Re: From the depths of my fires
Posted by The Hunter on 13 February 1999 at 08:44:52:
In Reply to: Re: From the depths of my fires posted by Sammael on 12 February 1999 at 18:39:01:
(Moronic psotigns of an insaneman snipped)
SO you got me back huh? Instant KArma huh? Yina nd Yang even. HAckels raised? HA HA HA HA LOLROTFLMAO I respodn to all childish stuff the smae way. You enevr got em, I got you. I'm a miorror to yuor soul Primitive Erather DUmym Boy! Yeah Baaaaby! When yuo replied to me, I repleid abck the smae way. And got you so upset, you actuall translaetd my purposely sloppy spelling. Seems liek yuo got the KArma, moronic Sape. You call thsi ebign childish? It's far mroe grown upt he US elected congressmen can do. Wlel, I assure you, when I run for President, I'm gonna hunt you down, and torture you liek never before. And you cna;t do nothign abotu it. Cause I'llb e the Pres, and the Pres is above the alw. Mwa HA HA HA HA! And I'm ntot he oen constantly changing my name to hide msyelf form toehrs. HA HA. Aliases. Tehc allign cards of a guilty conscuious. Let me knwo whn yuo get mer, mr. non-nonplsu dude. For I'llg et you once more,a s I've been doing. And you can't win, ECVER! CAuse there'lla lways eb a HUnetr, my dear mornic little Sae,a dn they'll always be the hunted. And you Primitive Eartehr Dummy Boy, willb e hunted down by em and my kind, forever.
NOw, when you wnat to use hte same name to carry on a converstauion, and nto atc liek you're many different peopel, than I'll stop playing Disney's Gargoyles. UNitl then, you are the reason I'm stranded ont he msierable dump of a backwater palent, chockful of stoenage technology, whieklt he rest fot eh Universe galavaanets across the jet age with my scientia.
I knwo you sow ell formy uor posts. You ocne told me to wake up! Nwo I tell you to GROW UP! I dont paly wiht little greasy twits who cna't psot under the same name twice, for fear that somebody will say that you're wrong. GOd, what a moron you are. SHEESH! Thanks for trying to make me almsot as dumb as you.
I will neevr bother with yuor ramblign posts again