.
hunter_the_crazychick : is away (Away)
goddess_goldberry : larry. you think bussey is acting up for the camera?
spherical_bastards : lol somer
goddess_goldberry : not abba?
godlesslouisianalady : Busey is a gag, but a funny one. I can't wait for that show "Reno 911"
bluejene : :O
sweet_gurl_0385 : <leaves the room>
larry_isley : goddess, yeah I think it's 'improvisational scripting'
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:57:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : larry.. i agree
godlesslouisianalady : Agreed
candice2027 : :xsomerset and repty!!!!!!!!!!
ahraii : <leaves the room>
larry_isley : like the movies by...damn whats that guys name, the dog show movie...
larry_isley : ugh
bluejene : :))
godlesslouisianalady : Hey larry, do you ever watch "Tough Crowd" with colin quinn?
nyettiprincess : in a temporal stasis johnthebapteist?
godlesslouisianalady : Christopher Guest
candice2027 : wind beneath my wingd duo from repty and somer
goddess_goldberry : stopit.. you are going to make me sing too
goddess_goldberry : :P
larry_isley : Yeah I catch tough crowd occaisionally
godlesslouisianalady : they were showing "Best in show" yesterday...I fucking love that movie
william_pride2000 : Ultimate Makeover
larry_isley : yeah Chris Guest
william_pride2000 : godless, have you seen "A Mighty Wind"?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:58:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
bunniebaby02 : <leaves the room>
larry_isley : its only loosely scripted, the majority is imporv
godlesslouisianalady : You know that comic that comes on named Greg Giralado? I hate that motherfucker
agn0stic_and_atheist : <leaves the room>
goddess_goldberry : tony.. is that the guy who puts himself in the bubble?
william_pride2000 : has fucked a mother :">
godlesslouisianalady : Not yet, it any good?
johntheantibaptist : <<<<knows what somer did with the money his parents gave him for singing lessons, he spent it on beer.
william_pride2000 : godless...yes...very
candice2027 : THE AM@ZING REPTY
larry_isley : I'll bet
spread_your_vaginal_lips : ¨°º^v^{MeAtBoX 3.0}^v^º°¨..·••Loaded••·. By:s_e_s_s_i_o_n_s
godlesslouisianalady : gotta go see it
william_pride2000 : if you like Best in Show you'll love it
goddess_goldberry : lol.. i thought i had seen him..
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 11:59:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : spread is iggied
goddess_goldberry : dammit.. i can't see jfire..
be_kind_to_mama_nature : Hmm, I promised I'd never reveal my friends name ..I'm not one to name drop "much" i have a certain celebrity friend who told me that there are a number of out of work "celebrities" who are all trying to get their own reality shows, it seems that everyone is trying to get one, and much of the stuff on them is NOT real
godlesslouisianalady : I am really wanting to see all of chris guest movies
gremlin_net : is away (Away)
goddess_goldberry : have i mentioned i hate yahoo?
be_kind_to_mama_nature : I know of two new celebrity reality shows in the works and even some things that will be on them
raja_iway : <leaves the room>
be_kind_to_mama_nature : however, If I tell..I'll be in DEEP dooooo doooooo
goddess_goldberry : i can't see anyone talking
jfirebird1 : tonyB-)
goddess_goldberry : errrr
be_kind_to_mama_nature : and will loose my buddy
godlesslouisianalady : Larry, did you see the tough crowd with George Carlin on there?
smokey0384 : <-- you have to check out this link
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:00:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : HAHA, its halarious
goddess_goldberry : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : especially for those hoax calls
bbbbink : <arrives> Male from Seattle, WA
johntheantibaptist : vegas, now thats talent.
goddess_goldberry : <arrives> Female 26 from Texas
be_kind_to_mama_nature : but I don't even like the ones that are on now
hotvegasman : yep
smokey0384 : its arnies voice, you click on the buttons for his phrases
be_kind_to_mama_nature : or the commercials at least
larry_isley : I still haven't seen Waiting for Guffman
be_kind_to_mama_nature : since I haven't watched any but the Osbournes a couple of times
godlesslouisianalady : Nor have I
larry_isley : I gotta remember to rent that
candice2027 : the HOTvegas m
hotvegasman : lmfao
johntheantibaptist : vegas, we should elect her president, she is more talented than the last 2
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:01:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
be_kind_to_mama_nature : one of the next reality shows will really stoop to new lows if they don't edit out a particularly embarassing situation
godlesslouisianalady : Larry, I think that older woman is going to win it. after all, buddy hacket endorsed her....I am going to miss him
bbbbink : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : somerset, have u and yr farmer friends been laying down those fertilizers ahaha
deleterious_feline : william_pride2000- I heard it was awful.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : next season keep an eye out for a new celebrity reality show that will even stretch the limits of what you have seen thus far folks
johntheantibaptist : vegas, we should fund a study, or start a study about that, and get someone else to pay us to do it.
somersetcase1 : LOL smokery. real funny
be_kind_to_mama_nature : I mean, this stuff might make the Enquirer seem tame
hotvegasman : mommy look i did all by myself
nyettiprincess : :(
cornertym1977 : <leaves the room>
william_pride2000 : deleterious....heard what was awful?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:02:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
larry_isley : the white lady?
deleterious_feline : Pirates of the Carribean.
godlesslouisianalady : Maybe...Shit, I forgot about Tess
smokey0384 : sommerset, its fuckin hot today, what abouts where you are
hotvegasman : john no way bush is in office
nyettiprincess : /:)
deleterious_feline : hasn't been paying attention to the room; slightly delayed
smokey0384 : i thinks its hottest day of the year so far here in uk
larry_isley : I'm trying to think who would be best on a sitcom, boith of the women would be good
hotvegasman : warm what warm
be_kind_to_mama_nature : a female celebrity who has a relationship that is rather bizarre
william_pride2000 : deleterious...what did you hear was awful?
nyettiprincess : 8-|
johntheantibaptist : vegas, ok we elect that porno star then get the study funded.
deleterious_feline : The movies, Pirates of the Carribean.
hotvegasman : i would thank god for warm
deleterious_feline : -s
be_kind_to_mama_nature : looks like no one is paying attention anyway LOL
spread_your_vaginal_lips : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:03:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
candice2027 : gggggggggggngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggnm bluejene
nyettiprincess : :-*
hotvegasman : john lmfao
larry_isley : I'm listening mama
deleterious_feline : *stabs her keyboard*
godlesslouisianalady : Tess has a good chance. Here is who I think will be next to go: Dat Pham, that skinny black guy, the white woman, the older white guy, ralphie, and the winner is Tess
smokey0384 : woah,wtf
deleterious_feline : A friend of mine saw it, and said it was awful.
smokey0384 : taker easer candice
larry_isley : I'm trying to guess who it is
candice2027 : my graphics
nyettiprincess : :D
william_pride2000 : deleterious....saw WHAT?
bluejene : :))
smokey0384 : feline, you were explaining to me earlier a dyke isn't a lezbian :-?
hotvegasman : yep
be_kind_to_mama_nature : lol..this is fun in a way..I've never revealed gossip like this before
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:04:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : sorry, i was stoned more, and my mind was off else where
deleterious_feline : ;sighs
be_kind_to_mama_nature : but figure I better cut it out now
deleterious_feline : sighs even
be_kind_to_mama_nature : fergetaboutit
william_pride2000 : deleterious felines.....WHAT movie did your friend think and that you heard was awful?
johntheantibaptist : somer, no just a car battery and some wires.
deleterious_feline : william_pride2000- Pirates of the Carribean.
william_pride2000 : deleterious...OH....well I loved it :)
nyettiprincess : Smokey> 'lezbian' is spelt 'lesbian'.
deleterious_feline : You're dense today. Either that or Yahoo is hiding posts.
hotvegasman : lol
candice2027 : taking it hardcore in the ASS! Cum in for a trial NOW!
william_pride2000 : must be hiding...i'm rarely dense :)
godlesslouisianalady : OUUUUUUCCCCCHH
larry_isley : I think Geoff Brtown goes next
deleterious_feline : I thought so, william.
larry_isley : Brown
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:05:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
larry_isley : cause he punked them on his vote, so revenge is in order
johntheantibaptist : somer, and poke the cat with a stick a few times
william_pride2000 : fucking yahoo
spherical_bastards : lol
be_kind_to_mama_nature : my "celebrity" friend is more of an online buddy anyway..and could be just "playing" me..we haven't seen each other in more than 20 years and I think he likes to joke around..and I also think he was pissed cause HIS life was turned down by MTV to do one of those reality shows
bluejene : #-o
guilty_jake : <leaves the room>
spherical_bastards : lol somer
bluejene : :))
godlesslouisianalady : Geoff brown..which one is that.
johntheantibaptist : LMFAO somer
godlesslouisianalady : OH YEAH
be_kind_to_mama_nature : they said he was too "normal" for the viewers
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:06:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : mama, pfft, who is your celeberity friend
hotvegasman : i need to take this show on the road
larry_isley : The black guy
smokey0384 : u know celebritys are just better people than us, rite?
larry_isley : Then Dat
be_kind_to_mama_nature : nah they aren't
trend_set56 : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : Oh yeah...that dude is an asshole
epatic120 : <arrives> Female
hotvegasman : lmfao
be_kind_to_mama_nature : they aren't much different
trend_set56 : <arrives> Female 21 from Texas
sweeeeet_surrender : <arrives> Female 31 from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.
scony3 : <arrives> Male
be_kind_to_mama_nature : and once ina great while some may even pop into yahell rooms
godlesslouisianalady : From the previews, I say its dat then Geoff
sweeeeet_surrender : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : mama, considering their backgrounds and they are humans, yea, they are different
be_kind_to_mama_nature : but I doubt you'd know it if they did
smokey0384 : haha mamma
larry_isley : then all you have left is the 4 conspirators
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:07:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
johntheantibaptist : vegas i used to have the perfect cat for it too, his name was freddy, after freddy kruger.
sundevil_90 : <arrives> Male from Dreaming of Borneo
godlesslouisianalady : true..
scony3 : <leaves the room>
trend_set56 : hi spherical
hotvegasman : yep
larry_isley : persoanlly I hope Dave or Corey wins
johntheantibaptist : he would hide around the house and wait to attack anything that moved.
godlesslouisianalady : why dave?
scotsmanmatt : is away (Away)
larry_isley : I like Dave I find him genuinly funny
goddess_goldberry : tony.. talk to me when you pass a watermelon out your nostril
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:08:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hotvegasman : tony but imagine it with a hard on
be_kind_to_mama_nature : many are just like the average joe, but now they have more money and toys to play with and hang out in very public places..their lives are like a fishbowl
steve1969plymouth : <arrives> Male 32 from uk alias
larry_isley : its about what is funny in real life
larry_isley : and he is quick
smokey0384 : does anyone here beleive in the 6th sense
be_kind_to_mama_nature : and sometimes they just like to keep touch with their beginnings and friends they knew before they made it big
godlesslouisianalady : I do too, but his jokes need to be stronger...just a tad..but dave is sneaky, which i like
bluejene : :))
nyettiprincess : smokey is chainto the ground
godlesslouisianalady : any shockers on who has been let go?
deleterious_feline : smokey0384- the word dyke is used not for lesbians, but for <masculine> lesbians. Aka... 'n 1: a lesbian who is noticeably masculine [syn: butch]' also, it's a derogatory term; therefore you were insinuating that a) you thought being a masculine lesbian was a bad thing, b) that hunter was a masculine lesbian. Both of which are untrue.
the_chainsawpsycho : <arrives> Male
larry_isley : how do you mean
goddess_goldberry : lady.. my hubby always says.. if you won't put it in your mouth, you don't put your dick in it
bluejene : #-o
be_kind_to_mama_nature : folks and places that they knew who actually helped them to FORM their worldview ( there I managed to fit something into the current argument thread ) LOL
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:09:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
godlesslouisianalady : any one eliminated that shouldn't have been?
bluejene : :O
jfirebird1 : <leaves the room>
jfirebird1 : <arrives> Male 546 from Memphis, TN
nyettiprincess : smokey> do you dream in your sleep?
steve1969plymouth : :-O
goddess_goldberry : lol
larry_isley : I think Rob should have remained
johntheantibaptist : nobody, is getting near my crotch with anything that is sharp nor is anyone going to stick anything into my dick
deleterious_feline : Grrrr. I hate trolls. -.-
bluejene : ...somer's either really masochistic or really sadistic'
smokey0384 : haha feline, ur absouletly right, did hunter actually admit it to you
fastillion : <arrives> Male
bluejene : :))
larry_isley : I found his stuff origianl, but maybe he is just too yong, he;ll get better ifhe doesn't give it up
godlesslouisianalady : really? I am glad they got rid of tere....she was fucking annoying
johntheantibaptist : blue, i vote sadistic
smokey0384 : hunter didn't admit she was wrong pffft, thats inevitable
william_pride2000 : no it was called
william_pride2000 : EXTREME MAKEOVER
somersetcase1 : sadistic. mwahahaha
nyettiprincess : smokey0384. does not dream in his sleep.
deleterious_feline : Admit what? O.o
goddess_goldberry : repty. you have done it?
larry_isley : yeah she was
larry_isley : and the cowboy
spherical_bastards : lol
beingwithalovelywomen : <leaves the room>
bluejene : :O
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:10:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
larry_isley : umm sean
godlesslouisianalady : I knew he wasn't going to last...despite his cancer
the_chainsawpsycho : I am a rock. I am a pillar.
steve1969plymouth : <leaves the room>
rolex200383 : <arrives>
hotvegasman : a bucket of grey clay
godlesslouisianalady : But I will be very very very pissed if rich wins
smokey0384 : feline, What if a girl is just acting mascaline and acting like she has more testosterone than most men, what word would be better than dyke to describe that
the_chainsawpsycho : I'm not going to let anyone touch my cock, unless I can see what they are doing.
godlesslouisianalady : and I have a sick feeling he will
hotvegasman : somer should know what grey clay is
larry_isley : oh man, he is so fricking irritating, and he's not that funny
smokey0384 : feline, you are my walking dictionary, lol
the_chainsawpsycho : Maybe they could pour acid on it.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:11:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
hunter_the_crazychick : is back
hunter_the_crazychick : wonders why she's obligated to admit she's wrong, when she wasn't wrong.
hunter_the_crazychick : Not that it matters; that'll be all nice and settled in a minute or two....
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: It's not the same.
nyettiprincess : Smokey> she probably pissed at you der
epatic120 : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : I didn't think he could qualify, I mean, he has been on colin quinn's show before
larry_isley : yeah I've seen hum before that
smokey0384 : are you ok hunter? :)
smokey0384 :
johntheantibaptist : chain, even if i can see, there a things i still won't allow anyone to do to my dick.
bluejene : :))
nyettiprincess : smokey0384> you irish roman catholic?
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey..I like the line from one of those Alien movies where some woman crewmember ( can't recall her name now ) was asked by some jerk male member of the crew..." Have you ever been mistaken for a man?" And as she flexes her muscles on her arm she looks at him and says, NO, have YOU?
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:12:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
jfirebird1 : :))
smokey0384 : HAHA
the_chainsawpsycho : John: Cordless coffee grinders come to mind.
smokey0384 : lmfao, damn
bluejene : ewewww
godlesslouisianalady : Oh I loved when greg giraldo got DISSED by george carlin on quinn's show
smokey0384 : you americans have big brother rite, well british version they thought 1 of the woman was really a man, and she wasn't
nyettiprincess : Aliens.
larry_isley : Imissed that
johntheantibaptist : chain, thats rule number one nothing sharp near the crotch.
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:13:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
guilty_jake : <arrives>
the_chainsawpsycho : be_kind: I think that was "Vasquez" from Aliens.
the_chainsawpsycho : She rocked.
natalie_91748 : <arrives> Female
be_kind_to_mama_nature : yes chain! that was it
reptylinin2 : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : Oh it was a classic. He dogged his ass bad. Personally, Patrice O'neal is one funny ass dude. I love the racial sparing they do on the show, even though it gets old
reptylinin2 : <arrives> Male 22 from Bedford, TX (Dallas-Forth Worth alias Rep-T
the_chainsawpsycho : Vegas: Ouch.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : Vasquez that was the name of the female character
fetalicious : <arrives>
lisa_tq : <arrives> Female
rickman1344 : <arrives> Male
guilty_jake : who is an Atheist
smokey0384 : no, vasquez is nothing compared to riley for a woman starring in an alien film
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:14:54 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
godlesslouisianalady : Me, you prick
larry_isley : lol
hotvegasman : im agnostic if that counts
fetalicious : <leaves the room>
the_chainsawpsycho : she see*
rickman1344 : i am from michigan
be_kind_to_mama_nature : that line and the way she delivered it were classic..a great way to put down a man who felt threatened by a strong and confident woman
smokey0384 : anyways, ive seen hunters picture, she is beautifull and genuine :)
godlesslouisianalady : <-----Sexy Cajun militant atheist
johntheantibaptist : vegas, did you ever get to work with phoscord (it is a phosfurous based puddy)
spherical_bastards : tony you here ?
hotvegasman : john thats grey clay
deleterious_feline : smokey0384- Butch.
guilty_jake : who wants to dicuss this one on one prefeeably a guy IM me now
the_chainsawpsycho : I like it. >:)
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:15:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : right on mamma, as spice girls would say, "girl power!"
deleterious_feline : Being masculine doesn't make you a lesbian.
godlesslouisianalady : You are sick, jake
larry_isley : ugh IMs are for wimps
natalie_91748 : <leaves the room>
bluejene : :))
be_kind_to_mama_nature : I've noticed that men who are secretly harboring feelings of impotence or fear of inadequacy often react quite vehemently to powerful confident women by attempts to insult their femininity
smokey0384 : jake, pm me u fag, tell me what u wanna get of ur chest
lisa_tq : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : well rick, they are talking about dicks on the mic
spherical_bastards : another critique of avc
johntheantibaptist : vegas, the military calls it phoscord, it comes in rolls like a sealant.
spherical_bastards : lol hots
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: You'd better hope there was no razorwire near, if I see something like that.
spherical_bastards : ha
godlesslouisianalady : and larry and I are talking about the reality show "Last comic Standing"
apologist2004 : <arrives>
hotvegasman : it comes in buckets
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:16:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
goddess_goldberry : lol.. i woul thump it
godlesslouisianalady : and I am from Louisiana, nice to meet you rick from michigan
smokey0384 : haha, mamma, U should se britian, ever since we accepted feminism 30years ago, its effect a lot of guys :|
greg_humphrey99 : <arrives>
smokey0384 :
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey, however you appear to display precisely the kind of weakness I am talking about
the_chainsawpsycho : Blue: Yep. hehehehehehehe
goddess_goldberry : JAKE.. pm me
spherical_bastards : whirly bird
goddess_goldberry : lol jake i will talk to you..
hotvegasman : lol
spherical_bastards : i am going to spank you
goddess_goldberry : i am soo bored
larry_isley : I don't see LCS till Saturday, casue I watch Keen Eddy on Tuesdays
greg_humphrey99 : <leaves the room>
larry_isley : cause
godlesslouisianalady : is that show any good?
hotvegasman : blue if its big enough you can fuck it you know
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey, since I've been in here today, your posts reveal fear of emasculation
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:17:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehe
rickman1344 : <leaves the room>
johntheantibaptist : vegas, the military gets it in rolls it is used primarily to remove heavy doors and such, it will burn thru a sold vault door.
smokey0384 : yea, i actually like a strong woman, but im the dominant asshole in the relationship
be_kind_to_mama_nature : from strong women
nyettiprincess : The Edge says music can be so predictable..
johntheantibaptist : solid*
larry_isley : I like it, its like a tamed down Lock Stock and 2 smoking Barrels
gremlin_net : <leaves the room>
gremlin_net : <arrives> Male
gremlin_net : Back.
godlesslouisianalady : ooooooooh, I need to watch it
hotvegasman : lmfao
larry_isley : It's as good as most things on TV
smokey0384 : o yea, I would quake my boots with a woman whipping me with her high hell shoe on my chest while im tied down on the floor
apologist2004 : <leaves the room>
fetalicious : <arrives>
smokey0384 : lol j/k
married_into_the_craft : <arrives> 100 from Hell alias Demented Dentons
larry_isley : I 'll catch Munk occaisionally, thats kinda cute
godlesslouisianalady : Perhaps network tv wouldn't mind a visit from me (all I watch is cable
andrew_hard2000 : <arrives> Male 27 from ask
smokey0384 : yeah, *coughs*
fetalicious : ok
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:18:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
fetalicious : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : anyways, mamma, what you been up to today
the_chainsawpsycho : Spherical: The blood is gone from their brains.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey, you wouldn't be a dominant asshole with a strong woman..a strong woman doesn't allow a male to dominate her. And being a dominatrix has nothing to do with what I'm saying.
gremlin_net : So far, the number of people thinking scotsmantroll isn't a welch is up to one, including scotsmantroll. Vote here: >:)
hotvegasman : i had a friend that got his caught in a vacum
married_into_the_craft : crazy fuckeres
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey, you are an asshole with or without a woman.
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehe
married_into_the_craft : fuckers
andrew_hard2000 : <leaves the room>
godlesslouisianalady : <---Crazy fucker....
smokey0384 : yea, mamma, ur fuckin right, coz the woman get to say when they want sex, a man never says no, woman do
nyettiprincess : te dominatrix is really the slave
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:19:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_chainsawpsycho : Superglue. Ouch.
rob1142hr : <arrives> Male alias Rob
smokey0384 : I have guilt mamma, i ain't an asshole. its a weakness
married_into_the_craft : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : I try and be a nice guy beleive it or not
smokey0384 :
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey, why don't you try it in chat?
rob1142hr : <leaves the room>
johntheantibaptist : vegas, ever hear about the guy who killed himself, by taking 2 electric sanders(without pads) and using to masturbate.
johntheantibaptist : them^
hotvegasman : nope
smokey0384 : mamma, cmon now. u know i am bein nice :)
the_chainsawpsycho : Krazy glue! hehehehehehe
nyettiprincess : 'rocknroll stop the traffic'
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:20:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey...I don't even know why I started posting to you. LOL
agn0stic_and_atheist : <arrives> Male 36 from England
smokey0384 : so, what have u been up to today mamma
hotvegasman : lmfao
godlesslouisianalady : :))
smokey0384 : well, becoz i am a nice guy lol
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : lol
the_chainsawpsycho : Maybe it would be fun to superglue a squirrel to a penis sticking through a fence. >:)
godlesslouisianalady : well crew...I gotta get to class ...laters
crimsonknight2099 : <arrives> Male
smokey0384 : don't mistake kindness as a weakness
be_kind_to_mama_nature : even though hunter has been pissy to me in the past, It doesn't appear to be that she was wrong in the least today regarding assessment of your behavior ...Everyone has their days I suppose LOL
hotvegasman : chain lmfao
rolex200383 : <leaves the room>
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey..I appreciate kindness..and honesty is the kindest thing of all
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:21:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : I'm not kind coz i think i have to be, i am becoz i can and want to
godlesslouisianalady : <leaves the room>
asmar996 : <arrives>
be_kind_to_mama_nature : even though it can often be considered cruel to be kind
johntheantibaptist : the last person to kick me in the balls, almost died, if it had not been for my older brother talking me out of it she would have.
smokey0384 : ofc mamma lol
the_chainsawpsycho : hehehehehehehe
nyettiprincess : hahahah
smokey0384 : what have u been up to today, 3rd time lucky lol
the_chainsawpsycho : I hope that happens to Repty, if he's ever dumb enough to stick his penis through a fence.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : oy gevalt about I superglue a squirrel to YOUR penis and see how you like it
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:22:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
sundevil_90 : is away (Away)
smokey0384 : does a big wet fart on bluejene
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male 32 from Next to nowhere alias Animus
dark_mammal : <arrives> Male 26 from Dallas alias The Dark Mammal
be_kind_to_mama_nature : once that squirrel starts using those teeth that can chew through a wire screen on you
be_kind_to_mama_nature : that's an awful thing to wish on someone
dark_mammal : What's up Peeps!
nyettiprincess : cruel=kind?
be_kind_to_mama_nature : and I don't wish it on anyone actually
the_chainsawpsycho : be_kind: I imagine the squirrel would chew through it, to get itself unstuck. Therefore, I'm not doing it to myself. :P
be_kind_to_mama_nature : that was a lyric nyettiprincess
smokey0384 : mamma, I suddenly appear to hold an amazing ability of the power to be invisible:-? mmm, maybe i should use it to fight crime
johntheantibaptist : vegas, most guys go down, not me i get just a little crazy.
asmar996 : <leaves the room>
guilty_jake : does any one wanna real chat against a christian get your facts and IM me
hotvegasman : yep
be_kind_to_mama_nature : and it refers to honesty sometimes feeling cruel..but it is always the least cruel in the long run
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:23:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
nyettiprincess : to late smokel0384-they know you
agn0stic_and_atheist : guilty_jake - can't you chat in here?
jfirebird1 : jakr get a mic
be_kind_to_mama_nature : smokey, you aren't invisible on my screen yet..but there is always the possibility
crimsonknight2099 : hello
scream_reaver : fact: I don't IM...
gremlin_net : guilty_jake: I've got my facts. PMs are for cowards.
jasooonnnnn213 : <arrives>
goddess_goldberry : JAKE.. CAN YOU SEE ME?
be_kind_to_mama_nature : jake..why do you not chat in the room?
hotvegasman : jake do it in the room
nyettiprincess : jake is guilty of cowardicez
trend_set56 : well pick a topic agnostic and me and jake will try to chat with you here??????
johntheantibaptist : vegas, the last one was my ex sister in law, when i let her go she was actually turning blue.
goddess_goldberry : LOL I PM'ED HIM.. HE WOULDN'T TALK TO ME
trend_set56 : is that cook
smokey0384 : ok mamma, is that a threat, if so, sorry, i thought u were a nice person. I don't bother with threats, block me if it was
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:24:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
agn0stic_and_atheist : trend_set56 - ok.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : I am not an atheist though, but I don't follow the christian concept of the nature of God
jasooonnnnn213 : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : I hate unprovoked threats, or was it joke
guilty_jake : ok gremlin
goddess_goldberry : someone ask jake why he iggied me...
agn0stic_and_atheist : If one defines terrorism as the use or threat of violence against civilians to promote an ideology - Christianity, with its threat of damnation and use of hell, is terroristic.
gremlin_net : guilty_jake: so what are you asserting in the debate?
goddess_goldberry : fucking cuntflake
be_kind_to_mama_nature : you consider saying that it is possible I could use the ignore feature on you in the future as a THREAT? Oy what a life you must have :O
goddess_goldberry : sigh.. i am hormonal.. i need someone to beat up on
goddess_goldberry : reason came up with that one
dark_mammal : It's so sad how the younger generation doesn't have a love for older Sepultura.
goddess_goldberry : reason comes up with tons of good ones
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:25:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
scream_reaver : hides from Goddess :P
smokey0384 : ag, jesus christ, with certain people, u don't have to think so hard, ur over thinkin it, with jake, u just agree with him at first, then slowly start disagreeing with him, so he does same with u, then bit by bit till he eventually agrees with u all
ekatak83 : <arrives>
trend_set56 : agnostic.......that sounds more like an opinion than a debatable topic to me
nyettiprincess : aaaa:-O
sonova_biyatch : <arrives> Male
smokey0384 : and u phrase it not in a patronising way, and open minded , and a bit if respect, even if u are goin down some levels
mcpason : <arrives> Male
the_chainsawpsycho : Goddess loves the hands, eh?
agn0stic_and_atheist : trend_set56 - opinions aren't debatable?
ekatak83 : He turns me on too and I don't even know who you are talking about. I'm sporting a woody and I don't know what to do.
guilty_jake : well i dont want to be ambushed by a ton of non-believers so just im me
goddess_goldberry : lol
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:26:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
sonova_biyatch : <leaves the room>
guilty_jake : one on one
hunter_the_crazychick : is away (Away)
larry_isley : jake so you are yella
rendermaster : <arrives> Male from New York, NY
larry_isley : is that it
nyettiprincess : i'm me too jake but chattalk
rendermaster : Good afternoon!
goddess_goldberry : fuck it guilty-jake.. you are ignorning me
the_chainsawpsycho : Hello, Render!
gremlin_net : guilty_jake: if you don't want to be ambushed, but you're not a coward, post your assertion to and we'll look at it there.
be_kind_to_mama_nature : jake, do you have the capability to pick just one or two points to address..this is a chat room, and you aren't obligated to jump through hoops for anoyone and vice versa.
rendermaster : hey, chainsaw :)
scream_reaver : jake's "facts" must not be much if they can't stand up to the room...
bluedevil_772000 : <arrives> Male 16 from Michigan/Florida depending on t alias Marc
trend_set56 : ok.......agnostic........why do u have such an opinion?
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : I think penis looks best when its hard :)
rendermaster : hiya, blue :)
rendermaster : shalom, mama :)
william_pride2000 : LMAO
jfirebird1 : renderB-)B-)
nyettiprincess : life is amzing:">
be_kind_to_mama_nature : Hi ya rendermaster :D
goddess_goldberry : render :X
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:27:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
ekatak83 : I agree, a lady
be_kind_to_mama_nature : Shalom..good to see you again
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : too hot???
ekatak83 : Amen
william_pride2000 : gremlin...i just read your conversation with the lying sack of pathetic shit, scotsmantroll
the_chainsawpsycho : I'll try to come back, that way the loser Repty can see me.
agn0stic_and_atheist : trend_set56 - the statement stands on it's own, what aspect of it do you think is incorrect?
rendermaster : hey, jfire and goddess :)
goddess_goldberry : someone ask jake to relog so he can see me
the_chainsawpsycho : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : always likes coming into this chat room
goddess_goldberry : i am bored.. i need a christian to beat up on
rendermaster : lol
agn0stic_and_atheist : *its
mcpason : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : haha, all the athiest are attacking a simple dude who wants to discuss christianity coz his faith is not good enough for him, and instead of makin him more aware about christianity, u just push him more in to it
the_chainsawpsycho : <arrives> Male 25 from Ohio alias Chainsaw the Anathema
be_kind_to_mama_nature : <sometimes..likes coming into this chat room
goddess_goldberry : lol
william_pride2000 : he should not be here for one week
jfirebird1 : 8-}
william_pride2000 : however he's obviously a welcher
gremlin_net : william_pride2000: yeah. Can you believe he's actually sending people to to point out how he 'won'? He's fucking psychotic.
johntheantibaptist : goddess_goldberry: someone ask jake to relog so he can see me
rendermaster : hot! :)
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:28:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
reptylinin2 : <leaves the room>
bluedevil_772000 : I-)
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: Do you see this?
reptylinin2 : <arrives> Male 22 from Bedford, TX (Dallas-Forth Worth alias Rep-T
nyettiprincess : pushing jake into cicilchat
william_pride2000 : he's a MORON....his "fact" is that "science can't prove personal experiences"?
nyettiprincess : civilchat
be_kind_to_mama_nature : believes that those who try to convince others to follow and believe what they do are in essence trying hardest to convince their own psyche
rendermaster : is matt imagining he has a valid point of view again?
scream_reaver : am I visible?
jfirebird1 : yeah chain
reptylinin2 : <leaves the room>
william_pride2000 : He says..."i answered your qeustion, just not correctly"???..that's a WINNING argument?
rendermaster : I can see you, scream
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: You just suck.
william_pride2000 : what a fucking moron
reptylinin2 : <arrives> Male 22 from Bedford, TX (Dallas-Forth Worth alias Rep-T
goddess_goldberry : <leaves the room>
jfirebird1 : yes reavert
johntheantibaptist : i see you scream
jfirebird1 : r
goddess_goldberry : <arrives> Female 26 from Texas
be_kind_to_mama_nature : sees you
scream_reaver : ok, thanks
jfirebird1 : reaver
the_chainsawpsycho : Damn you, Repty.
smokey0384 : john, stop being goddess lil bitch, her only intentions is to offend him, she is as bad as the people she despises for their reasons
goddess_goldberry : i see chain!!! X
scream_reaver : one can never tell in here... lol
gremlin_net : william_pride2000: almost. His baseless assertiion is that he knows of facts which science can't or won't address. If such facts exist, he doesn't appear to be aware of them.
william_pride2000 : not only a brainless idiot but a man with no honor or self respect
goddess_goldberry : but he isn't on myroom list?
goddess_goldberry : errrrr
gremlin_net : assertion*
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:29:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
the_chainsawpsycho : Yeah, but now I can't see some people. grrrrrrr
hotvegasman : i see you too mama
be_kind_to_mama_nature : good hot
bluejene : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : yes, scream, but most of the time, those whom we can't see are those whom we don't wish to see anyway ;)
bluejene : <arrives> Female 36 from My Computer Desk
smokey0384 : haha gremlin
the_chainsawpsycho : Repty: It's all your fault.
goddess_goldberry : lol jake leave?
johntheantibaptist : smokey she asked a favor and i simply did it for her, if you have a problem with that then screw you.
crimsonknight2099 : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : i peeping through your window right now
rendermaster : I think you scared him away, goddess
sweeeeet_surrender : <arrives> Female 31 from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.
hotvegasman : lol
be_kind_to_mama_nature : lol your dreams
goddess_goldberry : render.. he wanted to talk to a male atheist
goddess_goldberry : lol
nyettiprincess : anonymous superiority?
the_chainsawpsycho : Let me try something different. I'd rather see spherical than repty.
gremlin_net : william_pride2000: thanks in part to his own advertising of the logue, he's known by everyone but himself as an unctuous welch now. No one's taking him seriously at all anymore.
the_chainsawpsycho : <leaves the room>
larry_isley : my stinkin wife has ONCE AGAIN eaten all but the peanuts, and brazil nuts, from my can of mixed nuts
bluejene : lol
sweeeeet_surrender : <leaves the room>
hotvegasman : only if your naked mama
goddess_goldberry : i think i could gather up the testorgerone for that
rendermaster : so he asked for you, goddess?
be_kind_to_mama_nature : my dobie would have heard you sneaking up the driveway even if I hadn't
goddess_goldberry : repty :X
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:30:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
smokey0384 : hey john, you actually had the balls to confront me about it and say it to my face with no drama queen tatics or make it a big deal, i respect that, i appologise my friend
rendermaster : is there something you haven't told us, goddess? ;)
be_kind_to_mama_nature : 130 in the afternoon with my 7 year old son in and out of here..are you kidding?
jfirebird1 : chain u can see spher check her profile
hotvegasman : mama lmfao
the_chainsawpsycho : <arrives> Male 25 from Ohio alias Chainsaw the Anathema
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : its a been a year without sex for me and I feel fine :)
johntheantibaptist : mama, sounds like my australian shepherd, that dog can hear the rain coming 20 minutes before it gets here.
william_pride2000 : unbelievable
atillagurbuz77 : <arrives>
rendermaster : I hate those brazil nuts, larry; I'll send your wife mine... ;)
LOG DATA Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:31:55 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN CHAT:1
nyettiprincess : :-$
atillagurbuz77 : <leaves the room>
hunter_the_crazychick : is back
hunter_the_crazychick : Gremlin: just another minute or two, and I'll be done, okay?
larry_isley : no thats the deal she LEFT those and peanuts and ate everything good
prettymissdkb : <arrives> Female from U.S.A.
larry_isley : whore
rendermaster : a year without any sex or a year without a partner, lady? ;)
gremlin_net : Hunter: okay.
prettymissdkb : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : <leaves the room>