Re: Logic, and lack thereof.

Posted by Utahraptor on 15 February 1999 at 09:07:34:

In Reply to: Re: Logic, and lack thereof. posted by Gremlin on 14 February 1999 at 18:05:25:

: True. Moreover, there's a prove-me-wrong metality to it, though any attempt seems to be met with something about primitive Earthers

Actaully the prove me worng was answered with immaturity,a dn compalints abotu hwo I handed the logic fo my post, and the degrading abse don thta (and soem obssession with me tyrign to prove my superior intellect in that post.) When thsoe tried to prove em wrong with actual answers (Ie, Vigo saying alot of people fit on small boats, why ntoa niamsl too), was responded with why thatw as wrong (by me and Jurassosaurus), and contained no insults abotu how primitive and dumb those Earthers were being.

Abnothe rproblemw ith my psots is thta peopels eem tio msis my angry replies. Tehy're isnultign fro insulting em about psoitng soemthign, or hwo I poste dit. NOt about the speciifcs of my psot. Sayign that I jsut mad esoemone drop their faith si nto proving em wrong. It's atatcking me, to whcih I attack back in same juvinile fashion (insults.)

So the baord's problems seem to ebt eh belief that I'm saying God doesn't exist, and thta I' upset with how you complain abut ym loicless posts. Perhaps now you see why I reply wiht Primitive Erather Dummy Boy's all the itme (sexist, yes. sorry all you Primitive Eratehr Dumym Girls. Dman male domianted society. You see how it affetcs us all.)

Now, when people here are ready to prove em worng (Aboutt he subjetc, nto the overlalnes,s or logcial structure, or alck thereof), I'll happily accept your disagreement, and not reply back insultingly. Until you insult first.

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