What's New

Posted by Gremlin on 11 February 1999 at 09:54:06:

 It's been a computer day so far. So I'm hungry. So I'm going to post this, and then go find food.

The new URL is sorta in place. That is, the website is there, but I'm waiting on InterNIC to switch it on. It should be up by 17.00 MST today [Thursday], which would be midnight ZuluTime, for those in London, or whoever might be basing time against the time on the board here.

Anyway, since I'm expecting it to be in place by the time most people read this, the link is wastedinc.com.

That's actually good news. wastedinc.com will be the business centre for Wasted, Inc. and its subsidiaries, and gremlin.met will return to what it was in the beginning...um...a pointless site with various stuff to look at and play with.

Most of what everyone's already seen will still be here. The only things moving over to wastedinc.com are the various Wasted* things like WastedBinary and Wasted Footage Productions. The latter is the production company technically responsible for making films and that sort of thing.

So that's something noteworthy, maybe.

In other news, it might be a good idea to mention the rules of the board--specifically the bit about refraining from fighting and flaming and all. I think the whole bit about suing god is over with now, and just about all of the regulars got involved in it [including me] but it's just a bad idea, since nothing ever really gets resolved and people get upset over it. So let's try to avoid that from now on.

I'm still waiting on Lightwave to show up. I did reshoot the Wasted logo on the Amiga in Cinema4D tonight. It looks a lot better, but it came in at 1.4 megs, animgiffed. So I'm trying to figure out how to cut down the filesize without ruining the animation. As it is, it's sixty frames at 640*270. I don't want to cut out any frames, or make it smaller, so I'm not sure what the options are now. You'll see it at wastedinc.com, if you've got a few minutes to download 1400k at an average of 28,800kbps. Might take about ten minutes.

That's about it for now. I need food.

More later...


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