Re: Simple Money Solution Even Stoopid People Can Handle. Yeah right....

Posted by The Imp on 22 April 1999 at 00:53:32:

In Reply to: Re: Simple Money Solution Even Stoopid People Can Handle posted by Utahraptor on 21 April 1999 at 09:01:47:

: : Bigger problem than a few days of no power or water. If people around the world panic and destabilize the economies by pulling out of stocks and other such things, then the fun begins. After all the economy is really based on faith as I understand it. If people lose faith in what their money is worth, then they don't invest. Interesting to see what will happen.

: Solving the pullout all you dough Dec 31, 1999 to make sure you ahve it and destroy the world
economy problem is a cinch. On dec 24, 1999 every bank suppends all money functions. Then
go through their computers,a nd mark down everybody's info. Send a copy to each person.
Tehn when the computers work again, re enter all corretc info as needed, and resume business
as usual. W elose maybe 2 weeks time. Big whoopdy doo.

Well golly gee, Wilbur..and I thought we had something to worry about. You really are a brain dead twit, aren't you? Do you even realize what kind of time you are talking about as far as recording every scrap of info like that? I work for a nation wide wholesaler. To just sit down and compile individual account records for my customers, in a way that is conclusive and unopen to question would take 2 weeks. We are talking about just my customers, not my branch's. The kicker is that we aren't even one of the larger branches. Now, scaling that up to a major banking institution, figuring for every scrap of infomation, accounting for every penny, and then duplicating the entire mess so everyone has a copy!!! Two weeks my ass. If the solution were so simple, there wouldn't be a problem. "Well, they should just shut down for a couple of days to do this..." Hello, McFly. Is anybody in there? Corporation, Banks, Industries don't shut down during business hours. For any reason, short of a physical disaster such as fire, or earthquake. Hell, most places don't even shut down to do inventory. They work a third shift after hours...

Now I really don't expect you to understand and therefore agree with me because it would seem all you are capable of is retorting to ever single little post with these billiantly thought out plans that have the same amount of validity as your self proclaimed evidence that the little green men really do probe people anally. So, everyone on this board knows it is a futile hope that your brain will actually turn over and fire off properly, leaving us one option. Wait for the next brilliant post, in which you prove yourself the dolt and mis-type for whatever obscure reason you've come up with.

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