Re: Like Crap You Are

Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 08:25:28:

In Reply to: Re: Sober once again.... posted by The Imp on 26 June 1999 at 19:38:52:

: I am utterly amazed at the ammount of time and the nature of Utahraptor's obsessive/compulsive behavior... I do believe he has posted to almost every post I have made this month. All because I responded negatively to something he thought was witty?

Ahh, poor baby doesn't like the taste of his own medicine. FUCK YOU! IF you cna't take it, don't dish it out. Humble pie isn't your fav, so quit eating it all the time.

: Utah, seek help. Lots of help. You seem to have a slight problem with the fact that you aren't universally adored, or seen as an intellectual.

You too. You seem obsessed with proving everybody inferior with you. And you suck at it too.

It's okay... Really... You can't win them all... When life hands you lemons, make... Well anyway, they have anti-psycotics available for the needy. You seem to be a prime canidate for a "happy pill".

WHo am I? WAH WHA. I no like people doing to em what I do tot hem. I need a thesauurs to trick people into thinking I'm smrt. I spell smart "smrt." I cna't got o a p Sykiatrist cause I no like their Happy Pills. WAH WAH! That's right. Impy Doof.

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