-----Original Message-----
From: Steffen Demeter [mailto:steffen9@kci.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:39 PM
To: hunter@gremlin.net
Subject: steve in colorado
lets meet. you are soo pretty oh my god!
File Attachment: pic1.jpg

-----Original Message-----
Um, thanks. One question: Where did you 'find' me?
From: Hunter [mailto:hunter@gremlin.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:50 PM
To: steffen9@kci.net
Subject: steve in colorado
-----Original Message-----
From: Steffen Demeter [mailto:steffen9@kci.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:59 PM
To: hunter@gremlin.net
Subject: steve in colorado
I did a seach on colorado...
my number is 970-521-9797 call anytime.
I'm a correctional officer
-----Original Message-----
What, through Yahoo?
Sorry, I don't just call people right off the bat. I prefer to have more
From: Hunter [mailto:hunter@gremlin.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:59 PM
To: steffen9@kci.net
Subject: steve in colorado
information, and have at least talked to them online for a bit....
sterling_guy80751's profile: [just the filled-in parts]
Location: Colorado
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Male
Occupation: Law enforcement
Hobbies: flying, hiking, boating
Favorite Quote: "throw a rock in the air, you're bound to hit someone guilty!"
- Paranormal Phenomena
- Pearl Jam
- Nebraska
- Animal Rights
sterling_guy80751: hi there sweetie.. how are ya?
evilcoffeechick: Hello....
evilcoffeechick: I'm fine.
sterling_guy80751: I love your profile..
evilcoffeechick: Uh, thanks....
sterling_guy80751: yw
sterling_guy80751: I'm emailing you my photo
evilcoffeechick: Okay....
sterling_guy80751: I'm a correctional officer, at a max security prison
sterling_guy80751: oh.. I already sent it.. you even replied... LOL
sterling_guy80751: you are incredibly beautiful
evilcoffeechick: Thanks.
sterling_guy80751: tell me more about you?
evilcoffeechick: What do you want to know?
sterling_guy80751: goals?
evilcoffeechick: My goals? Um, survival, mostly.
sterling_guy80751: why survivial?
evilcoffeechick: Isn't that the point of life? Surviving?
sterling_guy80751: I need to flourish
sterling_guy80751: did you like my photo>? in the leather jacket?
evilcoffeechick: Yes.
sterling_guy80751: thanks
sterling_guy80751: wow you're hot.. have any more photos of you? you are sooo fuckin pretty wow
evilcoffeechick: The only photos I really have are the ones on my two yahoo profiles.
sterling_guy80751: whats this anti jesus stuff LOL ?
evilcoffeechick: "Anti-Jesus" stuff?
sterling_guy80751: gremlin???
evilcoffeechick: Um, what about Gremlin?
sterling_guy80751: what is it?
sterling_guy80751: you arent married right?
sterling_guy80751: have a boyfriend?
evilcoffeechick: What is what? No, I'm not married; yes, I'm in a long term relationship, just like my profile says.
sterling_guy80751: ok
sterling_guy80751: so.. you aint interested in me ?
evilcoffeechick: Which you obviously should've seen, if you've already seen either of my pictures...
sterling_guy80751: yes
evilcoffeechick: Can you explain to me why I *should* be interested in anyone online?
sterling_guy80751: because I'm a scorpio and I can give you 5 orgasms in one hour
sterling_guy80751: HELLO? you asked! LOL
evilcoffeechick: Sorry; I'm doing a few other things over here.
evilcoffeechick: Five orgasms in an hour is pretty inadequate....
sterling_guy80751: lol lol lmfao
sterling_guy80751: you wish
sterling_guy80751: so if you arent looking, why have such a sexy photo on your profile? that dont make sense
evilcoffeechick: Inadequate compared to the last choice in the area being capable of making a woman scream in two notes at once for an hour straight....
sterling_guy80751: I dont get it LOL
evilcoffeechick: Naturally....
sterling_guy80751: I dont like games.. bye
evilcoffeechick: What, should I post an ugly one instead, since I'm not single? Why not post it? I mean, other than the fact that it draws people like you.
evilcoffeechick: You're not very good at them, that's why you don't like them. But thanks for this, thanks for the EMails, and thanks for the picture -- even if it is a badly edited image. They'll make a lovely addition to my idiot archive.
evilcoffeechick: Very good. Run away now....
evilcoffeechick: But first, call me names so you don't feel so inadequate....
sterling_guy80751: nobody edited anything. . you goofball.. go fuck with someone else.. please leave me alone.. you are psycho good BYE
evilcoffeechick: Yeah, that's why the lightsource is fucked, and that's why it looks like you forgot to antialias yourself.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steffen Demeter [mailto:steffen9@kci.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 8:58 PM
To: hunter@gremlin.net
Subject: steve in colorado
Leave me alone you hateful person.. quit harassing me, please.