Quick note. A question, actually.

Posted by The Host on 28 April 1999 at 21:45:12:

In Reply to: The Seeds Are Planted. Ignoring Resumes. posted by Utahraptor on 28 April 1999 at 20:14:13:

Thank you, and Post properly. Remember, a Proper Post is a post for friendliness and fun.

Utah, before you jump to answer this, please understand that the question is rhetorical:

Anybody remember Alan1's 'Good Guys Club?' I know Gremlin does. Probably Utah. Myself. And maybe others.

Okay, I've got another question:

Anybody else feel a sneaking sensation that could be described as 'deja vu?'

Utah, you can bet I'll be replying. I don't know what that makes me in your twisted little mind. I know you're not going to ignore me. You probably won't even refrain from responding -- unless, of course, Gremlin bans you permanently. Which might, now, be a suitable course of action. Unfortunately. I hope he doesn't have to (and I am not lying), but if it's necessary. . .

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm actually rather busy IRL right now -- I've got an interview for the local newspaper; long story -- but I will be back. Soon.

-The Host

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