Posted by Utahraptor on 16 February 1999 at 09:13:51:
Well, I was going to eb ncie and respect the wishes of the people nto to challenge theuir beliefs, but sicne they cna't be amture abotu it, I must force them to grow up.
So, the Cretaionist view is a good atatempt at expalinging thins through observation. They theorized based on what they saw, and common sense. So, nwo in no aprticular order, here's how theyc mae up with thigns.
Having never bothered to sail the ocena blue, they didn't know of the Americas, Africa, etc and rightly assumed that they live dont eh only land, base doff of that fact that that's all they knew.
HAving noticed they were the domiant lifeform,a dn ahd name devery animal, they anturally assumed God ahd wanted it all thsiw ay, and therefore did so. Tehy assumed htta by domestcating animals, ti was what God wnated. Afetr all, why would HE let huamns enslave hsi children if He didn't think thsiw as soemhtignt hat fit nciely into the good thigns category?
Then, bys eeing man had oen elss rib than women,a nd living in a male domianted society, God obviously cretaed man firts, then used his rib to cloen (not calle dlcone by them) Eve form it. Teh creating from dirt si csue bodies go abck tot eh Earth upon detah, thus compelting the circle of life int heir eyes. From dust to dust. Ashes to Ashes.
The oen thign that I'm surprised got changed before amn venture dinto sapce (barrign aleina bductions in earleir tiems), wa shte Erath is the center bit. Sicne looking at the sun obviosuly shwos it revolving aorund us, it's only logicla toa ssume so. Eveyrhtign in space seeme to revolve aroudn su, so anturally, we're int he middle. The ebst guess ion how thigns were. I gatehr thtas eeing a flat planet whent ehy looked at it (not including the curve seen on sailign ships, showing saild first, thent eh rets), they would theorize the Erath wa sflat.
All very godo guesses on their aprt. Wrong, yes, but a good job at explainging things abse don what they knew.