Re: Damn, my color choice sucks. Try this one, I wouldn't want you guys to strain here.
Posted by The Imp on 11 February 1999 at 01:21:23:
In Reply to: Re: Okay... my turn Gremlin, Utahraptor, whatever...... posted by The Imp on 11 February 1999 at 01:15:01:
: : For an instant, when I first saw this post on the board, I thought it was from an old friend of mine; but that Wyvern would've found the SHIFT key and capitalised his name.
: This wyvern might not give a shit about capitolizing a handle......
: : Okay, let's have a look at this...
: : First of all, why did you write this?
: : Probably because I made it evident that all topics are allowed.
: wyvern, wasn't aiming the question at you Grem., it was to the man(?) writing the post... as in what motivated him to write this? I know you caught that though and are just playing devil's advocate. Well I hope you caught that anyway.
: : What if someone read your bad rhetoric, and now they lost faith with thier religion?
: : Tragedy. Next thing you know, a bunch of geeks who can't decide whether they're flower children or Klingons will infiltrate the aeroports and push flowers on people because the almighty Jehovah so commanded. Or maybe some idiots in the southeastern united states will start meddling in American politics. Hell, if this sort of travesty continues, we could even see racial hategroups hanging blacks and other 'minorities' in the name of Jayzuz.
: The problem is that it was bad rhetoric, what I refer to as "fuzzy" logic at best. If Utahraptor is going to down Christianity's lack of logic, he should at least use logic to prove his point. (ie. I've never met an alien, other than an illegal, so where is this prevalent prove of Utahraptor's?)
: : Is that what you're trying to accomplish?
: : Whoever is without sin may cast the first flame. BTW, nice typing =)
: Ummmmm, Grem your my friend and all, but you haven't got a leg to stand on with your typo's... YES, you make your share to!
: : You know, it just kills me [you're exaggerating, aren't you =( ] that someone without clue one in their head can sit behind a computer and smugly hurl this junk at people they will never see!
: : And your excuse is...what, trouble getting the digicam to transfer the jpegs into the drive?
: An excuse might be "Fighting fire with fire", maybe?!?!?! Doesn't make it right necessarily, but when it's all you have to work with..... (never saw a home phone or address for personal letters to Utahraptor.)
: : Do you ever think of the consequences of your actions?
: : Consequences. Great thing to bring up. Good. Let's talk, for a moment, about consequences. Are we talking about the sorts of consequences involved in teaching a minor, who began life as an athiest [think about that for a moment] to believe in Santa Claus and gods, and then to turn round and tell them you'd lied about that silly Santa thing, but gods are still completely real animals? Or are we talking about the consequences prevalent in the Inquisition, and the Revolutionary War, an every other skirmish in history which erupted over some 'nuh-uh' bitch session regarding whose paranoid delusions about life on Earth was less idiotic. Are the Jews and Arabs getting along yet, or can Jehovah still beat up Allah?
: : Do you know what an archetype is?
: : Is this multiple choice, or should I take a guess?
: : Although you sit there and compose this long list of absolute garbage, you can't get past your own narrow mind.
: : Ironically, a wide mind is, in point of fact, even more difficult to squeeze beyond.
: Ironically, that piece of wit wasn't quite up to your usual standards.
: : The religion is not the problem, it's loud mouthed, arrogant fools like you! Wake up!
: : Loudmouthed, arrogant fools...loudmouthed, arrogant fools...hmmm...Pat Robertson...Jerry Falwell...Daniel Carver...Pat Buchanan...; shall I go on, or have we established that loudmouthed, arrogant fools could be viewed as equal force against the religious reich.
: This one could come back and bite me in the ass, but why stoop to their level by spouting off illogical nonsense, as did Mr. Utahraptor?
: : It's very simple. The Earth is round. The Earth revolves round the sun. Gods and other faeries are mythical mental crutches. Magic Wands. Pychological security blankets for a species just bright enough to notice how utterly irrelevant to reality it truly is. Congratulations, Homo sapiens sapiens: you've managed to find a more explicit manner by which to prove your stupidity than even the lemmings have yet discovered.
: : --Gremlin
: : PS: I know what you're thinking. But factor this: the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff. When did this become a universal truth? Did the U.N. take over overtly when I wasn't looking? No one cares how utterly you believe in faery tales; either find an acceptable body of evidence for the existence of your myths,(now I could be wrong here, but I remember a certain supernatural event you and Shadowcat share in common.... Do you still believe it happened? Prove it if you do?) or rest your case now, 'kay?
: : --G
: P.S.--Funny thing.... I don't ever remember wyvern claiming to be Christian. Assumptions, they fuck ya every time!
- Re: Damn, my color choice sucks. Try this one, I wouldn't want you guys to strain here.
11 February 1999 at 09:55:25