Re: Gremlin is here in town, near by.

Posted by The Imp on 28 April 1999 at 23:57:07:

In Reply to: The Imp And The Host Are Cowards. posted by Utahraptor on 28 April 1999 at 20:12:46:

: Funny how they only attack me while Gremlin's away. What's the matter widdle boys? Too scared to speak such potty mouthness when Gremlin can ban you instantly? Cowards.

Gremlin is in Des Moines. I'm in Des Moines. He has his laptop and is well aware of the many posts on the board. I in fact e-mailed him, and told him to send me an e-mail if things went to far. I haven't received an e-mail yet....Utahraptor, my boy, it seems you have your facts scrambled yet again. Point-of-information: I have known Gremlin for a few years, as in met, hung-out with, and perpetrated a prank or two. When he has a problem with me, he lets me know.

The fact that you, Yutz-the-raptor, have chosen to post to almost ever little post on the board, yet again, combined with the knowledge you have of the "flames" (I think of it more as truth) seems to indicate you have been reading, and not ignoring Host's and my posts.

As to my total disregard for your feelings.... tough! I am abrasive. I am rude. I am insulting. I deny none of that. It matters not to me if I hurt your feelings. You are important to me, in that you make claims that you can not support. You make declarations of truth based on the fallacy of your beliefs. You strut about, as the if peacock at court, yet you wear the mask of the buffon.

I have kept my post rational and clear, though salted with insults. You have responded with nothing but paranoid, fanatical denouciations, and you still have failed to prove yourself the intelligent man you claim to be.

For one of such high intellect, it should be simple to make yourself understood. Only the ignorant are unable to bridge gaps. Your claim that you are ignoring me is not to be believed. Why? Because you are obviously reading the posts (how else would you be able to conclude, wrongly, that my debate was a trap).

You wished for something rational. You got every single post I placed to you. Don't confuse my ability to be insulting with irrationality. You, again, look foolish.

So I leave you now my poor feeble minded Utah with yet another insult. You are a pseudo-intellictual with whom no one can debate because in order to have a battle of wits, one must come armed. You are a witless fool, thus no contest.

Observe, that it only takes one post to cover quite a few issues. A lesson to be learned Utah.

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