Re: Learn To Spell And Use Proper Grammar, Doof

Posted by Utahraptor on 28 December 1999 at 07:31:54:

In Reply to: speaking of atrffic rant posted by Vigo on 14 December 1999 at 17:10:31:

A trafic rant. Not too hard. But still a poorly spelled Subject.

: knowing full well this is going to piss off the Guy in plaid pantones...

: well it seems that the Numbnutz in truck A was tailgating the guy in truck B. Truck B was int he

In the, not Int he.

:slow lane doing the speed limit. so

Capitol S for so.

:Numbnutz finally passes truck B, then to teach him some sort of lesson. he

Comma, not period. And with your period, a capitol H (Heck, I can just see you proudly showing off your period. Happily singing how you got your period, just like Cartman. Silly Doof, periods are for females, not missing links like you. Oooo oooo. Monkey want a Nanna?

:whips his truck infront

Two words. In front. Use that big key called the Space Bar

: of truck B and slams on the breaks.... this causes a huge accident where both trucksand

Two words. Trucks and. Use that big key called the (you ever get that creepy deja vu feeling?)

: four other cars collide.... heres the Irony

Apostrophe, Doof. Apostrophe. It's here's. There's no such word as heres. And no capitol I for irony.

: the only fatality is the Wife of numbnutz..... to bad huh?

Yup, but the other fatality is your killing of the English language, Doof. Monkey men. Go fig. Oooo oooo. Monkey want a Nanna?

Here's an idea. You stop posting, and nobody will see the serious lack of brain stem activity you showcase all the time. And don't worry. They'll be lots more of my posts/replies for you to read and enjoy. I know how much you desire them. Too bad you can't appreciate fantasy. How horrid Halloween must have been for ya. And not seeing movies/TV. Well, pretending they're real is half the fun. I bet you cry about all the little kids pretending to be Pokemon Masters all the time. You know, one must ponder your girlish screams if mr and Jurassosaurus had taken up Wooden Heads' offer and posted our Utahraptor and Jurassosaur adventures here. You're own puppet, revolting against your hatred of fantasy. And drawing that picture too. Oh the inhumanity for you. What a sad childhood you must have lead. BTW have you figured out that you meant to call me Putz. Not Yutz. Wrong word, monkey man. You should have stuck wiht Jar Jar, Doof. See, the whole point of your childish thrid grade name calling is to
upset somebody. You calle dme Jar jar, and I got upset and called you Doof. Then you moronicllay stop calling me Jar Jar, and start in with Yutz (you meant Putz, we know, we know.) Which gets no rise out of me at all. And you still call me that? Boy, talk about a serious lack of brain stem activity. Not to mention, you forgot to call me Jar Jar in the Body of your reply first. You establish it in the Body first, then the Subject. When you use the Subject first, no one knows you're calling me Jar Jar. You're just talking to your lurker friend Jar Jar. Boy, you suck at picking on people. Ah me. Missing links. Oooo oooo. Monkey want a Nanna?

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