Why God Hates Straights, But Loves Gays
Posted by Utahraptor on 16 February 1999 at 09:21:47:
Beside shte obviosu that the Bible never actaulyl sayd God hates Gays (in any wording thereof), the fatcs of what God does expect from peopel proves thta He loves Gays.
OK, so firts off, people misinturrpreted thta God wanted people to procreate to eman God wnats yout o eb hetero sexual. So I cnas e egod not exactly liking GAys 100% backk then. BACK THEN. Todya, ti's different. For starters, Gays don't kill, tey don't have prejudices against speicifc groups majoritally speaking. They don't steal, they don't tyr to kill Jews/Africna Americans/NAtive MAericans/anyone else deemed not human. Yte amny straights do do thes ehtigns, ie agaisnt agys as well. Sicne God clearly said Thou Shalt not Kill, that puts gays above everone else, especially Gay BAshers.
Next, GAys aren't contibuting to popualtion overgrowht, whcih destroys the resources much faster, and ends mroe lives. PLus bya doptng kids, they ocne again don't add to the popualtion, and show lvoe for others, also what God wants.
LAstly, by not procretaign,t hey don't make more humans, whcih naturally keeps others form dieing, and the toehr Commadmnets and rules of God from ebign broken,a dn is therefore, clearly a good thing.
Plus the gay's stereotyicla deftness with colros, and knowing shwotunes, also coem sin ahndy. Plsu they don't seem to eba s immature as some oft he peopel ont hsi abrod are, satrtign troubel,a nd blamign toehrs for nto sharing their veiws. or making fun of other,s or changign their ahndl with each psot thatehy amke, fearfult hat soemoen keeping track will poitn out to toehrs hwo worng they really are. Hence why God lvoes gays, ain't too thrileld with straights, ahtes gaybashers, and the immature peopel here.