Re: Logic, and lack thereof. Pt2
Posted by Utahraptor on 15 February 1999 at 08:48:37:
In Reply to: Logic, and lack thereof. posted by The Host on 14 February 1999 at 17:13:51:
: I also noticed that Utahraptor used a peculiar combination of circumstantial appeal to man and straw man argument.The latter means that he changed slightly what another was saying and argued that; the former means he attempted to cast doubt on one's testimony because of one's circumstances.
: He did this in response to wyvern. Nowhere did wyvern actually mention his religious beliefs -- like me, he simply attacked Utah's argumentation -- but Utahraptor refuted wyvern's unmentioned (but assumed) beliefs anyway, and essentially said that wyvern was disagreeing with him because iof said beliefs: since his views are obviously biased because of his unmentioned (but assumed) beliefs, wyvern's rebuttal must be ignored! (Just for the record, of course wyvern is biased. So am I. So is Utah. That's why we're debating this. It's called having an opinion. Attacking someone for having an opinion, which I noticed Utahraptor did, is ludicrous!)
Actually, I responded back to his yelling at me. I feh had bene amture enough to say, Soryr, Utah, but I don't agree, and calmly and rationally expalined why, I would have responded back in kind. BUt he didn't so I couldn't. It's imposisble. I'm a miror to your soul. You're good to em, I'm nice back. You're emna to em, I fight back viciosuly.
: I don't think anybody who refuted Utahraptor really brought their own beliefs into battle with them, which is admirable. Most responses seemed to attack his logic and lack of evidence more than anything; however, as I mentioned before, Utahraptor misinterperted this, and created a straw man debate, changing the opposition's argument. This, too, is something fundamentalists do: Utah, in essence, said: 'There is no god, and this is why. . .' To which he received the response: 'That doesn't make sense, and there is little weight to your argument.' To which Utahraptor, in turn, responded: 'You're just saying that 'cause you're a stoopid religious fanatic.'
Actually, I said God ain't all powerful/all knowing. WHy so many peopela re convicned that you either support an all everyhtign God, or no God, is beyond me. BUt the rela problem leis not in how i posted my theories, but how peopel use dhteir own beliefs to misinterrpret it, ie, they believe you eithe rsupport an all everyhtign God, or non at all. You did it, Wyvernie did, what's his ahndle whoasked why I don't belive in God did it. Somone shwo em wehre I said there is no God. I did say forget an all powerufl all knowing God, or you'll lose my point. But alas, you didn't lsiten, or misconscrewed the statement, and thus lost my point entirely. NOw, read it again rememebring I believe in a God capable fo many thigns we cna't do, but cannot say Let there be light and there is.
Hence, I didn't lose the round, for I was nto even a willign apr tof it. And when dragged itnos oemthign entierly different to what you set up, one cnanto expetc to win it at all. It might as well be rigged. No oen drags you into somehtign they know you'll win.
: Who's the fanatic? I thought it was rather amusing to see the (semi-) atheist turn fanatic, while those defending religion remain cool-headed and logical. Go figure.
Screw the Fanatic. Who's the semi-athiest in all of this?
And how did Wyvenrie, Mephistofuckus whoever keep a cool head wiht logic with their replies? Or does cool headed and logical mean in their posts structure? Of which I highly doubt.
In conclusion, if you ead my post with no preassumed notions, you'd see thta my point is based on forgetting the notion of an all everyhtign God (Of which Fundlamentlaists and such insist onw ith no proof),a nd look at those events in the light of relaity, especially when knwoing thta the world si nto jsut a small flat nothign, and othe rlfie exists int eh universe (not saying thta they come ehre necessarily, thoguh perosnally I support that view.) If you actualyl follwo my main point, you'll see the post in a whole new light, providing you're ready to have your beliefs challenged (the main poitn fo my theological posts. Tooc hallenge. IF you believe this stuff happened, tell em how you think ti cna eb doen or what others claim. Don't sit there and say God is all powerfula nd knowing, He cna make it ahppen if He wnats it too. That's an excuse nott o update old beliefs. Much like those who do insist the Earth is flat.)