Yup. And there are always more after the frontline is exterminated...

Posted by Gremlin on 29 June 1999 at 04:23:29:

In Reply to: And so another idiot rears it's vacant head on alt.atheism posted by Jurassosaurus on 29 June 1999 at 04:11:17:

: It seems that I'll have to take a trip over to alt.atheism again and see what is being churned up now.

Same assertion; different day.

: As for Mr.Wellington, while he is raising more ad hoc assumptions, he did bring up one point.

Actualy, he brought up six...though he was counting down from ten...

: It is a part of human nature to believe in a higher being that controls aspects of life. 96% of the modern (human) world believes in a deity(s) and there were plenty in the past as well.

Realistically, atheists comprise more than four percent now. Especially if you factor in everything from buddists to xian scientists.

: But, just because one species out of an estimated 30 million happens to believe in a god or gods, doesn't make it true. All it means is that humans tend to use the metaphysical to answer questions about life that they seem not to be able to answer on their own.

You'd think humans didn't want to be part of Animalia anymore...

: Wellington seems to think that majority rules in these matters and that since atheists are minorities that God must be real (fun with fallacies).

The majority will follow the trends. The Earth is flat; Nikes are cool. Then, as new information comes to light, the Earth is round, and Nikes are made by slaves. Majority rule is tidal.

: Ah what fools these humans be.

Ooh. You almost took my line: 'stupid, confused sapiens'.

Here's a rebuttal to an invitation for us all to goto a church in London and be saved, by a guy in alt.atheism. It should really be immortalised:

'(a) I do not attend church regularly because (b) I already found "God." But "God" isn't what you think it is. "God" is a screaming child in Ethiopia who's kidneys have shut down and is about to die from starvation. "God" is a dumpster in Vatican City where urchans (just in every city in the world) feed on refuse, while the wealthiest and most powerful social organization in the world decadently spends its money just a few blocks away on big hats, gold crosses and silver chalices and continuing to exploit the poorest people in the world in "God's" name. "God" is hate, "God" is stupidity, "God" is the scum on the bottom of your shoe. "God" is not pretty and "God" does not care. I found my "God," then I killed it. I, an atheist, know more about "God" than any Christian will ever know.'


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