Re: Read If You Like an Intelligent Critique
Posted by vigo the great on 30 June 1999 at 10:47:28:
In Reply to: Re: Don't Read If You Skipped Gremlin's Spoilers. posted by Utahraptor on 30 June 1999 at 09:35:30:
: God is a god, so they call Him God.
What else are they gonna call him? Bill?
Obviously an admittal that even dumb people are smarter than Jar Jar here.
:He's suddenly a lord,
:and they call Him a Lord.
As opposed to a royale with cheese.
Please refer to above.
:The Devil is a devil,
In a blue dress [actually, he's a fallen angel, dicksuck]
:a nd so sic
Y'know, instead of adding "sic" after your spelling errors, you could just get it right in the first place.
:aleld The Devil
Cousin of Memnoch.
: (Wow, he gets a The, how special of him.)
You might look into quotations so people know what the hell you're trying to say.
:Plus, soem people give a whole buncha other anmes too,
The people of the Soem died out, due to an inca invasion, long before people started giving out anmes, dummy.
:which shall eb ignored for this point.
For the next point, it will flow.
:Yet these verys ame people are the oens who laugh at Tarzan for clalign hsi son Boy,
The Ame people were the next victims of the inca, goatblower.
:while anming his monkey (or what ahve you) Cheetah.
He did WHAT to his monkey?
:So God is above Boy
And Boy doesn't like it one bit. Boy wants to be on top tomorrow night.
:as He is allowed to be called what He is as a name.
So God declared, so shall it be, nanoweenieboy.
Here we get to the fun part:
: I'm nto
And we thought you were N Sync.
:sure if Jesus could be killed in the AD's,
Of course, because AD stands for Anno Domini, assdicker.
:sicne they started the Ad's after his death,
They also started writing about Jesus after his death. Can you be any more moronic. Seriously, do you think about these things before you start typing, or is this the best your brainstem can do? I assume you haven't got a whole brain. You probably have just enough for life support and involuntary functions. Twatboy.
and hence why everybody thinks it stands for After Death,
No, just retarded aliens sent to Earth to misspell things at us.
:though soemone found a better idea instead.
And you just read it, and didn't understand it, and then posted whatever the hell you didn't understand because your mother mumbles during sex. Squeegiesuck.
:And the generally accepted tiem frame is 33 eyars of life.
Is "eyar" Pooh's friend, or a special chronological measurement on the Mothership Lolipop? Assenloaf. That's German. Look it up, queenwrister.
So a yera 0 cna't be invented because it covers 33 years of time,
What's Italian money got to do with this? Oh..."year", you mean. Yeah, that's because zero years last for exactly zero years, choadmuncher.
so we get the very funky tiemline.
You can have it, neomaxizoondweebie.
: Plus, Lucifer was dropped in favor of Satan,
Since Lucifer and Satan are two different characters, though the poles show that Lucifer was actually LEADING by a slim majority until Satan brought out the proof that Lucifer and Jar Jar the Raptor were romantically involved. Wiped the poor devil out. Foreskinboy.
:so the angels can't refer to him as such.
No, "Such" was trademarked by Pepsi-Cola. Bratwursthider.
:well, mayeb the secrtely do.
Who the hell is Mayeb the Secrtely? You silly little man.
:IT was undoubtedly God who changed his name, so who knows.
Actually Judge Mills Lane changed his name. And the answer is, everyone knows but you. Because you're a glossy little pillowbiting buttshark.
:But if you want any accuracy,
Then don't read Jar Jar's posts.
:it can't be Lucifer,
It was the one-armed man.
:even though the battle and subsequent scars were from him.
But thanks to the wonder of technology and laser surgery, the scars have been taken away, and plus he looks twenty years younger. Fishfondler.
:The name change would have taken effect, so he would be efered to as Satan.
You're an idiot.
: OH, yeah.
Ohhh yeah (Beavis)
:It's inetretsing how god spelled backwards is dog, while devil is lived,
Only to a ball-licking queef like Jar Jar though.
:which si the oen that amkes sense,
Owen died in a terrible accident falling from the...hang on...what the hell are you trying to type NOW? Rimmer.
:as The Devil lived in Heaven, once long ago,
In a galaxy far, far away...
:accoridng to some religions, who believe in one.
How did you managed to misspell "accord"? Seven out of ten cars on the road are Accords now, what the hell can I call you it. You're an idiot.
Vigo out.
P.S. one last thing. Never spawn. Ever. Not even if you get your cat to say yes. Never never never. It's bad. Oh the humanity. Little Jar Jar Kitties misspelling things at people. Oh please end it now find the rope die die die!
Vigo out again.