Re:You're Mom Did An OK Job, Impy Doof.

Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 08:35:52:

In Reply to: I apologize...... posted by The Imp on 26 June 1999 at 09:00:22:

: To everyone on this board: I apologize for baiting Utahraptor. I took an easy out by picking on the witless one. I know my actions lower me to Utrahraptor's levell, and I think that hind-sight serves me best, now that it is to late...

Yup, there's your problem. You witlessly pick on peopel who hold an opposing view point. Oh, perish the thought.

: In a moment of irritation I have subjected everyone to further stupidity, and I'm sorry...

we aer all sued to it. You really haven't a clue, do you? It's all been spelled out for you before, properly even, yet you just can't grok it.

I'm also very drunk right now, I'm sure I'll be more able to respond with the proper response....

Yeah, DUH!

: I don't know why I bother with Utah...

You just can't stand knowing you might just be wrong. And it kills you that I kno more about aliens than you do. The info is readily available for any who wnat it, eyt you can never seem to find it. How did you ever memorize little green men? So popular, so outdated.

The consistant idiocy should serve as a warning sign, one it seems I am uunable to resist...

Well, idiots like you really cna't resist showing your true stupidity. a nd it ain't uunable. leanr to spell. Misspellign is my problem. Go get your own, THEIF!

: I should take Gremlin's advice and just ignore the handicapped...(Yes, Utah he really holds you in contempt).

And I belive you. Honest. Yet you're too handicapped to ignore an opposing view. Just can't take the possibililty that you're wrong, can you? And the sad part is, you truly think flaming will get people to agree with you, when it's clearly been stated that it won't.

: I give up. There is no insulting the stupid.

Sure there is. I still insult you back, and I know you don't grok alpha uno.

THey don't get it.

Yup. And watch those capitlaization errors. I still hold a monopoly on that one too.

I will do my best to ignore him in the future.

And at best you'll do your worst. And you'll never learn to do it right.

Again I apologize to the board members..

Still waiitng for mine. Unless you like being flamed.

:Mommy of the Imbeceilic Impy Doof

Good attempt. But you failed to make it very erudite. Clever on turnign your disappointment's, er, son's faults onto me, but still not good enough. I give you a C+. A B- for effort, but a C+ overall.
Remember, Intellignet, insiteful, and erudite.

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