One must wonder, Utah...

Posted by The Imp on 29 June 1999 at 02:47:34:

How is it they never drowned you as a baby?

1) You said this isn't my board. Very good, you figured that out.

2) You figured out that you can post whatever you please. Great. Same goes for myself.
You are an idiot.

3) You thought it through and came up with the fact that no one forces me to read your posts. Astounding! You are capable of some thought. Alas, the same applies to you concerning my posts.
You don't have to read anything I post.

4) You pointed out that I made some errors in my typing. All well and good, except for the part where I stated I was extremely drunk while I was posting. What reason do you have for your lack of basic typing skills?

5) You called me a Nazi. Escuse me??? I don't believe I've ever plotted world domination, mass genocide, or inferred that persons not of my race are inferior.
I, also, do not edit/delete/change posts because the are contrary to what the regime dictacts is acceptable. I refer to your message board.

6) You demand civility, intelligence, and coherency.... Yet you abide by none of these when you post.

7) You look down upon the populace from your self appointed perch, in your bedroom. You write about the idiocy of others. You question the intelligence of all those you interact with. Yet, all the while you blather on like the fools you hold in contempt.

8) How can you view yourself as a rational, smart, logical person when you respond in a highly irrational, illogical, and ignorant manner to an insult?

9) Which brings us to the whole Mother thing..... Get a life. This is the only response I have to all of that childish behavior.

10) Aliens... Sure thing there Agent Moulder. Do I believe something is out there? Why yes I do. Why then do I make fun of your claims? Because I find you to be a trifle fanatical about this issue, and like most fanatics you have little in the way on concrete proof. Please, spare me the whole "Where did my computer come from then?" That is like Gremlin's Christians saying "Where did life come from if not from God and Christ?"

Try resisting the urge to post to all the threads this time around.
Again, I have given you what you asked for, but can not yourself produce.

~~Don't worry. It's only life. We all get through it.~~
The Imp

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