Re: Ugh......
Posted by Utahraptor on 29 April 1999 at 09:06:36:
In Reply to: Ugh...... posted by Hunter on 29 April 1999 at 00:25:41:
3. What the fuck is a fourth season slider's fan? Sounds like something to do with baseball..... 4. I certainly hope nobody "Groked letetr Alpha" of anything I said, being as I never said anything dealing with the letter alpha....
OK. There was this show on FOX called LSiders. 4 peopel "slid" form one dimension to another. IT was cancelled. SCIFI CHAnnel picke dit up for a 4th season. In it, wheneevr they land on an Earth that they seem an outcast of, they say they're from Canada. Hence why they wera funny clothes (to Amish like people). OR ahve less technology, or are ignorant of that particular Earth's ways. They used to film in Vancouver, Canada, so it was an annoying (To only me) in joke. Which I used against a certain canadian Baffoon. PLus, they ahd a school shooting incident too.
: : : Then again, you might consider me fairly dumb myself, being a part of the military. That really doesn't say much for me, does it?
: : You, no. THem for allowing idots liek Host and Imp in, adn thier non high school grad superiors, yes!
: I could mention the above post, in which you basically told me that I was one of the dumbest people on this board...
And in this thread, I said you were't. PLus, you balme me for beign atatcked. Why? I posted a simple idea. IMp decide dhtta a reply with insults was needed. I flamed back. THen I ignored him, and he thought I wasn't. THen he came up with thsi ridiculous trap to flame me wthout retaliation, the coward that he is. SO I ignroed him and did't even read hsi psot. Then Host assumed I ahd read it,a nd proved himself the major idiot thta he is. ALl the repleis tot ehc hallenege mad eme respond to the,a dn eventually break down and read IMp's orig thread (aliens dot hat to me sometiems.) NOw, how si any of this my fault? REad IMp's reply to ym diea, (added Yeha Right in subject.) And see if you can fidn wher ein my post he replied to, I did anyhtign truly deserving fo hsi resposne (Did I insult him, his momma, etc.) And besides, you did say you weren't the brightest poster here, so I mainly agreed. And your side seems to match the otehr side pretty close, though a bit mroe absic in nature.
but..hell...I just mentioned it, didn't i?
Host does htta too. Weird.
Ohwell. And me, too lazy to look for the backspace key.... but what does my military background have to do with Imp and Host's existance? It's not my fault, and I'm pretty sure the military isn't responsible for them.......
That was a knock at the Amry, Navy, etc allowing no Highschool grad in, and a knock at Hsot/Imp's lack of intelligence.