I've missed you all...

Posted by Mephistopheles on 28 April 1999 at 23:35:35:

In Reply to: Would Someone With A Brian (Not Vigo/Host/Imp) Please Explain How By Ignoring Idiots (ie Imp) And Stopping The Alan1 Like Flame Wars He And Now Host, Can Possibly Make Me An Idiot? posted by Utahraptor on 28 April 1999 at 08:49:30:

: Didn't think so.

But you see Utty, people with brains can't get through to encephalics like yourself. Didn't you learn this the last time we talked? Oh no, that's right, you were too busy fixating on animals and trying to convince us all of your blinding brilliance at the time. Well, maybe you'll catch this then. Nobody can MAKE you an idiot, that's something you do all by yourself. You've done it well by the way, but as far as your question about whether or not ignoring something you don't like is smart. I say it is (the reason you haven't heard from me in a while), so no, that doesn't make you an idiot. However, you didn't ignore them did you?

Well, it's been nice ridiculing you again, we really must do it more often. Keep up the good work! I'm always watching.

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