Re: Yippie, I Have 1 And A Half Brains. YAY Me.
Posted by Utahraptor on 16 February 1999 at 08:05:26:
In Reply to: Re: Logic, and lack thereof. Vigo style posted by utahs unused half of his brain on 15 February 1999 at 17:32:57:
Um, if you ht return between line,s I might fidn mroe of your moronic ramblings, Moronic Little Sape! Anywya, glad tos ee you noticed my extra half brian. Jealous. You're jealous.
: Actually, the point I'm making si to provide reaosn that they cna ro cna't.
: :And i thought it was because you lack any proof or spelling skills.
: I'm saying that withotu an all powerufl God, most of this stuff cna't really happen.
: :its called a basis of faith, i can explain what faith is if you really want me to
: whether God si or sin't all powerful isn;t the point.
: :you just contradicted your self what a suprise
: The point si these people assume He is, has no proof except that HE said He was, and hence when asked baout thes ehtigns,
: :I looked up in the dictionary what "ehtigns" ment but i couldnt find it. It must be some sort of smart talk yuk yuk
: they insist that eys a small ark cna hold a lot if God so wishes it.
: :Proof what are the dementions of the ark? 450 cubits by what???? more on that later
: BUt wihtout proof God is all powerful,
: :You just said it was irrelevant
: and there's more evidence to the contrary (ie, God cna't control certain events, ie the detah fo a world elader, which launched WW1, or keeping humans form constantly going evil, or even letting theme xist if He kenw htey'd be so evil.)
: : and who are you that you have insight into Gods plans? gee and i thought God also gave us something calleda free will, That is so those who choose to worship him do so not because they are mindless autmotons but centient.
: SO withotu an all powerful God, there's no basis for these htigns.
: : Yet in your opening statement you said an all powerfull God isnt importnat.....wich is it, pick a point and stick with it
: UNless I'm missing somehtign,
: :You are , a few iq points, maybe a chromosome
: whcih si what the readers ahd a chance to do.
: : hablas a rational thought?
: Show em hwo God coudl do these things without jsut wnating it. NOne of that Let tehr ebe light and there si stuff. I eman, how. Did eh wave a hand, shrink the animals,
: : he didnt there was enough room on the ark for them
: a dn when you take the rib of soemoen,a dn amek aniother of them, even if a different sex, it's called cloning.
: : its called creation of a mate, and to answer your inbreeding question they started out with teh complete DNA. anfter a few thousand generations it has watered down abit more. so it is theoretically possible that adam and eve contained the dna make up for every type of human, Ie different colours different sizes..
: Same wiht a virgin birht. IF no man proves his love to ehr,
: : prove your love to her by how? two tickles a jerk and a squirt? please read utah and then go and learn how to spell, after that read alittle more.
: then a kid msut coem from the cloning process of the egg cell.
: : because Utah said so and thats that, he was there he knows it happened to him before.
: : I htink youa ll were expectign soemthign different for my post,a nd hen you couldn't find it, got all upset and stuff.
: : yeah intellegence
: IT wa snever God cna't be casue HE cna't be,
: :why prove to me God doenst exist, i want a three page double spaced paper, and use spell check.
: it's if God isn't, then how did this all happen, or are the stories clealry wrong.
: if God isnt what? the chances that we evolved from some primordial soup of polypeptides and proteins is about the same of a tornado blowing thru a homedespot and throwing together a apartment complex.
: And ehck, I even agve reasons supporitng hwo these thigns cna happen inr eality.
: : Oh so God was doing this in all hypothetical situatuions?
: BUt I think you poepel are reading too much onto what I worte,
: : silly us we were looking for intellect
: then nto udnerstanding hwo could not do what you thought I was trying to do.
: : rephrase that please.... it lacks sentence structre plus spelling.
: : utah stop before you post again, realize that dennis miller did it before you, Gremlin does it better than you, and we all dont care. You have proven to me at least that you have no semblance of a original thought in your posts, your posts tend to mimic grem for some ass kissing reason.
: I think alot of your hatred to God stems from the fact that you were probally abused sexually in your youth. maybe by your local clergy? Yes utah Some clergy go bad, its part of that free will thing. I would go into more depth about free will and the differences between christianity and religon but i do not want to bore anyone else. besides my main point is to make fun of you. or in typing you will understand "akem ufno f uoy"
: truly better than you,
: -v-