smokey0384 : <arrives> Male
the_anarcho_capitalist : <arrives> Male 20 from Belchertown, MA alias Sean
smokey0384 : o O
vertical_pig : <leaves the room>
venalguy518 : We haerd that 1,000 years ago, it's getting old.
the_anarcho_capitalist : :|
mmmmmyid : tannar, i dont hate. i respect those who believe.
venalguy518 : heard*
mmmmmyid : i dont hate you*
seasanctuary : Satanism exists to annoy everyone else.
ucanachvit : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : IS aids funny yet?
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : no it will happen now we have nukes
tannar_darr : >mmmmyid ok, I read more into that than I should then, forgive
me... why do you wish there are no more?
beartoo74 : do u know jesus???
mmmmmyid : tannar, sorry to mess up your whole martar thing
smokey0384 : i know jesus beartoo
mmmmmyid : martyr*
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:06:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
mmmmmyid : whoops
tannar_darr : >mmmmyid I use the martyr thing for kicks.
beartoo74 : good
smokey0384 : i have conversations with him when i lye in my bed
devinmcmahon : do you praise satan to get a good spot in hell? that kinda sucks
pastorlavey : <arrives> Male 34 from yucaipa, CA
smokey0384 : have you found jesus yet bearttoo?
mmmmmyid : tannar, because it's a tragedy, really
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : dont say that name
tannar_darr : >mmmmmyid but if you wish there to be no more xians, I'm curious.
yeshua_scot : <leaves the room>
fireproof_mission : i understand satanism satan is real!
tannar_darr : >mmmyid a tragedy to you or your children somewhere?
venalguy518 : What name?
tannar_darr : errr somehow.
reptylinin2 : <leaves the room>
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : jesus
alahbless : <arrives>
the_anarcho_capitalist : <leaves the room>
okiejoetex : jesus is my lord and savior
beartoo74 : yes i do and ill follow him forever
fireproof_mission : mine too
pastorlavey : <leaves the room>
mmmmmyid : tannar, i dont wish there were no more christians, i wish there was
no more chrisitanity. a profound difference
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : so no preaching alowollwed
venalguy518 : Jesus is a perfectly respectablr Mexican name.
smokey0384 : any athiests here
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:07:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
fireproof_mission : who's christians here?
venalguy518 : e*
tannar_darr : >mmmmyid so you can have Xians with no Xianity??? OIC????
mmmmmyid : smokey, its spelled "atheists"
smokey0384 : I am fireproof
beartoo74 : y?
mmmmmyid : tannar, you missed my point.
tracerx1138b : beartoo.. large font text doesn't = truth. sorry. ;)
fireproof_mission : kewl
ssh65 : <arrives> Female 35 from Indiana
tannar_darr : <<< beating head on desk in confusion.. hoping One>>>> MORE>>>>>
alahbless : <leaves the room>
reptylinin2 : <arrives> Male 22 from Bedford, TX (Dallas-Forth Worth alias Rep-T
devinmcmahon : If satan does exist in a sense that the bible depicts he does,
then you wouldn't have to worship him to get into hell
xiphoid_thanatos : <arrives> Female 28 from au
tannar_darr : >mmmyid but I"m responsible enuff to ask what the point is at
least, and not take it as read.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I've got a crazy theory for you all....that makes MORE
sence than the bible
mmmmmyid : to say i wished there were no more chrisitians is to imply i have
something against christians. i dont
lennywilks : is away (Away)
dakkon1024 : <arrives> Male 22 from Wantagh, N.Y.
smokey0384 : any atheist, question me about christainity and why i shouldn't
beleive in it, as i am a christian
fireproof_mission : smokey have you ever felt the holy spirit
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:08:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
okiejoetex : <leaves the room>
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i just dont like that name
beartoo74 : rock on smokey
thefirstwizardofsaturn : anyone interested?
devinmcmahon : i have
eviisausage : xiph!
tannar_darr : >mmmmyid I think the line you cut in the sand is the equivalent as
saying it was the car that killed the woman in the wheelchair not the driver...
lost_to_reality : <leaves the room>
mmmmmyid : atheists*
tracerx1138b : go for it wizard
thefirstwizardofsaturn : ok
xiphoid_thanatos : evii:D
smokey0384 : you will have to emphasise on that fireproof, i have no idea what
your'e talkin' about
mmmmmyid : smokey, if you want to believe, go for it
tannar_darr : >mmmmmyid with respect to you not disrespecting Xians, which I
accept AND believe you on.
snugrugbugz : <arrives> Male 21 from San Antonio,TX alias K
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : most rap... there are still good music
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:09:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
thefirstwizardofsaturn : the phrase,"emaculate conception"...I have a problem
snugrugbugz : hello guys
smokey0384 : no, i am saying, U probably misconstriued christainity
illusive_illusions : good rhymes whith a message
salva_veritate1 : <arrives> Male 24 from here
tannar_darr : >mmmmyyid but if Xianity is gone, you do away with the Xians as a
default.. and Xianity can't hurt you without the Xians after all..
smokey0384 : this room is called atheist vs christian chat
beingwithalovelywomen : RAP is a poor way to BITCH :))
illusive_illusions : you just havent been exposed to it... most commercial shit
is fucked up i agree
salva_veritate1 : hi room
pelloquin13 : <arrives>
illusive_illusions : yeah.. i'm poor
beartoo74 : hey who satans got u around his finger
snugrugbugz : no rap just sucks
thefirstwizardofsaturn : sounds crazy but if you think about it....maybe the
virgin mary realy wasnt a virgin after all
tony_met2002 : RAP IS CRAP!
thefirstwizardofsaturn : ALIEN ABDUCTION
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : yea i agree no gods
unknown_invis_911 : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:10:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
snugrugbugz : rap is about money, bitches, and bicardi
mmmmmyid : tannar, yes. but my point is thus. i'd like to erradicate cancer. i
have nothing against cancer victims
smokey0384 : who, what do you think the definiion and interpreated the word
"god" to actually mean
fireproof_mission : what?
dent34 : <arrives> Male 28 from California alias dent34
tannar_darr : >mmmmmyid so you only REALLY wish to do away with Xianity if you
don't harm Xians. ?
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : just demons humans and false faiths
thefirstwizardofsaturn : It means, "Maury Povich" Smokey
beartoo74 : satan quivers at the mension of my lord
seasanctuary : Long live Rushdie...jolliest writer on the block!
tannar_darr : >mmmmyid would it be you'd rather do away with the CHURCHES, and
not the peoples worship????
pelloquin13 : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:11:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
snugrugbugz : who here wants to get naked and have a beer with me?
fireproof_mission : by the holy spirit
snugrugbugz : haha
smokey0384 : well, who, no wonder you don't beleive in god, i wouldn't either if
i had interpreated it to mean that
licking_urinals4jesus : <leaves the room>
devinmcmahon : i don't understand why everyone always personifies god and satan
theologianguy : <arrives> Male 22 from Indiana alias Bible Geek
mmmmmyid : tannar, i'd be warm and fuzzy inside if tomorrow christianity, and
religion in general, were gone. i think we can leave it at that
tannar_darr : >devin makes for an easy target.
dakkon1024 : what eva happen to just living?
snugrugbugz : what i don't understand is why it's a big deal
fireproof_mission : God is real
beartoo74 : thats how mess up u are
theologianguy : <leaves the room>
ssh65 : <leaves the room>
snugrugbugz : why doesn't everyone stfu about their religion already, tired of
hearing about this and that
eviisausage : shak: And you know this how?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:12:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : yea what would god look like
tannar_darr : >mmmmyid I think you avoid the consequences then. but again. I
dont' think you mean me harm, I believe you on that.
seasanctuary : License plate: "Trust in God, or He will fuck you up!"
dent34 : <arrives> Male 28 from California alias dent34
snugrugbugz : tired about hearing of muslims, christians, athiests, why don't
people just stfu
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: Then you are in the wrong room halfwit.
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : if it was real
thefirstwizardofsaturn : religious fanatics realy fucken bug me
smokey0384 : god is different to everyone, it can be matter of space, it can be
everything, it can be what created us, god is what we don't understand, as life
is more than who we are
devinmcmahon : do you really think he is like a human
snugrugbugz : ah xiphoid, trying to make a point halfwit
beartoo74 : then y is urs so small???
snugrugbugz : all people do is bitch about their religions
smokey0384 : you are in a religion room k lol
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : ok why is there so much pain in the earth then
snugrugbugz : yeah really
devinmcmahon : does he really have a "will" or does god "want"
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:13:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
beartoo74 : lol really
m1ster_r0gers : <arrives> Male 30 from pittsburgh, PA
implication_monger : <arrives> Male alias Billy
mmmmmyid : tannar, i speak theoretically. i am not on a vendeta against
christians. i respect them, i dare say i even understand them. i do, however,
hope for a time when people, as a whole, get past the need for the myth that is
snugrugbugz : don't you guys ever get tired of that arguing though
smokey0384 : demon, there is so much pain and suffering on earth, as that is
what nature is
fireproof_mission : becuz jesus lives in me he has deliverd me from how i was i
was foolish and said there was no God till i asked jesus to make God real to me
and to reveal to me that God is real and wants to have a relashionship with me
m1ster_r0gers : HI NEIGHBOR
love_is_death2004 : <arrives>
beartoo74 : amen!!!
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : so your god can make it stop
eviisausage : shak: No, you did that.
dakkon1024 : people who argue are often stuck, perhaps it suits them to aruge
love_is_death2004 : Hi all my fellow Atheist and Agnostics!
mmmmmyid : k, you are at a bar with a beer in your hand complaining about
tannar_darr : >mmmmyid and if I wasn't sleepy with a headache I'd crawel into
that convo too, but I tink I understand...
considerthisjr : <arrives> Male 19 from USA
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:14:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : he said anything you ask in my name i will give
smokey0384 : demon, say again!? have you complelty misunderstood or what :))
fireproof_mission : with the help of God
beartoo74 : jesus is lord
snugrugbugz : everyones got an opinion, doesn't mean it's worth anything though
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: Most people have at least the rudimentary intelligence
to work out that in a room titled "Atheist versus Christian" there is going to
be talking, and yes bitching about religions. The only 'point' you succeeded in
making is that you are lacking inintellect.
m1ster_r0gers : <leaves the room>
salva_veritate1 : this is like watching retarded people play basketball
love_is_death2004 : Jesus is DEAD beartoo!
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : so ask him for peace
smokey0384 : demon, i am a christian, but we can't communicate with god via
prayers, don't be an idiot and stereotype and descriminate me
xiphoid_thanatos : *in intellect
fireproof_mission : i couldn't do it alone i was addicted and was healed from
rolling xtc and everything
snugrugbugz : xiphoid- took me five minutes to type that insult?
tony_met2002 : beartoo74 is idiotic
unknown_invis_911 : <arrives>
venalguy518 : I don't get the "atheists" who have that whole pissed of at God
thing going on.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol salva
xiphoid_thanatos : Jesus is stolen myth. Get over it
smokey0384 : most of christianity is bullshit
considerthisjr : Hi everyone :)
beartoo74 : ya but wut god of ur can resurect him self
eviisausage : shak: If you didn't believe that there was a god, then you'd have
had no motivation to ask what you believed to be an imaginary being into any
part of your body.
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: It took YOU five minutes to type what?
implication_monger : oh great...lets laugh at retards now
dent34 : <leaves the room>
elvis_high_on_drugs : <arrives> Male 31 from HAWAII
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i have no god
devinmcmahon : lol
snugrugbugz : alright that was stupid
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:15:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
elvis_high_on_drugs : <leaves the room>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : hey bear, do you feel bigger in that font?
love_is_death2004 : Me either Demon.
beartoo74 : u need one
tony_met2002 : resurrect
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : no i dont
dakkon1024 : somehow, I doubt this could go anywhere, it would be alot like one
person ruling the world. But hey, it's kinda interesting to see what some peopel
seasanctuary : <arrives>
snugrugbugz : ah well- your comments reflect who you truly are xiphoid
eviisausage : shak: This proves that you're lying. Now try & answer the question
smokey0384 : demon, lol. if u don't beleive in an ultimate force, then god to u
just means everything, so in that context u are god
atheist_guy_n_va : <arrives> Male from In a VAN down by the River!!
love_is_death2004 : If I did, I am sure he would not Forsake me like the
"Almighty God" as.
beartoo74 : so u admit the jesus is god?
lll_lover_boy_lll : bear too use common sense to persuade him
snugrugbugz : now go cry on someone elses shoulder would ya
smokey0384 : no, jesus is not god
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: Perhaps you meant it took me to which case no.
I was responding to a PM first if you must know.
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i just need magic to keep my soul alive
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: Oh do tell. Who am I , really? :))
love_is_death2004 : First of all Beartoo...Jesus is NOT God.
fireproof_mission : no cuz i was tired of living for nothing and steel feeling
like crap and didn't want to live until i asked Jesus to forgive me and i put my
life into the hands of God
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:16:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
smokey0384 : well, depemds what context you're talkin it in
dakkon1024 : So like, what makes any one here belive they understand the bible,
or not understand it for that reason?
snugrugbugz : dunno and don't care to know
doulos29 : <arrives> Female
tony_met2002 : smokey,i n t e r p r e t a t i o n
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i piss on jesus
thefirstwizardofsaturn : da...religious phrases repeated in the massess...bear
you sound like a broken record
smokey0384 : if u don't beleive in an ultimare force, then yea, jesus was god
cbealls : <arrives> Female 18 from The Great State of Texas
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: Me crying? No, you are the one bitching about toher
people bitching. You are just mild entertainment to me.
beartoo74 : sry lord
doulos29 : <leaves the room>
tracerx1138b : an atheist who believes himself to be god? wouldn't that lead to
some sort of inferiority complex?
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: So you can admit to lying too. Oh fun.
devinmcmahon : so why is everybody arguing their point.. obviously nobody is
budging here
xiphoid_thanatos : *other
snugrugbugz : nah- just pointing out the fact that everyone is looking for a
shoulder to cry on here
smokey0384 : demon, why do you piss on jesus, he was a cool dude, who applied a
control through fear for a lifestyle, and gave some good judgements
cbealls : whoa....
fireproof_mission : that would be ignorent
eviisausage : shak: Bullshit. If you believed that there was no god, then you's
have no more motive to ask him into your heart then you would to ask Superman
into your liver.
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: What am I crying about then?
xiphoid_thanatos : smirks
snugrugbugz : not sure
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:17:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
dakkon1024 : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : :))
smokey0384 : demon, Dya think it is wrong to kill 100 poeple!? why!? its not
gods word who said that
salva_veritate1 : do people in this room list premises for their theses? or do
they all just make signs on their own screens
smokey0384 : it is a judgement
snugrugbugz : probably about how hard life is not having your opinion heard
above all others
lil_aznxmienhxboi_530 : <arrives> Male
eviisausage : btw, it's "ignorant". How the fuck old are you ,anyway?
mmmmmyid : devin, yeah, you're right. let's all complain about the nature of a
room when the room was created for the purpose we are complaining aobut
snugrugbugz : but that's what psychologists are for
mmmmmyid : about*
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : yea he was dum he had all power and became a
cbealls : <leaves the room>
snugrugbugz : i'm not a psych, so don't ask me
snugrugbugz : what your problems are bud
mmmmmyid : demon, speaking of dumb, you spelled it wrong
smokey0384 : demon, yea, geez, jesus was dum eh, at least he could probably
spell it
fireproof_mission : becuz of the holy spirit God speaks to the spirit and to you
soul not with your mind!
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
beartoo74 : no he humbled him self
lil_aznxmienhxboi_530 : <leaves the room>
salva_veritate1 : profound
devinmcmahon : we already have our predetermined beliefs, and probably won't
listen enough to hinder those beliefs
mmmmmyid : himself*
smokey0384 : fireproof, thats called intution
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:18:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
seasanctuary : <arrives>
mmmmmyid : is this "i just got my GED" ?
smokey0384 : People don't understand what being a christian means
eviisausage : shak: That's irrelevent. You'd only ask god into your heart if you
believed that there was a god.
beartoo74 : i know
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i miss spell becuose it is dark in here
mmmmmyid : is this "i just got my GED" night?
mmmmmyid : i meant
smokey0384 : athiests can't grab the concept that christians don't seek the
munkman1 : <arrives> Male 25 from TEXAS alias Munk
tracerx1138b : smokey.. except you right?
tannar_darr : four words, hands on the home keys.
mmmmmyid : misspell because*
venalguy518 : People use god and the devil to explain the radical differences in
human nature.
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i cant see the key bord
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: You really do suck at semantics :)) And your lack of
education is painfully obvious, so there is no need to point it out. And I'm not
your 'bud'.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I think that there is something....but it is clearly
beyond all of us...why do people claim to "know" god?....ego trip
eviisausage : If you didn't think there was a god, then you wouldn't bother to
invite him to any part of your body.
tannar_darr : errr FIVE WORDS!
tannar_darr : ???
mmmmmyid : keyboard*\
munkman1 : Hello all
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:19:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
eviisausage : btw shak, how old are you, anyway?
devinmcmahon : hi
xiphoid_thanatos : tannar:)
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i have no light in my house
tannar_darr : >xiph hey sis.
xiphoid_thanatos : pokes myid
fireproof_mission : old enough
tannar_darr : >xiph how's your sexayyyy sef tonight?
mmmmmyid : hi xiphoid
tony_met2002 : intuition
thedarkgoddess66 : <arrives> from new york alias soul_gypsy
smokey0384 : can any ateist discuss this in a civalized manner with me and have
a debate
smokey0384 : ateist*
venalguy518 : Sure.
mmmmmyid : pokes xiphoid back, repeatedly
xiphoid_thanatos : tannar: Not too bad thanks:) How are things over your way
smokey0384 : atheist*
smokey0384 : lol
love_is_death2004 : Im an Atheist...
tony_met2002 : civilized
eviisausage : shak: Not old enough to spell a simple word like "ignorant". That
tells me that you're either a child or an illiterate. Which is it?
tannar_darr : I think smokey dropped his H's.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:20:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
smokey0384 : yea, im stoned
snugrugbugz : glad you think i suck xiphoid, as if that means anything to me,
and you sure do seem to know alot about me for a first meeting
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : but god is the dumbest being if he let the
humans kill him
tannar_darr : >smokey sigh...
fireproof_mission : spell fast sorry
snugrugbugz : and second off "bud" is used loosely in my sentences
eviisausage : Right. How old are you?
missionary3333 : <arrives>
tannar_darr : >demon unless there was a reason for the death, and the story
hints that he went willingly and even encouraged it.
smokey0384 : darr, why are you sighing, don't worry, i will have better
experiences than you before i die
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: Do learn to read dear. I said you suck at semantics.
Not 'you suck'.
mmmmmyid : demon, that in itself doesnt make god "stupid".
fireproof_mission : why do you need to know
rev_socrates : <leaves the room>
eviisausage : noticed that 99% of the spelling errors in this room are commited
by christians.
love_is_death2004 : ll
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:21:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
snugrugbugz : believe it or not i don't know how to read xiphoid
love_is_death2004 : *lol
devinmcmahon : remembers the good times in this chat room when the main topic
was food... no arguing, just pure discussion....
mmmmmyid : evil, indeed
snugrugbugz : dear
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : u are just afread of death so u make up an
after life
eviisausage : That would lead me to think that christians tend to be less
educated then others.
munkman1 : Oh yay, are there xtians in here??
smokey0384 : Your talkin about god, as if you actually know or not if their is
an ulimate force, its meaningless and pointless, you have no idea and pretend
you like to know
snugrugbugz : shall i call you dear now?
considerthisjr : Hi everyone:)
xiphoid_thanatos : applauds snug :)) Oh well done
free_spirited_couple : <arrives> from baltimore md
devinmcmahon : hi
thefirstwizardofsaturn : sausage...I believe you are correct in your observation
fireproof_mission : i goto college
snugrugbugz : oh xiphoid
thedarkgoddess66 : and for that christians are consigned to help
athame_98 : <arrives> Male 27 from North Central Ohio
free_spirited_couple : hello every one
snugrugbugz : the funny thing is...
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : yea
tracerx1138b : I don't hold spelling errors against people.. unless it's all the
time.. only b/c it's a live chat.. yer typing fast.. mistakes will be made.
athame_98 : Hey all
snugrugbugz : i'm drunk and on percocet
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
eviisausage : shak: Then howcome you spell at a subliterate level?
snugrugbugz : but to piss someone off so bad that they'd single me out in a chat
tannar_darr : >demon to say I'm afraid of death is humorous. I've been stabbed,
shot, died three times (don't sleep and drive),
athame_98 : What up Free Couple?
seasanctuary : <arrives>
aliassumpution : <arrives> Male
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:22:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
snugrugbugz : is worth a very good laugh
free_spirited_couple : how is everyone tonight
missionary3333 : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : >demon now why do I create a need for an afterlife?
mmmmmyid : evil, i dont know...tonight there are tons o' grammatical
errors....christians and atheists alike
snugrugbugz : and a good conversation topic for tomorrow
implication_monger : <leaves the room>
athame_98 : peachy
smokey0384 : im gonna wait till someone decent comes in
considerthisjr : for beautiful art and music:D
fireproof_mission : laugh it up! good for you!
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : so why do u need a god to save u if u are not
free_spirited_couple : nothing my hubby asleep right noww
snugrugbugz : one thing i love, pissing people off- and seems like you are an
easy target
venalguy518 : Here, smokey.
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: You haven't pissed me off, I find this amusing at
present due to the lack of any real conversation.
snugrugbugz : really- on who's part- yourself
salva_veritate1 : well, I'm going to start a room for sharp people. It's very
hard to watch you folk. look for the philosopher's corner (I guess that's what
it'll be called)
salva_veritate1 : <leaves the room>
wrecklessdivinyl : <arrives> Female 555 from Windowframe alias DeVinyl
snugrugbugz : but then again you keep responding
beartoo74 : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: And I already pointed out that you were entertainment.
Keep dancing for me snug :))
smokey0384 : demon, people ask god for forgivness for physcological reasons, its
to forgive themselves
tannar_darr : >demon before I could answer that, you'd havce to understand how
it works... I'd say until you have a basic understanding of something you don't
call it dumb?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : Smokey...there is that "holier than thou" attitude you
christians are famouse for
smokey0384 : damn, you have misunderstand the concept of it
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:23:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
free_spirited_couple : Cannt wait for us to find a female to join our family
smokey0384 : ok wizard, lets talk about this
devinmcmahon : philosopher's corner is a good idea
thefirstwizardofsaturn : k
snugrugbugz : ok i'll keep dancing
cabotmovieman : <arrives> Male 19 from Cabot
eviisausage : And why can't you grasp simple reasoning: Bo one invites beingd
that they don't think are real into their hearts, or any other parts og their
anatomy. If you invited jesus into your heart, then you must have already
believed in him.
atheist_guy_n_va : Nice Christian girl looking for
snugrugbugz : as long as you keep "dancing"
eviisausage : *no
eviisausage : *beings
fireproof_mission : smokey you a christian and you cussed?/
snugrugbugz : gotta have something to talk about during the workdays
smokey0384 : wziard, are you willing to listen as well as talk
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i prble no more that u i was raised in a churh
thefirstwizardofsaturn : sure
munkman1 : <~~~~had a problem with someone that made a "philosophy" room. They
didnt seem to like my definiton of an Atheist and they kicked me out of their
thefirstwizardofsaturn : what do you want to tell me?
devinmcmahon : a name like atheist vs. christians doesn't exactly promote
smokey0384 : yes fireproof, i also jerk off over porn
snugrugbugz : about how pathetic people who try to prove themselves on the net
cabotmovieman : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : >demon heheh I'm SURE you have a better understanding of the Bible
than I have... absolutely sure... hehehe
snugrugbugz : but then again i'll leave that up to
athame_98 : demon..did they teach you how to spell in
xiphoid_thanatos : :))
tracerx1138b : MUNK.. what's your definition of atheist?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:24:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
truthwarrior_bt : <arrives> Male 26 from Westhampton, NY alias TruthWarrior
smokey0384 : nothing wizard, you question christainity first
fireproof_mission : good for you pornagraphy rapes the mind
thefirstwizardofsaturn : sure I do
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : ilike i said befor i cant see the key borad
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: Is there anything going on in voice?
munkman1 : Atheist = without belief in a god/gods
athame_98 : why can't you see it?
eviisausage : shak: You can't rape the willing.
munkman1 : Simple and to the point
athame_98 : I missed it
lilblp55dnl : <arrives>
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : it is dark in here
eviisausage : xiph: Nope.
smokey0384 : so, do you see how chrsitainity helps some people!?
tracerx1138b : MUNK.. what's the problem with that? what was their def?
devinmcmahon : if porno rapes the mind, i need some rape victim counseling
athame_98 : turn on a light
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:25:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : Prove? :))Again, I shall remind you it YOU that started the
bitch/rant about religion; Not I.
athame_98 : let there be light....and there was
devinmcmahon : j/k
thefirstwizardofsaturn : sure..everyone has thier level of needs...
smokey0384 : christianity is just a lifestyle
free_spirited_couple : so what is everyones view on polygamy and polyarmory
eviisausage : But why don't you get on voice? I'd like to hear what you sound
fireproof_mission : but it rapes your mind cuz you cant be with that person only
in your mind
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : i have room mate that are sleeping
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: Oki doke. I will stay in elite then:) Thanks hon
munkman1 : Their definition was: Atheist = one that DENY's the existence of god.
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
seasanctuary : <arrives>
lilblp55dnl : I WORSHIP SATAN
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : wizard, are you anti-christianity?
lilblp55dnl : SATAN IS COOL
devinmcmahon : that would be tricking the mind
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : yae
lilblp55dnl : I AM THE ANTICHRIST
eviisausage : shak: You can't rape the willing. If I consent, then it's not
tireless_2003 : <arrives> Male
xiphoid_thanatos : sighs
seasanctuary : <arrives>
snugrugbugz : well i'm done xiphoid- have enough for the next days conversatino
munkman1 : I believe that SOME atheists deny the existence of god but that is
not what the word actually means
tannar_darr : <<< did the open relationship thing a few times... statistically
someone ends up hurt in that situation over 90% of the time.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:26:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : haha
truthwarrior_bt : <leaves the room>
athame_98 : Well hey Satan..lower the font size dumbass
snugrugbugz : people never cease to amaze me how much they're willing to argue
over a subject haha
jesus_is_my_savior76 : <arrives>
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : :))
venalguy518 : I can't deny something that either 1) has yet to be proven or 2)
does not exist.
kalista_theraven : <leaves the room>
tracerx1138b : MUNK.. that is also a definition.. it's the diff between strong
and weak atheism.. going by George Smith's definition.. "Atheism: the Case
Against God"
snugrugbugz : just provoke em a bit and the balls a rolling
smokey0384 : yep, athiest just beleive the same as me, but they misconstrue
smokey0384 : \
kalista_theraven : <arrives> Female
smokey0384 : i appologise
xiphoid_thanatos : snug: I haven't been arguing either. You really do need to
get a hold of a dictionary:)
smokey0384 : :|
kalista_theraven : <leaves the room>
all_that_and_some2000 : <arrives> Male
kalista_theraven : <arrives> Female
smokey0384 : wizard, are you anti-christ
snugrugbugz : heh- no comment
kalista_theraven : <leaves the room>
tireless_2003 : <leaves the room>
snugrugbugz : had enough as i said
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : this is a christen vrc athites room is it not
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I'm into anti-religion....I believe that there is
something there...but at our current level of existence...who are we to claim we
are of equel existence?
jesus_is_my_savior76 : You are all going to hell!
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:27:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
kalista_theraven : <arrives> Female
tannar_darr : <leaves the room>
rjmagi : <arrives> Male 21 from jacksonville
smokey0384 : i am descriminating people as a group, ofc i ain't talkin about
each individual
devinmcmahon : agree with wizard
thefirstwizardofsaturn : religion is man made
athame_98 : Shouldn't the definition of atheism be someone who does not believe
in any religion?
all_that_and_some2000 : <leaves the room>
rjmagi : anyone here not 14 or a complete asshole?
fireproof_mission : he is prob. not a christian
seasy2see : <arrives> Female 50
athame_98 : not just Christianity
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male 32 from Next to nowhere alias Animus
thefirstwizardofsaturn : and rewritten often
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : so i will like hell what to come
fireproof_mission : he a fAKE
athame_98 : =; Me Rjmagi
munkman1 : Athemism is not in-itself, a denial that a god exists. the word
ATHEIST acutally means A- without Theism - belief in god. Thusly, ATHEISM =
without belief in god.
seasanctuary : <arrives>
xiphoid_thanatos : athame: Atheism; lack of belief in deities. There is more
than religion involved.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol who
smokey0384 : wizard, i hear and understand what your saying, but why are you
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:28:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
jesus_is_my_savior76 : Jesus is the only way to live, those who dont believe
will go to hell!!!!!
rjmagi : thank you rand mcnally
snugrugbugz : anyways time to move along and piss more people off
smokey0384 : who is going to carry on being obnoxious
scream_reaver : <leaves the room>
free_spirited_couple : well i'm just looking for a female for me and my hubby
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : hehe
xiphoid_thanatos : You certainly need the practice snug. :))
rjmagi : santa santa santa santa
athame_98 : lil...go to sleep!!
smokey0384 : christianity is needed to control ppl like who to become more
snugrugbugz : heh, can't stop can you
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male 32 from Next to nowhere alias Animus
fireproof_mission : Jesus_is _my savior you give christians a bad rep.
snugrugbugz : no comment as i said
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : what to come with me to hell
rjmagi : anyone here not brainwashed? :)
eviisausage : shak: No more then you do.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:29:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
smokey0384 : jesus was a legend
devinmcmahon : i try not to be
munkman1 : Religion is a brainwasher
snugrugbugz : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: Is lil here? (lil_miss_atheist)
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : it might be fun
seasy2see : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : bigger than michael jackson
free_spirited_couple : I'm not brainwashed
eviisausage : xiph: Nope.
tony_met2002 : Smokey, it's spelled C I V I L I Z E D
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
rjmagi : i repeat myself, anyone here not brainwashed?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : everytime I talk to a christian...I just hear quotes
from the bible that to me sound like an old wore out song......I dont hear the
person talking...I hear a robot..its scary
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: Thanks:)
seasy2see : <arrives> Female 50
smokey0384 : who, Do you understand the concept of christianity
jesus_is_my_savior76 : shows how much you know about the bible!!!
wangus18 : <arrives> Male
eviisausage : np.
xiphoid_thanatos : is missing names
xiphoid_thanatos : I think....
scream_reaver : <leaves the room>
seasanctuary : <arrives>
athame_98 : let me bust a rhyme!!!
wangus18 : don't hurt yourself
jesus_is_my_savior76 : will not go to hell!
wangus18 : thinking...
venalguy518 : There was a study done years ago, (I can't give you facts, so just
take it on faith) that found that 90% of people who play Dungeons and Dragons
are on average 50% more intelligent than other people in the same age bracket.
smokey0384 : lol, yea, i know what you mean wizard, they are a disgrace, but at
least it keeps them from doing other things that could really do some damage
seasy2see : better, but it depends on message.
munkman1 : <~~~atheist
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:30:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : wangus: Put the two posts together... I'm missing names I
rjmagi : free spirited couple, why did you respond with "i am not brainwashed"
when youre a couple.
fireproof_mission : i dont just say your going to hell your go9ing to hell you
gotta except him or your going to hell thats ignorent the best way to show that
christ lives in you is to show it through actions words are cheap
thefirstwizardofsaturn : ok smokey..thats true.
jesus_is_my_savior76 : <~~ christian
munkman1 : lol rjmagi
free_spirited_couple : if you dont believe in hell then you cannt go there or be
condemned there either
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : iu can come if u what to hell no one to tell u
what to do
thefirstwizardofsaturn : tell all of those morons to stay away from me
kellylermon_2003 : <arrives>
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male 32 from Next to nowhere alias Animus
eviisausage : shak: That's "accept".
smokey0384 : wizard, another reason why christianity is needed for a lot of
seasy2see : <.....follower of Jesus, but not a Christian. I embrace
wangus18 : go Bush
wangus18 : amen ogg
xiphoid_thanatos : tries to decipher demon's post. :|
eviisausage : What the fuck college do you go to that took you, even though
you're clearly illiterate?
athame_98 : Mary Mary...Quite contrary...raped by God....A busted
Cherry.....There were no coat hangers in that she laid Jesus in some
hay.....He lived..He loved...He died..he lost...they nailed that fucker to the
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:31:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
thefirstwizardofsaturn : controls the massess...that supports a saying I'm privy
jesus_is_my_savior76 : well maybe you should go to church tomorow and ask your
priest about that one!
xiphoid_thanatos : lol athame
fireproof_mission : sorry my bad i am a bad speller but i will admit to my
thefirstwizardofsaturn : God didnt create us...we created god
mmmmmyid : seasy, being a follower of jesus makes you a christian, no matter
what you believe happens after death
wangus18 : don't ask priests
wangus18 : they don't read the bible
sam_sammy20 : <arrives>
smokey0384 : Wizard, christianity is bullshit for peoples understanding and
peace of mind for ignorance and mentally weak. It can also deter some from
suacide and crime etc. It also defies judgements for what is wrong and right,
like its wrong to kill 10000 people for ur pleasure.
seasy2see : I never went to college or University.
sam_sammy20 : <leaves the room>
venalguy518 : Can I get a Christian's opinion on Harry Potter or AD&D?
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : my mouther father was aumithes
devinmcmahon : thinks everyone should stop spending so much time worrying about
the end of their lives. they are missing out on what is happening here and now..
just live the best way you know how to and the rest will be OK
free_spirited_couple : lol wizard
atheist_guy_n_va : Hooked on Phonics University
wangus18 : Being a follower of Jesus doesn't make you a christian
wangus18 : it's more than that
seasy2see : Have no framed degree.
xiphoid_thanatos : atheist :))
wangus18 : way more
smokey0384 : christianity has helped us become civalized as fast as we have
wangus18 : whoever said that
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:32:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
scream_reaver : <leaves the room>
wangus18 : just wanted tos ay
jesus_is_my_savior76 : if you are an atheist how do u know so much about my holy
thefirstwizardofsaturn : all wars on our planet are over religion
seasy2see : If my kids were kids, harry potter would be fine.
free_spirited_couple : well venal I'm not christain but I play d&d and read
harry potter books
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
wangus18 : good
seasanctuary : <arrives>
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : because peaple like u
munkman1 : I might even be able to sympathize with someone that just believes in
a higher being (deism), but christians, I cant handle. Why do they think that
THEY are the only right ones? It's as if being blessed is a birth right. If they
were born in India, they would most likely be Hindu's or Islamic.
wrecklessdivinyl : <leaves the room>
fireproof_mission : do you have anything better to do then correct words on the
web or do you have a life?
playtappp : <arrives>
eviisausage : hey wreck.
jesus_is_my_savior76 : the whole thing? i'm thinking not
illusive_illusions : not everyone can spell well... einstine sucked at spelling?
is he stupid? yep :D
smokey0384 : christianity has proven to make people more happy, live long by
extra few years and healthier, I am talkin for majority, not each individual
venalguy518 : Do you prefer 2nd or 3rd edition?
free_spirited_couple : 2nd
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:33:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : smokey: The holocaust helped us to formulate many of the
modern ideals pertaining to genocide; that doesn't mean we should thank Hitler
for wanting to wipe out a race.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : to me...buddhism makes ALOT more sence.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : but thats me
free_spirited_couple : 3 is just hack and slash
thedarkgoddess66 : it just makes them more stupid
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male
considerthisjr :
seasy2see : Who, gone for saying nothing.
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
devinmcmahon : check the definition of "christian"
jesus_is_my_savior76 : <leaves the room>
athame_98 : =D> good point Xiphoid
thedarkgoddess66 : lil, ill confirm that UR STUPID hows that
smokey0384 : yes wizard, you are right, religions are exploited, just like
racial issues etc, its a bastard, war is human nature unless we have control,
e.g laws
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I am not that though
seasanctuary : <arrives>
playtappp : <leaves the room>
venalguy518 : I have a DM now that thinks the whole of the game is combat.
mmmmmyid : <leaves the room>
considerthisjr : **==
waytoomuchof : <arrives> Male from Mississauga, Ontario alias WayTooMuch
fireproof_mission : i do know how i just maid a few mistakes sorry if that makes
you soooooo mad but nobodys perfect!
umm_lemme : is back
umm_lemme : xiphoid_thanatos: what modern ideals? That doesn't make any sense
devinmcmahon : it is anyone who is a believer or follower of christ
thefirstwizardofsaturn : but if I were "religious" I would be that I think
tracerx1138b : smokey proven? what scientific studies have you been reading?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:34:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
smokey0384 : wizard, if religion didn't exist, i beleive more wars would exist
for other reasons
free_spirited_couple : well my dm does combat and personal development of
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I am a singer/songwriter....THAT is MY religion
seasanctuary : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : umm_lemme: What part doesn't make sense? Excpet perhaps for
choosing the wrong word (ie: ideals)
athame_98 : you think the Christian God would do that?
umm_lemme : smokey0384: I can believe that, but I could also believe that being
said of any other religion as well
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I dont know about that smokey
prick_james : <arrives>
free_spirited_couple : and we lay werewolf vamp and shadowrun
family_rivet : <arrives> Male alias family_rivet
thefirstwizardofsaturn : hard to say
wangus18 : ATH..I KNOW HE WILL
free_spirited_couple : play
munkman1 : Smokey is one of those people that thinks that morals can only come
from the bible I presume?
seasy2see : usually in Relig 1. A woman from that room attacked me in my dream
some weeks ago. Silly wench. My guide protects me from her. Thoughts are things.
smokey0384 : Wizard, some people need to feel special, meaningfull in this
universe and they they understand, think about all the dumbfuckers if they never
had religion, what the fuck else would the ydo
wangus18 : it says in the bible
scream_reaver : <leaves the room>
fireproof_mission : maybe it's because jerks like you that people cant speel
athame_98 : Wow..he's a dick then
venalguy518 : 3rd edition does have good skills for real role-playing, diplomacy
and such.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:35:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
fireproof_mission : spell
family_rivet : <leaves the room>
thedarkgoddess66 : <leaves the room>
devinmcmahon : ok.. ok.. wangus, thanks for the open discussion
umm_lemme : xiphoid_thanatos: I don
wangus18 : and to me ath the bible is it
tony_met2002 : Shakina "made" a mistake
illusive_illusions : ignorance is fine
wangus18 : not gonna knock what you think..just tell you where i'm at
umm_lemme : xiphoid_thanatos: I simply don't see how Hitler had anything to do
with formulating the idea of genocide
atheist_guy_n_va : Me got not need no edugation
tracerx1138b : yup
seasy2see : people expect you to stay while they're pouring out their lives for
the umpteenth time.
devinmcmahon : that's good
illusive_illusions : i love ignorance... i hate it when people hold them selfs
higher than others
free_spirited_couple : well I like 2nd better so does the rest of my gamming
group I'm in
munkman1 : lol, atheist
thefirstwizardofsaturn : then EVERYONE would pay taxes smokey lol
wangus18 : the xian god is also just
athame_98 : I wonder why God's so mad..maybe because all his preists rape kids
lll_lover_boy_lll : <leaves the room>
xyloncloud : <arrives>
wangus18 : excuse me ogg
tomservo6969 : <arrives> Male 27 from new york
wangus18 : how is that evil
devinmcmahon : lol
wangus18 : and not just
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:36:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
fireproof_mission : Sha-ki-na
wangus18 : we deserve death
smokey0384 : haha wizard, naw, they will find something else to exploit
venalguy518 : I love 2nd too, but my group plays 3rd edition now.
wangus18 : only by Christ's grace are we set apart frome it
wangus18 : and only that
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I got a joke for you smokey
athame_98 : Wagnus...turn the "we" to "Me" and your right
lilblp55dnl : <leaves the room>
considerthisjr : What college did jesus go to?
wangus18 : but he's a just god..and will punish those who don't believe..he says
so in scripture
xiphoid_thanatos : umm_lemme: I said modern. The Holocause played a huge part in
(western) societies views towards racism.
wangus18 : no ogg
waytoomuchof : hahahaha
xiphoid_thanatos : *holocaust
free_spirited_couple : well you gotta go with what mojority rule in the group
munkman1 : Wangus18, do you have ANY empirical proof that your "god" exists??
wangus18 : but he will return and send those who didn't believe...
thefirstwizardofsaturn : whats the difference between a zit and a catholic
xiphoid_thanatos : I didn't say all idea(l)s pertaining to genocide
seasy2see : well from my old Sunday school days, Jesus was a man for ALL people.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:37:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
wangus18 : ya look outside at creation
free_spirited_couple : I have had the same group and dm for 3 years
athame_98 : Wagnus..the scripture was written by greedy kings who wanted to keep
people in line
waytoomuchof : evii: funny guy
fireproof_mission : if you had feelings you wouldn't talk about people to make
yourself feel better!
wangus18 : ath
munkman1 : Sorry Wangus18, that would be begging the question
artisticus_spasticus : <arrives> from N/A
thefirstwizardofsaturn : A zit doesn't come on your face until your twelve years
wangus18 : don't talk about something if you have no clue what your talking
about..what audacity
xiphoid_thanatos : watches the scroll :|
venalguy518 : I had a very good DM, very impartial.
umm_lemme : xiphoid_thanatos: you implied that there was some good impact. I
don't see what the positive impact of genocide was (to make an analogy with
positive impact of religion)
wangus18 : what would munk
athame_98 : hahahahaha lol Saturn
free_spirited_couple : same here
smokey0384 : haha wizard
umm_lemme : xiphoid_thanatos: I meant holocaust, not genocide
munkman1 : Saying that "creation" is PROOF that "god" exists
illusive_illusions : i hate it when dumbfucks throw the word "ignorance" around
and dont even know what it means... hey retard... its not spelling thats
important... its COMPRENSION that is important to communication ;)
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:38:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
smokey0384 : yea, i hate most priests and churches
free_spirited_couple : we also have strip gaming to keep poeple in character
smokey0384 : but, the principle of a church is good
jfirebird1 : <arrives> Male 546 from Memphis, TN
atheist_guy_n_va : <leaves the room>
seasy2see : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : i hate it when dumbfucks throw the word "ignorance" around
and dont even know what it means... hey retard... its not spelling thats
important... its COMPRENSION that is important to communication
thefirstwizardofsaturn : good to see that your open minded smokey
smokey0384 : makes ppl feel part of a group, understood, and occupys their time
rjmagi : i need to chat with an atheist, anyone care to chat? no preaching from
me, im not christian., pm me
venalguy518 : The new one gives out WAY too much treasure, magical items. He
makes it too easy to get rare items, then makes the whole game about combat.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I gotta depart a min smokey...we'll continue in a
little while k?
athame_98 : Wagnus...follow your own advice...mine is based on study of
history....but of course history is a science based on facts...and we all know
how Christianity is about proven fact
atheist_guy_n_va : <arrives> Male from In a VAN down by the River!!
illusive_illusions : to tony and the other dumbfuck on the mic thats talking
shit to people
munkman1 : illusive is on the edge of being iggie
waytoomuchof : <leaves the room>
munkman1 : iggied
illusive_illusions : eviisausage
umm_lemme : ogglingjohn: I disagree
waytoomuchof : <arrives> Male from Mississauga, Ontario alias WayTooMuch
devinmcmahon : yeah, church promotes some good things.. but it does have its
wangus18 : right ath..i got where your comming from
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:39:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
umm_lemme : spelling corellates with intelligence
illusive_illusions : talk to me evisausage
xiphoid_thanatos : umm_lemme: I'm not sure society would have developed the
views towards racism, and social protection (of those less able to protect
themselves), if it hadn't have been for the holocaust.
illusive_illusions : you dumb fuck
considerthisjr : @-)
free_spirited_couple : damn thats when characters start getting to powerful to
munkman1 : illusive has been iggied
prick_james : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : ok, thats cool wizard
smokey0384 : brb
illusive_illusions : i hate it when dumbfucks throw the word "ignorance" around
and dont even know what it means... hey retard... its not spelling thats
important... its COMPRENSION that is important to communication
wangus18 : ogg...jesus says believe in the lord jesus christ and you will be
saved..there's no other way
umm_lemme : ogglingjohn: don't understand your question
jfirebird1 : tonyB-)
wangus18 : if you don't believe that you can't get to study the it..find it..i'm telling you what speaks the truth to me
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:40:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : Hopefully humanity would have worked it out, but there are
plenty of examples of negative events spurring positive change in social
munkman1 : wangus18, do you have any other empirical evidence that your "god"
xiphoid_thanatos : jfire:)
tony_met2002 : jfireB-)
wangus18 : i'm saying jesus is god
illusive_illusions : hey fucker talk to me eviisausage... i cant spell for
shit... but talk to me about ignorance... comeon... tell me... what does it
mean? theres a diff between ignorance and LACK OF KNOWLEDGE
umm_lemme : really smart people tend to have good spelling, while really dumb
ones -- the opposite, notwithstanding the occasional exception
waytoomuchof : wangus: that is not what jesus said
jfirebird1 : xipholidB-)
the_lizard_queenie : <arrives> Female 26 from US
wangus18 : yes munk..creation
taddyo0o : <arrives>
wangus18 : really way?
wangus18 : what do you say
gohn05 : <arrives> Male
the_lizard_queenie : howdy all
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:41:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
illusive_illusions : ;)
illusive_illusions : YES
wangus18 : god is not evil
wangus18 : he's just
illusive_illusions : I AM
athame_98 : I'm an agnostic, deslexic, insomniac...I lie awake wondering if
there is a dog
wangus18 : grasp it
devinmcmahon : howdy
jfirebird1 : evillB-)
xiphoid_thanatos : To the people that are PMing me, I have all PMs blocked in
munkman1 : Wangus18, I have already told you that you cant use "creation" as an
example that "god" exists. It is "begging the question"
the_lizard_queenie : :))@athame
illusive_illusions : i hate it when dumbfucks throw the word "ignorance" around
and dont even know what it means... hey retard... its not spelling thats
important... its COMPRENSION that is important to communication
xiphoid_thanatos : So don't take it personally that I don't reply:)
xiphoid_thanatos : lmao athame
wangus18 : i don't need an example grace we are saved through's my faith in him and how he's worked in my life
wangus18 : and the lives of others
athame_98 : :D
xiphoid_thanatos : illusive: Poor spelling can hinder comprehension.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:42:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
taddyo0o : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : are you to stupid to use the word ignorance correctly... :)
hey ok i'm sorry i'm gonna make you feal stupid
illusive_illusions : hold on
wangus18 : no it's just
waytoomuchof : Jesus made one commandment: Love one another as I have loved you.
A rich man came to Jesus and asked what he had to do to go to heaven. He did not
say "Accept me as your saviour" he said "Sell everything you own and give it to
the poor"
considerthisjr : @-)ego@-)
wangus18 : he's a just god
wangus18 : no
tony_met2002 : FEAL?
tracerx1138b : to = too feal = feel
wangus18 : your forgetting
wangus18 : what shall i do to be saved
venalguy518 : Wow, this should be educated vs. uneducated, not atheists vs.
wangus18 : believe in the lord jesus christ and you will be saved
gohn05 : <leaves the room>
umm_lemme : feal is the past perfect conjucation of feel
wangus18 : you and your household
waytoomuchof : my forgetting?
umm_lemme : conjugation even
considerthisjr : agrees with venalguy518
athame_98 : Wangus...did you order that Worship album off of TV?
wangus18 : where
wangus18 : give me the verse
superfareek2001 : <arrives>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:43:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
wangus18 : your interepreting wrong
wangus18 : very wrong
wangus18 : and you can't take one verse
venalguy518 : You're.
wangus18 : and twist it to fit what you think
waytoomuchof : no, I'm not. I'm just not turning it around like you are trying
illusive_illusions : ignorance ok... *ignore* to willfully NOT acknowledge
something you know is there... the SUFFAX *ance* the state of... ignorance...
wangus18 : whatever
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:44:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
free_spirited_couple : man printed the bible its just a bunch of myths passed
down and theres so many versions and been rewritten so many times that none of
its true
venalguy518 : You're.
illusive_illusions : ;)
fireproof_mission : why dont you be an english teacher ! you like correcting
people alot!
athame_98 : Wangus?
tomservo6969 : lol
illusive_illusions : YOUR SO CLEVER
tony_met2002 : suffix
xyloncloud : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : ARNT YOU
illusive_illusions : YEAH SUFFIX
venalguy518 : Aren't.
dav_christianmale : <arrives> Male
tony_met2002 : it's you're so clever
love_is_death2004 : ...
love_is_death2004 : I'm not.
munkman1 : illusive, please lower your font
venalguy518 : I was .
xiphoid_thanatos : butchered
venalguy518 : 10.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:45:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
munkman1 : aren't
devinmcmahon : did you look it up in the dictionary?
love_is_death2004 : Hey, I'm 17!
considerthisjr : Hi Love:D
athame_98 : pokes wangus18 in the chest
love_is_death2004 : Hi consider.
venalguy518 : My son can spell regurgitation, he's 7.
dav_christianmale : tough room lol
the_lizard_queenie : why is my yahoo having issues tonightx-(
considerthisjr : ;;)
lone_star_vet : <arrives> Male from TEXAS alias ...~Tr33_topFl1er
considerthisjr : considerthis Love;;)
athame_98 : <leaves the room>
athame_98 : <arrives> Male 27 from North Central Ohio
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:46:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
love_is_death2004 : Oh, Hi considerthisjr.
venalguy518 : Who knows the definition of the word venal?
wangus18 : ya ath where exactly did you get that
waytoomuchof : yahoo has been grunting and farting all day
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male 32 from Next to nowhere alias Animus
fireproof_mission : did i argue?
wangus18 : old tesament
fireproof_mission : no
free_spirited_couple : I refuse to believe in a book that has been rewritten so
many times by men to suit their purpose to make poeple believe
xiphoid_thanatos : You're
considerthisjr : :)
wangus18 : old covenant
xiphoid_thanatos : yawns
athame_98 : get what?
wangus18 : pertaining to the church before christ
illusive_illusions : NOT IGNORANT
fireproof_mission : i just told you what i believed
wangus18 : which was changed after his death
assington88 : <arrives>
scream_reaver : <leaves the room>
fungiferous_flora : <arrives> Female
dav_christianmale : venal open to bribery-corrupt
venalguy518 : Is anyone here venal?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : free spirited couple....I concur
athame_98 : Get what?!
munkman1 : Ignorance = lack of knowledge on a particular subject
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:47:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
emergency_proctology_hologram : <arrives> Male 999 from Sickbay alias EPH
devinmcmahon : ignorance- the state of showing lack of intelligence
illusive_illusions : :)
illusive_illusions : COME ON
wangus18 : i meant ogg
illusive_illusions : SAY SOMETHING SMART
the_lizard_queenie : nice name, eph
illusive_illusions : I'M NOT A CHRISTAIN
wangus18 : it's not false
devinmcmahon :
venalguy518 : Venal, anyone?
waytoomuchof : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : I'M NOT A FUCK ASS EATHER
xiphoid_thanatos : scream:D
waytoomuchof : <arrives> Male from Mississauga, Ontario alias WayTooMuch
wangus18 : it shows how the prophecy in the new plays out
wangus18 : it containts the commanments still used in teh new
love_is_death2004 : Blah, blah, blah...I am ready to talk about how "God" sucks.
dav_christianmale : VENAL OPEN TO BRIBERY
dav_christianmale : OR CORRUPT
venalguy518 : How about eunuch?
illusive_illusions : YOUR BOTH RETARDED
xiphoid_thanatos : Either
xiphoid_thanatos : You're
athame_98 : PM'd me without permission...I feel so's
like rape...God will have his vengence on you
munkman1 : illusive = agnostic ??????
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:48:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
illusive_illusions : OK, YOU LACK A LOT OF KNOWLEDGE
devinmcmahon : sorry, i've had my fill of bitter arguement for the night
devinmcmahon : or morning
illusive_illusions : OR YOU WOULD BE NICE... ;)
deathface420 : <arrives> Male 18 from Hell
dav_christianmale : CASTRATED MAN LOL
xiphoid_thanatos : Hey, I'm just being obliging. You said that not correcting
known mistakes was ignorant, and that ignorance was bad.
devinmcmahon : i guess i'll be going
venalguy518 : Venal?
tony_met2002 : elusive
fireproof_mission : i'm sorry yes i lack of spelling but i'm no the best speller
in the world i just over came my learning disablity i had dislexia!
emergency_proctology_hologram : <leaves the room>
considerthisjr : It's so sad I can't find anything better to do with my time but
be in this here chat room :(
fireproof_mission : sorry
colelli84 : <arrives> Male 18 from Mesa, Arizona
free_spirited_couple : <leaves the room>
love_is_death2004 : Me either considerthis.
aliassumpution : <leaves the room>
tubifore : <arrives> Male
emergency_proctology_hologram : <arrives> Male 999 from Sickbay alias EPH
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:49:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : scream damn it, stay put.
illusive_illusions : ;)
ranga8758 : <arrives> Male from south INDIA alias Aryan
fireproof_mission : i just see stuff back words !
love_is_death2004 : illusive...What is a "Play on words?"
sinistars_rage : <arrives> alias Beware I Live! Beware I Hunger!
tony_met2002 : what spost?
love_is_death2004 : A Pun?
considerthisjr : Yes Love, the world is full of ass holes who talk alot :))
fireproof_mission : i'm actually smarter than most people
atheist_guy_n_va : spost:))
xiphoid_thanatos : illusive: I came in half way through your conversation, and I
am still not sure to whom you were speaking.
wangus18 : might say that in matthew
wangus18 : so what is your point?
devinmcmahon : but before i go, some words of wisdom- "people are people no
matter what they believe"
dav_christianmale : told you twice
wangus18 : works = salvations
love_is_death2004 : I agree considerthis.
fireproof_mission : well you dont know me
considerthisjr : ;;)
doineedareason : <arrives>
xiphoid_thanatos : illusive: I am just going by what you said, THAT I SAW.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:50:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
considerthisjr : :-*
fireproof_mission : what words?
illusive_illusions : LOL
love_is_death2004 : ?
illusive_illusions : YOU DEF?
love_is_death2004 : Blowing me a kiss considerthis?
emergency_proctology_hologram : <leaves the room>
dav_christianmale : I CAN SPELL ANY WORD
smokey0384 : who, sometimes people need the concept of jesus to physcology
smokey0384 : thats how it saves them
wangus18 : exactly
considerthisjr : Hell yeah Love baby
animus_maximus : <arrives> Male 32 alias Animus
devinmcmahon : bye to atheists and christians... enjoyed the chat with all of
you (the vs. should be dropped from the name of the room)
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:51:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
love_is_death2004 : OMG...
tony_met2002 : chrysanthemum
considerthisjr : :))
venalguy518 : Can you feel the love tonight...
love_is_death2004 : Why are you doing that?
love_is_death2004 : We just met.
smokey0384 : who, I undersand what you mean, but you have misunderstood the
lone_star_vet : <leaves the room>
vulpine_arcadia : <arrives> Female 29 from New Zealand
considerthisjr : I know but the world could end soon
eviisausage : vulpy!
xiphoid_thanatos : scream: Are you here now?
the_lizard_queenie : this room is full of love.
xiphoid_thanatos : Jo:x
athame_98 : By "Know him" do you mean that you've..."Known Him"?;)
love_is_death2004 : Are you a Christian?
considerthisjr : :x
vulpine_arcadia : <leaves the room>
considerthisjr : nope
smokey0384 : who, what is defined as evil and good is judgement by man kind,
killing 10000 people is not wrong in gods eyes, just in our eyes
xiphoid_thanatos : Yahoo must be giving people hell tonight
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:52:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : <arrives> Female from New Zealand alias Alcyonian
smokey0384 : I am a christian
smokey0384 : I follow christian morals and ethics, for my lifestyle, its man
made judgements
love_is_death2004 : I think quennie is saying I'm fat.
considerthisjr : unless you want me to be Lovie
munkman1 : Wangus18, no god
jfirebird1 : vulpy my love:x:x
considerthisjr : <leaves the room>
succubus420_024 : <arrives> Female from in the stars alias nebula
smokey0384 : who, evil in our eyes, yes
dav_christianmale : MOST ANYWAY
xiphoid_thanatos : Jo:x
the_lizard_queenie : :-B
smokey0384 : evil is just a word
thefirstwizardofsaturn : why cant they spell?
love_is_death2004 : She said this room is full of "Love".
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:53:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
tony_met2002 : Alcyonian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:x
love_is_death2004 : Are you saying I am fat?
the_lizard_queenie : oohhh..gotcha;) didn't mean it like that!:D:X:D
venalguy518 : With TV dominating the American household, less and less people
are reading. What's the best way to learn how to spell? Reading!
animus_maximus : <leaves the room>
love_is_death2004 : Okay.
smokey0384 : who, religion is part of our biggest plms, but without it, it would
just be something else
sinistars_rage : <leaves the room>
love_is_death2004 : I only way 156lbs.
deathface420 : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : throws popcorn at scream
xiphoid_thanatos : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : <arrives> Female 28 from au
thefirstwizardofsaturn : ok dave...whatever you say
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:54:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
berryhill84 : <arrives> Male
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female
fireproof_mission : i'll be praying for you guys even though you might think i'm
ignorent but God thinks different and i'm praying that God will reveal to you
that he is real everyday he helps me with the things i struggle with! and he
helps with the things have to hear from people with lack of caring and
compassion for others
the_lizard_queenie : i wonder if all sausage is evil
athame_98 : BRB....All this hot discussion has me parched
smokey0384 : Religion is good overall, we need it. think about what the
dumbfuckers who preaced ur ass and fundermental would do if they were just told,
we don't know what the fuck is goin on, they would just go insane and act even
more uncivalized
dav_christianmale : THANK YOU WIZARD
smokey0384 : they need religion
ranga8758 : <leaves the room>
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male 32 from Next to nowhere alias Animus
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female
thefirstwizardofsaturn : yw
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : fireproof: Praying for people without belief, or with
different bliefs than you is not ignorant, it is presumptuous and arrogant.
tony_met2002 : sakina, as atheists we have no need of your prayers
xiphoid_thanatos : *beliefs
munkman1 : Religion only helps to keep the lower class happy
love_is_death2004 : tracerx1138b: I want to become an Anime/Manga comic book
brian24742002 : <arrives> Male 40 from Ohio alias Brian
doineedareason : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:55:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
venalguy518 : B D D E E G Fsharp G Fsharp G Fsharp D D E E , Ironman.
tony_met2002 : shakina^
diana_roberts02 : <arrives>
athame_98 : "Missy"?
smokey0384 : who, you just want something you possibily can't get, the truth
fireproof_mission : see ya !
athame_98 : what are you 70?
xiphoid_thanatos : Missy?
fireproof_mission : <leaves the room>
scream_reaver : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : haha who
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I think that it is time for "Religion" to evolve into
another form smokey...hence all of the unbelievers now
wangus18 : yup ath
wangus18 : hit it on the nose kid
redrose987123 : <arrives> Female 22
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: Evolution does not state we came form monkeys.
xiphoid_thanatos : sighs
jfirebird1 : no christian male the monkeys came from u
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:56:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
brian24742002 : <leaves the room>
wangus18 : no it's not ogg
dav_christianmale : WHY DO WE STILL HAVE MONKEYS?
redrose987123 : hi all 22 f ny pic in prof
wangus18 : where the heck did you get that from
jfirebird1 : :D
aggro_femme : <arrives> Female 22 from Texas alias Llynya
waytoomuchof : prayer is irrelevant. It is telling god that you aren't happy
with the way he has made things. Since you are unhappy with god's design, he
will send you to hell
xiphoid_thanatos : wangus: It is theist propaganda.
tracerx1138b : Th term is "Hominids" not "monkeys"
love_is_death2004 : considerthisjr: Are you there?
wangus18 : no they don't ogg
xiphoid_thanatos : Hi aggro:)
considerthisjr : <arrives> Male 19 from USA
eviisausage : llynya!
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female
smokey0384 : wizard, yea christianity will be more efficant when its updated,
gays are already start to be accepted, who are we to defy what nature is and
wangus18 : that's evolutionist
aggro_femme : <leaves the room>
wangus18 : ogg your wrong
dav_christianmale : THERE IS NO PROOF OF EVOLUTION
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
dav_christianmale : NONE WHATSOEVER
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:57:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : wangus: Evolution is the change in the genepool in a
population from generation to generation.
the_lizard_queenie : even hatred towards monkeys now
thefirstwizardofsaturn : and to think...we started off on a bad foot
eviisausage : lil!
smokey0384 : wizard, there needs to be a considerable difference to get a new
religion, it will happen in thousands of years time
fungiferous_flora : <leaves the room>
wangus18 : creationists believe god created all ex nihilo out of nothing
tubifore : <leaves the room>
diana_roberts02 : <leaves the room>
scream_reaver : <arrives> Male
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female
techno_kiddo : <arrives> Male 18 from Orange County alias Mighty Mouse
venalguy518 : Like dogs and wolves and foxes. All pretty much the same, just
minor differences.
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: Wrong. And that statement says you have either never
taken so much as a basic biology class, or you about 10 years old.
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
dav_christianmale : HOW SO?
smokey0384 : wizard, shame you wern't born in a trillian years time instead if
we ain't extinct by then, your concept on everything would be different
jfirebird1 : lil miss:x:x
munkman1 : Wangus, where did "god" come from then?
umm_lemme : is away (Away)
smokey0384 : they will laugh at us
wangus18 : or that we evolved from nothing
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: Because it is a fact.
athame_98 : "Nothing"? kind of the basis for Christianity itself
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female alias Lil Miss Atheist
scream_reaver : fucking hell... I have to use Yahoo itself just to see text....
dav_christianmale : wish i had a mic i type like crap
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:58:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : lil:D
athame_98 : God came from a God Monkey
xiphoid_thanatos : scream:D
thefirstwizardofsaturn : sure it would....and it will be then
techno_kiddo : <leaves the room>
munkman1 : lol athame
dav_christianmale : SO WHEN YOU DIE THAT'S IT?
the_lizard_queenie : monkeys are cool
love_is_death2004 : considerthisjr: Where did you go?
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
wangus18 : no ogg
waytoomuchof : <leaves the room>
redrose987123 : <leaves the room>
da_zell2001 : <arrives> Male 17 from In Bed With FAT JACKY !
tracerx1138b : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: What does that have to do with evolution?
wangus18 : it's taught in schools all over that evolutionists regard the monkey
thing to be true
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:59:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
thefirstwizardofsaturn : its growing over seas
ericcampbell16 : <arrives> Male 16 from at home
wangus18 : no creationist idea especialy a CHRISTIAN ONE would teacht hat
ilike2rocknroll06 : <arrives>
alcyonian : <leaves the room>
athame_98 : idiot..there is a difference between monkeys...and prehistoric
bipedial species
xiphoid_thanatos : wangus: Evolution does NOT state we came from monkeys.
Primates share a common ancestor. Very different things
thefirstwizardofsaturn : prison is a good reason
sonova_biyatch : <arrives> Male
dav_christianmale : COOL
alcyonian : <arrives> Female from New Zealand alias Alcyonian
smokey0384 : haha who
wangus18 : point being?
dav_christianmale : I DIDN'T SAY YOU WOULD
wangus18 : then they must be right huh?
venalguy518 : So Christians only obey the laws of a god out of fear of
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:00:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
wangus18 : go japan
love_is_death2004 : Okay everyone...I am gone. Bye all!
wangus18 : let's all move there
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: Just because you need an invisible fairy with fangs to
hold your ahnd through your pseudo-adulthood and tell what is wrong is right,
does not mean that everyone else is that deficient.
ericcampbell16 : <a href="">Funny
xiphoid_thanatos : *tell you
wangus18 : japan or bust
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female
begs_to_be_sodomized : <arrives> Female from NZ alias Sodomize_Me
sonova_biyatch : <leaves the room>
da_zell2001 : Christians obay Gods laws cause IT RIGHT
begs_to_be_sodomized : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : Law, ethics, social harmony, personal edict
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
begs_to_be_sodomized : <arrives> Female from NZ alias Sodomize_Me
thefirstwizardofsaturn : a girl?
begs_to_be_sodomized : I hope so.
beingwithalovelywomen : <leaves the room>
begs_to_be_sodomized : Evi-Sir!!
xiphoid_thanatos : da_zell: GReat. Get out there and start stoning people, you
would be murderer.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:01:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
munkman1 : lol evil
eviisausage : vulpy!
love_is_death2004 : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : Jo:x
scream_reaver : it was an honest answer
athame_98 : So Wangus...If I'm the nicest guy in the world...give to
charity...treat people with respect...all of that...but I don't believe in I still going to hell
begs_to_be_sodomized : Apie :X:X I cant see you in the room and voice has cut
you out :((
begs_to_be_sodomized : Cassie :X
dav_christianmale : HUH?
alcyonian : <leaves the room>
wangus18 : well don't get you tp heaven
alcyonian : <arrives> Female from New Zealand alias Alcyonian
venalguy518 : God told Abe to kill his son Isaac, right?
begs_to_be_sodomized : can hear Evi
da_zell2001 : somthing we say or do can make GOD small.
the_lizard_queenie : hell must be pretty full then/:)
begs_to_be_sodomized : could hear Tony
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:02:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
da_zell2001 : YES
wangus18 : there's alot of "nice" people in the world
artisticus_spasticus : vulp - evilsausage got my voice
smokey0384 : who, do u disgaree with this statement "humans are fucked up
da_zell2001 : BUT DID HE
smokey0384 : i don't see how u can
wangus18 : i've heard that before
da_zell2001 : NO
dav_christianmale : TRUE
da_zell2001 : GOD told him not at the ALTER
smokey0384 : U disagree with it
athame_98 : WHAT?
smokey0384 : HOW?
alcyonian : Apie.. say something?
scream_reaver : just went deaf... lol
eviisausage : can see Vulpy & hear Art.
illusive_illusions : we dont need a god to tell us right on wrong... and its not
about empathy... if you say that... christians say... why have empathy? why the
inclanations of right and wrong? simple... we are social creatures, doing evil
harms others in a social groop... and that WILL come back to you... and you WILL
be LESS apt, and be in a less advantigious position to spreed your genetic code
the_lizard_queenie : so there are many innocent little babies in hell...?
ericcampbell16 : <leaves the room>
venalguy518 : Would you tell your son to kill his child, just to test him?
kalista_theraven : ignorant_ape!
munkman1 : Illusive, are you an agnostic??
alcyonian : still cant hear ape :((
kalista_theraven : <lyth
smokey0384 : who, You are on yahoo right now for ur own selfish needs, not
helpin african children, as u don't give a shit unless it affects u personally
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:03:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : I can hear APE!!
smokey0384 : haha, most ppl r "good" that is a judgement, good for us is still
fucked up
alcyonian : I just stand down, Evi :(
randydrillman80 : <arrives>
alcyonian : I can APIE!!
venalguy518 : No, it evolved.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I think that people are mostly good...until compromised
by the monetary world that HUMANS created....
scream_reaver : dav: that's silly
randydrillman80 : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : He's not been around :((
dav_christianmale : YES IT IS
illusive_illusions : fuck my pits are sweting
alcyonian : I had 27 before, Evi.
smokey0384 : who, just accept humans are fucked up creatures
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: Misleading statement. It didn't "just happen". It takes
billions of years
alcyonian : I just stopped when I saw apes name flash.
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female
scream_reaver : dav: not even atheists think it "just happened"....
lil_miss_atheist : yayyyyyyy
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:04:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
romans61234 : <arrives>
alcyonian : I think I just saw LYTH?!
xiphoid_thanatos : Creationists are the ones who think that the universe "just
alcyonian : Lyth was that you on mic for a second?
xiphoid_thanatos : lil:D
alcyonian : Lyth my Goddess :X
lil_miss_atheist : hi thanatos :D
smokey0384 : does anyone else disagree that humans are fucked up creatures
apwwf : <arrives> Male 25 from BR, LA
dav_christianmale : WHAT DID IT START FROM,NOTHING?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : did you read what I wrote smokey?
ilike2rocknroll06 : <leaves the room>
superfareek2001 : me
the_lizard_queenie : <leaves the room>
scream_reaver : dav: ask a scientist
smokey0384 : who, i bet ur gonna contredict urself eventually, and have double
standards, you just won't be aware of it
kalista_theraven : Vulp-Yes, it was.
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: What did what start from?
kalista_theraven : But I cannot really talk right now.
munkman1 : smokey, are you refering to the remark made by Freud that humans are
"sick animals"?
smokey0384 : yes wizard, i just read
romans61234 : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:05:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : And for the record, science does not claim to know
everything. Again, that is a creationist claim.
athame_98 : So...if you believe in God...your automatically in?
artisticus_spasticus : vulp just for u - i am typeing
thefirstwizardofsaturn : do you agree?
alcyonian : Is anyone speaking in voice? Oohhh.
alcyonian : Apie :X
dav_christianmale : EVERYTHING
alcyonian : I get worried with voice sometimes.
alcyonian : It scares me :((
smokey0384 : wizard, i was talkin about our physcology
lil_miss_atheist : lol
smokey0384 : its fucked up for nature
illusive_illusions : :)
smokey0384 : its still apart of nature
alcyonian : Psychologically, it is, Evi.
alcyonian : Physiologically, it is.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:06:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
munkman1 : we would all be dead
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: The universe? There are plenty of good science sites
around that go into the Big Bang theory.
colelli84 : <leaves the room>
demon_from_hell_up_yours_bytch : <leaves the room>
berryhill84 : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : John: If I ignored them, I'd be a christian.
munkman1 : there would be no private property
alcyonian : :|
xiphoid_thanatos : can't see evii...or is he in voice?
apwwf : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : Voice, Cassie
venalguy518 : Man had to stick together, being the weakest animal on the planet.
Safety in numbers and all that.
alcyonian : I can hear you Evi!
thefirstwizardofsaturn : no....they are in different chapters of a
book.....everything is one
dledasil : <arrives> Male from Ohio
alcyonian : She hasn't got her ears on, Evii.
the_unbootable_buddha : <arrives> Male 29 from Lexington, KY
tony_met2002 : it's late ,and the sandman is going to belt me with a five pound
of sand.............I-)
da_zell2001 : IT IS OUR CHOICE
illusive_illusions : exactly
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:07:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: The same could be said for a creator deity, which leads
you into an eternal loop of "what came first".
scream_reaver : is YahELite working for anyone?
lil_miss_atheist :
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: And what created the someone? Like Isaid, circular
(psuedo) reasoning.
the_unbootable_buddha : superfreak dont give up the fight!!!
venalguy518 : I know this opinion is played out, but humans made up god to
explain what they didn't understand at the time.
munkman1 : dav_christianmale, matter is eternal, it is not created
dav_christianmale : DISAGREE
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:08:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
dav_christianmale : SORRY
the_unbootable_buddha : what definition of God are we speaking of?
da_zell2001 : GOD
thefirstwizardofsaturn : Unbootable ally
bunniebaby02 : <arrives> Female
da_zell2001 : CREATOR
da_zell2001 : ALL POWER
dav_christianmale : ARE THERE ANY CHRISTIANS HERE?
da_zell2001 : ALL LOVE
the_unbootable_buddha : does that mean...a conscious sentient being seperate
from ourselves?
xiphoid_thanatos : dav: Obviously you are a troll with no interest whatsoever in
learning the facts about the science you are clearly so (looks at illusive)
lacking in knowledge of. Go hug your bible.
alcyonian : I know her hehe
da_zell2001 : KING of KINGs
dav_christianmale : YOU'RE HERE
venalguy518 : Dav, can you explain why God felt the need to create?
alcyonian : She is such a fuggin LIAR
alcyonian : I know I know
alcyonian : Yes
dav_christianmale : WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE PETS?
da_zell2001 : YESA
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:09:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : NO she told me she had her DEGREE
alcyonian : to ME
da_zell2001 : he said jit
alcyonian : and busted her ass
lil_miss_atheist : :))
da_zell2001 : cause he was. well board
bunniebaby02 : <leaves the room>
venalguy518 : I don't have pets, couldn't tell you.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : noone will keep up unbootable
xiphoid_thanatos : is away (Busy)
the_walls_of_ninivah : <arrives> Female from on the periphery
bunniebaby02 : <arrives> Female
munkman1 : If it is ok to believe that a mystical "god" created everything out
of nothing then why is it so hard to believe that everything was here to begin
the_unbootable_buddha : oh well
lil_miss_atheist : spider god?
scream_reaver : <shoots Yahoo>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:10:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
lil_miss_atheist : slaps scream
the_unbootable_buddha : Munbk what is your definition of God?
the_unbootable_buddha : Munk
zal39 : <arrives> Male 39 from La; alias Chuck
bunniebaby02 : <leaves the room>
scream_reaver : Lil: I'm on regular Yahoo chat just to see text!
alcyonian : EEMB = Evolution/Ecology/Marine Biology
thefirstwizardofsaturn : most everyone is stuck in the ole God no God arguement
alcyonian : She did NOT know what MB was and said she had her DEGREE in marine
lil_miss_atheist : scream :O
lil_miss_atheist : i am on cheeta
atheist_guy_n_va : Nice Christian girl looking for
munkman1 : What is your definition of god unbootable?
scream_reaver : Lil: nothing is working for me....
dastardly_infidel_complot : <arrives> Female 28 from au
tony_met2002 : krischen0000
the_walls_of_ninivah : sausage: you know who i am
sstaft : <arrives> Male from your business
dledasil : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:11:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : Aristotle
the_unbootable_buddha : certainly not something seperate of the universe
a_man_on_the_net : <leaves the room>
eryder_1 : <arrives>
lil_miss_atheist : and to see the text on cheeta i had to delete
history/cookies....etc....then shut off my computer completely and start it back
alcyonian : ah huh
alcyonian : ARISTARCHUS
xiphoid_thanatos : is back
superfareek2001 : <leaves the room>
munkman1 : Since I dont believe in "god" then that word is nonsense to me unless
you define it for me.
xiphoid_thanatos : Hi nimi:)
the_walls_of_ninivah : hey xip!
icyallen : <arrives> Male alias dat_boi_hoodie
lil_miss_atheist : nimi is here :O
sodapopred : <arrives>
the_walls_of_ninivah : :">
lil_miss_atheist : hi nimi
the_walls_of_ninivah : hey!
scream_reaver : I'm not used to seeing a screen this small :((
the_walls_of_ninivah : :d
dav_christianmale : LOL
dav_christianmale : JK
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:12:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
venalguy518 : God=safety net.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : everything is of one consciensness making all
possiblities possible
scream_reaver : hi Nimi
lil_miss_atheist : don't have ytunnel?
scream_reaver : Lil: no
the_walls_of_ninivah : animus!
lil_miss_atheist : you want it? :P
the_unbootable_buddha : I guess it would be a personification of the spiritual
energy of the universe itself...might be the best way I could put it
da_zell2001 : EVOLUTION.(101) billions of years ago. there was a microscopic
organisim that just decieded to get compressed by matter so it just EXPLODED.
and from this comes man the earth fish dogs cats and EVERY thing from this. (
WOW!! /:)thats beleiveable
sodapopred : <leaves the room>
the_unbootable_buddha : I like that wizard
lil_miss_atheist : falls asleep
dav_christianmale : AMEN DAZELL LOL
munkman1 : Does anyone know how to get rid of this HUGE ad that yahoo is making
me watch at the bottom of the screen?
the_walls_of_ninivah : lil miss: im so tired my eyes are burning.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : thank you...and I aint even buddhist!
xiphoid_thanatos : pokes lil awake
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:13:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
lil_miss_atheist : nimi, awwww
scream_reaver : I need to try something...
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I just believe that
alcyonian : *nods*
rjmagi : <leaves the room>
lil_miss_atheist : ouchie thanatos :((
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I'm an artist
xiphoid_thanatos : awwww
xiphoid_thanatos : kisses lil better:D
illusive_illusions : i have a good topic... RELIGION WAS necessary... but
cultures developed indipendent of each other... and develped religion... or
beliefes in an afterlife... why would this be necessary? easy... humans have a
unique awairness of death... a side affect of becoming reflective creatures...
sure it had its advantages... we could see past today... we could save food and
antisipate bad times... but we also became awair of death... the anxieties of
death would ALWAYS be presint... the feer a rabbit has when it sees a preditor
would be constant in us... and dwelling on death all the time isnt a verry
affective way of survival... so we developed a coping mechinisum... the ability
to "pretend" or believe there is an afterlife and protector... by ignoring the
logical inclanation of other possibilaty t
the_unbootable_buddha : congrats will be enlightened within 7
illusive_illusions : that we just die
dav_christianmale : NO FEAR HERE
kellylermon_2003 : <leaves the room>
lil_miss_atheist : has been hauling off trash out of the basement and garage all house is clean but now my back hurts :((
the_walls_of_ninivah : wants to be poked
animus_maximus : <arrives> Male 32 alias Animus
thefirstwizardofsaturn : kewl
lil_miss_atheist : pokes nimi
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:14:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
the_walls_of_ninivah : animus maximus
scream_reaver : ok...
laintardo : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : by chosing to be ignorant of possablity we were more
equiped to survive... but we've incounterd a new prob
scream_reaver : <leaves the room>
venalguy518 : Animals also save food, in the form of body fat.
the_walls_of_ninivah : lil miss ! :d
thefirstwizardofsaturn : till then I will carry a flashlight
the_unbootable_buddha : nothing dies illusions becuase nothing was ever born
lil_miss_atheist : :D
animus_maximus : it finally works...
alcyonian : hahahahaha Tony
munkman1 : Noone knows how to get rid of this huge ad at the bottom of the
kalista_theraven : munk-Yep.
the_walls_of_ninivah : munk: yes.
dav_christianmale : ANYONE HERE LIKE BASKETBALL?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I do dav
the_walls_of_ninivah : there are two ways
kalista_theraven : munk-Give me a second, and I'll give you a proggy to remove
da_zell2001 : EVOLUTION SAYS... that if i take a stick of dinomight and put it
in a book ill get a Library
the_walls_of_ninivah : a. you can get y tunnel.
animus_maximus : Yahelite is working now :)
the_walls_of_ninivah : b. you can get a program called all adds
dav_christianmale : UNBELIEVABLE HUH?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I hate them
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:15:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : da_zell: Evolution says no such thing.
munkman1 : Thank you kalista
the_walls_of_ninivah : it will get rid of the ads for you.
eryder_1 : <leaves the room>
da_zell2001 : YES I DOES
da_zell2001 : BIG BANG theory
alcyonian : sorry tony
animus_maximus : I does... Lol
lil_miss_atheist : max e moose.....max e moose \:D/
da_zell2001 : lol
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I like the mavs
animus_maximus : <flips Lil off>
xiphoid_thanatos : da_zell: Then you have no clue what the Big Bang theory is
the_unbootable_buddha : Exactly!!!!
twillighttweaker : <arrives> Female 30 from TX
lil_miss_atheist : :(
kalista_theraven : munk-
da_zell2001 : YES I DO
xiphoid_thanatos : Better yet da_zell: Provide a cite for babble.
the_unbootable_buddha : The universe is what IT created to observe itself
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:16:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : Cite da_zell.
da_zell2001 : EVOLUTION.(101) billions of years ago. there was a microscopic
organisim that just decieded to get compressed by matter so it just EXPLODED.
and from this comes man the earth fish dogs cats and EVERY thing from this. (
WOW!! thats beleiveable
kalista_theraven : munk-Make sure that you have Yahoo turned off before you run
venalguy518 : At least the scientists call it a theory and not the undeniable
alcyonian : it negates GR
thefirstwizardofsaturn : kick shack in the nuts
alcyonian : Yes, Tony.
twillighttweaker : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : da_zell: Sophistry and Wrong. Now provide a cite.
munkman1 : kalista, that link didnt work
dav_christianmale : LOL
animus_maximus : feels crappy
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I agree dav
dav_christianmale : THAT WOULD DO IT
lil_miss_atheist : bye
cupid0790 : <arrives>
alcyonian : Infinity is something without time
lil_miss_atheist : <leaves the room>
da_zell2001 : Bang.. we have earth
da_zell2001 : lol
artisticus_spasticus : tony - special pleading is an xian speciality
da_zell2001 : NOPE
venalguy518 : Science allows for errors, religion does not.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I miss Larry Bird
alcyonian : Our universe has TIME
the_unbootable_buddha : Time is mathematically proven to be finite
cupid0790 : hi
begs_to_be_sodomized : is away (Away)
kalista_theraven : munk-Let me change the properties on that directory.
kalista_theraven : brb
the_walls_of_ninivah : rubs animus' shoulders
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:17:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
da_zell2001 : BIG BANG- would = a mess
aaronsixsixsix : <arrives> Male 27 from Lexington, KY
the_unbootable_buddha : Time cannot exist without gravity
alcyonian : Infinity is something without TIME
dav_christianmale : FRONT OFFICE
animus_maximus : Nimi: I doubt that would help.. mostly just depression
xiphoid_thanatos : da_zell: You have no idea what you are talking about. You
can't provide a cite to back up your bullshit. You are troll. Meet the troll
brigade (ignore).
alcyonian : what STARTING point?!
animus_maximus : Nimi: not saying I mind the rub :D
alcyonian : space is MEASURE geometrically
thefirstwizardofsaturn : Ok...its sounding like star trek in here now
cupid0790 : <leaves the room>
the_walls_of_ninivah : animus: im sorry.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : kewl
alcyonian : time measures the geometrics
the_walls_of_ninivah : hands animus an SSRI
the_walls_of_ninivah : lol
thefirstwizardofsaturn : what about time travel?
alcyonian : without time you can't measure the geometrics
animus_maximus : ssri?
kalista_theraven : munk-Try this, and d'l adkill.exe
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:18:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
da_zell2001 : xiphoid...... we are studeing this now at UCLA
xiphoid_thanatos : lol john
aaronsixsixsix : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : da_zell is trolling
alcyonian : Time is used on the radius of space.
the_walls_of_ninivah : seratonin reuptake inhibitor
thefirstwizardofsaturn : does anyone have a theory on that one?
animus_maximus : oh
the_walls_of_ninivah : an anti depressant.
kalista_theraven : munk-If you can't get it, then I can ftp it.
wrecklessdivinyl : <arrives> Female 555 from Windowframe alias DeVinyl
alcyonian : ah huh Tony
venalguy518 : Some person on here a while ago thought that scientists "invented"
the law of gravity.
alcyonian : No it wont
the_walls_of_ninivah : selective seratonion reuptake inhibitor
dav_christianmale : DA ZELL WHAT IS FAT JACKY?LOL
xiphoid_thanatos : venal: You're kidding?
animus_maximus : has been moody all day... maybe I have PMS :-|
alcyonian : time is fluctuating
xiphoid_thanatos : Why does the ongoing stupididty of some still surprise me in
this room? It shouldn't. It really shouldn't.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:19:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
illusive_illusions : lol
alcyonian : NASA's findings
alcyonian : time is FLUCTUATING
the_walls_of_ninivah : bitch slaps animus
alcyonian : How is space CURVED?
kalista_theraven : munk-Get it?
animus_maximus : Nimi: you tease
thefirstwizardofsaturn : morris day had "time" huh?
venalguy518 : Nope. He said that if 100 intelligent scientists got together and
agreed that we fall up, that people would believe it.
alcyonian : Hawkings Radiation, Evi hehe
xiphoid_thanatos : gives scream some Naprogesic
thefirstwizardofsaturn : gravity is the secret to time travel
the_walls_of_ninivah : animus : you know it now view my cam
illusive_illusions : yeah, "relitivity"
thefirstwizardofsaturn : jesus told me so
venalguy518 : Up or down is relative to your position though.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol
alcyonian : LQG
alcyonian : LQG
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:20:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
kylieskye15 : <arrives> Female 15 from Kansas
illusive_illusions : lol, time travle isnt possable.. thats quantum physics...
thats all mumbo jumbo
alcyonian : knows Guth
animus_maximus : Nimi: was that a request or command?
da_zell2001 : Darwin made up this RELGION called evolution (time chance and
natural selection) in the 1800s and every one that didnt want to believe God
said yeah well go with that.
xiphoid_thanatos : Quantum Physics is mumbo jumbo?
alcyonian : the: Did he base it on LQG?
tannar_darr : <arrives> Male 34 from Simi Valley, CA
xiphoid_thanatos : blinks
alcyonian : *nods*
dav_christianmale : MAMBO JAHAMBO
marriedtotigger : <arrives> Male alias Mr Nice Guy
thefirstwizardofsaturn : you cant spell illusive...
the_walls_of_ninivah : animus: whichever one makes you love me
the_walls_of_ninivah : :((
lakshmimv2002 : <arrives> Female
thefirstwizardofsaturn : what do you know
dav_christianmale : SO THEY SAY
illusive_illusions : quantum physics was "invinted" to explain the big bang
tannar_darr : it's ELUSIVE!
alcyonian : buddha: Was he applying LQG?
animus_maximus : :X
lakshmimv2002 : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : illusive: You have to be kidding. I know you are :|
tannar_darr : >animus I come in say one thing and your heart starts pounding?
xiphoid_thanatos : looks at illusive suspiciously
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:21:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : Evi: Can you ask buddha if he was using LQG?
animus_maximus : Tannar: you're such a babe, you know....
thefirstwizardofsaturn : yes you would
thefirstwizardofsaturn : bigger than Jupiter
lil_miss_atheist : <arrives> Female
eviisausage : can't see Buddha.
lil_miss_atheist : can't see evil
lil_miss_atheist : :P
xiphoid_thanatos : tannar: I wasn't using the word, I was talking to the person.
alcyonian : hmm this sounds like time dilation now
da_zell2001 : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : that IS time dilation
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:22:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
lil_miss_atheist : can't do evil
zal39 : <leaves the room>
venalguy518 : Because of gravity?
alcyonian : same was done with muons
the_walls_of_ninivah : animus ;)
alcyonian : gravity hehe
alcyonian : mass
atheist_guy_n_va : <leaves the room>
animus_maximus : Nimi: you are evil, you know that?
xiphoid_thanatos : giggles at john
the_walls_of_ninivah : animus: yes indeedy
the_walls_of_ninivah : :>
tony_met2002 : the unbootable bubbha ,alcyonian is asking if this physicist was
using LQC?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:23:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
eviisausage : didn't realize that nimi had bodascious tatas.
the_unbootable_buddha : what is LQC?
lil_miss_atheist : had to restart.....quit seeing text again *sigh*
animus_maximus : will get revenge... somehow... someway... muhahaha <cough>
alcyonian : Loop Quantum Gravity
maynardfan69 : <arrives>
tannar_darr : >xiph I think I got mine out before I saw you talking to him... or
I agreed with what you said..... not sure... want me to scroll back.
xiphoid_thanatos : lil: Yahoo has been doing that all day
xiphoid_thanatos : frowns
alcyonian : Tony :X
lil_miss_atheist : has LUCIOUS bodacious tatas
tannar_darr : >animus I am I know.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : gravity is the origin of force......the REAL god if you
lil_miss_atheist : :(
animus_maximus : Lil: so do I!
the_unbootable_buddha : I believe so...but he was an expert in thermoeletron
alcyonian : HER
utopia6469 : <arrives> alias utopia6469
alcyonian : fucker
rev_egg_nog_stick : <arrives> Male 19 from Australia
athame_98 : Seriously lil miss?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:24:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
animus_maximus : will not share his tatas...
alcyonian : time dilation
tomservo6969 : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : damn
rev_egg_nog_stick : <arrives> Male 19 from Australia
lil_miss_atheist : athame....well i have one big one....i am half man afterall
my_eagle_eyes : <arrives> Male 27 from may be in ur heart alias noni
smokey0384 : lo
alcyonian : that is newtonian
maynardfan69 : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : read that
xiphoid_thanatos : tannar: No, 'tis cool:) I just noted that you corrected the
word, and I wasn't sure if you could see the person. Yahell being yahell and
tannar_darr : >alcy wtf is time dilation?
smokey0384 :
lil_miss_atheist : leap year
smokey0384 : hahaha
tannar_darr : >xip it's yahscrew! get it right.
alcyonian : Principle of GR Theory
eviisausage : john: Feh! I care not if they are shared with you. As long as I
have them.
athame_98 : wow(:|
smokey0384 : read first 2 lines
xiphoid_thanatos : lol tannar
the_walls_of_ninivah : awww animus
dav_christianmale : theory
smokey0384 : LOS ANGELES -- A judge agreed Thursday to let a convicted child
molester get castrated at his own expense.
tannar_darr : >xiph want some more links on that topic?
smokey0384 : lmfao!
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:25:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
kalista_theraven : decides to go to bed.
xiphoid_thanatos : tannar: Nah thanks though
thefirstwizardofsaturn : yes unbootable
dav_christianmale : THEORY=MAMBO JAHAMBO
alcyonian : Was Guth using LQG?
kalista_theraven : Goodnight, Vulpine, my Love. :X
thefirstwizardofsaturn : that is my theory
eviisausage : john: I'll fight you for them!
tannar_darr : >smokey and for those that argue that child molesters don't regret
their actions have to answer something for that.
the_unbootable_buddha : yes I believe Guth was using LQG
alcyonian : Tony: You have the see the woman that I have been discussing physics
kalista_theraven : Oh yeah, and everybody else.
kalista_theraven : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : >xiph I THOUGHT so... ; )
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:26:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
lil_miss_atheist : john, no way! you're a wonderful coward :D
tannar_darr : >xiph errr thought not.
tannar_darr : hmmm
alcyonian : I have been discussing GR and LQG with this woman >>
in email ;)
tannar_darr : >xiph I think I'm confused.
alcyonian : Fotine Kalamara.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : big bang
venalguy518 : <leaves the room>
tony_met2002 : is she asa good as you alcy?
matthews_faith : <arrives> Male 16 from Arkansas ( Golden Streets ) alias Halo
matthews_faith : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : Tony: Shes better then me and most others in the field
rev_egg_nog_stick : <arrives> Male 19 from Australia
eviisausage : john: Then they are mine! Haha!
kylieskye15 : yeah people came from a big bang
xiphoid_thanatos : lol tannar
marriedtotigger : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : She's a leader in the field of physics.
tony_met2002 : wow
thefirstwizardofsaturn : go mavs
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:27:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
marriedtotigger : <arrives> Male alias Mr Nice Guy
alcyonian : Got her doctorate at about 28 years old
dav_christianmale : GO MAVS
munkman1 : <leaves the room>
kylieskye15 : not hard to believe that at all
tannar_darr : >thefirst what did the mavs do?
xiphoid_thanatos : Fact: In science, an observation that has been repeatedly
dav_christianmale : LATER
tannar_darr : >thefirst they haven't got ANYONE signed.
alcyonian : And shes GORGEOUS
xiphoid_thanatos : Law: A descriptive generalization about how some aspect of
the natural world behaves under stated circumstances.
dav_christianmale : <leaves the room>
wrecklessdivinyl : yes , i hear ya ss
wrecklessdivinyl : whats it expanding into
eviisausage : Hmm is kylie looking to be banged? She's easy on the eyes, but
rather young and not real bright...
thefirstwizardofsaturn : tannar...almost make the last round of the playoffs
xiphoid_thanatos : Hypothesis: A testable statement about the natural world that
can be used to build more complex inferences and explanations.
wrecklessdivinyl : makes me crazy .
thefirstwizardofsaturn : in the western conf
artisticus_spasticus : no one is as good as vulp
xiphoid_thanatos : Theory: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some
aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and
tested hypotheses.
tony_met2002 : she is highly intelligent ,alcy,but so are you
tannar_darr : >thefirst when I was in college I played in their summer league
one season.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : kewl
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:28:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
tannar_darr : >thefirst I have huge affinity to them.
alcyonian : Anyway, LQG has been around for like 30 years.
xiphoid_thanatos : {pasted from NAS}
alcyonian : It's picked up speed.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I love dirk and steve
redleg662002 : <arrives> Male 36 from Belle Fourche, SD
tannar_darr : >thefirst I had to guard mark agure for a quarter once... that
really sucked. and mookie blaylock but he wasn't nearly as tough to guard.
canito808 : <arrives>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I remember aguire....
kylieskye15 : god started the moving of the universe
lil_miss_atheist : removed the carpet from the room my puter is
everytime i sit down my chair goes flying across the floor :((
athame_98 : Lil Athiest!! Xiphod!!!
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:29:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : LQg is a mathematically very well defined non perturbative and
background independent quantization of GR
tannar_darr : >thefirst man had a five yard ass in the low post.
alcyonian : *LQG
kylieskye15 : not a big myth bang
xiphoid_thanatos : athame!
tannar_darr : >thefirst I had to pack a lunch to get around him.
lil_miss_atheist : athame!
xiphoid_thanatos : hehe
lil_miss_atheist : lol
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol tannar
animus_maximus : Lil: get that on tape
athame_98 : I must be going......
lil_miss_atheist : lol...i need to
marriedtotigger : <leaves the room>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : but he had moves tho
sonova_biyatch : <arrives> Male
alcyonian : I am very familiar
lil_miss_atheist : it scares me everytime
xiphoid_thanatos : Bye athame:)
alcyonian : No it wont
athame_98 : see you later
alcyonian : That's only probably entropy
artisticus_spasticus : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : Quantum entropy is somethng different
athame_98 : <leaves the room>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : My fave player of all time would have to be George
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:30:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : Or a physicist
thefirstwizardofsaturn : smooooooooooooooooooooooooov
tannar_darr : >thefirst yeah, he'd push you five yards into the paint, catch a
pass, then turn around and shoot. You had to cover five yards to get the hand in
his face.
kylieskye15 : god made the universe
alcyonian : Eh it was my paper in University, Tony
canito808 : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : >thefirst that was before I could play on a court with those
guys... I liked gervin, darryl dawkins, Julius.
wrecklessdivinyl : my fav player of all time is micky tetelton .
lil_miss_atheist : kylie, that's so cute 8-|
eviisausage : kylie: That may be true, but we don't know it to be so.
wrecklessdivinyl : mmmm
alcyonian : Yeah and you're using the wrong form of entropy in regards to
matter, illusions
wrecklessdivinyl : what a hunk
thefirstwizardofsaturn : love julius...and miss Bird too
the_walls_of_ninivah : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : Probable entropy does not apply to the enivronment
alcyonian : It's more accurate to a system
my_eagle_eyes : <arrives> Male 27 from may be in ur heart alias noni
kylieskye15 : Thanks I home school and learned about it all!
tannar_darr : anyone ever wonder why ONLY THE US goes to College and the rest of
the world goes to university???
thefirstwizardofsaturn : And the human highlight film too
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:31:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
tannar_darr : nod thefirst.
lil_miss_atheist : lol kylie
tony_met2002 : Hey Fred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lil_miss_atheist : oh ouch....
lil_miss_atheist : hi tony
xiphoid_thanatos : laughs at kylie
tannar_darr : >thefirst doc. J. was ALLA dat before they were, he was the
rennasaince man of the NBA
eviisausage : kylie: Well too bad you were deprived of a real education.
tony_met2002 : Hi Lil Miss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tannar_darr : I guess that means NO nobody has ever thought about that before.
tannar_darr : hmmmm I must be psycho.
tannar_darr : >xiph am I?
lil_miss_atheist : tony have you had to much coffee tonight????????? :D
alcyonian : Oscilating theory is highly favoured
kylieskye15 : hop over to for a home school course you can use at
home parents!
thefirstwizardofsaturn : julius was incredible
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:32:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
tannar_darr : >fred how goes it man.
tannar_darr : >thefirst MAD UPS!
xiphoid_thanatos : nods solemnly to tannar :|
xiphoid_thanatos : :))
my_eagle_eyes : <arrives> Male 27 from may be in ur heart alias noni
lil_miss_atheist : kylie is a bot :O
tannar_darr : >xiph thanks... I need honest friends.
tony_met2002 : no ,Lil, I just have a hard time sleeping
alcyonian : Kylie: No thanks. I got mine in university
tannar_darr : >xiph know where I can find one? ;)
thefirstwizardofsaturn : hey, HE was god huh?
eviisausage : kylie: No thanks, I'd rather go with things that are known to be
alcyonian : Quantum IS used
kylieskye15 : big bangs don't make order
alcyonian : damn armchair fucking physicists
sonova_biyatch : illusive, no one said that there was only "one" thing; science
doesn't make that determination; science is a method whose outcome is based on
the amount and quality of information available at any one time;
xiphoid_thanatos : icr are a bunch of liars and frauds with the scientific
education of a dead stork.
lil_miss_atheist : neither do imaginary sky daddies
assington88 : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:33:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
lil_miss_atheist : order? where? have you seen my house??
sonova_biyatch : kylie, what does the big bang have to do with a god or not?
xiphoid_thanatos : lol lil
kylieskye15 : god made everything from energy
alcyonian : Fred
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: Evidence
wrecklessdivinyl : and one may say that about the universe . there is no
begining and no end.
sonova_biyatch : one can accept the big bang theory and a god or creator
xiphoid_thanatos : Hi Fried
xiphoid_thanatos : umm lol Fred
thefirstwizardofsaturn : tony,,,you keep saying that
word..."incomprehensible...while I agree with your point, I find you becoming
eviisausage : laughs at kylieskye15
tannar_darr : >sonova thankee thankee yes they can.
xiphoid_thanatos : giggles at her weird typo
lil_miss_atheist : kylie, can you answer a question about god for me?
allablur2001 : <arrives> Male
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:34:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : ;;)
bigfootnc411961 : <arrives> Male
sonova_biyatch : kylie, one can accept both science and a god or creator; they
are mutually exclusive
lil_miss_atheist : who 'made' god?
danny_g2003 : <arrives> Male 17 from National City, CA alias Danny
bigfootnc411961 : <leaves the room>
lil_miss_atheist : lol
thefirstwizardofsaturn : Maury Povich made god
sonova_biyatch : only the truly dimwitted would claim that somehow the purpose
of science is to "prove
tannar_darr : if they are mutually exclusive then you can NOT accept both.
danny_g2003 : :-O
rev_egg_nog_stick : <leaves the room>
sonova_biyatch : " or disprove the existence of a god
my_eagle_eyes : <leaves the room>
sonova_biyatch : yes, tannar - NOT mutually exclusive :)
thefirstwizardofsaturn : looking for god they are
tannar_darr : mutual exclusivity means one precludes the other... or excludes..
or or or or or
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:35:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
tannar_darr : ; )
alcyonian : can I speak.. fuck yous
kylieskye15 : radiation decay proves that matter has not always exsisted as some
people think!
allablur2001 : ???
thefirstwizardofsaturn : kewl evil
sonova_biyatch : kylie, yo uhave no clue what you are talking about
sonova_biyatch : none
danny_g2003 : christian people type "619"
kylieskye15 : the universe had a beginning
alcyonian : <leaves the room>
allablur2001 : 619
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: Explain without copying and pasting.
tannar_darr : 620
tannar_darr : I'm a better xian than you are!
wrecklessdivinyl : did it now kyli?
sonova_biyatch : kylie, you are an idiot, sorry
alcyonian : <arrives> Female from New Zealand alias Alcyonian
wrecklessdivinyl : do tell
lil_miss_atheist : 666 >:)
xiphoid_thanatos : wb Jo:x
illusive_illusions : fuck i hate my mic... it sucks
sstaft : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : i'm not gonna mess with it anymore
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:36:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
sstaft : <arrives> Male from your business
alcyonian : Cassie :X
kylieskye15 : god must exsist because the universe had a beginning so something
had to live outside the universe
thefirstwizardofsaturn : is your mic "incomprehensible" tony?
alcyonian : Damn can I say something soon.. x-(
wangus18 : <leaves the room>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : jk
sonova_biyatch : why bother with such idiots with such sevely stunted intellect?
anyone who would infer that one had to reject a god or creator to accept science
isn't worth the time and effort
lil_miss_atheist : KYLIE, who made your god?
tannar_darr : >illusive if your mic sux can you tell me where I can buy one like
alcyonian : Evi :O
illusive_illusions : oh man i'm getting a boner
sonova_biyatch : kylie, if all things have to have a beginning, then so doe s a
alcyonian : :))
alcyonian : :O
sonova_biyatch : you sound like an ignorant ass
tony_met2002 : :))
allablur2001 : jeez man thats disturbing
thefirstwizardofsaturn : fucking right
alcyonian : =D>
gnome1ohm : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: Evidence, and like I said; Explain without copying and
thefirstwizardofsaturn : Mr Ed
kylieskye15 : god didn't have a beginning like the universe did
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:37:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
illusive_illusions : thats what i sound like... wait... hold on... is that me?
sonova_biyatch : you can't claim that al things must have a beginning or a
creator and then claim your god doesn't have to be classifed in the same way
tannar_darr : radio shack dont' have on on their website, where else do you
sonova_biyatch : that makes you a hypocritical moron
kylieskye15 : god lives outside of time and space
illusive_illusions : lol
thefirstwizardofsaturn : can you play that again evil...I was almost there...
aunt_bee_needs_a_pap_smear : <arrives> Female 90 alias Aunt Bee Needs A Pap
sonova_biyatch : kylie, your brain lives in space
alcyonian : My headset has lasted 6 months
alcyonian : I'm stunned
xiphoid_thanatos : I don't accept PMs but the answer to your question is 'yes'.
animus_maximus : Tannar: sucking mics are bad, M'kay?
sonova_biyatch : you can't claim anything about a god you can't show to exist in
the first place
allablur2001 : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : >sonova actually you can. but unless you wanna go into a private
room to voice it dont' ask me to explain.
xiphoid_thanatos : You could have asked him that you know, he doesn't bite that
hard :))
alcyonian : what about women
sonova_biyatch : how do you give a being you can't prove exists qualities?
alcyonian : damn
sonova_biyatch : lol
tannar_darr : >animus why??? do they have crooked teeth?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:38:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
animus_maximus : Tannar: sharp, pointy ones :-|
danny_g2003 : fuck all y'all cuz im a JEHOVA WITNESS motherfuckers
alcyonian : giggles at sstaft
danny_g2003 : <leaves the room>
sonova_biyatch : "god, who I can't show to be true or exist at all, exists
outside of time and space"
thefirstwizardofsaturn : was that a "toke" staff?
tannar_darr : >animus well thank you for covering me on that one.
wrecklessdivinyl : oh yes .
kylieskye15 : life only comes from life that helps prove creation
sonova_biyatch : no, kylie, you putz
sonova_biyatch : it doesn'
begs_to_be_sodomized : is back
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: You have not a explained a single thing. You have no
clue what you are saying. You are just repeating crap that has been spoon fed to
begs_to_be_sodomized : LET ME FUCKING SPEAK
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: So your god is not life?
tannar_darr : >begs do you want to fuck first??? or speak first????
kylieskye15 : rats don't come from trash
sonova_biyatch : kylie doesn't even parrot the creationist nonsense well
begs_to_be_sodomized : tannar x-(
sonova_biyatch : kylie, rats have eaten your brain
tannar_darr : oops.
tannar_darr : sorry.
lover_s_k2003 : <arrives>
tannar_darr : <<< hides head
lil_miss_atheist : jehovah's witness' are getting violent lately :))
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:39:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: Yes, or No. Is your god alive? Is it life?
begs_to_be_sodomized : Oh hell i'll go to text.
illusive_illusions : lets hear it
sonova_biyatch : kylie, you should be very happy - your presence here makes
everyone else feel very intelligent and well-read
thefirstwizardofsaturn : The "Watchtower" is coming.........
illusive_illusions : yeah, talk about it
tannar_darr : <<< is the most charming asshole you've ever met.
wrecklessdivinyl : lol
xiphoid_thanatos : :)) @ voice
illusive_illusions : nice
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol
xiphoid_thanatos : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:40:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : <arrives> Female 28 from au
eviisausage : xiph: You have a mic, right?
xiphoid_thanatos : I don't accept PMs unless you are a regular or I know you.
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: I bought a new one a couple of days a go, but I can't
get it to work:(
illusive_illusions : good night all
xiphoid_thanatos : night illusive
thefirstwizardofsaturn : good nite bad speller
xiphoid_thanatos : wb fred
sonova_biyatch : <leaves the room>
illusive_illusions : ;)
illusive_illusions : thats me
rendermaster : <arrives> Male from New York, NY
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol
eviisausage : Aww, too bad. I've never heard you.
rendermaster : Good evening!
lord_adolf_hitler : <arrives> Male alias Lord Adolf Hitler
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:41:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
illusive_illusions : <leaves the room>
begs_to_be_sodomized : One of the most abused variables in physics is ENTROPY.
People one definition and then stick to it. ENTROPY IS WHAT THE EQUATION defines
it to be. And the equation is not JUST s = q/t There are different ways it's
applied and the equation CHANGES. Classical which uses the standard definition.
Then you have Shannons Entropy, Sinai's Entropy as the quantum derivatives. You
have entropy and information theory, entropy and statistical mechanics, physical
chemistry, etc. It is not DISORDER.
mmmmmyid : <arrives> Male 31 from TX alias myid
xiphoid_thanatos : myid:)
begs_to_be_sodomized : <have>
lord_adolf_hitler : <leaves the room>
mmmmmyid : hi xiphoid, cutie
lil_miss_atheist : "Life in Lubbock, Texas taught me two things. One is that God
loves you and you're going to burn in hell. The other is that sex is the most
awful, dirty thing on the face of the earth and you should save it for someone
you love." - Butch Hancock
rendermaster : hi, yid :)
xiphoid_thanatos : ;;)
mmmmmyid : alcyhottie:x
kylieskye15 : Flies don't erupt magically from rotting food like you seem to
begs_to_be_sodomized : Mmmmyidcutie:X
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:42:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: Either answer the questions, and explain or STFU.
rendermaster : kylie, do you have some type of developmental delay?
lil_miss_atheist : mmm maggots =P~
rendermaster : were you dropped on your head as a child?
xiphoid_thanatos : lol lil
tannar_darr : <<< thinks if he asked sodomized to explain what the s and the q
and the t were he'd get shot after that last look.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : erection and a hockey mask?
tannar_darr : >render I actually was.
rendermaster : did someone spend time hitting you over the head with a baseball
rendermaster : lol tannar
kylieskye15 : if you want to think that people came from algae thats up to you
thefirstwizardofsaturn : A bat
tannar_darr : >render I had a car wreck and bled grey matter out of my left ear
once too.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:43:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : kylie, you make me want to reach through the screen and slap your
parents for not making sure you've got even a basic education
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: Define evolution.
lover_s_k2003 : <leaves the room>
lil_miss_atheist : i came from a sperm and an egg
begs_to_be_sodomized : Quotation by Physicist Craigen ""Entropy is disorder" is
a common enough assertion, but commonality does not make it right. Entropy is
not "disorder", although the two can be related to one another." It is always
misused with being synonymous with disorder and complexity. INCORRECT.. simply,
it is whatever the equation defines it to be.
tannar_darr : >render HEY I gotta language study you could help with if you are
xiphoid_thanatos : And don't look it up, fraud.
rendermaster : sure, tannar - e-mail me
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:44:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
chat____monitor : <arrives> Male from All fields below are optional.
mmmmmyid : kylie, ironically, christians were the one who thought that maggots
simply arose from rancid meat. why not? as genesis taught them something
similar. it was science that disprove such simplistic notions
tannar_darr : >render Y@hova it's easy.
wolf_3050 : <arrives> Male 21 from Sacramento, CA alias Wolf
mmmmmyid : ones*
tannar_darr : >render would it mean anything other than towards a deity?
rendermaster : no, tannar
lil_miss_atheist : eric rudolph deserves the death penalty
wolf_3050 : <leaves the room>
mmmmmyid : is nicely and slightly drunk
xiphoid_thanatos : Well be a spoil sport evii, why don't ya:P
rendermaster : it isn't a word to begin with; it has no pronunciation in hebrew;
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:45:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
thefirstwizardofsaturn : you a small forward tannar?
lil_miss_atheist : but a slow death...hmmm how could they do it :-?
rendermaster : when we read the torah and come across the tetragrammaton, we say
tannar_darr : >render so if a person in OT (for me) spoke first person to
someone and addressed them as the tetragrammaton, I should read that as God
then, yes?
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie can't answer. No suprise.
rendermaster : always, tannar
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:46:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
thefirstwizardofsaturn : 3 spot?
mmmmmyid : hehhee
tannar_darr : >thefirst at 5'8" I'd have beena pathetic 3
xiphoid_thanatos : *surprise
tannar_darr : >thefirst but I could dunk... with two hands couldn't palm it.
kylieskye15 : :D
alcyonian : :))
thefirstwizardofsaturn : said that you guarded aguire...thought that he
was a forward
tannar_darr : >render hmmmm ok.
mmmmmyid : xipoid, dont sweat it silly. i had tons of typos in my post
animus_maximus : Tannar: I thought you always "palmed it" :P
tannar_darr : >thefirst there was a foul issue.. I got stuck with him for a
feral27 : <arrives> Male 30 from Somewhere in the Degema System,
lil_miss_atheist : :O tannar
thefirstwizardofsaturn : o i c
alcyonian : Tony can I pm my titties to you?
_reaper_666_ : <arrives> Male from Ny alias _Reaper_666_
alcyonian : ;)
wrecklessdivinyl : i love a good pm .
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:47:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
tannar_darr : >animus ehheheheheh I asked for that didn't I??? you know that
will make you grow hair on your hands.
rendermaster : I hope you are talking about basketball, tannar :)
_reaper_666_ : <leaves the room>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I could dunk at one time....i'm six feet
wrecklessdivinyl : you people are too uptight
tannar_darr : >render yes...
_reaper_666_ : <arrives> Male from Ny alias _Reaper_666_
rendermaster : lol
mmmmmyid : i'm 6'5" and could never dunk
_reaper_666_ : :))
animus_maximus : Tannar: I wash my hands with Nair :-|
xiphoid_thanatos : myid: I have gotten into the habit of self correcting my
posts if I catch the mistakes. Old habit. My typing is really bad, and I'm
trying to fix it....
xiphoid_thanatos : :))
tannar_darr : >render would you be disturbed helping me witn a Bible study I'm
doing then?? I'd like your opinion.
mmmmmyid : although it wasnt an aspiration of mine
xiphoid_thanatos : But thanks myid;;)
tannar_darr : >animus well, my question would be you have a goattee in your pic
doncha??? how's that BACK holding up?
animus_maximus : is 5'7" and gets stepped on...
eviisausage : xiph: What's up with your mic? You plug it in, thrn talk.
mmmmmyid : xiphoid, i can dig it, i normally correct mine as well
kylieskye15 : go talk in private and do the room a favor
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:48:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
munkman1 : <arrives> Male 25 from TEXAS alias Munk
animus_maximus : Tannar: that pic WAS my back!
lil_miss_atheist : your whole hand....can't you just wash your index finger and
thumb with Nair?
rendermaster : no, tannar - I'm only bothered by xians and xianity when they
preach to me; other things are okay :)
tannar_darr : >animus I was way to fast to get stepped on... I was head to head
with mookie blaylock. but spud web ran circles around me.
chat____monitor : <leaves the room>
_reaper_666_ : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: It has something to do with my sound card. I'm on a
crappy computer until the real computer is fixed, and this one only has a half
duplex (?) sound card that yahoo doesn't like
animus_maximus : dunks Lil head to toe in Nair
kevo1994 : <arrives>
e_xtreme_e_99er : <arrives>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : My roomate partied with spud web
lil_miss_atheist : :((
e_xtreme_e_99er : ASS TACO!
feral27 : <leaves the room>
kevo1994 : ASS TACO
tannar_darr : >render well I have made the acquaintance of a masters in
Philosophy who is also a Xian believer former rabii... he's fun when we can
kevo1994 : ASSTACO
munkman1 : Alright, no more ads at the bottom of the screen
rendermaster : kevo <click>
tannar_darr : >render you are my next best thing.
e_xtreme_e_99er : YOU GOT TIME FOR SOME ASS TACO?
debraann_n_nc : <arrives>
kevo1994 : O WHUTS TAHT
e_xtreme_e_99er : ASS TACO
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:49:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
lil_miss_atheist : scream is being very mean to me tonight :|
e_xtreme_e_99er : heil ASS TACO!
jameslawrens : <arrives>
kevo1994 : ITS AN ASS TACL
tannar_darr : HEY we haven't had anyone preaching about TACOs in a while... I
miss that chat.
rendermaster : oh, look - tag team morons
kevo1994 : I SAY ASS
kevo1994 : U SAY TACO
jameslawrens : hi
kevo1994 : ASS
thefirstwizardofsaturn : Ass Taco...thats funny
kevo1994 : TACO
animus_maximus : Lil: mean? never :D
kevo1994 : AAS TACO
kevo1994 : AS TACO
twillighttweaker : <arrives> Female 30 from TX
lil_miss_atheist : :((
jameslawrens : i believe in god but i think god has no son
tony_met2002 : Alcy i do ,but it wouldn't be agood picture for you at this point
on your webpage
thefirstwizardofsaturn : ok...not so funny now
alcyonian : <leaves the room>
kevo1994 : A ASS ATCO
tannar_darr : half duplex means sound only goes one way.....
rendermaster : it seems that extreme and kevo had to come here together, since
combining their IQ is the only way to have it reach double digits
bayarearebel : <arrives>
tannar_darr : hmmm
xiphoid_thanatos : lol sstaft
kevo1994 : YEAH
kevo1994 : TACO MADE OF ASS
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:50:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : <arrives> Female from New Zealand alias Alcyonian
e_xtreme_e_99er : what?!
xiphoid_thanatos : :))
e_xtreme_e_99er : NO TIME FOR ASS TACO!
e_xtreme_e_99er : EAT THE ASS TACO NOW!
thefirstwizardofsaturn : you eat testicles staft?
mmmmmyid : kevo reminds me of the advantages that would benefit us all if yahoo
would require an iq test before being admitted into chat
e_xtreme_e_99er : ASS TACO!
rendermaster : try the testicle tostadas, sstaft
alcyonian : Tony.. why?
jameslawrens : guys answer my question
xiphoid_thanatos : wb again Jo:x
kevo1994 : WHUT
alcyonian : Thank you Cassie :X
thefirstwizardofsaturn : ok...would you suck my dick then?
kevo1994 : ASS
jameslawrens : i believe in god but i think god has no son
alcyonian : I went to the "Intellectual Room" haha.
kevo1994 : SUCK MY ASS TACO
animus_maximus : opens an Ass Taco Bell...
tony_met2002 : i look a mess right now ,alcy
rendermaster : you didn't ask a question, james
lerwick_witch : <arrives> Female 23 from Washington State
xiphoid_thanatos : james: I didn't see you ask a question. I saw you present a
jameslawrens : ok
lil_miss_atheist : scream :|
alcyonian : You are in "Intellectual Conversations:1" ( Hiden Sanity is in.....
) spirit_ladyau joined the room bread_with_circus: conquering yourself
pragmatic_etherealist: moving past your senses pragmatic_etherealist: into the
stillness infinitly_wise: When I was a kid, I used to pray every day for a bike.
Then I realizedthat god does not work that way, so instead i stole one and asked
him to fogiveme
twillighttweaker : <leaves the room>
kevo1994 : <leaves the room>
e_xtreme_e_99er : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : lol fred
thefirstwizardofsaturn : tossing salads now arent we?
jameslawrens : is there a son
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:51:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
lerwick_witch : <leaves the room>
lil_miss_atheist : :P
timbot66 : <arrives> 300 from directly above yer head alias mit
rendermaster : james, considering that most people in here are atheists, there
wouldn't be a god OR a son
jameslawrens : tossing salad is not my work
xiphoid_thanatos : lmao Jo
rendermaster : ten to four, fred
tannar_darr : should I be concerned that a friend of mine is looking FORWARD to
his first colonoscopy??
blackheartedprofit : <arrives> Male
mmmmmyid : LOL alcy, deep
mmmmmyid : hehe
lil_miss_atheist : fried ice cream with a testicle center :O
jameslawrens : superman
thefirstwizardofsaturn : Or Thor and Odin
jameslawrens : i am a superman
blackheartedprofit : good evening, untermenschen
animus_maximus : Alcy: all that intelligence went way over my head :P
jameslawrens : believe in me
timbot66 : May Zeus be with this room
rendermaster : which church, fred?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:52:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
mmmmmyid : mit, god will smite you for that
bayarearebel : <leaves the room>
alcyonian : mmmmyidcutie: They were TOO "intoolekshual" for me
jesusluvus1985 : <arrives> Female
lil_miss_atheist : << minister
xiphoid_thanatos : And may Bumba be with you. Hi tim
rendermaster : nope - I was in Israel last week for a wedding, but we're still
in NYC for a few more years
tony_met2002 : I am Dr. Steven Strange
mmmmmyid : alcy, indeed
thefirstwizardofsaturn : "Smite" Myrid?
animus_maximus : is away (Not at my Desk)
peace_for_you_too : <arrives> Male from Canada
rendermaster : it is real, fred
alcyonian : Mmmyid: Would you like to critique a piece of my writing?
kylieskye15 : If you read Hebrews the first chapter in the Bible you will see
that Jesus became God the fathers son but was not always God the son.
cheesysquezzy : <arrives>
life_tap2003 : <arrives> Female alias ~lifetap~
the_lizard_queenie : <arrives> Female 26 from US
mmmmmyid : wizard, yes. smite
the_unbootable_buddha : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:53:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
peace_for_you_too : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : lol
mmmmmyid : alcy, absolutely
jameslawrens : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : May Jupitor and the mighty God of Abraham show you the truth about
blackheartedprofit : pity you weren't blown up there, rendermaster
tony_met2002 : i have the all seeing eye of agametto
munkman1 : Did wangus18 finally have enough?
jesusluvus1985 : hi
the_lizard_queenie : <leaves the room>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : What does it mean myrid
majidboy2001 : <arrives>
the_lizard_queenie : <arrives> Female 26 from US
alcyonian : mmmmmyid: actually chapter 5
alcyonian : :)
timbot66 : Paul was the Walrus
the_lizard_queenie : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : >scream can you help me with something.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:54:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
debraann_n_nc : you gonna die sstaft Then u need God Don't give up on him
jesusluvus1985 : :-/
rendermaster : rofl
sarfaraz_cool1 : <arrives> Male
hunter_the_crazychick : is back
hunter_the_crazychick : remembers getting kicked out of Intellectual
Conversations once for asking where the intellectual conversations /were/....
mmmmmyid : wizard, to chastise, etc. often used in the bible
rendermaster : yes, sstaft "you gonna die"
mmmmmyid : alcy, k
rendermaster : lol
tannar_darr : grr.
tannar_darr : Ok.
timbot66 : oops I was wrong Jesus was the Walrus
timbot66 : sorry
life_tap2003 : <leaves the room>
munkman1 : I know that we can never 100% know that there is no "god" but I am
very sure that one does not exist
timbot66 : my bad
xiphoid_thanatos : What bothers me is conversations about agnosticism always
seem to say "God" instead of 'deities'.
alcyonian : ECC: I went to voice. I said "What do you posit as being
intellectual?" And they said "huh"?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : you often use that type of langauge when thou
mmmmmyid : or to attack
rendermaster : yes, xiphoid
hunter_the_crazychick : alcy: yup.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:55:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
alcyonian : I then said "you are all way too intellectual for me"
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1, how I usually say it is that god
*probably* doesn't exist
rendermaster : it should be "gods"
scotsmanmatt : <arrives> Male
debraann_n_nc : thats so sad:(
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : certainly the Christian God does not exist
xiphoid_thanatos : lol hunter, and hi
scotsmanmatt : Hello everyone :)
hunter_the_crazychick : alcy: and they got all angry and started flaming me in
all caps, patting eachother on their backs for their 'intellectual insults'.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : Math alone proves that the Christian god is a
bunch of bullshit
hunter_the_crazychick : xiph.
timbot66 : Right
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : 3=1???? SInce when?
timbot66 : at least u have an open mind
jesusluvus1985 : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : what is sad, debraann, is that most evangelical xians never
realize that when they preach jesus, they create far more atheists than they
ever do new xians
mmmmmyid : alcy, ahh. i read the first chapter a week or so ago
tannar_darr : so I understand why the doctor that delivered me spanked me, but,
umm why did she call me a whore when she did it? does that REALLY help with the
breathing??? do they think the name calling will make you gasp?
munkman1 : right_reverend, I would lean more towards something like most
likely....but yeah I see your point
scotsmanmatt : <--- rational defender of the Christian religion and its
timbot66 : that rules
kylieskye15 : deity means god so what is the difference?
alcyonian : ECC: I got that in the abortion room haha
tannar_darr : >render THANK YOU THANK YOU!
rendermaster : no, kylie, it doesn't
wrecklessdivinyl : your wrong fred .
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:56:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
tannar_darr : >render it pisses me off too.
hunter_the_crazychick : alcy: oh man; abortion rooms.
anthonythomasking1984 : <arrives> Male 18 from Marysville, WA alias Good_Times
rendermaster : kylie, I can't belivee you are this stupid
alcyonian : mmmyid: Chapter 5 is new. I'm just heading in to fix some pieces in
it hehe.
rendermaster : you have to be a troll
majidboy2001 : <leaves the room>
wrecklessdivinyl : meth and god cannot even be compared .
kylieskye15 : Webster'
wrecklessdivinyl : there is no cpmarason
scotsmanmatt : deity - god or goddess
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : Ya know, the day after I became ordained I
jerked off. It was my first orgasm as an ordained minister
wrecklessdivinyl : math
anthonythomasking1984 : AGNOSTIC!!!
rendermaster : kylie, a deity doesn't refer to one, specific god
xiphoid_thanatos : God disappeared in a puff of logic :))
debraann_n_nc : well you will go to hell without me
xiphoid_thanatos : I remember evii
wrecklessdivinyl : comparason
thefirstwizardofsaturn : thats too funny reverend
anthonythomasking1984 : EVERYONE SHOULD BE AGNOSTIC!!!
timbot66 : The bronze age sky God of Abraham... does not exist
tannar_darr : >xiph studying Nietzhe?
hunter_the_crazychick : moves her newly acquired hentai to her special folder
for it.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : Then I went and molested someone (my wife)
scotsmanmatt : deity is singular - dieties is plural
timbot66 : yet Zeus may
timbot66 : lol
tannar_darr : have I ever spelled that name before?
xiphoid_thanatos : tannar: No, Douglas Adams :))
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:57:51 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : gosh, matt, you sure are quick tonight! :)
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I shoudl have reversed the order of those two
events, now that I think about it
tannar_darr : >xiph HEY where do I invest that penny again
kylieskye15 : God doesn't refer to one specific god!!!!!!!!!
debraann_n_nc : you so off
anthonythomasking1984 : <leaves the room>
animus_maximus : is back
animus_maximus : yippee :-|
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: quicker than you could ever hope to be...and it's
morning here..
alcyonian : Eh I just picked up and changed "tanned legs in leather'
timbot66 : can u proove to me you exist?
alcyonian : eh
alcyonian : Animus :)
xiphoid_thanatos : scots: Are you referring to my post?
rendermaster : so, kylie, when you say "God", are you referring to zeus?
rendermaster : or odin?
animus_maximus : hi Alcy
rendermaster : or horus?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : scotsmanmatt laughs at my Ordination
rendermaster : or mithras?
timbot66 : how do I know I even really exist...
timbot66 : Where's Neo?
timbot66 : lol
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : He doesn't think it is very amusing.
icyallen : <leaves the room>
debraann_n_nc : no excuse needed to go to hell
thefirstwizardofsaturn : "maury" render
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I think it is jealosy
scotsmanmatt : xiphoid_thanatos: No..just correcting rendermaster's erroneous
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:58:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
a_lady_waits_for_her_lord : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : Ok.
munkman1 : mit, "I think, therefore I exist" is a true statement
tannar_darr : I'm going to get water, go to bed..
xiphoid_thanatos : scots: I see. I must have missed them. Thanks.
tannar_darr : and think of all of you guys before I go to sleep.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : tannar_darr get the hell out of here
tannar_darr : five hours later.
thefirstwizardofsaturn : tannar...good talkin to ya
debraann_n_nc : :))
rendermaster : matt, you are going to have to pull your head all of the way out
of your ass if you expect anyone to understand what you have to say
tannar_darr : after laughing.
tannar_darr : >thefirst fer shore.
kylieskye15 : rendermaster, when you say "deity", are you referring to zeus????
xiphoid_thanatos : lol tannar
xiphoid_thanatos : Night:)
timbot66 : I owe therefore I exist?
rendermaster : yes, kylie
rendermaster : I am
begs_to_be_sodomized : is away (Away)
timbot66 : bummer
debraann_n_nc : see there you go blame GOD
wrecklessdivinyl : where in the bible is there not destrcution bye god ?
lil_miss_atheist : "I refuse to prove that I exist", says God, "for proof denies
faith, and without faith, I am nothing." "Oh," says man, "but the Babel Fish is
a dead give-away, isn't it? It proves You exist, and so therefore You don't.
Q.E.D""Oh, I hadn't thought if that." says God, who promptly vanishes in a puff
of logic. [ Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy]
tannar_darr : >render we suggest muchmexican food with EXTRA cheese for that
thing back in TX.... THOSE farts nearly ALWAYS get the head outta the ass!
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 01:59:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : God isn't the problem, debraan, moronic, idiotic evangelical
xians like YOU are the problem
kylieskye15 : start looking in a dictionary it will help you!
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I blame God
xiphoid_thanatos : :)) @ lil
thefirstwizardofsaturn : blame canada
timbot66 : If I pay everyone off I know...will I wink from existence?
timbot66 : hmmmm
timbot66 : ?
tannar_darr : >debraann may I help??? you can ask just about any of these guys
I"m on your side.
considerthisjr : <leaves the room>
wrecklessdivinyl : thats what you say toney in your ignorance
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I heard in this very room that the definition
of the word atheist is someone who "hates the Love of Jesus"
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:00:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
animus_maximus : I always blame god... everytime something bad happens, I say,
"Damn you, Vishnu, you did that!"
kylieskye15 : I read a dictionary also
munkman1 : mit, I said: "I think, therefore I exist". This has nothing to do
with oweing money to anyone
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : with the 'L' reverently capitalized
rendermaster : kylie, you are probably the most ridiculously ignorant person
that I've seen in a long while; I hope God has better plans for you in the next
life, since you must have done something to piss off Jesus in this life to make
you so totally bereft of any intelligence
timbot66 : I'm pretty pissed at God for dumping me on this funky planet
tannar_darr : >debraann does that mean no?
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: You have proven to yourself to be an uneducated fraud,
you are only wallowing in confirmation of that fact now, and it is rather sad.
wrecklessdivinyl : a security blanket .
wrecklessdivinyl : your wrong
xiphoid_thanatos : *proven yourself
debraann_n_nc : as long as its you blaming not me dude
timbot66 : Doing time on planet earth
rendermaster : yes, we are blaming you, debraann
wrecklessdivinyl : i cannot answer god to you .
timbot66 : bummer
kylieskye15 : your so smart rendermaster I can't understand you man!
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : debraann_n_nc do you agree with that definition
of 'atheist'?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:01:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
timbot66 : nah
debraann_n_nc : what you mean darr
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : rendermaster is a teacher
timbot66 : its fun here
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I think
xiphoid_thanatos : 8-|
wrecklessdivinyl : if he does not show himslef to you . That not my fault
timbot66 : really
animus_maximus : timbot: that sounds like Cruel and Unusual punishment at its
tannar_darr : >debraann do you believe the bible?
debbie05salem : <arrives> Female from Oregon
thefirstwizardofsaturn : nicely put
tannar_darr : >debraann believe that it is God Breathed?
debraann_n_nc : yes i do darr
kylieskye15 : go back to teaching at harvard rendermaster maybe someone there
will understand you
tannar_darr : >debraann and accept it as a guide in your life?
wrecklessdivinyl : i didnt hear your question
rendermaster : kylie, I'm afraid that if I continue listening to you any longer,
my IQ is actually going to begin to drop, so I'm going to send you to speak with
my teacher and mentor, Rabbi Ignorowitz, who has more patience for complete
morons than I... <click>
jmsvb_m : <arrives>
timbot66 : What a work is man...Shaky-spear
timbot66 : lol
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:02:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : lol render
tannar_darr : >debraann check out II TImothy 2:23- the
end of two...
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol render
wrecklessdivinyl : ok
tannar_darr : >debraann I think that will help your witnessing out TREMENDOUSLY!
kylieskye15 : your a wise jew rendermaster?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : loves Rabbi Ignorowitz
jmsvb_m : <leaves the room>
debraann_n_nc : ok darr
rendermaster : tannar, getting through the second grade would help her more :)
timbot66 : There is more in the heavens and earth than is knon in your
philosophy, Horatio
timbot66 : Shaky-spear
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : render, you are a teacher, right?
animus_maximus : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : oops
rendermaster : yes, fred, among my many talents :)
tannar_darr : >render ya know, I only deal with MY errors in here....
timbot66 : known
rendermaster : lol tannar
tannar_darr : >render they keep me busy enuff.
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:03:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
timbot66 : typing=>:)
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: First of all, it would you're oh brilliant one.
Secondly, he just put you on ignore.
munkman1 : 1776
tannar_darr : >render if I had to defend all of my "bretheren" too...
tannar_darr : >render I'd have to ask for donations.
rendermaster : lolol
wrecklessdivinyl : you want proof . You have it and you cal it a security
blanket . You dont need security . right . God does not need you toney . thats
what the answer is .
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : rendermaster remember the Simpsons where it is
revealed that Krusty the Clown is a Jew?
munkman1 : July 4th
thefirstwizardofsaturn : pass the plate tanner and I'll set the pick
debraann_n_nc : <leaves the room>
tannar_darr : heheheh shut up dork. rofl.
kylieskye15 : rendermaster teaches ignorance
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:04:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : I've never seen the simpsons, fred
timbot66 : There is more in the heavens and the earth than is known in your
philosophy, Horatio
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : oh
mmmmmyid : <leaves the room>
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : shuts up
timbot66 : that;s better
munkman1 : That would be a red herring would it not, evil??
rendermaster : though I do know who homer and bart are :)
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: No, teaches ignorance.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : has been put in his place.
tony_met2002 : DeVinyl you speak foolishly
winglessmoon : <arrives> Female 25 from Washington
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : is just a pop culture idiot.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : laughs
wrecklessdivinyl : if you all want to see god . Stop asking for proof.
kylieskye15 : duh xiphoid
rendermaster : I am too, fred, but the simpsons was after my formative years ;)
munkman1 : Evil, wouldnt that be a red herring?
scotsmanmatt : hello tony_no_sound_arguments_met ... how are you ?
rendermaster : wreckless, what does that mean?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:05:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
scotsmanmatt : lol
tannar_darr : >render ever watch King of the Hill?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : rendermaster really? Wow! How old are you?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : You seem so wise
tannar_darr : >render that is the culture I grew up in!
wrecklessdivinyl : exactialy what it says
lil_miss_atheist : or ren and stimpy :D
rendermaster : 29, fred
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : maybe that is part of the Jewish illusion
wrecklessdivinyl : Stop asking for things .
rendermaster : lol
tony_met2002 : devinyl, i have absolutely no belief in a god
thefirstwizardofsaturn : DeVinyl...your a christian right
wrecklessdivinyl : yes i am
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : rendermaster are you a pretty proud Jew?
xiphoid_thanatos : lmao @ kylie. You really are an idiot. You came in here
stating that you were homeschooled by, now you are agreeing that htey
teach ignorance? :))
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I would be, if I was Jewish
thefirstwizardofsaturn : could tell by your stupidity
xiphoid_thanatos : *they
wrecklessdivinyl : and he has no bvelife in you tony
thefirstwizardofsaturn : lol
blackheartedprofit : fuck the jews
lil_miss_atheist : lol thanatos
tannar_darr : >fred he's not pretty at all.
wrecklessdivinyl : absoultly .
blackheartedprofit : the bastards need exterminating
rendermaster : I'm very happy to be jewish; if I wasn't, do you think I'd tell
people people I was jewish? ;)
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:06:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
kylieskye15 : my parents are to blame xiphoid
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I would mainly be proud of the fact that Jewish
women are HOT!!!
blackheartedprofit : fuckin scumbags
timbot66 : if she likes the band the DeVinyls...she has to have a naughty streak
munkman1 : But it was recinded a few years later
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : chuckles
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: No. You have access to the internet, there is nothing
stopping you from learning.
tannar_darr : <<< had a friend in college that used to work for mossad (sp?)
syron634 : <arrives>
kylieskye15 : :-S
wrecklessdivinyl : and what is the universe expaniding into> I wish someone knew
syron634 : <arrives>
thefirstwizardofsaturn : hey right reverand...I would like a hairy lil jewish
rendermaster : wreckless, have you ever read the bible? are you aware that the
majority of the characters who populate the scripture either saw God directly or
saw God's power firsthand?
munkman1 : The Treaty of Tripoli was recinded a few years later
tannar_darr : she was 5'4" and could kick anyone's ass... she once threw our
Defensive Tackle first team while wrestling.
wrecklessdivinyl : you are sorry tony that is right
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:07:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
wrecklessdivinyl : i do have a naughty streak .
tannar_darr : >render ever wonder why they didn't die when they saw God
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I dated a girl who was half PR and half jewish.
You'd think that if ANY girl would be hairy, she would
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : but she wasn't
rendermaster : special sunglasses, tannar :)
syron634 : <leaves the room>
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : unless she plucked
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : haha
xiphoid_thanatos : lol render
rendermaster : they wre passed out to all the jews at the foot of sinai ;)
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I might be a freak but I love hairy girls.
tannar_darr : >render hehe that is the topic I want your help with if you dont'
tony_met2002 : that is of no consequience to me
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 that is bullshit
timbot66 : right...thanx for sharing
blackheartedprofit : jews are as close to apes as you get, so it isn't suprising
that jew women are hairy
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : that is a lie
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:08:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : "seeing" God, tannar?
munkman1 : No it is a FACT right_reverend
tannar_darr : >render yeah, if you see Him face to face it'll kill you, yes?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 I know the history of the Treaty, it
was not recinded a "fwe years" later.
timbot66 : Black is a jew...he's playin"
rendermaster : it's much more difficult a subject when xianity is added, tannar,
since even if jesus was just "part" God, wouldn't that at least make those who
looked upon him nearsighted? ;)
timbot66 : I know this for a fact
lil_miss_atheist : lmao evil :))
timbot66 : he's a jew
tannar_darr : >render but Abe, saw him, sarah too. hagar.... etc..
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: WE don't have Victoria Secret stores here....
thefirstwizardofsaturn : shit
munkman1 : As a matter of fact it was right_reverend
rendermaster : no, none of them saw God
timbot66 : He likes to play
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:09:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
eviisausage : xiph: Awww.
rendermaster : the closest was moses on sinai and he didn't see God directly,
tannar_darr : >render well that is the study for us... Jesus fills the OT role
of Angel of God. when addressed as Y@hova.
xiphoid_thanatos : Funny that that was....;)
timbot66 : the guy is a weird rabbi guy
eviisausage : You can mail order your sexy undies, right?
timbot66 : I've exposed him
toodtlebug : <arrives>
blackheartedprofit : jews play the eternal fucking victim, they give me the
xiphoid_thanatos : evii: Yep
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 besides, even if it was... so what?
both houses of congress and the president agreed unanimously that the US was not
a christian nation
blackheartedprofit : scamming bastards
kylieskye15 : :))
scotsmanmatt : 1. No-one can see God in his essential form and live. 2. The
characters in the Bible did not see God [in his essential form]. 3. Therefore
the characters in the Bible seen God [in his non-essential] form and lived.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : you think that they changed their minds? Is
that really what you are implying?
rendermaster : that can't be, tannar, since angels are separate creations
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : you idiot?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : LOL
munkman1 : Now you change your stance right_reverend?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : oops
tannar_darr : >blackhearted try to get a script bought in Hollywood, they aren't
the victims there, they rule!
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I meant YOU IDIOT!!!!
rendermaster : that isn't what the scripture says, matt
rendermaster : so good try
tannar_darr : >render it's a fun study for me.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 no
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:10:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I did not
tannar_darr : >render I'll sahre and appreciate your comments.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : why would I
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I am right
tannar_darr : sahre= share.
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: That depends what you count as Scriptures...
toodtlebug : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : black Y hate the Jew when all humanity is there to time
hate us all...
rendermaster : there isn't anything which specifies "essential" form, since we
have no idea what that woulod be in the first place
munkman1 : No actually you are wrong
blackheartedprofit : i don't hate amyone, timbot66
blackheartedprofit : anyone'
rendermaster : if we've never seen God, how can one know what the essential form
rendermaster : lol
tannar_darr : g'nite all.
rendermaster : braille?
thefirstwizardofsaturn : I gotta go get drunk with jesus and satan...........cya
later all
tannar_darr : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : nite, tannar
munkman1 : I am just arguing the FACT that the Treaty of Tripoli was recinded a
few years after it was passed.
kylieskye15 : :-B
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:11:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster:'s called inductive reasoning....
xiphoid_thanatos : lmao render
rendermaster : no, matt
rendermaster : it's not
timbot66 : I thought so...U are actually a Rabbi that gets off playin jew-baiter
utopia6469 : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : it's called grasping for straws
thefirstwizardofsaturn : <leaves the room>
blackheartedprofit : a rabbit?
timbot66 : U have been exposed
timbot66 : rabbi
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 well then you go and get the
documentary evidence that supports your claim, and while you are at it make sure
you are coming up with some good damn argument as to how that fact (if it is a
fact) is relevant to the Christian nation debate
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 a "few" means 3 or 4
blackheartedprofit : yeah jews are like rabbits
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : it was not recinded 3 or 4 years later
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : moron
hunter_the_crazychick : is away (Away)
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:12:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
xiphoid_thanatos : brb, getting coffee
timbot66 : Ashcroft=American Taliban
munkman1 : right_reverend, I am an atheist and so I am not trying to imply that
it means a damn thing. I am just stating a fact.
rendermaster : timbot, I've had black on permanent ignore for a rather long
time; I don't blame him for being such a hatemonger, racist, bigoted,
anti-semitic piece of crap - it's not his fault that his parents are brother and
winglessmoon : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : The nuts are running the nut house in our once beloved country
blackheartedprofit : no right of reply? render, you jewboy fag
timbot66 : Bye secular America
timbot66 : Bye
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 you are not stating a fact, you are
making an undemonstrated assertion
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:13:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
kylieskye15 : The jewish people have been chosen by God to always have his favor
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: is...we have statements in the Bible which
appear to be in direct contradiction to each other, i.e. No-one can see God and
live and people see God and live... When faced with such we ask well, is there
anyway that these apparent contradictions can be reconciled and syllogism like I
produced is an example of one such manner of doing so which is perfectly
consistent with the Scriptures.
timbot66 : so did Rob Lowe
timbot66 : lol
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 when you say "a few years" people
think 'about 3 or 4'
timbot66 : in some home movies
rendermaster : no one saw God, matt
blackheartedprofit : bullshit kylie, thats just what they tell you, and all you
stupid fucking bastards believe them
rendermaster : that is the entir epoint
silentidominus : <arrives> Male 18 from Washington
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: Do you want me to cite the verses for you?
timbot66 : black...Jesus hates u
kylieskye15 : The bible talks about it black
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:14:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
timbot66 : Y?
rendermaster : no, matt, since they'd be worthless
spey_2003 : <arrives>
blackheartedprofit : so what kylie?
timbot66 : He loves everyone...but U
blackheartedprofit : the bible is bullshit anyway
kylieskye15 : the bible is the word of our lord
timbot66 : ha ha ha
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : it was not recinded 3 or 4 years alter, and
even if it was, it would have no bearing on the fact that the entire 5th
Congress (both houses) and President Adams thought that the US was NOT a
Christian Nation?
blackheartedprofit : no it isn't kylie
spey_2003 : hi roommmmmm!
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: mean 'Don't show me the evidence that
supports your claim and refutes mine because then I'd look like an uninformed
Jew on my own Scriptures' lol
timbot66 : well then drop the hate and smell the love
redleg662002 : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : sniff
spey_2003 : heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : Do you think that when the Treaty was recinded,
they changed their mind?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : silliness
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:15:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
trichurgirl : <arrives> Female 21 from Kerala
kylieskye15 : 40 different people wrote it black! did they all lie than?
timbot66 : I met dean
spey_2003 : <leaves the room>
scotsmanmatt : <-- waits for rendermasters ad hominem response
timbot66 : tony
timbot66 : he was cool
blackheartedprofit : how do you know forty different people wrote it?, kylie
timbot66 : and not drunk at all
rendermaster : matt, you aren't worth the trouble
timbot66 : ha
scotsmanmatt : . o O ( predictability is so boring )
silentidominus : But you know what?
timbot66 : I met him at a haburger Hamlet
silentidominus : Fuck God.
flanksham : <arrives> Male 30
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:16:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
scotsmanmatt : <--- notes rendermaster obliges as predicted ....
kylieskye15 : because of the different books in the bible. bible means "book"
silentidominus : Fuck you little atheist wussy bitches.
silentidominus : I want some pussy.
misanthropic_philanthropist : <arrives> Female
blackheartedprofit : reality is, hundreds of different people have added or
changed bits of the bible
silentidominus : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : here, here'
timbot66 : my cat
timbot66 : fuck it
markymarkndallastx : <arrives> Male from Dallas alias Chappy
misanthropic_philanthropist : <leaves the room>
eviisausage : silent: Well you are what you eat.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I am pretty sure that Bible doesn't mean book.
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : but let me check
timbot66 : Bible means record
scotsmanmatt : Gen 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I
have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
rendermaster : it does on mars, fred
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:17:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
scotsmanmatt : Jdg 13:22 And Manoah said unto his wife, We shall surely die,
because we have seen God.
rendermaster : rofl
timbot66 : am i right?
txf631009 : <arrives>
kylieskye15 : the bible is 97% the same still today as it was back than
timbot66 : let me know
rendermaster : obviously, matt, they didn't see God, since they didn't die; is
this rocket science?
blackheartedprofit : no it isn't kylie
debbie05salem : ha!
xiphoid_thanatos : is back
kylieskye15 : yeah black
wrecklessdivinyl : as much as you all would like to think , God does not need
anyone to exist . Thats where you get off the right path .
kylieskye15 : what part do you think has been changed black?
timbot66 : any luck rev?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:18:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : jacob didn't see God; jacob saw an angel of God; not the same
rendermaster : God has no face, matt
spikespiegal5814 : <arrives> Male
rendermaster : since god has no physical attributes
rendermaster : that is xianity talking
blackheartedprofit : every time it is interpereted it is changed, kylie
rendermaster : it's your god that gets nailed to a crucifix, not mine
timbot66 : I found it
xiphoid_thanatos : Sean Connery
timbot66 : rev
rendermaster : your god has arms and legs
blackheartedprofit : and which version do you refer to anyway?, kylie
timbot66 : its greek
timbot66 : Bilion
spikespiegal5814 : BON JOVI
timbot66 : oops
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: now you're doing exactly what I did and said was
legtimate to do, i.e. you're reconciling the apparent literary contradiction
with reasoning!
timbot66 : Biblion
spikespiegal5814 : IT WAS BON JOVI
kylieskye15 : black all you have to do is read the NIV or NASB
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:19:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : it's not a contradiction, matt
tony_met2002 : <leaves the room>
spikespiegal5814 : uhh yah got any gum
kylieskye15 : they will tell you what vers may have been changed if you have the
NIV bible
meniacer : <arrives> Male 19 from Wylie (Plano Rockwall Richardso alias NoViuM
markymarkndallastx : <leaves the room>
wrecklessdivinyl : whos the james bond after sean connery
timbot66 : Biblyos
rendermaster : if they had seen God, they would have died; obviously what they
THOUGHT they saw and what they DID see weren't the same things
timbot66 : book
timbot66 : or record
wrecklessdivinyl : hes the man . I forget his name
munkman1 : markymarkindallastx is a MORON that needs to shut the fuck up
cocktard : <leaves the room>
empresssharyl : <arrives> Female 36 from S.F. Bay Area
spikespiegal5814 : the voices are deep
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: a literary contradiction is where you have an a and
~statement at the same time. That is what we apparently have in this instance
from the text
xiphoid_thanatos : devinyl: Roger Moore
meniacer : pierce brosnan or something like that
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:20:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
wrecklessdivinyl : oh yes
blackheartedprofit : have you read the original bible scripts?, kylie, and if
not, do not pertain to claim that is in 97% of the form of the original writings
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : Apparently, it means Book of books. Like a
wrecklessdivinyl : hes a hunny
rendermaster : lolol
spikespiegal5814 : hit me with your best one
wrecklessdivinyl : i love roger moore .
timbot66 : the voices in my head owe me money
spikespiegal5814 : dick
kylieskye15 : the original ending of the book of mark was lost and in the NIV
bible they tell you about that black
spikespiegal5814 : <leaves the room>
sarfaraz_cool1 : <leaves the room>
debbie05salem : evil sausage is mean
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I remember reading Asimov saying that bible
mean 'library' but I can't find that
xiphoid_thanatos : shares her toffee apple with evii ;;)
timbot66 : Biblyos timbot66: book timbot66: or record Munk: markymarkindallastx
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : and he isn't a greek scholar
txf631009 : <leaves the room>
uber_b_o_t : <arrives>
timbot66 : haha
timbot66 : rev
timbot66 : Byblios
timbot66 : book or record
timbot66 : greek
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:21:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
blackheartedprofit : if it were lost kylie , what proof is there that any
interperetation since, is accurate?
abu_almighty : <arrives>
rendermaster : you seem to miss the point, matt; in judaism, God never had a
physical form to BE seen, so there is no contradiction to begin with;
kylieskye15 : what matters is how different people give the same message black
debbie05salem : he is brutal to me
blackheartedprofit : don't change the subject , kylie
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : kylieskye15 well, that is stupid
debbie05salem : he says mean stuff
meniacer : <leaves the room>
kylieskye15 : black its just the last few vers of mark chapter 16
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:22:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
skitzzoid666 : <arrives> Male 666 from So Cal
timbot66 : abu nidahl?
blackheartedprofit : thats one chapter, kylie
scotsmanmatt : a = No-one can see God and live ~a People see God and live. At a
prima facie level that is an apparent contradiction. If you can't accept that
because of your personal prejudice about the source of the information then ask
the's a contradiction that appears in almost every list they
produce and as a side note they wouldn't accept your ad hoc attempt to
rationalise that away through committing the fallacy of undesirable consequences
timbot66 : yer a terrorist?
eviisausage : bb whenever.
kylieskye15 : you can read the same story in the other books if you want
timbot66 : Run everyone run!!!
blackheartedprofit : so what ky;lie?, that means nothing
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : kylieskye15 of COURSE they are going to have
the same message! You idiot! You would hardly expect Christianity to have a
chapter or verse in their OWN holy book which says "Jesus' death meant nothing
and belief in him is a waste of time"
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : Geez! Think a little
rendermaster : yes, matt, but I moved past that level of understanding when I
was about ten years old;
debbie05salem : you know you are mean you were brutal
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: That's the point....from what we know of God's
nature we can reasonably infer that those who seen God seen in some
anthropomorphic form and not in his essential form which is invisible...!
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:23:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
ihateevery1equally : <arrives> Male 33 from uk
skitzzoid666 : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : untrue, matt
abu_almighty : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : jesus is God
eviisausage : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : gGod exists in a peanut behind a garden gnome in my lovely garden
rendermaster : if jesus is God, then man has seen God
timbot66 : I think
rendermaster : and man didn't die
scotsmanmatt : <-- notes render claims to have moved past logical thinking at 10
kylieskye15 : right fred thats why it's the word of god also
rendermaster : is jesus God, matt?
rendermaster : yes or no?
timbot66 : he owes me a 20 spot
timbot66 : that rat bastard
kylieskye15 : god gave us a guide book for our lives
empresssharyl : <leaves the room>
blackheartedprofit : it's the word of men, kylie
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:24:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
sstaft : <leaves the room>
shadow_puppet13 : <arrives> Male 24 from Las Vegas, NV alias Shadow_puppet
rendermaster : matt? this isnt' a difficult questin - either jesus is God or not
ahmed_elcheb : <arrives>
eternal_babylon : <arrives> Male 20 from A Cave
xiphoid_thanatos : A guidebook that tells you to stone certain people.
kylieskye15 : black did all the bible writters lie than?
rendermaster : which is it?
timbot66 : I'm gonna make him earn his keep..that crafty devil...err ...I mean
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : kylieskye15 no, that doesn't make it evident
that it is the word of God! That only means that the people putting together the
Bible made sure they excluded anything critical of Christianity JUST LIKE YOU
ihateevery1equally : but the bible isnt fact?/
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : TO*
ahmed_elcheb : hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii allllllllllllllllllllllllllll
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : How damn dumb can you be
rendermaster : there is no such thing as an "essential" form
rendermaster : never was
shadow_puppet13 : hello everyone
cocktard : <arrives>
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : are you paying attention to this, rendermaster?
rendermaster : that is why no one saw God
ahmed_elcheb : ko shadow
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : FUCK
carriesmother : <arrives> Female 45 from NM
rendermaster : there was no form to see in the first place
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: Do you know what the word 'essence' means?
blackheartedprofit : since there is no evidence to corroborate what they say,
kylie, it can be claimed that they lied , yes
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:25:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
shadow_puppet13 : ko
rendermaster : no, matt, and neither do you
ihateevery1equally : thats right matt their charachters
rendermaster : since you can't claim such a thing
ihateevery1equally : not real people
kylieskye15 : christianity had the power of jesus to back it up fred, unlike the
other religions at the time!
scotsmanmatt : We all have our essential nature [i.e. for us humanness]
carriesmother : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : dionysis you mean
ahmed_elcheb : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : matt, we don'tknow God's "essential"nature
eternal_babylon : <leaves the room>
blackheartedprofit : who told you this crap?, kylie
timbot66 : sure a guy built a wood boat 4 football-fields long out of
animals, 2 by 2...he coulda' left the leeches out...I mean do we need
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:26:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
ihateevery1equally : matt your making it up
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : kylieskye15 at *what* time?
xiphoid_thanatos : <leaves the room>
scotsmanmatt : God is no exception to that...his nature [his essence] has been
revealed to us through the Scriptures
rendermaster : no, matt
rendermaster : it hasn't
wrecklessdivinyl : <leaves the room>
kylieskye15 : black many of the stories in the bible are history and true!
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: So the Scriptures don't tell us anything about
God's nature?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : kylieskye15 what time period are you talking
blackheartedprofit : prove it, kylie
shadow_puppet13 : true, Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within us and all
around us
timbot66 : I mean romm, leeches...come on Noah...who fed em?
rendermaster : not even close; how does learning God's law somehow dtermine a
phyiscal nature?
kylieskye15 : okay black
blackheartedprofit : no one else has in history
rendermaster : the "essence" of God is that there isn't one
scotsmanmatt : <- -isn't talking about God's law
rendermaster : we don't know what it is
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:27:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
ihateevery1equally : no one in this room has any evidance of god to showe???
xiphoid_thanatos : <arrives> Female 28 from au
rendermaster : I am, matt, since that's the only "essence" we would have
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : kylieskye15 Christianity NEVER had the power of
Jesus to back it up, first of all, but I really want to know: other religions at
*what* time?
rendermaster : until your jesus came along, it seems, and became God
timbot66 : jeeze can U imagine the smell on the ark
rendermaster : or part of a god
timbot66 : fuckin hell
scotsmanmatt : <-- waits for rendermaster to say, 'The Scriptures don't tell us
anything about God's nature' so he can produce the Scriptures which refute him.
cocktard : evidance? showe?
rendermaster : what is God's "nature", matt?
ihateevery1equally : so i cant spell
rendermaster : lol
ihateevery1equally : he he
cocktard : i noticed
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:28:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
timbot66 : spelling=>:)
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: God is 'not a man'
timbot66 : but, its always nice
rendermaster : yes, matt, God is for xians
rendermaster : jesus is God
sidpan : <arrives> Male
timbot66 : I supposewpoevrj
xiphoid_thanatos : kylie: Parts of the bible are true? Like place names? Well,
you know Harry Potter mentions real place names too, but that doesn't man Harry
Potter is real.
danaiefar : <arrives> Male 17 from Tehran
rendermaster : you can't have it both ways
rendermaster : either jesus is God or not
rendermaster : which is it?
ihateevery1equally : can you read your doctors
shadow_puppet13 : <leaves the room>
blackheartedprofit : hello, xiphoid
scotsmanmatt : Yes..I can have it both ways for Christianity does not posit that
Jesus was God in his essential nature...
xiphoid_thanatos : hi black:)
rendermaster : lol
cocktard : duh, like, so?
timbot66 : My6 doctor can't even read his writing
rendermaster : there is no essential nature
rendermaster : we don't kow what it may be
blackheartedprofit : long time no see
rendermaster : so it's irrelevant
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:29:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
munkman1 : Scroll down
to the Treaty of Tripoli
xiphoid_thanatos : I have been here.... I haven't seen you though
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: the Scriptures say different....and I go with them
over the opinion of an uninformed Jew
rendermaster : rofl
blackheartedprofit : i have been rather busy lately
rendermaster : the "scripture"
timbot66 : xipthe bible=thruth mixed with lies
egal_fatz2 : <arrives> Male
sidpan : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : you are blinded by the human zombie monster called "Jesus"
rich_henry20022000 : <arrives> Male from Philadelphia
danaiefar : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : you can't get around it
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: No..the Scriptures
rendermaster : and you continue making excuses for it
rich_henry20022000 : <leaves the room>
xiphoid_thanatos : tim: Nooo really?! :))
rendermaster : which is what apologists do
timbot66 : >:)=truth mixed with lies
debbie05salem : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:30:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
egal_fatz2 : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : hmmm
rendermaster : "well, jesus wasn't REALLY God, but he was God"
timbot66 : ?
xiphoid_thanatos : lol tim
ihateevery1equally : i love the way the christians try to cover all their bases
with un anserable questions
stitchedlippedbitch : <arrives> Female 26 alias stitched
rendermaster : "Jesus is God when it's convenient for him to be God, but other
times, he's not"
scotsmanmatt : God is, 'holy' that is part of his essential says the
Hebrew Scriptures.
timbot66 : makes ya go
timbot66 : hmmmm?
rendermaster : matt, what does that have to do with what God looks like or
sounds like?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:31:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
apoc009 : <arrives> alias Apoc
ihateevery1equally : any one took the "are you an atheist" test on the CRICK web
timbot66 : what a wacky existence...
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: The essential nature of a person or being is not
restricted to their phyical attributes...
rendermaster : God isn't a person
munkman1 : God is man self-alienated
timbot66 : nope?
rendermaster : nor does God have physicla attibutes
cocktard : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : which makes the entire point irrelfant
timbot66 : God=human vanity
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: I didn't just say, 'person'.... I said, 'person or
stitchedlippedbitch : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : on 11
rendermaster : matt, what does that have to do with being God or not?
rendermaster : lol
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:32:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : you can't answer any question except via semantics
timbot66 : am I right room?
timbot66 : come on now
rendermaster : if jesus is God, then obviously that is God's "essence" and God's
apoc009 : <leaves the room>
lord_adolf_hitler : <arrives> Male alias Lord Adolf Hitler
kylieskye15 : Nimrud: On the left bank of the river Tigris in Northern
Mespotamia (modern Iraq) stands a great mound. This is the remains of the
ancient Assyrian capital of Nimrud, once the center of a mighty empire that
dominated the Middle Eastern world in Old Testament times. Indeed, thought the
site was known to the Assyrians as Kalhu - the Calah mentioned in the Book of
Genesis - it is better known by it's Arabic name of Nimrud, after the Biblical
hero Nimrod. So Black your statement about the Bible is false!
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: if God in essence does not have a
physical form and people have seen God in a physical form then there's either a
contradiction or God has taken on a physical form for their benefit...
rendermaster : no, matt
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:33:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
timbot66 : Yah est der furor
rendermaster : God said God was not flesh and blood
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: Does God have a physical form?
alcyonian : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : umm
timbot66 : furiur
timbot66 : ?
timbot66 : phuc it
rendermaster : no, matt, not in judaism, but in xianiy, your god died on a cross
hazardouslywasted666 : <arrives>
timbot66 : feurer
rendermaster : the God of judaism and the god of xianity are two separate
timbot66 : close?
blackheartedprofit : kylie, does any of that have any fererence to a god or
jesus or an apostle?
rendermaster : we don't have the same God
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: well, let's deal with the Judaic concept of God
before we move the area into the Chrisitian concept.
blackheartedprofit : REFERENCE'
blackheartedprofit : oops
rendermaster : I already have, matt
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:34:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : but nice try at changing the subject
ihateevery1equally : scottsmanmatt dose god have any evidence??
maddynaveen : <arrives>
rendermaster : God has no form
smokey0384 : black, do u hate me coz i am white
rendermaster : God has no physical being
timbot66 : smokey
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: in Judaism God does NOT have a physical
form that people can see right?
rendermaster : God never sent a flesh bucket of himself to earth
smokey0384 : yes
rendermaster : utnil jesus, it seem,s that is
timbot66 : boy I could clown on U'r ass
blackheartedprofit : smokey i don't hate you, but you are a fuckwit
timbot66 : but I wont
smokey0384 : scotsman is a fool, don't listen to him
timbot66 : that is a loaded ?
timbot66 : dude
rendermaster : God never HAD a physical form; God never WOLD HAVE a physical
form; God said he woudl NOT have a physical form; no flesh and blood
trichurgirl : <leaves the room>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:35:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
smokey0384 : woah, mit, geez, i appreciate you not destoryin' me and clowning on
my ass, phew *wipes sweat of head*
smokey0384 : fuckin moron
smokey0384 : anyways
cheesysquezzy : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : God didn't send flesh sacks to do God's will; God sent angels;
that is what God created them for
timbot66 : Hate me 'cause I'm white?
scotsmanmatt : smokey is a person incapable of rational discourse...listen to
him if you're a theist and learn what the worst side of atheism looks like..
timbot66 : ha
timbot66 : yikes
rendermaster : angels of God are not God
ihateevery1equally : i know scotman is off his head
smokey0384 : I am a christian
lord_adolf_hitler : <leaves the room>
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: we agree that according to Judaism God does
not have a physical form.
timbot66 : actually yer right...i had nothin'
smokey0384 : /:) u misunderstand the concept and principle of christianity
lord_adolf_hitler : <arrives> Male alias Lord Adolf Hitler
munkman1 : <~~atheist
sonshine_high : <arrives> Female 32 from USA alias sonshine
timbot66 : I am not
cocktard : <arrives>
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:36:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
cocktard : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : I have faith in u and me
xiphoid_thanatos : 'fuckin moron' coming from someone who is yet to contruct a
coherent sentence :| Good work.
timbot66 : dude
rendermaster : yes, matt, we got that done an hour ago
xiphoid_thanatos : *construct
timbot66 : like cha
hazardouslywasted666 : are there any nihilists in this room>?
timbot66 : bra
rendermaster : now answer my question
xvxhumanerrorxvx : <arrives> Male 18 from toledo [ohio] alias wicked.x
smokey0384 : scotsman, We don't want people like who are act in a uncivalized
manner and deter people from what they beleive
xiphoid_thanatos : scots: We don't him here either.
munkman1 : cognito ergo sum
smokey0384 : scotsman matt, You are a disgrace to christians
rendermaster : yes, matt, some did
blackheartedprofit : lmao
timbot66 : Jesus divinity is offensive to my loving what the man had to
say,...get it
scotsmanmatt : laughs@ smokey
ihateevery1equally : there gose matt with his eletest rhetoric
hazardouslywasted666 : nihilists?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:37:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
rendermaster : obviously that wasn't the case
timbot66 : DIVINITY silly
xiphoid_thanatos : :))
timbot66 : what jesus had to say
blackheartedprofit : christains slagging off at each other, it's hilarious
timbot66 : divine
kylieskye15 : People wrote down what they saw happen in the Bible, Black! You
can't prove all the Bible miracles today to someone.
smokey0384 : scotsmanmatt, you are an idiot, my faith is a christian is good
enough for me, But ur a disgrace as ur faith is not good enough for you
blackheartedprofit : kylie, that is not proof
timbot66 : its an insult to the grat man
ihateevery1equally : it just exposes what chritianity is all about
timbot66 : virgin birth
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: then unless a contradiction is to exist [an a and
~a situation] then an explanation must be provided as to how both those
statements that you've accepted can be true without contradiction
xvxhumanerrorxvx : I have a question that perhaps someone in here can answer.
rendermaster : if God has no physical form, then God can't BE seen, so anyone
claming to have "seen" God is mistaken
timbot66 : rose from the grave
hazardouslywasted666 : the bible is a poorly written work of fiction at best,
and a flat out lie at worst
scotsmanmatt : <--- doesn't respect blind faith
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:38:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
munkman1 : The earliest writings in the bible are 30-40 years after Jesus
supposedly died on the cross
smokey0384 : I don't have blind faith
timbot66 : poop pooh
use_your_illusion_not_mine : <arrives> Male 40 from Loris, SC
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 are you a member of the yahoo group
for this room?
smokey0384 : no-one has seen god, they either lied, or genuially thought they
did as they are mentally ill
rendermaster : no, matt, there is no contradiction; God has no form and no
physicla attributes; thinking one sees God has nothing to dowith actually SEEING
xvxhumanerrorxvx : Could someone give me a good definition on being agnostic.
Friends and I have debated this for a while now.
heretaunga_2000 : <arrives> Male
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: so these characters were mistaken?
munkman1 : I guess not, right_reverend, since I have no idea what you are
timbot66 : Smokey if U love christ u must love what he said
rendermaster : of course, matt
timbot66 : am I right?
rendermaster : since NO ONE could see God
rendermaster : never
rendermaster : ever
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:39:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
heretaunga_2000 : Atheist have now been proved wrong.
smokey0384 : no, most the stuff jesus said was bullshit
hazardouslywasted666 : gnosticism is a general temperance between theism and
rendermaster : that is understood from the outset
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : munkman1 I will post a link
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : brb
munkman1 : ok
timbot66 : If I the Q sayings and the gospel of Thomas
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: so what did they 'see'?
blackheartedprofit : in what way?, heretaunga_2000
timbot66 : and get with the real christ
xofearandloathingox : <arrives> Male 69 from Absurdistan alias Buford T. Christ
rendermaster : well, jacob saw an angel of God
timbot66 : not the bullshit christ
rendermaster : who knows what the other saw
ihateevery1equally : an agnostic will belive in god once their is evidence to
prove gods existence
smokey0384 : most of the bible is bullshit, other ppl wrote it and their
interpreation and perception, its been translated
scotsmanmatt : rendermaster: and was God also mistaken when he told Moses that
he would appear unto him?
rendermaster : what does that matter, though?
xofearandloathingox : hey motherfuckers
munkman1 : Agnostic = someone who claims that there is no proof either way if a
god exists or not.
maddynaveen : <leaves the room>
timbot66 : ha ha
smokey0384 : LOS ANGELES -- A judge agreed Thursday to let a convicted child
molester get castrated at his own expense.
timbot66 : yer a christian?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:40:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
timbot66 : I don't get cha"
right_reverend_fred_flintstone :
rendermaster : matt, ever heard of metaphor?
use_your_illusion_not_mine : <leaves the room>
smokey0384 : Religion is good overall, we need it. think about what the
dumbfuckers who preaced ur ass and fundermental would do if they were just told,
we don't know what the fuck is goin on, they would just go insane and act even
more uncivalized
heretaunga_2000 : Bull Shit, whenthe Catholic Pope issued and encicular Bull,
they began to call it Bullshit.
rendermaster : God can't "appear"
use_your_illusion_not_mine : <arrives> Male 40 from Loris, SC
rendermaster : God can't drive a car
kylieskye15 : munkman1, that is because the apostles thought Jesus was coming
back soon. They didn't understand everything that was going to happen!
rendermaster : God can't put on pants
timbot66 : I get it smoks
sonshine_high : <leaves the room>
rendermaster : the burning bush wasn't seeing God
hazardouslywasted666 : religiong is a vruth for stupid, self indulgent guilty
fucks who cant take care of their own shit
smokey0384 : yes who, but it would take longer
xofearandloathingox : god is dead. get the hell over it people.
timbot66 : yer a neo-new-age christian?
hazardouslywasted666 : crutch*
rendermaster : seeing angels wasn't seeing God
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:41:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
scotsmanmatt : rendemaster: so God was saying, 'Hey, Moses I am going to appear
to you' but what he meant was, 'I ain't actually going to literally appear to
you so don't spend all month looking for that''
xvxhumanerrorxvx : Okay please explain my situation to me then. I do not belong
to one 'religion' for I find them all to be in some way corrupted and self
conflicting. But I do believe in the possibilty of a higher power.
smokey0384 : who, some people aren't capable of doin' it
scotsmanmatt : lol
munkman1 : kylies, the people that wrote the bible never saw a living Jesus, it
was just hearsay stories
xvxhumanerrorxvx : What does make me besides confused?
rendermaster : it makesyou a semi-deist, human
xofearandloathingox : it makes you an atheist.
scotsmanmatt : <-- doesn't find rendermaster's reasoning as parsimonious as his
blackheartedprofit : you're a spiritualist, xvxhumanerrorxvx
ihateevery1equally : smoky religion is a form of socioty that is now out dated
oppressive and probebly unlawful
timbot66 : religion is a lie...its always been a will always be a lie
hazardouslywasted666 : <leaves the room>
kylieskye15 : munkman1 have you read the new testament?
LOG DATA Sun, 13 Jul 2003 02:42:52 hunter_the_crazychick, ATHEIST vs. CHRISTIAN
timbot66 : all religion
rendermaster : then why do you spend so much time whining about it, timbot? ;)
xvxhumanerrorxvx : I'm going to take balckhearted's word on it.
xofearandloathingox : Jesus is a myth.
timbot66 : not that there is no good in it
timbot66 : smokey
blackheartedprofit : good, xvxhumanerrorxvx
timbot66 : it's a lie
blackheartedprofit : trust me
timbot66 : that's all
xofearandloathingox : a composite.
rendermaster : don't take blackhearted's word for anything; he's an
anti-semitic, racist pig
heretaunga_2000 : Start seeing the Ancient Documents that prove beyond doubt the
Lord was working miracles, and the PHYSICAL evidenc eof them.
xvxhumanerrorxvx : Hey Buford. Do you belive in god?
right_reverend_fred_flintstone : I wonder if dr. Dino has a yahoo ID?
xofearandloathingox : Of course not.
smokey0384 : <leaves the room>