OK Impy Doof
Posted by Utahraptor Supreme on 26 June 1999 at 05:37:07:
You say aliens don't exist? prove it to me. Prove thorugh real, believable examples that everybody who's been abdcutd or seen a UFO is msitaken. And I eman real, und enyable evidence as to what all the unidentified flying objects really are, and how so many pople cna msitake soemhtign for an alien abduction. Remember, any lame attempts with writing things off as paranoid conspeiracy theories, delusions, repressed child abuse,and a sleeping condition rendering you paralyzed and so forht will result in 5 flames back at you. You have been forewarned. If you can't show real, provable evidence to support your weak claims, you shal reveal your true, lying nature. And remember, you must prove what really happened at Roswell in 1947. The Weather Baloon coverup hads already been debunked byt eh very conspeirators themsleves. And that Soviet Spy ballon is also unexcepted. And remember, bodies were found. Please explain what they really are, and why they don't look human. Kepeing in mind, nobody believes
they're parachuting crash test dummies. If you choose to ingor eme, you'll show us all your real true slef, and your true convictions. YOU cllaim everybody is wrong, so now YOU, Mornoic Impy Doof, must prove how.