Re: Okay, Utahraptor....

Posted by The Imp on 26 April 1999 at 00:10:07:

I'll concede your idea was wonderful, and brilliant, and well thought out, and just really really terrific....for a five year old.

However, that's not what I want to discuss. I want you to logically provide an arguement why aliens are here, give actual evidence (not theory)that they are indeed here, and explain why you are privy to such knowledge. That is the challenge. Shouldn't be to hard for someone as "intelligent" as yourself. In the interest of not confusing me with deciphering what you are really trying to say, I ask that you apply your college learning and present your arguement in English, not the usual erroneous crap you post. I ask this only so you can not make a weak claim later that I misunderstood.

Now, keep in mind if you say something stupid, and I believe you will, I'm going to tear your post apart. If you out right avoid this challenge, I'll have a pretty good idea of what your true convictions are. This seems to be one of your passions, so I assume you'll talk about it, with a rational and logical pattern.

One more thing, I do believe that alien life exsists, however, it is only belief. I haven't made such arrogant claims as to know the truth of the matter. You, Utahraptor, have made this bold statement, and now I would like to see you back it up.

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