The Host - Uneducated, Moronic Little Sape, Who Just Proved Humand Can Be Even Stoopidier Than Was Once Thought Scientifically Possible.
Posted by Utahraptor on 28 April 1999 at 20:11:36:
I am forced against my will to reply as such. I also don't lie like The Host Does
Hosty, I sincerely hope you are lying about being Canadian. If they are so much smarter than Statesmen, than you are a disgrace to them. I believe you are lying about your country, IQ, and posting abilities, and you have only proven to be a complete moronic smuck and a half. How can you be so smart, if you can't even read, you illiterate bastard? If I'm ignoring Imp, how can I read his moronic drivel? Ever think of that, Wonder boy? Did ya. No, of course, not. And remember, you lie, not me. Look in the mirror. You've forgotten which one of us you are again. So go ahead and reply to me. Reply negatively, and prove me right. Reply positively, and prove me right, and that you're covering up. Don't reply, and prove me right, and that you're a coward.