Posted by Utahraptor on 25 June 1999 at 08:21:45:

In Reply to: Re: Idiot posted by The Imp on 25 June 1999 at 02:24:10:

: : On tonite's David Latterman, Dave talks about his preshow Q&A session he does, and this one women from Iowah is tlaking to him, and when he asks where she si from, she screams out Iowa. Plus these two guys wnat to know who would win in a fight between a monkey and a cow or something. I'm guessing they're from Des Moines.

: Maybe their were little green men from Mars and they were trying to blend in with the sub-species... Of course that would mean that aliens were real, which of course has never been proven. Or it could just be that no place is free of its share of idiots (obviously, the town your from isn't free of idiots, just checking out this board is proof of that )...

Um, you do relaize that martians (if there ever were any), went extinct millions of years ago.
And yes, we can tell from this board how stoopid you are. After all, you have to use a thesaurus to find big words to use to convince us you're smart, which proves you're not. You're sophisticated, which we all know means a person who memorizes a small, limited numbe rof facts, and spouts them over and over again to try and seem intelligent.
Oops, no big words in thsi messge to me. Guess soem idiot misplaced his thesaurus. Oh my GOd, peopel will nwo relaize you ahve an IQ of negative infinity (that means you'r very dumb.)
PS, tell your Mommy to come up with a betetr insult agaisnt me. Her last one about my town was so poor. I almsot fell down laughing at it's patheticiness. Tell ehr to ry and make a reply that is intelligent, insightful, and erudite.

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