Re: Reality
Posted by Utahraptor on 10 February 1999 at 09:04:55:
In Reply to: Re: Reality posted by Gremlin on 10 February 1999 at 00:16:15:
: About souls, there's no proof at all that they exist. And, according to most theologians, cloning an ensouled lifeform wouldn't produce a soul, which is what makes genetic engineering so unholy. I don't buy it, because I can't believe in souls. But that's what the 'experts' seem to think.
Well, thye wnat to clone slaves and spare part factories, so fo course they'lld eny souls,a s wil Funadamentlaists and such, claimign only God cna create souls (and allowing enslavements and body ahrvesting of clones.) Perhaps making headless clones will kepe a soul from being cloned, or at leats being mroe than a vegitabel,w hich might be alright. But I doubt it.
: You're right about the sun revolving about a flat Earth at the time the bible was written. It makes a number of assumptions on the state of the universe which have since been disproven. But, even beyond fresh- and saltwater life in the water, there's also bacteria to consider. According to one source, all anumals were taken onto a boat measuring 300 cubits, or 450 feet, in length, except for unicorns and dragons. That means that the boat was holding not just elephants and whales, somehow, but also bacteria and virii. I have to wonder whetherm in all of forty days and nights, anyone ever managed to get any sleep.
OK, bacteria and such cna fit onbaord easily, and I'll even buy inhabiting people and animals, but nto infetcing,a nd totally leavign after the flood. But even tkaing itno acocutn no unicorns/dragons/dinos, no way can 2 of every animal fit on baord a 450 long boat, wiht food, watse,a nd 1-8 people. To do so, it'd be about as wide as the Earth. And I know it wans't that wide. This si even including animals riding on top fo each other.
: Christianity is about the only religion which accuses the creator entity of having any offspring. There's also the Odin/Thor and Zeus/Hercules twist [the later was even an extramarital thing, just like YHWH and Mary] but, in general, most religions blame life on a single entity, working alone.
Zeus's many kids are a result of the emrging fo religions. Zues became eveyrbody's main God, merging with the former. Hera didn't emrge wihtt he toehr big god's wives, so Zue swas married to them, ehcne allt he problems (plus his doing human chicks as well.) That's what makes Disney's Hercules so funny. DIsney si big on families, eyt delas with a President Clinton like Supremem Diety.
: Otherwise, you've got it about right.
Yes, hecne the major problems with msot relgions. Alway with the anti reality. I sue Christnaities cause it's so well knwon. Though msot cuktures are supposed to have a flood story.