Re: Clearing up a point or two...
Posted by The Imp on 28 April 1999 at 00:04:02:
In Reply to: UTAHRAPTOR: Half-Witted Wonder Continues Stoopid Streak; Greatly Exceeds Expected Idiocy Quota posted by The Host on 27 April 1999 at 23:19:06:
First, that was an excellent post Host. I have neither the time nor the skill of debate to put forth a post like that.
I will admit that Imp sometimes flies off the handle, but, then again, so do you. At least he recognizes his temper, unlike yourself. And there's the fact that when the two of you argue, well, he's generally right.
Not only do I recognize my temper Utahraptor, I use it. The constant display of arrogance on your part is annoying. Your self-appointed claims of superiority are laughable. Quite frankly, I attack you because I'm sick of it. You talk to here your own voice, in a proverbial sense. You then bitch and moan when opposed.
: You tend to respond to even his non-threatening posts in a threatening way. I don't think Imp hates you, he seems more coldly amused by your ignorant stoopidity.
This is right on target. Utahraptor, I don't hate you. I hate your attitude of superior intellect, when you stumble around with your arguements. You seem to profile, in yourself, those you despise. The Blatantly Stupid.
: If you associate yourself with the intelligent, and claim to be intelligent yourself, you'd better have evidence of this intelligence. Otherwise, it is a simple assertion: something not only unprovable, but completely unsupported by evidence, or even common sense.
: -The Host
Be warned: like Imp, I am prepared to attack blatant stoopidity, so you'd better think before you type. And use a damned spell-check.]
I am glad to know that I'm not the only one who sees Utah as I do. I was beginning to fear for my sanity, what's left of it anyway.
- Re: Whoops, mis-spelled a word. Have to work on my typing skills.*nt*
The Imp
28 April 1999 at 00:06:11