Re: They Call Me Mr. Snrubs

Posted by Utahratpor on 14 February 1999 at 08:14:14:

In Reply to: uuhhh posted by Shnibit on 13 February 1999 at 04:59:44:

: what the hell are you talking about?
DUH! Read the psot. DUH!

: perhaps some organization is in order.

What kind?

maybe if you spent as much time caring about how you type as you care about what you type, others might spend more time caring and/or believing in whatever it is you are trying to say.

Or maybe I need to invent a spell chekcer thata ctaully works. I eman, if this is what a spell chekcer gives back, what's the poitn of spellc ehkcing anyhting? Spellc ehckers. Another product brought to yuo by poorly reverse engineering alien technology.

my suggestion to you is to go to the closest busy corner, turn yourself a trick,

The corner I get, but huh?

then take that shiny new nickle

What shiny new nickel?

and go to wal-mart. it is my understanding that prices are falling

Not that much

and you could use that nickle
What nickel? When did anybody give me a nickel? OK, who's holdign onto my money?

to get that clue you so desperatly need.

You forgot to give me your address. How can I send you the clue and the bill for yuor clue you sod epsartely need ot udnertand my post you're rpelying to thta you didn't understand, and the clue you need to grok thta Walmarts ain't that cheap. HMm, that's 10 cents really, plus tax. Oh wait, 15 cents,s icne another clue is needed for you to grok that if you cna't understand my pso,t you cna't assume I actually need a clue. Rememeber, when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME. And abandone all hope, ye who makes an ass out of me.

if that is not the issue

And it's not. Maybe a digest perhaps?

than my second suggestion would be get a QWERTY key board.

Oh, like the one I alreayd have? Why, I already ahev it. Hmm. Now that's another clue. 20 cents.

BTW, if nobody else who has rudely posted (or the few polite askers) cna help me find a way to type clearer, what ameks you think you'll eb any different. LEast fo all by now, leats of all afetr reaidng hwo it was the msot coherent ost eyt, and how I used a spell checker. Hmm. 10 mroe cents. 30 cents. HEy, we'll ahve a rela Walmarts price in no tiem. Don't forget, they're having a sale on clues on Wed. Better send me your addy quick.

I can't wait to see if anybody thinks that they can dish out karma and reply abck to em comcially. Remember kiddies, Karama can only be portioned out by the cosmos. Can you say cosmos? I knew that you could. ; )

Today's humor has been brought to you by the poster: Utahraptor Please send all gratuity checks to GOTCHA!

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