Doublethink. [READ THIS, DAMNIT!!!]

Posted by The Host on 29 June 1999 at 16:45:34:


Didn't realize the fights had re-started to the extent to which they have. Jeez, I seem to drop by at the most inoppurtune times.

Sure, I love to join an argument, a crusade to end stoopidity. But, well, this is getting old and boring, and seems rather futile.

Utahraptor's idicoy is, I think, apparent to everybody on the board (with the possible exception of Utah himself). Imp, Vigo, I don't think you have to attack Utah or defend yourselves to point out his stoopidity. You will never open his eyes, and don't bother trying to show everybody else what a fool he is. We already know.

Course, it may seem tempting to respond with wit to his insults, sort of a self-justification of your own intelligence. Again, don't bother. Wit against a lack thereof only seems unfair; where you are well-equipped, he is unarmed. Wouldn't it be more satisfying to save your smarts for intelligent debate? Because even the wittiest response to 'moron moron moron moron moron' will seem, well, rather wasted.

Don't bother trying to get the last word. It ain't gonna happen until Utah is dead, and being a child of, I'd guess, ten or eleven, he has some years ahead of him.

If only we could find his address. . .

If you really feel the need to make one last attempt at, um, insult, find his email. As Grem said, it shouldn't be too difficult to find. Because, quite frankly, the fights here are pissing those uninvolved off.

Utah keeps claiming he can talk about whatever he wishes; so do his adversaries. I remind you of the first rule above: Discuss [almost] whatever you like.

The [almost], I would assume, excludes calling others Nazis and 'declaring war' on them.

Which reminds me of rule number two: Please refrain from fighting, flaming, and so on. This, of course, is more a childish tantrum on the part of Utah, being rebuked by rather annoyed adults, but it could at least be likened to a fight, or included under 'and so on.'

Oh, and then number three: In the event that some martyr starts a fight, don't get involved; EMail me about it if the problem persists. Well, I guess, with that rule in mind, this post will be the end of my involvement, and hopefully everbody else's as well. Gremlin obviously doesn't care or (perhaps more likely) cannot do anything about it, so um, let's just let it drop, okay?

Finally, four: reserve the right to ban access to any party for any reason. Well, for various reasons, this might not work as Gremlin (and the rest of us) would like. Damn. Again, another reason to let it drop.

You see, a fight or argument needs two players. Only one person is simply childish rants. Of course, they are mighty annoying, but ignorance of the childish ranter will probably make the problem go away.

Really, it will. Never seemed to work in the past, but for two reasons: Ignorance was never long-lasting, nor was it ever complete.

Let's give it another go.

Utahraptor is an idiot. No need to point that out. But he is an active idiot only to gain attention. Negative or positive, any attention is good. (Rather like Alan1, for those who remember him; probably not many any more.) We must completely cut off all attention paid to him. Give him no reward.

If we can't physically ban Utahraptor, we can at least ignore his presence. Completely. I'm not simply talking about ignoring his insults or declarations of war. I mean everything, even attempts at constructive conversation.

Not just for a little while, until he has learned his lesson. For good. Forever. As long as he exists on this board.

Do not reply to any of his posts. This goes for everybody -- myself, Imp, Vigo, Hunter, Jurassosaur, hell, even Gremlin.

Do not write any posts to him. Big no-no.

Do not mention his name in any posts, unless you refer to him as though he were banned, perhaps in a small joke or comparing him to a new arrival (such as we do now with Alan1). Use very sparingly.

On the whole, do not acknowledge his existence.

Sure, you can still read his posts, for a laugh or two. But don't bother mentioning them to anybody on the board. Don't admit that you read them.

Utah will not be banned, but he will be shunned. Someday he will go away, join Alan1, who I highly suspect may indeed be the same person. Whatever. Doesn't matter.

Maybe Gremlin can add a rule number five: Ignore Utahraptor. He exists as nothing other than a monument of stoopidity.

In any case, from this moment forward:

Utahraptor does not exist.

Thank you.

-The Host

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