Re: I believe that in theory anything is possible, not probable, but possible............. *nt*

Posted by The Imp on 12 February 1999 at 01:17:52:

In Reply to: Re: Reply to Subjective Idiocy by Me posted by Utahraptor on 11 February 1999 at 09:38:46:

: God you write too much.
: : You sure proved it to me. Maybe you proved it to Gremlin though. Would you feel better if you had?

: : Bad rhetoric? I know not what rhetoirc is, but it's definitely nto bad.

: : No, it really is. Like the spelling. I guess the same faculties do go hand in hand though. English and all that. It's a class they teach in schools. You know, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

: And to think, I spelled checke dit too. Well, there you go folks, living proof humans rely to heavily on useless thigns liek spell chekcers. And I take it you don't knwo what rhetoric is either.
: : Andif they loose faith int heirr eligion, A) thye ahd no faith ever

: : How can you lose something you never had? Any thoughts on that? Hmm... I'm waiting.
: Simple. You neve rhad it, yet claim to. Hence why they lsot it. See?

: : B) thyes eeme dto msis the part on I'm not trying to offend anyone (like you msise dit, Mr. Illeiterate.)

: : I would think that if this person really is illiterate, you wouldn't be writing a response, would you? More of that mind-numbing logic I assume.
: Yes i would. To psis them off that they don't knwo what I'm saying then look like eediots when replyign to ema llw rong. Liek you just did. See?

: So, you spout off a bunch of waste, you totally rip apart parts of the Bible with your pithy reasoning and expect people to believe that you're Mensa's Man of the Year, but you weren't trying to offend anyone? What did you think you was going to happen? Did you think you were going to get the Nobel Peace Prize? Maybe a Pulitzer?
: When did Is ay believe me? I justs aid you cna't prove thsi crap without an all powerful God, and that don't cut it.

: : 3) if their faith si base dont hese htigns, they are fools.

: : Quite possibly. Fools come in so many shapes and web-names.
: Like Mephistopheles

: : Faith needs mroe than a flood, cloned sons, and tow humans icnetsing abotu humanity.

: : So, when will you be opening your church? Remind me to bomb it.
: See, this is why you're gonan eb burnign in Hell in jsut voer a yera? CVhurhc bomber! can't stand soemoen preaching that there really ids a GOd can you? Nope. Not when He won't save ou, Primitive Earther Dummy Boy!!!!

: : : Oh like you have not clue one?

: : Could you say that again in English?
: Certainly my dear Dumb Dumb. Oh like you have not clue one?

: : Yes, I can see how you hate yourself so.

: : Sorry, try door number two. You can see how this person hates themself? Are you out of your body? How would you know where to look?
: Intelligenc emostly. Read his post. It's palina s day. Just keep thinking about it. It's really ratehr obviosu.
: : I htink of the consequence sof my actions all the time. Shame you don't.

: : And exactly how would you know that?

: see my reply above.
: : It's a shame that you don't actually HAVE a grasp of reality.
: Whose? Yours/ Mine? OR the real oen?
: Maybe you should change the subject title to "Subjective Idiocy by Me.",
: K< I did. Thanks for the tip.

: and leave out the part where you have the answers to all of the questions that people infinitely brighter than you have been unable to find in the past or the present.

: actually, I agev no anwsers. ONly challenged answers. A s for thsoe smarte rthan me, None who ar ehave atcually tried to com up witht eh answrs, ehcne why we have none. DUH!

: : : Archetype? Wlel my list is pure truth.

: : Pure truth. PROVE IT. Not with your logic, with real facts. I don't consider what you prattled on about as real facts.
: You'r Opinion. I don't have to defenbd myself to you. You msut prove to em that 2 of every animalc an fit on a 450 long boa,t with food and waste. COme on, I'mw aiting.
: Truth is a relative thing.
: It's pretty obvious. Prove to em that 2+2 don't be equalling 4?
: What's pure truth?
: Truth wiht no lies, DUH!

: Is that truth that only originated from one person and hasn't been sullied by others? I think the truth is that you wanted to impress some people and you failed.
: Impress who? W ith what? Logic. Right. Good point. Youc an't sue logic on a human. Tehy're fra too stoopid to grasp fatc 1.
: : Only garbage here is yours.

: : Well, thank God! I didn't want the garbage that's HERE! Remind me not to go THERE or else I'll probably have to claim it.
: huh?
: : Yeah, I can see that. Open to a little criticism huh? Thinking that maybe someone is right instead of you? You're proving it in this post too.
: Of course I think soemoen else cna eb right. I'm jsut waiting for oen fo them to actuall reply tot hsi psot. You're doing what you're accusing em fod oing. BEing afrais that I'm right,a dn you cna;t handle it. How the fucken Hell cna 2 of every animal fit on a 450 foot long boat, plsu food,water, and waste? Huh Sape Boy. ANSWER ME! HOW THE FUCKEN HELL CAN THAT EVEN HAPPEN, MR I HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. TELL ME!
: : Who's the Ass degrading other they'll never see , not caring what conseuences their atcions bring, psoting dribble at bets (and it's at it's worst),a nd who's the anrrow minde doen that blindly accepts thta 2 of every animal, plus 1--8 humans, plus food water and waste cna all fit on a 450 long ark, and stay afloat for 40 days and nights, plsu extra non rainy time?

: : Well, the Ass would be you, that was already established.
: yes you did establish the assnes sof your self. Good fro you.
: What consequences? Were your widdo feewings hut?
: That's DRIVEL, dribble has to do with saliva or basketball.
: OK, so?
: Where does it say that the writer of the response blindly accepts anything?
: read it again. Just keep thinking about it. It's really ratehr obviosu.
: I think you're jumping to conclusions just a tad bit, and I also think you need to get off of this Ark thing.
: I did. Tehre wasn;t any room. too amny animals and food and waste, etc.

: Did you have a bad experience on a boat with an animal or something? It's called therapy, look into it.
: Yes, I msut egt you soem. You seem to think you msut prove someone's piont wrong. You' udnerstand why I'm on the ark, if you udnertsood anyhting. Primitve Eartehr Dummy BOy!
: : : You need to WAKE UP my evil, brianless fiend.

: : Evil. Hmm... Doesn't the Bible say that evil exists? Well, you've totally proven that we can't believe the Bible, so evil must not exist either. I don't think that someone can be evil if it doesn't exist.
: The Bible si oen fo many things that prove sevil. You';r eposts did too. Primitive Eartehr Dummy Boy!
: How do you know this person is brianless? There are a hell of a lot of Brians out there you know!
: Yup. HE's nto one., You'r enot one. I'm one. And one's tyrign tot ake over thwe world form a little girl's bedroom. NARF!
: Fiend? Nice attempt at witty repetoire.
: What on Erath ever agve you the diea that fiend was a witty repetoire/ Glad to se eit was a ncie wityt repeitore though. Tehre's the bets kind.

: Remaing garbage deleted cause it wa snmroe fot he smae. You're atatckign em casue I said soem fo your beliefs were wrong. Priitve Eartehr Dummy Boy.


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