Re: Congratulations, You Finally Learned to Spell Raptor Right.
Posted by Utahraptor on 28 June 1999 at 09:19:14:
In Reply to: Re: Tell me about it. posted by Vigo on 26 June 1999 at 09:00:38:
: :
: you know it would be nice to email these things back and forht but jar jar the raptor doesnt leave his email addy. besides i grow tired of him.
It would be nice, Viggie Snot (not that anybody ever aks for it). But alas, it seems people are too terrified to post their true thoughts where everybody can read them. Something about admission of guilt in them. BUt then again, I relaly ahve no problem with expressing myself where everybodyc na see it. I do not cower at other's judgment of me.
And if you tire of me, why do you still reply to me? Huh Viggie expei ala dorkus? Perhaps you jsutc an't get enough fo them? Well, scientia est potentia. MWAHAHAHAHAHA