Posted by Utahraptor on 24 April 1999 at 09:26:28:
1. OK, so I'm listening to MSNBC (You know, Microsoft NBC),a nd this lady who normally does the stocks, announces that come Monday, April 26, a powerful new virus (worse than Melissa) will strike those using Windows 95 and 98. It can wipe out your whole hard drive. The End. No details at all. No name, no description of how it is spread. Totally useless. Just to start a panic. Like The Imp supplied her the info. PS, it's later revealed to be the Chernobyl, or CIH virus, schedueld to hit on the deathiversary of the Chernobyl Incident. But msot Anti Virus software should stop it. Now,w a shtta so hard to tell su? No.
2. I went to this Career Expo a whiel ago, and sent out soem resumes. BAsiclaly, ti talks about my majoring in computers. It lists computer programs I'm familiar wiht. It mentions how I wa sint eh computer club (not to emntion, I was the whole computer club Fall'95, and I have the pic to prove it.) I mena, it's kinda a bloody giveaway that I do/use/know computers. So this Idiot from Stoopid Is We (obviously tipped off by The Imp), calls me up to schedule an interview. Seemignly normal. Nice guy (can't tell how long 5 mintues is, but still), the usual way these thigns work (or so I hear). SO I ask abotut he position I'm to fill (maybe. Er, most likely.) It's to eb a Sales Rep. As in, not using computers. Hmmm. Resume is ehavy onc omputers. let's hrie the gy to not sue computers, casue he seems to be an active guy (guilty as charged.) Man. What morons these humans be.
- Re: ..and I don't bother him at all folks... LMAO *nt*
The Imp
24 April 1999 at 18:26:12
- Re:Hence How You Replied To Me About My Bank Solution. Oh That's Right. That's Not Bothering Me At All. You Had Every Right To Treat Me That Way. The Great Imp Had An Opposing View. Looney Tunes!
25 April 1999 at 09:42:31
- okay
aspen tree
28 April 1999 at 01:08:56
- Re: Caps Me Boy. Caps.
29 April 1999 at 09:14:38
- Re: Caps Me Boy. Caps.
29 April 1999 at 09:14:38
- THAT'S IT!!!
Swift Claw
25 April 1999 at 17:02:37
- Re: THAT'S IT!!!
26 April 1999 at 09:08:16
The Imp
26 April 1999 at 00:18:06
- Re: THAT'S IT!!!
26 April 1999 at 09:08:16
- okay
aspen tree
28 April 1999 at 01:08:56
- Re:Hence How You Replied To Me About My Bank Solution. Oh That's Right. That's Not Bothering Me At All. You Had Every Right To Treat Me That Way. The Great Imp Had An Opposing View. Looney Tunes!
25 April 1999 at 09:42:31
- Re: My NOTS
24 April 1999 at 18:12:51
- Re: My NOTS
25 April 1999 at 09:47:17
- Re: My NOTS
Swift Claw
25 April 1999 at 17:14:36
- Re: My NOTS
26 April 1999 at 09:13:02
- Re: My NOTS
26 April 1999 at 09:13:02
- Re: My NOTS
Swift Claw
25 April 1999 at 17:14:36
- Re: My NOTS
25 April 1999 at 09:47:17