smokey0384 : <arrives> Male
libraskeptical : He knows what "IT" is..
LOG DATA Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:33:50 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
deleterious_feline : Damn right libra
deirdreofsorrows1 : ok, put the flacid member in
savaged00d : call it a penis, a pecker, a cock, a dick.. ANYTHING but IT
deirdreofsorrows1 : how about t hat
a_man_on_the_net : How do yo determine what is contigent and what is
yesegorath_the_devil : hee hee, all this seksual talk just makes me miss my
girlfriend :P
jp_holding2000 : hello
libraskeptical : laughs @ pecker.
deirdreofsorrows1 : hey jp
psycosiss : I thought "IT" was all about in fuck ME.... Make ME
libraskeptical : Nah, that'd just be wrong.
deleterious_feline : doesn't know any guys who CARE what I call it
psycosiss : heehee
tannar_darr : I prefer you call it breakfast brunch lunch dinner etc...
tannar_darr : but hey,
pazz_iato : yeah, yes, i miss your girlfriend too
hugh_beaumont : <arrives> Male 39 from Clearwater, FL
tannar_darr : whta do I know.
smokey0384 : i bet happy ex_fundy has just converted from a christian
fundermentalist to a clueless fundermentalist
happily_ex_fundy : psycosiss, it is :D
savaged00d : ok.. you win psyc...
tertullian_2002 : ok i'm back
comeandtalk2menow : <leaves the room>
indondasani : kitty; just so long as you call it whatever while doing it.
freakygothicraven1252 : <arrives> Female 17 from Missouri alias
deirdreofsorrows1 : wb
tireless_2003 : all things considered?
happily_ex_fundy : tannar, a gerund like this: Bill and Mandy avoided fucking
each other after Mandy's surgery
psycosiss : thank ya, happily
savaged00d : lets make IT happen! hehehe
LOG DATA Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:34:50 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
larry_boy_my_hero : Tireless - :)
lites_switch01 : <arrives> Female
indondasani : smokey; silly. that would mean he never changed.
zsa_zsa_galore2002 : No morning sex. Even my dogs know better than to come near
me in the morning untill I've had at least two cups of coffee.
tannar_darr : >happily do you KNOW how long ti's been since I used that word in
a sentenc?
psycosiss : Well, I'm here waiting, Savage...where are you?
libraskeptical : Indon: Right, and not by some other dicks name.
psycosiss : Tease
happily_ex_fundy : what word?
deleterious_feline : giggles at indon
seasy2see : <arrives> Female 50
deirdreofsorrows1 : I dont usually use the f word
enkidu_ak : <leaves the room>
enkidu_ak : <arrives> Male
enkidu_ak : <leaves the room>
savaged00d : Close enough Psyc.. PM me.
deirdreofsorrows1 : unless I do something stupid
happily_ex_fundy : cuts in front of savage
lites_switch01 : <leaves the room>
deleterious_feline : Ok. My user list just went blank.
tannar_darr : .zsa ohhhh all talks are off with me and you,, unless you ALWAYS
wake up first, and go to coffee.
psycosiss : WOOHOO!
libraskeptical : chuckles @ sandy.
indondasani : isn't entirely sure he would care if a woman cried out another
name while he was doing her.
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : yes, knight, lol
LOG DATA Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:35:50 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
zsa_zsa_galore2002 : pfffffft.
deleterious_feline : Exactly, indon
elsiethemadcowgoesmoooooo : I called it cosmological
indondasani : thinks that's because he's a nerd and desperate, though.
libraskeptical : I don't see knight.
libraskeptical : Is he typing?
pazz_iato : thats the best way to start the fucking day.
deleterious_feline : laughs
smokey0384 : <leaves the room>