Re: Well. . .

Posted by Utahraptor on 15 February 1999 at 09:00:20:

In Reply to: Well. . . posted by The Host on 15 February 1999 at 00:35:52:

: Well, um, thank you. Very much. I suppose that, thanks to my course in thought and logic, I can easily pick out fallacies and respond with more logic than I used to be able to. I can be somewhat of a hot-head myself, but this time I tried to remain calm. The fact that I, to an extent, agree with Utahraptor certainly helps. As I've stated repeatedly, it was simply the way he handled this; his lack of logic, his hypocracy, etc., etc.

Yes, you handle yourself in proper fashion. You disagreed with me, and clamly and ratioanlyl provided points to prove why you disagree. Very surprising, basedon this board's lurker's maturity levels.

: As for you: I actually found that you seemed to handle yourself quite well, calmly, and, well, you insulted with subtlty. >;) I think you only started to visit here with regularity around about the time I effectively left the board, which is perhaps a shame. Now that I'm back -- I look forward to conversing -- and debating -- with you.
You seem to eb slipping. You started out so nice, and slowly slid to more immature levels. NOt as bad as others, though, so put yoursle fin check nwo before you get too hot headed. )I aslo hope you noticed htta I reply comcially now, instead of constant returned hate. Don't need to refuel the flame wars.)

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